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/lit/ - Literature

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4268752 No.4268752 [Reply] [Original]

If I was completely new to really getting into reading what 5 books should I start with and why?

>> No.4268765

Infinite Jets
Atlas Shrugged
Harry Putter
50 Shades of Grey

>> No.4268776

5 doctor suess books because who the fuck is completely new to reading besides aboriginees and young'uns?

>> No.4268779

>Really getting into
>I've never read a book before

>> No.4268786

shit, sorry man

>> No.4268788

Fuck, OP; it really depends on what catches your interest.

What's your favorite genre? Adventure, horror, drama...?

Also, I hope you do get into reading... It'll enrich your life to say the least.

>> No.4268805

Hi, I also just got into reading and picked up some books a friend recommended. What are some MUST read books? Any genre is fine.

>> No.4268807

It's fine, I took no offence friend.

I'm really open to any and every genre. I just feel like I've wasted time in my life browsing 4chan and fucking around when I could be making myself a better more intelligent person. And I just want to stop that before I look back one day and realize I lost so much time.

>> No.4268808

This >>4268788
and definitely not this >>4268765 Thats a troll post around here.

>> No.4268817

I hope they serve beer in hell
the art of war
one second after

>> No.4268820
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Reading will use up your time too, so you'd best develop your tastes asap.

Novella selection. [Picked by older /lit/izens, not myself]

>> No.4268823

Honestly, start with a high school reading list.

Catcher in the Rye
Huck Finn
Brave New World
Great Gatsby
Of Mice and Men
Slaughterhouse Five

There's a reason those books are taught in high school introductory literature classes. They're easy, accessible, and outside the classroom environment they're pretty damn enjoyable.

>> No.4268829

Start with the Germans. Idealist nonfiction is the way to go for a year or two. Then look into surreal fiction.

>> No.4268835

I'm currently thinking about reading the complete works of George Orwell, and working my way through 'harder' stuff.

I know I'm just interested in alot of things, it's hard to really pin point to myself where I want to start, knowing that reading does take up alot of time.

>> No.4268837
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Or newer stuff

>> No.4268840

Don't paralyze yourself with indecisiveness. Just pick something and read it. You'll get through it soon enough and then you can read something else.

>> No.4268844

You're right, I'm going to start with orwell. I saved that picture that >>4268837 was nice enough to post, has a few interesting suggestions I'll look at next.

Thanks /lit/

>> No.4269450

Brothers Karamazov
Notes from the house of the dead
Notes from the Underground
Crime and Punishment
The Double

PS, I like Dostoevsky