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4264020 No.4264020[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, when is this fat fuck going to finish the next novel?
A Dance with Dragons was shit and I'm sure the next one will be too, but I just want to finish the goddamn series.

>> No.4264035

There seem to be roughly 5 years between each book, so probably around 2018

>> No.4264039


>> No.4264076

>So, when is this fat fuck going to finish the next novel?
When his current pile of money runs out.

>> No.4264080

>When his current pile of money runs out.
He will be dead before that happens.

>> No.4264396

So, how easy would it be to write a crappy character-driven fantasy series to cash in?

Considering the books are worse than the show and the show wasn't incredible either, I guess quality is not a problem.

>> No.4264404

>how easy would it be to write a crappy character-driven fantasy series to cash in?

As long as you have a good imagination, not hard at all. Most of the fat man's books are filler.

>> No.4264408

>So, how easy would it be to write a crappy character-driven fantasy series to cash in?
This sort of thing is entirely predicated on being the first to cash into upcoming trends right at the moment they become mainstream.

I.e.: impossible, since it's entirely predicated on luck.

>> No.4264415

who is he

>> No.4264418

>being the first to cash into upcoming trends right at the moment they become mainstream

Didn't HBO create the trend by putting it on the air though? We're swamped by medieval themed fantasy shit nowadays because of GoT was so popular, not long ago it was a really niche market.

>> No.4264444

So I can just try doing a couple of interesting things as a setup, then have my characters being shipped between each other and run in circles like idiots and finish it by trolling the readers?


idunno, GoT is pretty much a soap opera with some edgy themes.
It sounds predictable enough for me.

>> No.4264484

ITT no one who has read the books

>> No.4264490


Don't be buttmad because people are ragging on your favourite books. That happens a lot here.

>> No.4264547

>Didn't HBO create the trend by putting it on the air though?
No. The trend started a bit earlier. HBO just jumped on the bandwagon and accelerated it.

>> No.4264888 [DELETED] 

No, but really, good or bad, the books are an entirely different beast from the show. It's actually quite astounding how HBO has so succinctly distilled a soap opera from what is essentially a series of history books about a made up world.

GRRM isn't a very good writer in the romantic sense (his language is clumsy at best, overwrought and pulpy at worst), but he has a great eye for detail. The extensive lineages he puts together are actually quite impressive, if even from a purely technical viewpoint. I believe GRRM was primarily a student of ancient histories growing up, and it shows in how he handles these books.

Like a lot of people have been saying for years, the stories start with a lot of promise and then begin to fade in rapid order. I think what ultimately happened is that GRRM became too attached to his own story and characters, it's becoming unfathomably bloated and reads more and more like a fanfiction of his own creation.

>> No.4264896

No, but really, good or bad, the books are an entirely different beast from the show. It's actually quite astounding how HBO has distilled a soap opera from what is essentially a series of history books about a made up world.

GRRM isn't a very good writer in the romantic sense (his language is clumsy at best, overwrought and pulpy at worst), but he has a great eye for detail. The extensive lineages he puts together are fairly impressive, if even from a purely technical viewpoint. I believe GRRM was a student of ancient histories growing up, and it shows in how he handles these books.

Like a lot of people have been saying for years, the stories start with a lot of promise and then begin to fade in rapid order. I think what ultimately happened is that GRRM became too attached to his own story and characters, it's becoming unfathomably bloated and reads more and more like a fanfiction of his own creation.

>> No.4265252
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Personally I really liked a Feast For Crows while I hear pretty much everyone hated that book. I enjoyed how it was a sort of refreshing move from what we had already been through. Danaries has a boring story and it becomes more than obvious that the final conclusions of the books are going to be a few certain characters meeting. Oh and Winter is never coming.

I would be astounded if he really had winter come and fuck everyone's shit up. The build up for the magical forces in the books are really growing and if they don't impress it is going to be awful. I simply cannot see the smooth transition.

AFFC was honestly the best books that he wrote so far. People just don't like it because it isn't as drama and shocker packed as ASOS.

The most well written characters are honestly the ones from Dorne

>> No.4265267
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>> No.4265273

How rich do you think that obese sack of shit is?

>> No.4265281

Well yes Martins vocabulary is thin, but that is horribly cherry picked in both of their cases.

>> No.4266933

I guess I'm a pleb then because the first one sounded horrifically archaic, there's nothing I hate more than someone turning a three sentence statement into a paragraph crammed to the brim with fluttery bullshit.

>> No.4266975

>in uniform at a sort of moral attention

what does this mean?

>> No.4266980

the last one sounds awfully like my food poisoning episode

>> No.4266986

Have you checked your entitlement lately, /lit/?


>> No.4267011
File: 47 KB, 957x266, sjers merten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The show is watchable but I'll never read this cunt. Pic related.


Mt. Kek.

>> No.4267330


>8/10 would be trolled by again

>> No.4267339

Its just odd. The last two books were awful filler in which nothing happens. GRRM himslef said he just wrote them in order to get characters to the right ages without a timeskip.

He churned out 3 books in 5 years, and yet over the last 10 he's only done 2 mediocre filler ones.

Did he have a stroke or soemthing?

>> No.4267407

I that real?

>> No.4267521

So? What's your point? What's bad about that excerpt?

>> No.4267523


What's not?

>> No.4267539

What part of that was trolling? That he had an opinion you disagreed with?

>> No.4267562

>history books

not a student of history, it seems

>> No.4267696

give the man a break, eh? hes producing the work of our generation

>> No.4267704


Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say that GRRM's crap is at least preferable over all those defecations that are Harry Potter, Twilight and Shades of Grey. At least ASoIaF demonstrates some heroic values and shit, yo.

>> No.4267848

>Make big graphic about how bad someone writes.
>Make a spelling mistake.

>> No.4267855

He just doesn't care about the series anymore, he's made enough money off them to do what he wants for the rest of his life

>> No.4267862


>> No.4267867

anyone? help me?

>> No.4268047

>people falling for quentin 20 years later