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4262020 No.4262020[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>If you really want to master the art of storytelling, you should be posting on other boards. Especially /b/.


>> No.4262065
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>i know answer.

>> No.4262066

I used to have a really great greentext. It was posted originally on /x/ I think, it was about the poster who would wear a blank white theater mask and go and stand out in front of people's houses at night until someone in the house would see him and freak out. Anyway, one night he went out and stood in front of a house until he saw a man watching him back through a window. The man went downstairs and opened the door and motioned for the poster to come in. The poster noticed that the man was wearing a suit and had shoes on and considering it was pretty late at night, it really looked like he didn't belong in that house. So the poster started running away and as he did the man called out, "Where are you going? I thought we were the same"

>> No.4262080
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Read that one. Pretty good, I liked how original it was. Will look for.
Pic unrelated

>> No.4262101
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>I go away, but we are two of soul
Damnit, I never let these stories get to me

>> No.4262107

Stop saving 4chan screencaps as jpegs you retards.

>> No.4262137

Lol nolife faggots who use 4chan on the computer

>> No.4262219

greentext stories are miles ahead of ANYTHING some faggot "writer" ever made me read on this board, and Im dead serious

>> No.4262227

>tfw the Lilliad made you feel, made you horny, and the ending gave you a catharsis that killed most of your desire for young girls.

9/10 story if you ask me

>> No.4262229

i unironically agree with this

>> No.4262239

>Especially /b/.

/b/'s greentext is awful. Most of the good ones came out of /tv/, /fit/ and /r9k/. /lit/ had a thread full of good ones a while back also.

>> No.4262265
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This text affected me more than Lolita.

>> No.4262269
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>"i go away but we are two of soul"

oh my fuck

>> No.4262285
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This one is still my favourite.

>> No.4262326
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You mean /tg/

>> No.4262329
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>> No.4262331

The grand pinnacle of greentext has been already been done.

> >Elementary school
>at the start of the 21st century (inb4 newfag)
>our school had also a tard class, with older 15-19 yo. tards
>the tards have built an epic snow fortress where they hang out during recess
>we tried to figure out how these sub-humans could have constructed something so great
>the 5th graders can't deal with this fact
>we form a resistance movement against the tyrannical tards
>La resistance lives on motherfuckers!
>we named ourselves "The Devils of Hell"
>the devils first secret meeting is held in the schools forest near a huge pine tree and the nettle rock (during summer there grows a fucking lot of them)
>all the boys from th 5th grade plus me and three other firstgraders appeared to the meeting
>we agreed that during next recess we will attack the tard without declareing war and spread the word about The Devils of Hell
>said recess
>we attack equipped with sticks and rocky snowballs under the element of surprise
>the tards don't understand the situation at first (DUH! :DD)
>but when they do, all hell breaks loose!
>these six foot (aspect of the 130cm 1st grader) drooling hulk tards come out of the fortress to screaming and batshit insane and attack
>at this part our forces break up under the tards overpowerment and we have to retreat back to the forest
>luckily, these teenage mutant ninja tards motoric skills are so underdeveloped that we can outrun them
>we all make it to safety and we've managed to make a hole on the fortress wall. that can be counted as a victory!
>the word about The Devils of Hells achievements and bravery spread like wildfire
>next days lunchbreak we held a new secret meeting where we recruit new soldiers and organize our strategy and tactics
>our numbers tripled and we got partisans from every class even a few 6th graders
>we shared our battle roles according to classes, us the firstgraders got the worst job
>we were "the little pioneers"
>our job was to dig trenches near the enemy lines and infiltrate the fortress through the the holes made by the frontline soldiers (3rd and 4th graders) and destroy the castle from the inside
>the 5th and 6th graders worked as officers (throwing stones at the tards and shouting orders)
>our job was the most dangerous cause the rumor was that if the tards got you, they would kiss you and suck on your balls and their bite would turn you into one
>the second attack would be wednesday at the beginning of the second recess
>before the attack we gathered to the HQ of the Devils and swore an oath
>sure about our victory we marched into battle

>> No.4262334
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>> No.4262335

>to our surprise, the tards were prepader for our attack, by recruiting more tards and arming themselves with sticks and (stone)snowballs
>we wont back down
>the frontline soldiers break the walls a bit >we the pioneers charge inside but are forced to retreat fast when the tard go full hulk mode
>the biggest tard grabs a 2nd grader
>we can't stay and help him
>the Devils of Hell are yet againg forced to retreat to the forest
>different stories are around about what happened to the one guy left behind but in any case the whole school feels sorry for him and treats him like a honorable war veteran
>we set up an emergency meeting at lunch break
>the third meeting of the Devils of Hell
>the AD/HD special ed. students want to join our resistance
>we rejoice, cause these daredevils have a legendary reputation at our school for countless misdeeds
>we re-organize the movement to three divisions
>5-6th the elitekorps
>1-4th the foreing legion
>special eds. the daredevils
>the next grand attack is arranged to fridays lunch break, this time we will charge from three directions and wreck the whole fucking shit
>get ready
>oh fuck, party poopers! (the recess supervisors)
>the tards have told about us to the teachers
>we all end up in detention and our movement is finished, or is it?
>friday, morning class
>"we will have a joint outdoor class with the 5th graders" - the teacher
>with determined minds we march with the 5th graders to a window of the tards classroom, knock a few times and run towards the snow fortress
>in my 17 years of existing i have never seen anything funnier than about 20 tards glued to their window and their priceless faces when we kick the shit out of their matafaking fabuluos snow fort
>we were the Devils of Hell

>> No.4262338

but greentext stories are just cliffnotes for ADD manchildren. there's not much of an art to these stories.

>> No.4262339
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>> No.4262341
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>2nd year of middleschool
>not talkative
>still managed to make a pal
>We'll call him Zoo 'cause he draws cool animals from memory
>Zoo was drawing his animals and I am distractedly reading while we talked a bit
>We saw this girl running towards us.
>Slim, bouncing fun-sized tits, green eyes, hair sligthly above shoulder height
>We'll call her Peanuts
>Peanuts stood in front of us and asked if we were a couple
>We just laughed it off as if we didn't understand
>I remember Zoo asking "A couple of what?" with his dopey smile
>she told me I was reading shit.
>i told her she didn't know what she was talking about
(on hindsight I was reading shit)
>She had a crazy stare, eyes wide open, but she seemed alright
>Zoo asked her about herself so she sat and carried on with the conversation
>I was still a bit butthurt about the reading shit deal
>Asked her what should I be reading that's not shit
>She read Girondo, Milton, Miller
>When I heard Miller I laughed at her
>"What are you reading that for? You probably know nothing about sex"
>"Oh because you know so much"
>she got me there so I admitted "Alright. I know zero. What about you?"
>she put on her most prideful smile, briefly looked at her crotch and quoted Miller
>"Here every man is potentially a zero"
>I'm laughing so fucking hard, Peanuts is laughing at my high-pitched laughter and Zoo is thinking about animals or something
>I fell in love immediately
Five years later she stabbed my shoulder while I slept and then proceeded to dance like that girl from Peanuts while smiling and walking backwards out of the room. The dance was spot on and hilarious on hindsight though.

>> No.4262344


>As I said, I fell in love with her
>But I didn't pursue
>She would get playful
>Put my hand over her breast or around her waist, kiss me half mouth half cheek
>So I felt I was having part of the benefits without any of the drama
>People came and went and we too would join other people but it was mostly Zoo, Peanuts and I.
>Guys were all over Peanuts
(It was at least partly thanks to him that things skipped forward)
>She slept with a guy then got pissed at his clingy personality
>So she ditched him and started dating his pal to spite him
>She brought this guy who we'll call Bob to the group
>By coincidence I got myself a girlfriend the very next day. Lets call her Squeeky

>We started calling Zoo "The 3rd wheel twice"
>and jokingly talked about him as if we didn't notice his presence
>Zoo was a very chill dude and digged it quite some
>He even refered to himself as if about an absent 3rd person sometimes
>I had zilch in common with Squeeky and Peanuts was really flirty
>Squeeky got jealous fast, naturally
>Peanuts would mocks Squeeky voice "As if on a perpetual orgasm", she would say
>Squeeky would get quite mad that I didn't intervene
>The day had to come "Will you let this bitch talk to me like that?"
>I tried to calm things down to no avail
>Peanuts ended up telling her I would ditch her at the first chance
>if I thought I could get her (Peanuts)
>Squeeky looked at me red faced and all I could blurt out was "I'm not a good lier"

>squeeky slapped my face, got up and left
>Bob was a nice guy so he was pissed at her
>And she ditched Bob right then an there
>When Bob was leaving Zoo said "I'm sorry, man. They are animals"

>> No.4262345
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>> No.4262349


>I just tried to break conflict as best I could to no avail
>Zoo was still the chillest dude I'd ever met, talking about that cool animal and telling us about a couple of hobos around his street

>So things get quicker fast
>Peanuts would still call shit on my taste though
>I telled her about Madame Bovary and she of course answered
>"Flaubert is unbearable when he talks sentiments, he's at his best on Salambo"
>I got my first blowjob behind the Dean's office
>By the second half of 3rd grade I learned she new someone on my street
>We'll call him Dogboy

>I had hanged out with Dogboy once in a while since 1st grade
>Dogboy would hang out with 8 or so skaters there
>Dogboy grew fond of me becuse I didn't criticize him
>He would get me in his group an sometimes it would be just the two of us
>There was a dog chaind on a roof down the street
>One night I was out with Dogboy
>He kept taunting the dog, throwing rocks at it and else
>After an hour and a half of this the dog got pissed and jumped to attack
>The dog choked itself with the chain and Dogboy was happy

>> No.4262351
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>> No.4262354


>Slightly fat, fast-mouthed, impulsive and with the face of an angel
>So this was Dogboy and Peanuts quite liked him.
>She says Zoo, Dogboy, her and I should hang out all together
>We started doing so
>Now, Dogboy was conflictive already so the combination of them both was bad
>I'll go back a bit though so you get a clearer idea of who Dogboy was.
>A month after making the animal jump from the roof Dogboy came to my backyard carrying a piece of pipe
>We went for a walk and he wouldn't tell me what it was for
>This old couple kept a Rottweiller chained on the front
>They had snitched about him taking down a stop sign before so he wanted to do something about it
>First he handed me the pipe though and then I knew what was going on so I was insisting on leaving
>He got close to the dog smiling
>I told him "fuck you! it's on you, I won't help you"
>but he just briefly looked at me and kept walking
>he started by kicking and then got bolder and started throwing punches
>until the dog got his wrist and started shaking it while deeply growling
>Dogboy was in pain, but of course, he was laughing
>I was anxious and the adrenaline was kicking pretty bad
>I started hitting the dog with the pipe
>When the dog was done for he just told me "I think we better take me to an hospital"
>The pipe was buried in the park and I don't think there was a shred of doubt in the old couple about who had killed their dog

>> No.4262355
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>> No.4262357


>so this is the Dogboy we're dealing
>Naturally Zoo didn't like him but he would tolerate him
>"Worst than a beast", Zoo would say

>Now Dogboy would rob, vandalize and kill innocent animals but his parents were far from poor
>Divorced. A doctor and a nurse rarely there in the house. A pool in the backyard and lots of time
>Peanuts could be stunning despite her character getting on the way with people
>So naturally when Dogboy threw a party on his pool more than one skater wanted to get their way with her
>When a guy took the upper part from the bathing suit off she turned around and her hands immediately sprinted towards his neck
>She pushed herself up and him down into the water until we separated them and pulled him out
>This guy now wanted her body and hated her deeply
>That kind of spelled future rape attempt for me even back then
>Thank god they didn't know were she lived
>but when they got news that we were sleeping on Dogboys house they would walk around the house
>"we're gonna get you! we're gonna get you bitch!"
>when we would be at the backyard pool they would peek from the upper part of the wall, jump off and up again and throw things once in a while but they would never enter

>Dogboy and Peanuts did the most reasonable thing they could think of
>They went to his house in the middle of the night and shouted back "we're gonna get you! we're gonna get you, bitch!" at least twice a week
>That didn't stop them, they would often roam the park and the house
>5 guys were peeking over the wall one night
>Peanuts stood up calmly, went inside and came back with a knife that she placed in front of her on the folding beach chair

>One night she was walking back home instead of staying the night over though
>We said goodbye on the front door because she insisted on walking alone.
>She started walking and we stood there talking before getting back in the house
>The fresh breeze coming from the park was pleasant
>about 3 or 4 minutes later we hear her screaming

>> No.4262362


>we rush to the sour
>and see her on the floor kicking and screaming
>a guy pinning her down from the arms
>Rapeskater groping her tit with one hand, trying to pull down her pants with the other
>Naturally Dogboy beat the shit out of him, Zoo and I did the same to the other
>Rapeskater was unconscious, Zoo and I were keeping an eye on the other
>That was the only time I saw her cry leaning her head against Dogboy's chest

>Eventually both Rapeskater and pal ended up in jail
>Peanut and Dogboy were getting more intimate with the time
>I didn't mind. He had some kind of magnetism and though she didn't know he had been the first person to ever kiss me
>It soon became a threeway thing and Zoo would call himself "The fourth wheel once"

>She walks up to me one day at school with a weary smile
>“Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday; I can't be sure.”
>It took me 2 weeks to figure out where was that quote from and a full month to see her again

>She would get drunk often after that, trash things at parties often, developed a taste for rough sex including punches and a taste for self-harming and humiliation
>She wanted me to piss on her mouth but I could piss on the mouth that I loved.
>Dogboy probably had no trouble with it
>Get herself in dangerous situations.
>Steal things with Dogboy
>Public indecency, etc.
>More than once they got to my home to hide from cops and more than once cops knocked on my door too
>My folks were obviously pissed about what I was becoming
>I had to help her puke, dress her back, hide her, hear about my shit literary taste, get her punches and all the drill.
>I was getting weary too, but I never got to get mad at her

>> No.4262366


>eventually I tell her I can't keep on doing this
>if at least Dogboy would help me take care of her
>but all he did was clapping and laughing about it
>she just sat there in silence for a bit until she talked
>"I know. You're not the kind of man that would shoot the muslim"
>so we stopped seeing each other and by extension I stopped frequenting Dogboy
>my grades were shit, I got a shitty job and it was a bit too late to fix the situation with my folks
>they asked me to move out

>Zoo's mom had inherited a small apartment that she usually rented to young couples
>but she sympathized and so she rented it to me very cheap as long as the payments were on time
>things were looking a little brighter then.
>I never saw myself as a career man anyways
>when they asked what would we be when we grew up, in the first years of elementary I would panic and say "nothing"
>I was right, in a sense.
>So a little brighter was more than enough
>We would spend much more time with Zoo and he would tell me about some hobos that lived around his house, and this bird that he saw, and some possum in a garbage can

>Eventually Dogboy was caught stealing and sent to the Juvenile.
>That prompted Peanuts dad to kick her out.
>He knew the kind of shit she was involved in
>So she came to the apartment one day (probably talked to Zoo asking for a place to stay)
>I asked Zoo for permission and he was alright with that
>Days weren't all that peaceful
>Either she was drunk or talking to a tapestry hanged on the wall, or euphorically shouting and running through the apartment or waking me up sitting over my chest and slapping my face
>The few times in which I could relax were when Zoo was there
>she loved to play "Savages"
>the three of us would go on all fours and chase each other
>she especially loved playing this naked

>> No.4262371


>One day she came back from a party drunk and crying.
>she said she was raped
>I wasn't so sure but I consoled her
>As soon as I got an opportunity I talked to Zoo
>He had told me he would be at that party earlier
>So I asked him what was the deal
>"You know I like Peanuts, man. But she's lying"
>He explained how she was drunk as hell flirting a guy in front of his girlfriend and how after he rejected her she opened her blouse and started to scream at him to touch her tits
>So that was settled then.
>Zoo was not the kind to lie to a friend and he didn't drink heavily enough to misunderstand the situation
>I just got her in the tub, warm water. Sat there and then tuck her into bed

>Next day was weekend.
>She was watching Peanut chapters on the computer, one after another (hence the nick)
>"What would you like to-"
>"Do you ne-"
>"Shhh" covering her hand with one finger and pointing to the screen with the other
>I was worried about her
>So I called Zoo and asked him if he wanted to come by and play Savages
>He had a date that day though so I just let her be.

>> No.4262374


>Often in the past I had sleep paralysis and the associated symptoms
>So when I felt a weight at the height of my lower ribs and a sharp pain on my right shoulder that night I wasn't as surprised as I should had been.
>I woke up slowly
>When touching my shoulder I felt that strange cold thing I couldn't identify protruding out of it
>My eyes were just adjusting and I could hear her steps and her giggly laughter
>And I was starting to see her silhouette doing that strange movement
>Her hair whipping from one side to the other
>Her legs rising in turns, one-one two-two one-one..
>He finally got out of sight to the living room and I could hear her laughter and feet clapping the floor
>By this time I know what is happening
>I got up
>All I found to protect myself at that time was a wooden frame so I grabbed it along a clean shirt and stepped out of the room cautiously
>I couldn't see her and by the sound she seemed to be behind the kitchen counter now
>I got to the bathroom, took the knife out cleaned the wound and covered as well as I could
>I let her know I knew she was behind the counter
>She stepped out of there all serious and she didn't seem to be carrying anything
>She did a better job than I with the bandages and then she stayed there in silence
>so I finally ask "why did you do that"
>and she says "you know I won't apologize"
>"I know I know, don't worry" I was going to ask why again but I didn't see any case in it
>so she tells me with her hand on my arm that she's just what she is
>that seemed kind of funny to me because
>that would usually be the moment when she said something clever but she didn't
>So I laughed and said "Like a blind man with a pistol"
>And that was the first time she didn't think I read shit, I think.

>I didn't kick her out per se
>I asked her how long would it take her to find a new place
>and she said it would be about a month and a half (no money)
>I told her that was fine and she was gone in a month
>taking some of my saving
>she gave me back double the amount three months later though

>eventually I moved in with Zoo
>when I told him about it he said "Yeah, she's an animal, pal"


>> No.4262398
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why didnt you man up op, why??

>> No.4262709 [DELETED] 

>tfw tearing up at some /v/ greentext


>> No.4262712


how do people feel for this retard, this is shit he'd see through if he spent 6 seconds on any vaguely edgy forum

>> No.4262716

>I go away, but we are two of soul

Right in the feels.

>> No.4262718

lol this is the ultimate beta story. so good

>> No.4262785

Don't you fuckers know how to edit?

>> No.4262813

I think I've learnt from this thread that the art of making a successful green text story lies in making your story extremely quick and to the point.

>> No.4262831


Yeah, I would agree, although it's not as much because greentext stories are good than because what people write here is pathetic and talentless.

>> No.4262845

Out of all you four, Zoo is the only decent person. How could you be friends with those other two assholes? Why did you help kill the dog? Why?

>> No.4262881

it's not just that; there's an element of pull at play in the piece - you want to - have to - trudge on regardless. it's clear, concise prose with a great hook - the quintessential story.

>> No.4262895

damn, that actually made me cry.

>> No.4262915

I have this theory that the internet is the birth of a new mankind, and right now we're still in our tribal stage. Especially 4chan.

Greentext stories are the equivalent of fireside storytellings.

>> No.4262920


Got any more like this? I love ntr.

>> No.4262943
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>> No.4262999

NTR from the perspective of the guy doing it is one of my ultimate fetishes, I wish there was a name for it was actually used so I can look it up. That, and NTR where the girl is the one being NTR'd by the guy.

Shit's hot, yo.

>> No.4263156


Oh fuck. Got any more?

>> No.4263160

Its called cuckolding and I can't figure out what NTR is supposed to stand for

>> No.4263164


The first one is netori, as opposed to netorare, and the second one I guess is just reverse NTR.

>> No.4263179


Cuckolding is the same as NTR isn't it? I think you're trying to say being a "bull" or something like that.

>> No.4263200

Everybody got what they deserved in the end.

>> No.4263209


holy shit this turned me on so much

>> No.4263217


How do people find this hot? Made me sick to my fucking stomach. Maybe I value faithfulness too much.

>> No.4263224

I'm with you bro, NTR makes me sick, regardless of who's NTRing who

>> No.4263234
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Don't fall victim to faggot cuckold lies, your gut instinct is a healthy one.

>> No.4263302

What I don't understand is how he(the boyfriend) just let that happen. This must have happened to a canadian.

>> No.4263310

He lost my sympathies somewhat when he basically raped her. He should of just let her rot and not fucked her.

>> No.4263326

If this happened to me I would beat the shit out of my friend.

>> No.4263334

I dunno. I'm still affected by it.
I think it's the callousness that's really horrible. And the mental chaos in someone beautiful causing that to happen. I dunno.
I wouldn't play that shit personally, but I still feel bad when I see a guy getting tooled. Maybe I think women are meant to make the right choices. And the right choices are basically good guys rather than whoever'll give em the D. Maybe I don't like the lack of honesty.
Maybe I feel bad that the combination of his attempting to be a good Christian or whatever and the prevalence of slut shaming combined to maybe help make her horrifying decisions (from his point of view). And that people are weak and swayable, and not in a good, daoist, flow-with-the-world way. Or maybe I'm concerned that that's what flowing with the world is. And that anyone who resists it, even through believing something, gets hurt.
I guess it baffles me that people do shitty things, even though I've done them myself. It's maybe easier for me to just go "They're shit. I don't know why." and be horrified, rather than letting go of any assertions I might have about them and myself and freefalling. I think I know what to do.

>> No.4263342


What is up with this picture.

>> No.4263521

It's a good day when greentext is recognised as a legitimate artform.

>> No.4263528

I previously stated that greentext stories are better than anything retards post on lit asking for criticism. These people always try to come off as intelligent by stuffing as much words and descriptions as possible, when what they should be doing is presenting us some fucking events, greentext stories are an event per line if they're not written by a complete redditard that cant lurk this place, every word has a purpose, its the exact opposite of the shitty long winded post

>> No.4263548
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>36 foot skeleton


>> No.4263549

I always enjoy seeing new forms of storytelling, and I gotta say I like the idea of greentext. I mean, it's not serious literature, but there are definitely unexplored possibilities there.

>> No.4263557
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>taking people's bitches
Best thing there is.

>> No.4263583

>I guess it baffles me that people do shitty things, even though I've done them myself. It's maybe easier for me to just go "They're shit. I don't know why." and be horrified,

this is more less how i feel.
i have this theory that a lot of people have this psychological need to do stupid/shitty things, or else theyd feel like they werent strong or cool. if they didnt act shitty, theyd be boring. they wouldnt have their vitality.
in my life, when ive noticed it in women, its almost like its worse then because women often try and give off the impression that theyre a little more elevated than men, so if youre young and youre in this sort of situation youre like "..w-w-wha? but i thought you were...? huh?"


>> No.4263596

What an Oompa Loompa. It looks like his head is about to explode

>> No.4263610

What type of story is this? Where there is absolutely no one to root for?

>> No.4263626

I liked it. Very interesting characters, especially Dogboy. I thought the ending was pretty unsatisfactory though

>> No.4263632


OP here, and I agree. Greentext as a form is a study in brevity and concision, which most writers on /lit/ could learn from. In addition, the stories told via Greentext are also much more compelling, human stories than your average /lit/ writer can produce

>> No.4263657

The inherently succinct aspect of greentext allows for simpler to prose.
This allows for more
imagination and more "fill-in-the-blanks" type of lit which I prefer

>> No.4263687
File: 432 KB, 1254x903, 1352323931833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tg/ always delivers

>> No.4263695

This is my favourite greentext story of all time.

>> No.4263697

Anyone got that Brolaire of Asstora story? It's probably the best RPG related comedy in history.

>> No.4263700
File: 603 KB, 1892x4161, 1356461308943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From /k/ with love.

>> No.4263747

Why there is not a single fucking green text beta story written by a girl? JUST FUCKING WHY??????

>> No.4263759

it is an alright story. hardly anywhere near the top

>> No.4263760

Girls generally don't have to chase.

>> No.4263762


>> No.4263764

yeah I think it ended up in an unsatisfying way because it was real life (or so the OP said back then)

>> No.4263767


You mean they never get fucked and used in relationships ! there must be some greentext by femanons but WHY I NEVER SEEN ONE BEFORE?

>> No.4263771

>You mean they never get fucked and used in relationships
Of course not.

You can find stories about that, they're just usually a lot more harsh.

Try some high female pop board with /blog/ culture for that.

>> No.4263777

>Try some high female pop board with /blog/ culture for that.

Give me an example please?

>> No.4263782

I don't know.

/cgl/ or /soc/ maybe?

>> No.4263784


Ah you meant a board on 4chan? dude ive been here for ages and im a lurker on all boards, ive never seen a single femanon greentext. Seriously this is really fucking weird.

>> No.4263802

for what I remember the guy said there was no real excuse, that Dogboy was his friend, he didn't want him to get hurt and he wasn't thinking straight

>> No.4263809

I think I may have seen one.
But I think it was just on the new graphic design board with people bitching about the stupid jobs they've had to take.

Could be wrong, though.

>> No.4263815

I wish I could find a reputable source for any of these skeletons.

Most of the websites look like they were designed for Geocities or Angelfire

>> No.4263842

ask... the spooky channer


>> No.4263873

/r9k/ has femanons greentexting sometimes, but the ones that get screencapped are usually those considered great by the capper in question and since there are more men there you'll find that those greentexts resonate with more people. You could perhaps also state that women are shit at greentexting since it implies brevity of formulation and being to the point, but that's another discussion. And then there's the robotic notion that all women are filthy whores, of course, which leads to some bias.

The only /lit/ example I remember is Bullkowski who screencapped her own posts and meticulously curated them for later self-indulgent reference.

>> No.4263877

Wow, that was indeed a fine example of the greentext form. A lot of drama packed into a tight space.

It's like you've never heard of nihilism.

>> No.4263883

the fuck? bullkowski is a she?

>> No.4263892

I have to try very hard not to clap after reading this.

>> No.4263893

le pieces of the puzzle falling into place face.exe

>> No.4263900

is there other stories from this guy?

>> No.4263927

agreed. greentext is a legitimate literary format. also very useful to check the waters if you're a writer, without forcing the reader to invest much time in the details of your story. you give them the backbone and wait for reactions

>> No.4263943
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>> No.4263944
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>> No.4264025

Same reason there are almost no funny female comedians.

>> No.4264038

Most of them are big enough that they'd collapse under their own weight long before they got that big.

It was a really shitty thing to do but I found it hot.

>> No.4264069
File: 79 KB, 794x644, El Greco Laocoon 1608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey does anyone here have the link to trainkid threads? I had it once but cant seem to find it.

>> No.4264131

who the fuck is trainkid

>> No.4264134

they are not made of bone

>> No.4264144

What are they made of then? Even soft organs would crush themselves at that size. People who are taller than 6" often have many health problems relating to it.

>> No.4264158


>> No.4264172

Just search fuuka lit

>> No.4264179

>People who are taller than 6" often have many health problems relating to it.
I've never met anyone under 6'5" who suffered for it. Although tall people are supposedly more susceptible to cancer. But also to being smart.

>> No.4264192

Those skelligtons are taller than 6'5"

>> No.4264194
File: 30 KB, 462x417, Kandinsky Die Kuh 1910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. here's the link if anyone is interested:

>> No.4264248

I don't believe this. There's simply too many details about how alpha the narrator is and how beta his friend is.
>Fingered her in front of her boyfriend
>Fucked her
>Came in her
>Friend cried like a pussy

>I'm so alpha that I'd do all of this just because my best friend said this slightly mean thing

>> No.4264255

I directly replied to a post that said people taller than 6" have health problems, which isn't true. 6" isn't even really tall you sneaky manlets.

>> No.4264285

u know taller people live longer on average, right?

>> No.4264315
File: 87 KB, 853x555, 1366525606779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the meaning of embarrassment

>> No.4264348

i stole my best mates gf because he was being a dick to me.

I suppose I was slightly turned on when she told me how much better I was in bed and how much she lovd it when I fucked her (all this whilst she was still technically dating him)

>> No.4264587
File: 1013 KB, 1071x1705, 1351466373748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/k/ can be entertaining sometimes

>> No.4264619

>Last Online: 615 days ago
Oh, shit. I'm crying.

>> No.4264756


Thank you for this lovely story.

>> No.4266412

This was awesome. Thanks.

>> No.4266501
File: 9 KB, 208x199, 1260035317313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit. that's just like a story of mine

>be in middle school
>buy warcraft 3 when it comes out
>play on battle.net every weekend
>make friends with some guy named after a zombie
>he's a freshman in high school
>we start playing custom maps together
>every weekend after school we played together
>become serious friends, talk about girls and life and shit
>we play nonstop in the summer of '05
>as the school year approach we talk about the upcoming patch
>suddenly katrina hits
>he lives in louisiana
>that weekend he doesn't log in
>check back every weekend, he's not online anymore
>repeat for 6 months
>finally give up, realizing that he's gone
>i will never know his fate

>> No.4266553
File: 13 KB, 480x360, cajun cooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he have a thick Cajun accent?

>> No.4268072

any more /lit/ related stories. does anyone still keeps the small ones from that b&n guy?

>> No.4268096
File: 55 KB, 720x443, Sir+Bearington_4f9b32_3987342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new around these parts, but I have a few amusing classics from /tg/. No idea if they hold up to the standards around here, though the above /tg/ ones seem to have been well received.

Have some lighthearted absurdism.

>> No.4268129

>be 15
>big WoW geek
>frequent a chatroom
>girl comes on
>fucking gorgeous, in a cute, nerdy way
>asks if anyone plays WoW
>we start talking, she's 18 and from Ausfailia.
>has a boyfriend of the same age
>lead guitarist in their own metal band
>not so fast
>we get close over the course of months, with some deceptive tactics on my part thrown in
>(i pretended to have a girlfriend and made "her" and the girl fight talk shit on each other with me acting as my girlfriend)
>we had video chat, so, i knew she was , by the way
>eventually say i liked her
>she blushes and goes of camera
>says it was obvious she like me to
>this is going somewhere.


>> No.4268138

>shit gets rocky mid-November
>i get institutionalized for being 2edgy
>get released, reconnect with a girl
>she says i should come there to visit
>ask my grandparents for the means
>they agree
>because they're wealthy and i'm spoiled as fuck
>go there alone.
>flight is stuck at the airport for about three hours before take off
>eventually leaves, long ass flight, btw
>greet her in the morning
>shit slowly gets real


>> No.4268153

>visit with her family, they're nice as shit
>i get to stay in her room
>i was awkward as shit the entire time
>more comfortable around just her, though
>friends, not so much
>very quiet, very meek and distraught
>we takes me around the city
>beautiful place
>she takes me to the movies with her ex and another friend who has romantic interest her
>that was awful, movie sucked too.
>now agonized, i tell them my brother died and i needed to get home
>doesn't work. they believe me, maybe, but i was still stuck there for the rest of the week
>finally leave
>never the same afterwards


>> No.4268155

That was boring and could have been about 10% of the length without losing anything.

>> No.4268156

You're boring.

>> No.4268161

At least I have a girlfriend.

>> No.4268167

Five years were plenty for me to get new ones.

Sad stories make for awesome sex.

>> No.4268172


>> No.4268180

>reading greentext for plot
stay pleb

>> No.4268318
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>> No.4269305

>She stabs you
>She then does the peanuts dance while laughing

Is this shit actually real?

Peanuts was the most enjoyable character. That element of sexuality and danger must have been quite enchanting for you anon.

>> No.4269344


>> No.4269358

I was literally in no-fap mode and i jerked too it really hard, fuck

>> No.4269425

x=silly girl, y=chaos girl

>a girl(x) that had a huge crush on me, she was totally in love with me
>pushed her away because i just didn't like her enough
>after 3 years i get horny text her to hang out
>she runs back immediately to my house
>we make out and somehow she takes it we're a couple
>her bestfriend(y) founds that out
>she was a girl that i hooked like couple of times years ago
>they are best friends
>she(y) wasn't jealous she just loved creating chaos
>while she(y) knows her best friend is my 'gf' she comes to my place
>starts flirting, we're in bed
>ask her what she thinks about the fact that her bestfriend is my 'gf'
>pretends she didn't listen me and kisses me even more
>yada yada kissy kissy
>the next day my 'gf' was crying and calling me an asshole
>says "you cheat with my best friend(y)"
>lel wut
>i am just a random boner dude, it's not my responsibility to be faithful, she(y) was HER BEST fucking friend, she has no fucking excuses, its HER RESPONSIBILITY to be her fucking friend
>i would never do something that to my friend
>mfw my 'ex-gf's sister(z) tells me that she(x) found out about how her friend(y) knew but she forgave her(y)
>she(x) never talks to me and she's still best friends with her(y)
>the other girl(y) still flirts with me every few months

Estrogen is kil

>> No.4269431

Fucking women and their irrational nesting mentality

>> No.4269462
File: 174 KB, 448x500, 20110626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're talking about good storytelling in the greentext format. I dont see nothing remarcable about yours.

>> No.4269463

Maybe you should stop stop worrying about what your responsibility is and start thinking about how your choices affect other people.

>> No.4269506

Expecting exactly these types of replies, was hoping it wouldn't come to this though.
Anyway here it goes:
Yea yea, not only it isn't anything remarkable but also pretty shitty and simplistic, i just wanted to share an experience, nothing more.
Btw you can tell a story without conflict.


Yes everyone's actions has consequences, am aware of mine if you bothered with the story you'd see it a case of "i steal 5 bucks to get some bread she steals 1000 bucks to spend on dildos"
We're both criminals but i get jail time and she gets 'forgiveness'.
If you bothered actually reading am just unfolding the hypocrisy and fucked up friendship they have.
Or when a guy has a gf and the gf cheats and the guy gets angry with the one who banged her instead being angry with his gf, because buddy, there are millions of guys who would bang his chick, the only thing stopping them from fucking her is herself and none else, is she allows it then it is purely her fault.
>b-but he wasn't paying attention to me bawww it's his fault
>yes it's his fault that stupid asshole, you go girl bang all those guys
Or she just fucking leaves him instead of using excuses to suck dick.

I know that am my own brand of asshole, if you're mature enough you'll take it as granted.
Thing is in the end i was crowned the big white male cis scum evil, but her female friend was a 'victim'.

Please go lecture someone else on ethics or whatever you think you got going on there.

>> No.4269543

this may well be the funniest thing I've ever read

>> No.4269679


>> No.4270260
File: 1.39 MB, 200x150, 83654222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It kinda reminds me from Cervates 'El curioso impertinente'. But from a female perspective.
>Girl wants to know if gal is faithfull
>Asks her BFF to hit on him as a test.
>She does he fails.
>Everybody with a vagina moves on.
>He's on 4chan explaining why drama is unavoidable in storytelling.

>> No.4270271

greentexting is an evolution of the literary medium.

>> No.4270278

hahah I love that one. I guess some day I tell my friend (who played D&D) who made a guy start his character by seemingly being bitten by a hippo/vampire and fighting a werewolf in a carls jr in the middle of nowhere using a mopper

>> No.4270283

guy who wrote it here. that shit actually happened

>> No.4270288

it would be extremely challenging to write a novel using greentext but a short stories book comprised of an anthology of greentext stories would be amazing.

>> No.4270473

have you seen here since then?

>> No.4270476


>> No.4270723

Zoo reminds me of my dealer a little too much. What is his real name?

>> No.4272321

lol, maybe you should stop being such an idiot

>> No.4272346

this is fucking hilarious

>> No.4272415

>paragraphs of justification in response to one sentence
My work is done. Enjoy the dynamite that just exploded in your consciousness.

>> No.4272528

Go to /b/ and say (ir slightly give impressions from which people would assume) you are a girl to see what happens

>> No.4272534

A hostile environment?

>> No.4272538

Maybe, idk. I'm not proposing a cause, just making an observation. Women typically are not very funny.

>> No.4272611

Fucking A.

>> No.4272660

Some bulldykes are a little bit funny, and most really handsome men aren't. Objects of desire just don't need to be funny I think.

>> No.4272690

That was one of the greatest, most morally complex sagas I've ever read.

>> No.4273275
File: 480 KB, 1606x4110, 1384500290559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this last night. It ruined my entire fucking day.

Seriously, it haunted my goddamn dreams.

>> No.4273335

Would have been better if it wasn't so obvious he was fucking his mother from the beginning.

>> No.4273337

Stories written to be little more than a series of events tend to be incredibly bland reads.

>> No.4273378


That's the point, though.

Sometimes the tragedy the reader knows is coming is better than the one that blindsides him.

>> No.4273573

any more /lit/ related stories?

>> No.4273913


>> No.4273921

I was expecting him to get into a fight and kill a guy who turned out to be his father

>> No.4274000

I think I'm going to browse /b/ again. This is great.

>> No.4274029

But have a higher cancer risk, for some weird reason.

>> No.4274043

That's because shorter (dumber) people engage in more cancer inducing behaviour. God is egalitarian.

>> No.4274061

>jehovah witness
oh fuck I know this story
made me die a little inside

>> No.4274402
File: 1.64 MB, 1366x4253, beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one gets my cock hard

>> No.4274494


aubrey plaza is funny.

>and qt3.14

>> No.4274648

That's the charm of 4chan
You see all these asinine posts, and you know nothing stops anyone from making lies up for the hell of it

But nothing really stops someone telling the truth

It's an interesting suspension of disbelief

>> No.4275238

I refuse to believe these stories. I dont have to deal with cringing after thanks to that.

>> No.4275255

You also get disapproval when you go about calling things fake. Not that the people who tell you to stfu will outright consider the stories real, but like bringing up truth or untruth is bad form and tiresome.

>> No.4276476

cool story oniichan