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/lit/ - Literature

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425990 No.425990 [Reply] [Original]

So that novel you're writing, what's it about?

>> No.426006

Any novel ABOUT something is just going to be shithouse.

>> No.426010

It's about a guy who wants to write a novel but every time he sits down to write he just masturbates instead. The twist is that he's a terrible writer and masturbation was actually a better use of his time.

>> No.426012

birth control

>> No.426013

It is about a person that finds a huge bag of money in an abandoned field.
They use that money to start a small business and along the way the fuck over a whole bunch of people with no repercussions and in the end everything went better then expected.

I want to call it "Good things happen to bad people, there is no force to make them pay for their actions. So why not be an asshole?"
It is a working title

>> No.426014
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>> No.426022

It's about an ex-con recently released from prison whose prison buddy died, but he won't admit that he's very sad about it. He's living in a small town working in a post office, and he spends most of his time watching for a little boy named Ricky for whom he has paternal/Santa-esque feelings.
He's convinced his mother is headless, has frequent conversations with silence and fetuses, and wears a woman's fur coat everywhere.
In other words, it has no plot at all, but things happen

>> No.426023

its an autobiographical novel about someone who's writing an autobiographical novel and the protagonist is a total asshole who walks around being a dickhead, mostly. every time people talk about the character in my creative writing class its like a free identity-analysis.

>> No.426024

It's about a murderer, he's confessing all his crimes but doesn't give a specific date, just "last year", all over and over. The twist is that all the events he was telling were made in December 31, and he's telling it all in January 1st.

It's called New Year Steve

>> No.426028

Adorable title.
Although it gives the twist away

>> No.426031


Fucking rofl! Gotta love the humour on /lit/

>> No.426043

my novel is a fictionalised recount of the bronte sisters lives, but it's set in an cold war inspired space-fantasy setting.

>> No.426044

It's about a deaf girl trying to solve the mystery of who murdered her friend.

>> No.426063


That sounds hopelessly uninteresting. You had better be an incredible writer of prose.

>> No.426066

I can't tell! Some one will steal my idea!

>> No.426069

Mark Twain piloted paddle boats down the Mississippi. He became well known for his prowess and was soon hired to teach the art in India. He taught there for several years until an unkown saboteur caused a horrific boiler explosion destroying the ship he was on and everyone thought him dead. He survived and using his contacts in the black market of India, he commissions a ship like no other. It is powered by a new energy source and can slip silently below the surface of the water. He abandons the name Mark Twain taking the moniker Captain Nemo and calls his new ship the Nautilus.

>> No.426070

its about a canadian guy who is vacationing in the US and people are confused because theyve never heard of canada. he looks up canada on the internet to show them and cant find any references. it turns out that he IS canada.

>> No.426071

don't forget the fact he goes forward in time to the star ship Enterprise and then back again

>> No.426075

A photography student who strikes up a friendship with this batshit insane homeless guy he always sees and photographs. Turns out the guy has lead a pretty interesting life and is searching for something in the trash cans he rummages through each day.

In the end he gets set on fire by some 13 year old shitheads.

>> No.426086
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Okay mines about space vampires who are fleeing a great threat that has wiped out their species. they land on the earth and try to make a home for themselves. Set around 30,000BC during the ice age. focuses on one vampire in particular and her life from that point. basically an AU earth where space vampires have effected the growth of the human race.

>> No.426090

well, it's fantasy about that trio of friends who join the army because all that mafia, pregnant girls and banks are looking for them, they go on war, get heads fucked, help win it for their army and generally shit happens
at the end, they set off with army on a new frontier, where their head will be fucked up even more, and one of them will die, but then come back to live

>> No.426093
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It's about a pretty, spikey haired teenager with a giant sword who saves the world.

>> No.426097

Snape kills Dumbledore ;_;

>> No.426109

Mines called Crime and Punishment and Zombies.

>> No.426122

Some guy suffers a terrible accident and is disfigured. Botched reconstructive surgery leaves him looking exactly like Hitler. He now has to try and live a normal life looking like one of the world's greatest mass murderers.

>> No.426126

A young couple who were interrupted while making out must find out the awful truth of who was phone.

>> No.426127

the life of a alcoholic masochist going through the darkest part of his life.

>> No.426128

I'd probably read this one if it were real.

>> No.426130 [DELETED] 

Sup Bukowsky

>> No.426132

Sup Bukowski

>> No.426134

The bleeding heart liberal daughter of a fascist republican president of the united states switch bodies.

>> No.426137

Middle aged man dies. Meets spunky young girl in afterlife. They have adventures.

>> No.426139

It will be a collection of short stories.
Ranging from a rewrite of Little Red Riding Hood, to Sock Goblins.

I also have another one going in which a girl wakes up to a dog/dragon like creature in her backyard and she joins a team that gets rid of the creatures from normal people's everyday lives.

Not sure how good it will be, but we'll see I guess. =/

>> No.426145
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two Subgenii who think they're running alien drugs for an Xist. turns out they've been shanghaied into taking over an 800-km long alien killing machine.

>> No.426159

Some guy decides to pull a Batman and become a costumed crimefighter. He gets mercilessly pummeled by the first thugs he runs into and spends the rest of his days quadriplegic, wondering about what could have been.

>> No.426163

I would read the shit out of this.

>> No.426207

It's set in an alternate victorian-esque setting. Young idealistic gentleman experiences with a special drug brought from "the colonies" by a friend.
While he is tripping balls, he stumbles upon an alternate plane which is actually the collective subconscious of the human race. There he meets "God", who is the sentient essence of humanity, "distilled" over eons of existence. It wants to kill itself because it's existence is only suffering. It recruits the aid of the young idealistic gentleman, after corrupting him (or showing him the truth, whichever you prefer. All I got atm.

>> No.426219

a choose your own adventure sex novel.

>> No.426231

Mine is about a futuristic amusement park where dinosaurs are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques. I call it "Billy and the Cloneasaurus."

>> No.426233

A young oracle is kidnapped in order to set into motion the events that lead to the death of a dangerously ambitious sorcerer.

Sorry to be vague, but that's the only way to express it without droning on about the hows and whys.

>> No.426235

My novel is about a group of dolphins living in a dolphin society. mankind killed themselves off long ago and the dolphins use cloning to bring them back to life to serve them fish.

>> No.426236
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Not bad bro. Mine is about a group of brilliant businessmen and industrialists and their struggles of living in an increasingly socialistic America

>> No.426237

It chronicles it the rise and fall of the Imperial Shin-Sakuradai Pigeon Flyers Club, Mullumbimby Chapter. A Japanese war bride tries to set up a pigeon racing guild in rural Australia, fails miserably in a lot of ways, and probably becomes an hero but I'm not 100% sure of the ending yet.

>> No.426241

A cop, a barmaid and a guitarist get involved with an astroturfing movement that's undermining support for the govermnent in preperation for a coup.

>> No.426262


I love this idea, if written well it'd be brilliant.

>> No.426270

Humans live underground in huge subterranean cities.
Ruled indirectly deaf and blind computers.
All high level tasks are monitored by cyborgs.
Turns out the surface being uninhabitable is a lie.
Boy escapes to the surface with one of the deaf/blind AIs onboard a spaceship that was originally designed to help humanity find other planets to colonise (of course blackballed by the AIs).
Just gonna roll with it from there. Probably gonna have a 'witnesses the beauty of the earth and gives the rogue AI's the eyes and ears to do so' type ending.

>> No.426274

Gurren lagann?

>> No.426568

I'm writing generic fantasy bullshit.

Mostly because it gets me paid.

>> No.426602

mines about a fanatic named Ahab chasing a white whale named Moby Dick.

>> No.426604

It's fap fiction.

>> No.426625

Cyberpunkish novel about 3 female spec ops who do espionage for mega corporations. One of them stole a disk(probably going to change) and the other two are going after her. There is something extra on the disk that the one who stole it knows nothing about.

Inspired by a short story I wrote in a creative writing class, the teacher asked me to see how far I could take it.

>> No.426638

Two stories being told simultaneously, and they start and end with the same events.
As one man tries to escape a world he thinks is dying and in the process save the sanity of the woman he loves, a rich city falls into civil war as two different ideologies diverge as to how an invading force should be dealt with.

This onse-sentence summary cuts out a lot, of course, like the central theme of struggle vs complacency, the heavy deconstruction of fantasy i go into, and the argument that a work of fiction can only talk about itself and the author's viewpoint but say nothing about the real world, but keeping it to just one sentence, that's what it is.

Working title is Hammer Heart but a friend says that title sucks ass

>> No.426642

He just wants to masturbate to it.

>> No.426652


I hope you are all amazing writers, because I want to read these.

>> No.426655

not bad
mines call Daylight Savings Dan. He stole a pack of gum 2 hours ago...

>> No.426660

i consider myself a good fucking writer
the title will be changed, maybe once it's done, but the name I will publish under is Ferric Suarez

>> No.426673

>>426122 He now has to try and live a normal life looking like one of the world's greatest mass murderers

That's nice. It's a pity that if you take away the facial hair, most people couldn't pick Hitler out of a line-up.

>> No.426681

>convoluted idea
>is also a tripfag

Not a chance you're a bit conceited, is there?

>> No.426682

yeah, first thing i thought of
there's that shoop from /b/ where they took his mustache away, and he looks like any old german dude. could even pass for british

>> No.426687

sorry im running a thread on a different board so my trip is "on".
and the idea isn't as convoluted as it seems when condensed to one sentence.
but you can go on being a dick if you want.

>> No.426697

> but you can go on being a dick if you want.

yes, thats what I will do.
Conceited tripfagging moron.

>> No.426699

Yes, I'm a dick for telling some random douchebag claiming he's a "really fucking good writer" that he may be conceited.

Because you /are/ acting rather conceited, tripfag.

>> No.426701

The best.

>> No.426718

basically I ripped off the metamorphosis except this time the protagonist becomes a bear

>> No.426728
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>> No.426736

My novel is about a young boy who has an imaginary friend in the shape of a mentally challenged man and over the course of a few years they have adventures together until the boys gets a bit old and decides that he is too old to have an imaginary friend and decides to end it. He starts to dissolve and he doesn't understand why that's happening. It turns out he was the imaginary friend all along.

>> No.426744


>> No.426745

You just ruined the ending!

>> No.426746
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So he kicks ass instead of freaking people out??

>> No.426770

Ships that carry a cloning lab and frozen human sperm and eggs are launched to a distant star system. 500 years later they arrive and robots begin growing and teaching humans.

>> No.426777

Two childhood friends start a band that becomes wildly successful over night. They both find this overwhelming, ultimately leading one to kill himself and the other to become a druggie.

No intention of actually getting it published, just write it for fun.

>> No.426790
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A man who controls the world with his mind. For instance, he's walking along, and he sees this beautiful girl, and he thinks he'd like to see her naked, and so all her clothes fall off. Mmm. Yes. And she's scrabbling around to get them back on again, but even before she can get her knickers on, he's seen everything. He's seen it all. He'd do other stuff, like He's riding his bike in the park, and this policewoman says, "Oi! You can't ride your bike on the grass." And he goes, "Oh no?", and her uniform falls off, and she goes "Aaaah!", and she's trying to cover up, but he's seen everything anyway, and he gets on his bike and rides off. On the grass.

>> No.426803

that episode of Extras was AWESOME!

>> No.426804

I'm writing a sequel to my Portland based hit "The Dark Burn Darkly Burning". Seriously anon, whoever you are, thanks for giving me that idea, it payed for my new tv.

>> No.426805

Hey ricky.

>> No.426808

You just described my dream.

>> No.426813

Is it about some misanthropic anon killing Hipsters?
that was me then, I'll provide bank-account data shortly.

>> No.426815

It's about a kid in a post-apocalyptic fantasy setting. Many years after the actual incident. He and his tribe/clan are on this huge, continent sized desert, and must work all together if they want to collect the most basic human needs. The tribe are a bunch of geomancers (low level). They keep pyromancers as slaves, locked inside rock coffins, only letting them out to use for cooking and cleaning water. The plot is basically how the kid grows up to be an elder of his clan, and how even though every few years people think stuff is going to change, it doesn't. They do meet with a couple other people in the way, though, proving they're not alone.

>> No.426822

No, it was about a girl who doesn't want to fight the ndead, but fight them she must. With help from Dark Darken Dark that is.

>> No.426824

A Hardy Boys/Little Rascals-esque tale of a band of boys and their wacky adventures

except they are hitler youth

>> No.426830

Robot chicken did it

>> No.426835

My story is about a young boy named Hash Potter. He want to be the greatest fightmon trainer ever so he leaves home with only his peakcho fightmon to claim his destiny. He must go to a special school though where his parents (who were murdered) went to themselves.

>> No.426842

Oh dear god I want to read this. Please have a link to part of your rough draft. PLEASE.

>> No.426851


>> No.426852

Girl who sells herself to a demon as per her family traditions. Shit goes bad, because since she hadn't had her first period (even though she's 17), her side of the contract is considered 'unfulfilled'.

It all goes to hell, and everyone dies. The end.

>> No.426853
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that reminds me of this

>> No.426866

Link now please you glorious bastard. :3

>> No.426870

hell no Im not writing it. what the fuck would they do when they get there? I mean you could have some kind of flash cloning where you have them be 18 really quickly with downloaded knowledge and show how socially awkward they would be since they have no life experiences. its more of a realistic device on star travel.

>> No.426886

>So that novel you're writing, what's it about?
>Ships that carry a cloning lab and frozen human sperm and eggs are launched to a distant star system. 500 years later they arrive and robots begin growing and teaching humans.
>hell no Im not writing it.


>> No.426894

Guy accidentally killes death, hopes no one finds out it was him.

>> No.426897

well sorry. if anyone wants to take it, write it and give me 10% just email me a desuefg@yahoo.com here's some more ideas for it. built in compliance with a puritanical government is a standard when sending out these ships, but that part is corrupted in half the people grown leading to a conflict on the planet with no government or hierarchy of power.

>> No.426901


Not really.

>> No.426904


I am stealing the plot idea and giving you nothing good sir.

>> No.426905

there is a potential for great conflict here
once the human population gets sizeable enough, the robot caretakers start nannying them and controlling their every action. humans rebel and detroy their robot masters, now ready to live on their own terms and work for themselves. TWEEST: the robot oppression was an intentional stage by the robots who realized humans needed an enemy to define themselves against in order to grow up and become self-sufficient. the hero finds this out but must keep it secret in order to preserve the victory they won.

>> No.426910
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well fuck you too.

>> No.426912


>> No.426917


So basically the first half of Die Brücke.

>> No.426929

heh. never read that. will have to now

>> No.426941

You can't copyright a basic premise like that. When he writes the book, his execution of the idea will be what they consider important, not where he got the rough idea from.

>> No.426943
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>> No.426947

Anyways I'll probably not get even 5 pages into it, it is doomed to never be published.

>> No.426948

I guess you dont realize we're in america where people can be sued for the most retarded of reasons and win.

>> No.426954

yeah, probably the guy who stole the premise is suing the guy who came up with it because it wasn't any good.

>> No.426955 [DELETED] 


>implying everyone on the internet is from amurica.

>> No.426956

It's true, I help people do it. In Portland a few years ago some kid killed himself, the parents tried to sue another kid because he called the pussy who killed himself a "jackass" two weeks prior.

>> No.426972

Ridiculous. The law system is in shambles. Better lawyer = LOLI'MNOTGUILTYGUIISE

>> No.426974

I tried to start writing a novel numerous times, but I am way too self-critical and always gave up.

>> No.426981

im just lazy and apathetic.

>> No.426990

SO my story is baisicaly about lactopus being stolem from ZOO. It is say that it was Jack The Raipier. The English detective is on it. It is as tribute to Sherlog.

>> No.426991

No good author is not self critical. I hate all my writing except for one, I find passable on the very lowest of good writing spectrum.

Being self critical means you can revise and edit it many times to make it the very best it can be. Don't give up man. :)

>> No.427002

Lactopus, eh?

>> No.427003


What, does she have cancer, or something? How can she be 17 and not have her period?

>> No.427005


Yes, except they live in futuristic cities, drive cars instead of pigs, have no need to drill anywhere, aren't being persecuted by beastmen in giant robots, the lead doesn't have a big bro, there's no fanservice female character with big tits and after settling on the surface they won't have to fuck up the moon and fight the antispiral.

So yeah, it's sort of like TTGL but not.

>> No.427006

An espionage story set in the early '90s post-cold war period which is a vicious deconstruction of modern spy tropes and stories (i.e. the kind where the inevitable movie shakes the camera around during the fight scenes.)
Along the course of the story it becomes clear that the actions of the characters are causing the world to become significantly different from what really happened in our history.

>> No.427011


I'm never critical of my work but that's because I know it's shit.

I write because I enjoy writing, not because I'm good at it.

>> No.427021

The prophets from the bible were actually aliens in disguise explaining to humans about heaven and hell. Due to the low intelligence of humans of the time the message was misconstrued into heaven and hell being an afterlife. In the future we find out that heaven and hell are actually sectors of space. We live and exist in heaven while sectors filled with dark matter are hell which would drive men insane. Unfortunately the sectors of dark matter are getting closer to Earth.

>> No.427033


It's highly unusual, but it's possible.

>> No.427037

GTFO Erich van Däniken!

>> No.427043

That sounds really interesting. How many pages done so far?

>> No.427046

>Jack The Raipier

>> No.427049

My book is about...

a dud who wants to go shit. but he cant. so he try to hide it. but he shits his pants. but the shit is coming out. so he try to hide it to. but he cant do it in public. so he decides to take his pants off...

>> No.427054

im the guy with that growing humans when you get there idea. i just come up with ideas I dont actually write them. that takes too much effort.

>> No.427059

If you guys want some feedback, you can always submit something for the hunchbacks doing the ZWG.

Email's zinewritersguild@gmail.com

>> No.427063

hmmm jack the ripper wasnt a doctor he was a master fencer who used a sword to cut open his victims...

>> No.427064
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> lactopus

>> No.427070

>Posting plot ideas in a what is the novel you're writing about thread
>People want to read said novel

>> No.427086

>No one asks for critique
>Advertise your bullshit anyway

>> No.427091

The famous grave robbers burke and hare stole bodies so dr knox could create an army of the undead to take over england.

>> No.427113

There is book about it somewhere.

>> No.427124

Alternate history. The native americans advanced quicker than the rest of the world. They invade Europe in the 12th century with primitive matchlock rifles and cannons.

>> No.427135

Mines about Jack the Stripper.

An victorian serial killer who kills fat hairy men who shove money into his thong even though its a no touching club.

>> No.427136

A guy falls down stairs for 350 pages.

>> No.427137

i lold

>> No.427141

he falls down to the last of the stairs and into an elevator going up. that way you can have a sequel.

>> No.427155

You thieving bastard.

Mine is about Strip the Cripple.
Elizabethan era rapist, who got his dick cut, but still desires for rape. So he makes a obscure rape-torture machines and get famous.

>> No.427174

about the devil and his brother

>> No.427175


jack the strip here.

Yours is a bit better. Doeshe stil have the penis in his possesion? I like the idea of the torture rape machine.

If he still had his own penis preserved (as if in a box or something) and used that as some sort of fleshy didldo for raping. Think of the possibility.

>> No.427180
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well, without giving too much away it's a non-tolkien based fantasy which takes place on earth hundreds of years after the apocalypse (which was caused neither by nukes, virus, or divine intervention)

I don't expect to finish the setting for another 5 years. pic, somewhat related.

>> No.427184

It's 1933 and FDR has decided that the United States must purge the last of the native americans and sets up death camps to enact the genocide. Adolph Hitler, being the staunch humanitarian that he is, cannot abide by such an evil decision and recruits Japan in stopping such evil.

>> No.427189

it's about this thread.

>> No.427199
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Thanks for all the ideas, guys.

>> No.427202

Nikola Teslas body is dying and he creates a machine to allow his soul to live on within the power grid.

>> No.427207

No his penor was eaten by Elizabeth as punishment. Elizabeth had some nasty shit teeth in that time.

>> No.427212

Nik Tesla is watching you fap.

>> No.427216

What if vampires lived among us? What if they didn't stalk people by night, but could go out into daylight and they would just sorta sparkle?

>> No.427236

let's call it.....sky light, or new sun?

>> No.427252

due to widespread venereal diseases, people feel unsafe knowing who and who doesn't have a STI

while this may mean disaster for most of the population, for the few basement-dwelling, socially inept, virgins it means they are now the most desirable men on the planet

>> No.427253

like you have the skills to write any of these

>> No.427257

And all the condom factories have been destroyed?

>> No.427268

The zombies finally came to life and caused havoc, but we managed to deal with them and life goes on. People know what signs to look for and are constantly on alert. If you're bitten or simply die, you become a zombie. If they see a zombie they all carry side arms and can take them down. But the zombies are evolving. They are decaying slower allowing them to appear much more human. They can get closer than before allowing them a better opportunity to make the kill. Eventually they learn that timing is everything and willing to put off killing if it means being able to attack while in an enclosed space.

>> No.427287

reminds me of a bloom county comic where opus goes up to a woman saying "excuse me, " and the woman wants to know his entire dating history and sexual activity in the last 5 years. opus tells her he hasnt had sex in 5 years explaining that he's a bit of a prude and all the woman flock to him saying theyre into prudes. opus breaks the fourth wall explaining that this is a lot of effort for directions to the bathroom.
btw for the younger crowd this was in the mid 80s when AIDS was first making the news.

>> No.427300

A socially awkward university lab tech falls in love with a graduate student who is engaged to another man. He admires her from afar until one day when he strangles her and stuffs her into a recess in the wall.

>> No.427301

That would be pretty cool, they'd be able to have all the sex they want, but unless they were careful, before long they'd catch a disease from someone they fucked, and they're back to square zero.

>> No.427308

It looks like you've taken sex-ed.

>> No.427311

i have a short screenplay about a dude driving around and talking to a camera, pulling over to pump gas, and just driving around a city.

the twist is that it's 200 million years into the future, humanity is in a short of technological/social/political stasis, and the dude just pumped oil created by the remains of his direct ancestors to fuel his car.

>> No.427333


This already exists in Manga form.

Usually gets posted in the BAAAWWWW threads because the robot protagonist is basically a child.

>> No.427347

My short story is about a normal looking guy. White, brown hair, blue jeans, black shirt just sitting in a chair surfing the web and making comments on an anonymous board. He'll type something in and then reply to the comment telling them they're wrong and pointing out their fallacies. He is acting the part of the troll attempting to get others to comment and cause a ruckus. It turns out that he is not a troll, he just doesn't know that he typed the first comment. He is suffering from schizophrenia.

>> No.427349


>> No.427352

That's just stupid. Or did I type this?

>> No.427359
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It's called HOTEL.

>> No.427362

wow, that is retarded. If he's able to point out the fallacies in the response, he would have noticed them while typing the original. Also, that's not how schizophrenia works. You are a failure.

>> No.427370

Medicated fnord schizophrenic

>> No.427371

is this a web published manga? do you have an address?

>> No.427372
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>> No.427376
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Nope, just got it saved from a previous thread.

>> No.427381
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my book is about the horror of the mundane, the superficiality of vision, American obsession with happiness, and the ravages of time and the impermanence of memory.

>> No.427383
File: 270 KB, 807x1200, hotel_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.427388
File: 100 KB, 491x634, GeorgGrosz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kafkaesque, and no I'm not sharing the whole plot. In the wake a bloody revolution, a member of the former secret police struggles to hide his identity and escape the country. Corruption and mob-violence runs rampant, and all is not what it seems.

Weimar-era german with panache

>> No.427396
File: 194 KB, 807x1200, hotel_005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.427406
File: 196 KB, 807x1200, hotel_006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.427411

Wow, just read hotel. very moving.

>> No.427418
File: 235 KB, 807x1200, hotel_007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaaand I can't be fucked uploading any more.

Here's a link:

>> No.427432

this guy is pissed off with his life. Guy cruises around califronia in a mustang. Guy picks up some teenager type girl. They crash in Hollywood and smoke up some weed. He learns that his youth is gone. Decides to kill himself. Bitch thinks h loves him. Guy diches the ho and goes to the desert. Guy turns the fuck around and they drive off into the sunset together. They know the world will hate them together. They lover each other and they don't care.

>> No.427434

A double agent fighting for the freedom of the common man is working within the political arm of the enemy during a great war. The enemy has defeated the allies of the agent, allowing them to dispense great misery amongst the people. Theirs is a fascist government, suppressing the freedom of all while they are corrupt and power hungry. The agent cannot reveal which side he was truly on so he must remain a cog in the machine. Through the years he is forced upward where to maintain his cover he must willingly betray all the ideals he has held dear. He eventually becomes to top party member and his road to damnation drives him to kill himself on his inauguration day.

>> No.427454

A soon to be college graduate is unsure what to do with his future. He begins an affair with the girl next door's mother but discovers that he is in fact in love with the girl next door. She thinks he's a tool for sleeping with her mom. He follows her to Berkeley but she finds out and tries to elope with some hipster grad student. After a long night of frantic driving, our hero enters the church and prevents the wedding at the last minute. They ride off in a bus together, thinking, "Oh shit."

>> No.427476

In the future, people just exist. They do not think for themselves because it is easier to have others think for them. They are pampered by simple robots and are presented with entertainment every waking moment. One day a random person receives a message telling him that he needs to free himself from what humanity has become. He explains all the potential that humanity had in the past and they can be great again. The messenger tells the man that he has no more time left, that the agents of the state are coming for him and that it is up to the man to save humanity. The man goes back to watching the news where a small news story informs the public that a malfunctioning was spreading lies and to pay no attention to it.

>> No.427481

samefag who couldnt write his way out of a paper bag.

>> No.427486

Osama Bin Laden is a time traveller. 9/11 was his plan to avert a severe disaster by killing an influential politician who in his timeline caused WW3, the politician survives the attack and actually becomes more popular for his brave portrayal during the crisis and makes a successful bid for the presidency.
In Afghanistan a Mossad operative is taken hostage by al-Queda and is eventually convinced/brainwashed by Osama to assassinate the president using his special forces training. He assassinates the president, the white house try to cover up the identity of the rebel Mossad agent to avert troubles with Israel but it is leaked that the assassin was a Jew of European descent causing a huge backlash against the Jewish community culminating in a rise of extreme white power/anti semitic power in government.
forward 20 years the jewish population is decimated by a holocaust enacted by the government, using the same technology that Bin-Laden used to try and avert world war 3 one Jewish man is going to try and save his people by killing an ancestor of the Mossad agent ensuring he will never be born. The name of this man: Adolph Hitler, his destination: Germany 1919.

>> No.427497

Or someone who's seen The Graduate...

>> No.427501

How does one write his way out of a paper bag?

>> No.427503

Copypasta of Ayn Rand but with lesbian communism

>> No.427510


A middle-aged man wakes up only to discover that everything is dark. He stretches out his fingers and realizes he has been enclosed in a paper bag. He feels for the opening but it is stapled shut (he can only assume with huge staples).

Not sure where to go from here though...

>> No.427511

well if you are a very good writer your pen or pencil will puncture the bag and you will be able to get out.

>> No.427517
File: 333 KB, 996x857, hotwire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bravo, my good sir, bravo. To you, I award a useful tidbit of information.

>> No.427593

Man deals with mythological creatures that represent all of his addictions and finally after the last is killed and there's no more to kill, he dies.

>> No.427618

Not a novel, but a short story about a bio-machine created from human DNA who deep down still has some of the human spirit within, even though it was designed to be less than human.

Ends in a double murder.

>> No.427783

I am also working on a story in which patrick swayze (before his 'death') becomes aware of an impending disaster and goes into a time machine to prevent it but becomes unstuck in time, meanwhile back home, he is assumed dead. The story follows Patrick Swayze jumping backwards and forwards through time, meeting historical figures, pop culture icons while the scientists who create the machine try to track him

it is called 'Which Swayze Going?'

>> No.427795

I cringed in real life.

good job

>> No.427804

its a horribly cliche coming of age novel about a girl who needs to decide what she wants to do with her life, but then she meets this boy who screws things up.

think, anything sarah dessen ever wrote... and equally as bad.

>> No.427850

Man obsesses over the last days of his errant wife's life. While tracing her final hours across the California coast to the site of her fatal car accident, he eventually descends into a paranoid hallucination of creepy small towns, foreign colonization and slavery, constructing a world in which he can still save her. It's upbeat.

>> No.427875


herp derp mother night

>> No.427877

Rich gay novelist who had an unrequited love for his bestfriends, falls in love with best friend's younger brother.

>> No.427878

>Turns out the surface being uninhabitable is a lie.
...isn't it always?

I want to write a story about a subterranean civilisation where elders are right andthe surface actually is uninhabitable, just because I fucking hate that cliche.

>> No.427892


or what about one where there IS no surface at all, the entire universe is just DIRT

>> No.427906

>no surface

>> No.427916


So it's erotica, right?

>> No.428607

I would read most of these.

>> No.428624

/lit/: the only board on 4chan where any one topic is interesting enough to go for 14 hours.

>> No.428658

It's about a guy who burns down his house then meets a girl at a gaybar who decides they should pretend she's a prostitute in order to rob people at gunpoint.

>> No.428672

I only write proses/short stories.

>> No.428677

We appreciate your contribution this thread.

>> No.428688

My novel is about the exploits of a typical STALKER, and how he plays a pivotal role in the government involvement in the Zone.

>> No.428718

Paradox where shit gets real and surreal.

>> No.428762

There once as a little sausage named Baldrick. And he lived happily ever after. The End.

>> No.428763

It's a fantasy about a rich, friendly, successful, completely bland, boring guy who goes on a camping trip and gets lost. He winds up in a run-down theater full of vaudevillian performers, and discovers there's a curse on the building that stops anyone from leaving. The performers have been trapped there since the 1930s, and try to help the main character adjust to his new life as one of them. Shit happens, there are magical showdowns, and Our Hero learns important lessons and grows a personality.

>> No.428773

Mine is about this guy who is turning into an incubus. His female friend tries to rape him, but he manages to stagger off into a forest where he's attacked by a homeless man. He's saved by a man named Pale Horse and, after his wounds are treated, it is this same man who invites him to join a guild of "population control" hunters of the paranormal. After that the story basically becomes Van Hellsing (2004 with Hugh Jackman) plus Harry Potter plus Left 4 Dead but with a lot of romance.

>> No.428786


Plus the hulk.

>> No.428794

A sort of Tarzan/Jungle Book-esque adventure story about a Victorian gentleman on safari in Africa. He discovers a young wild girl living with a pack of hyenas, and attempts to befriend and civilize her. The natives think she is a witch, (in African folklore witches ride hyenas instead of broomsticks) and team up with a group of mercenary Great White Hunters to wipe out the hyenas. Lots of African mysticism, Victorian manliness, and a feral hyena girl stalking and mauling people.

>> No.428805

I'd read it.

>> No.428814

So if the main character is an incubus, does he get sex powers? Like, somebody points a gun at his head and he's like
>>"Oh, you think I'm unarmed?"
And then he gets an erection at the speed of light and he jizzes and the sperm bullet goes through body armor and pierce the miscreant right through the heart and then the protagonist is like
>>"Oh, I knew it would COME to this"

>> No.428831

A scientist invites a few select people to his laboratory orbiting Titan in order to reveal the most amazing discovery ever. The interstellar drive. The guest include a prominent journalist, an important politician who is head of the council who is in charge of funding the scientist's research, and the scientist's assistant, a former mafioso henchman. However before the scientist can exhibit his great discovery, he is murdered. The police are sent for and the C cop and S cop show up. They set about collecting clues in order to figure out who killed the scientist, but all three other people have reasonable motives for doing the deed. The politician is facing reelection and half his constituency want the scientist to succeed, the other half want the funding to be given to better projects. The journalist has written several articles which the scientist has proven to be almost outright lies, and the henchman was after the scientist's money. However in reality, the scientist faked his own death because he had failed to develop interstellar drive and wanted to save his reputation as the greatest scientist ever. So he colluded with the C cop to fake his death and plant evidence. However the C cop double crosses the scientist and actually kills him, taking the massive amount of money the scientist has hidden. The S cop finally figures out what happened after proving the innocence of the other three, and has a climatic confrontation with the C cop. The end of which results in a shootout where the S cop is wounded and the C cop is killed. THE END.

>> No.428845

Gandhi is passing through Lambach, Austria in 1899. He meets a little boy that he soon befriends. Months pass and their friendship continues to grow, as Ghandi has moved in with the boy's family. Gandhi has very sexual feelings for the little boy, and when he can no longer suppress his feelings, he molested the little boy. The boy, not wanting to disappoint his friend, goes along with it for months. That is, until the boy's parents discover that Gandhi's friendship with the boy was more than just a friendship. Fast forward to 1933, where we follow the boy who is now a man. A man that you may recognize. He's Hitler!

>> No.428852

mind control

>> No.428867

Apply this picture >>426014

>> No.428870 [DELETED] 

HEre's youR bElovED HErO cHristOPHeR pOOLe:

MessaGe-id: <4b6B90eP.8030701@4cHAN.orG>
fRom: Moot <moOt@4ChAN.oRg>
User-aGEnT: MOZiLla/5.0 (mAciNTOSh; u; INTEl MaC oS X 10.5; En-Us; rV: GeCko/20100111 tHUnDERbIRd/3.0.1
to: sYSOP@AnONtaLK.COm

TheY BlinDlY BeLieVe EveryTHiNG I fEed Them, FAkE oR not, yoUR BOArd'S goINg DOwn. doN'T bother pUbLISHinG ThIs, No ONE wILl beLievE yOU AnywAY oN Ant OR /B/ :)

>> No.428894


>> No.429068

The movie Tron but set in the early 20th century and Flynn works in a nickelodeon amongst his stolen inventions.

>> No.429170

The story of a young man working for a tug boat company that guides boats of immigrant to Ellis Island in the late 19th century. One in 20 boats is sent to Liberty Island where the immigrants are slaughtered and their blood fed to the Statue of Liberty which is actually a preserved demon.

>> No.429200

It's about a girl narrating how she broke up with his boyfriend and the pathetic letters he wrote to try to win her back while she goes on with her life. Until the last letter gets a little too creepy.

It's called "Gerald's Lot"

>> No.429218

Guy in love wakes up to see a doppelganger of himself in his kitchen. Doppelganger says he's here to cure the man of his lovesickness, with a gun.

>> No.429427


>> No.429440

is the gun a metaphor for the dopplegangers penis?

And then they masturbate together?
I'd read it.

>> No.429445

I was wondering why this thread was still active, but then I noticed the 44 minute gap between bumps.

>> No.429635

I have a story that develops in three books.
first one is the adventures of three mischievous children who want to find a meaning for their empty lives, living in a giant desert continent where all the small oasis villages are far away one from the another and only coast cities are huge. On the way they learn about some dark things happening in a far away continent, but they are not really scared about that. The events finally led them to a huge cost city where they end their adventures abruptly when their small and comical missions become a little bit serious. Obviously a children's book.
The second is a more action packed book about a group of old people who, upon learning that this continent will be soon overunned by necromancers and their troops, assemble a last stand against them in a port while they gather eminent people and run away to another continent. This book will be for preadolescents.
The third one is about how the two groups gather together, the children are young adults now and the newly stablished necromancer empire on the other continent is ready to launch a massive invasion. The style of this one will be a little bit heavier but I still think it will be for pre adolescents.
I have this project since ever but I'm stuck in the middle of the first book and just draft for the second.
Oh, btw, it's in another language, so don't bother to point the fact that my vocabulary is poor to write a book. That's the case in english, but not in my mother language.

>> No.430736

My story is about a normal /b/tard who is contacted by the CIA. Terrorist are going to launch an attack in a highly populated area and they need the /b/tard to goad them into attacking a false target. I call it "Trolling Thunder".

>> No.430750

Planning for trilogies is a dangerous thing. You need to be succesful with your first book to make the second enticing. It's good to prepare the plot for another book, but aside from that, you should strive to make a complete story in a book.

>> No.430768

it's about a small town that's a happiness black hole

also it's a short story collection

also its not real

>> No.430774

Are you sure its not real? I always get very depressed in small towns because the people will be born, live and die there without ever doing anything.

>> No.430780


i meant that its just a concept i've been booting around my head. Already written two, you know.

And there would be other themes. It's essentially the worst place in NA to live, except with no killing.

>> No.430781

It's about my dick

>> No.430808

I see you're stealing elements from my story. My story is about an asteroid that is heading towards earth and the team that was supposed to land on it and blow it up with a nuke has failed so its come down to me swinging my dick at it like a baseball bat to knock it away.

>> No.430811

it's an episodic series of short stories in which a little girl has mundane but ultimately horrible things happen to her over and over. every moment of possible redemption only exists to make the reader think that something finally good will happen to this character, but then I take it away just as quickly.

she finally gets a boyfriend? it's just a prank organised by the bitches who bully her. she makes a friend of a stranger? he's on his way to commit suicide. etc. etc.

>> No.430820

My story is about a young boy who was born with a birth defect. He was born without a whole oral cavity (mouth, teeth, tongue, etc). He must get all his nutrients through an IV. By the time he is ten he realizes how much he is missing out on things and this is shown when he goes to a birthday party and the kids are excited and enjoying some really good ice cream. He excuses himself for a moment an stealing a kitchen knife he goes off to the bathroom to cute open his face where the mouth would be so he could enjoy the dessert as well. I call it "I Have No Mouth and I Must Ice Cream".

>> No.430823

mine's about a no-nonsense family man cop and one day his partner is killed by a gangster. The policeman is assigned a partner and guess what - his partner is a black guy!

>> No.430836

it's about a nomad in a postapocalyptic america who walks around, fucks bitches and kills dudes.

>> No.430839

Okay, guy with the robots cloning humans in a distant star system idea. I'm curious - have you been reading GURPS sourcebooks lately as well? 'cause I had the exact same idea that I got after reading some.

>> No.430842

Sorry I dont read gurps (is that a roleplaying thing?)

>> No.430845

Most of the attempts at humor in this thread were pathetic /b/ shit, but that one made me laugh.

>> No.430846

Yeah, it is. Where did you get the idea, out of curiosity?

>> No.430847


And then it turns out she has magic powers, and ends up subconsciously killing everyone around her, right?

>> No.430855

I think I just came up with it. At the time I figured it must have been done before since it is kind of obvious.

>> No.430881

this is my idea
fucking comment on it

>> No.430888

cocaine is a helluva drug.

>> No.430891

hwat thou speakest?

>> No.430905

you are on some kind of drugs to think you have a good idea.

>> No.430913

so what should i put in to improve it?

>> No.430927 [DELETED] 

stOP dDoSiNg AT! STop DDoSInG at! StoP DDOsinG AT! stop DDoSING AT! sTOp DDOSINg aT!

Btw: heRE's THe true cOLoRs of yoUr gLoRioUs hEro chrIStOPHer POOLe:

> mEsSaGe-id: <4b6B90eP.8030701@4ChAN.orG>
> FrOM: moOT <MOOt@4CHaN.OrG>
> user-aGENT: mOZiLla/5.0 (MacINtOsH; u; inteL MAc Os x 10.5; eN-Us; rV: geCkO/20100111 tHundErBiRD/3.0.1
> TO: sYsOp@AnonTalk.cOM
> SuBjeCT: enJoyinG yOuR dOwNTiME FAGgOT?
> THEY bLINDlY belIevE EverYtHinG I feED tHEm, FaKe oR Not, Your BOard's GOiNg DoWn. DOn't BotHEr PUBLisHINg tHis, No oNe WILL BEliEve yOu ANyWaY oN aNt Or /b/ :)

souRCe: HTTp://wWW.AnONTaLk.coM/duMP/mOOTARd.Txt

>> No.430972

My story is about a pathetic loser who browses the internet one day but then commits suicide. I call it "My Life Story"

>> No.430975

not write it
seriously, it's not even coherent

>> No.430990

well, i guess i can use the same characters, world, technology, mythology, conlangs etc to just write better story

>> No.430995

also, it's not coherent becase I gave you only small amount of what I plan would be 2 tomes

>> No.431011

It's about a couple that attempts to perform a murder-suicide, but after the husband shoots his wife in the head, he loses his nerve. He plans to hide the crime by saying she shot herself, but unfortunately for him, she survives. Now he is stuck with a mentally disabled and extremely pissed off wife.

>> No.431024

I'm going to write a novel about the Albatross in the OP's pic. Is it a Black Footed?

>> No.431028

About 4 years worth of events in my life condensed into 1 or 2 months with a tweest at the end. I'm basically writing the book to be as sad as humanely fucking possible.

>> No.431032

Is the tweeeest that it's your last thoughts as you swing from the ceiling by an extension lead?

>> No.431034

No, it's not coherent because you can't even string a sentence together. However, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that whatever your native tongue is, you can write at least marginally better in that language than whatever the fuck you were doing when you tried to take on English.

>> No.431067

my teacher always said I can write very well, if that interests you
and yes, I'm not native English speaker

>> No.431306

3 summers ago I worked prodigiously on a novel which I'll finish someday.

It starts off with a boy in high school just emerging into the storm of adolescence. He has a vivid dream, more real than life, about being in a blissful, transcendent love relationship with his English teacher. When he wakes up, he becomes obsessed with his teacher, hoping to recapture the perfection which he only briefly dreamed. However, he is tortured because he realizes how impossible it is for a student to court his teacher - it is forbidden love, but he is no Romeo, and does not dare transgress his social limits. He determines to become as successful as possible so that one day he can show up at her door, an eligible and wildly successful bachelor, and they can reunite.

When he goes back to her many years later in his mid 20's, he is a successful something (haven't figured out that part yet), and his former teacher is smitten and agrees to go out with him. He courts her and they enter a relationship, and he thinks that his dreams and ideals have been fulfilled. The twist is that he suffers a grave disillusionment when he realizes that the reality of their relationship is nothing like the blissful dream he had so many years ago, and he abandons her just so he can pretend like he is still chasing her. It ends with the portrait of a man who would rather live in a world of illusions than the ugliness of reality.

>> No.431360

I kinda like the premise, but not the ending. I like the reality vs illusions thing, but I think the character's resolution within his illusions should express or mirror his desires/fantasies, which the ending doesn't do. From the info you provided, he was obsessed with his fantasies, not the fact that he couldn't have her. There has been no indication that he was in it for the chase itself. If he leaves her, then he needs to find a way to live in his fantasies. Your resolution directs attention away from the fantasies and puts it on the chase, which as a reader I've not received any indication that that's what he wants. From the info you've provided, it sounds like you're close, but that it might need some slight tweaking - but then, I haven't read it, so my criticisms could be invalid.

>> No.431727


Hmm, thanks for the thoughtful response. I think that the fantasy and the chase are one and the same. I am largely inspired by the Romantics like Gatsby, Frankenstein and Humbert of Lolita, whose lives are motivated by this chase of an impossible object. Unlike those characters, my protagonist actually achieves his goal, but realizes that he was never in love with her, just the idea of her, and the idea of chasing after something transcendent. Another possible ending I am toying around with is the idea that even though he experiences disillusionment, he realizes that even though real love is lesser than ideal love, it is also more genuine in a sense because it is physical love between two concrete entities, rather than the love of an abstraction or false ideal. A possible double twist might be that the character realizes his mistake in abandoning her, and returns to her having discovered the true value of love. Whether or not she will give him that second chance is something I think I will only know when I write up to that part. Anyway, thanks for the commentary.

>> No.431753
File: 28 KB, 500x398, dispcis..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cocks, meth, vaginas, Carl's Jr., gay sex, ungay sex, sex, more cocks, sex, carpet, rent houses, tattoos,

>> No.431819

I work as a journalist, well... I write restaurant reviews. They are opening a new thai restaurant near Silicon Valley and I plan to go there with my samoan lawyer and bring a lot of gadgets, we will break havoc and I will write about the decadence of the American dream from the point of view of technology.

>> No.431934
File: 23 KB, 280x400, blackadder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is called Edmund: A butler's tale. It's a hot roller-coaster of a novel crammed with sizzling gypsies and filthy sidekicks.

>> No.431943

I'm just kidding. THIS is what I attempted last year.
Obviously I don't know wtf I am doing.

>> No.431974

A US Marine stationed at Guantanamo Bay falls in love with an Al Quada detainee, but is already current engaged to a 12 year old Cuban boy. Promises are made and broken, wild passionate sex is had by all, but eventually the truth gets out and someone passionately throws themselves into the Atlantic.

>> No.432099

A soda-pop mogul is trying to add another flavor to a soda that already has 23. The resulting mix causes him to change into a deranged madman.

I'll call it "The Strange Case of Dr. Pepper and Mr. Pibb"

>> No.432217

"You want to add fruitcake to coca-cola with lemon, lime, cherry, vanilla, raspberry, cherry, black cherry, coffee, citrus fruits, orange, blood orange, bacon, tea, cookie, chocolate chip, ice cream, blueberry, strawberry, red berry, blackberry, pepsi, artificial sweeteners and sugar cane? You're a mad man!"

>> No.435385


>> No.435489

I laughed pretty hard. Good job, sir.

>> No.438083

I am pathetic

>> No.438117

if this anon is still around... i liked it :]

>> No.438201
File: 95 KB, 590x775, DISREGARDFEMALES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>So that novel you're writing, what's it about?

An Empire missing its leader. Headless, shambling under the control of several factions. The leaders plot against - and backstab - each other while maintaining an air of peaceful diplomacy. They are united only by the knowledge that the Empire would surely collapse should they declare open warfare on each other.
To make matters worse, a large prison colony has begun a revolt, even going so far as to claim portions of the Empire's capital for its own.
Interstellar raiders harry their trade ships, and raze their out-of-system colonies. Their attacks have stepped up in the recent years, sensing the weakness of their opponents.
Rival kingdoms of the stars challenge their dominion over planets. Some are subtle, using trade agreements and red tape to pin the Empire down. Others put their settlements under embargo, straining the economy of the planet.
The story is told from many viewpoints. Common folk, such as a rank-and-file soldier, an ordinary civilian, a new recruit, a factory worker, an asteroid miner, a frigate officer, or the members of a joint task force.
And the leaders vying for control over the Empire - the commanders of the Army, Navy, and Defense Corps, the CEOs of armament manufacturing and development companies, the Council of Ministers.

>> No.438227

this is win

>> No.438480

ITT I steal all of your best ideas and publish before you. Suck it faggots.

>> No.438513


>> No.438514 [DELETED] 


>implying your plot isn't copied from the foundation trilogy

>> No.438525

Are you writing about my life? How do you know me so well?

>> No.438699

>So that novel you're writing, what's it about?

Set in the not to distant future, a cop is called to a investigate a break-in/murder at a Scientific Institute that specializes in the storage and containment of human minds. Cryogenics has become a less desirable trait for people wishing to live forever, and the recent scientific advancements in Neurology and Computer engineering have allowed people the oppertunity to have their consciousness stored in USB like devices.

The cop spends his time through the novel hunting the killer, who is a whackjob crazy ex-scientist who kidnaps people and uploads multiple minds into the one brain.

Its gunna be sick

>> No.439917

I concur. My eyes became teary, I laughed so much.

>> No.439954

I really wish I could tell you, but I'm actually convinced that the premise of my story is so unique and original that someone might want to steal my ideas. I'm terrified of the thought that someone might publish a novel built around the same concept before me.

>> No.439968

Your post-apocalyptic space-erotica will be safe here.

>> No.439973

Mine is about a soldier whose plane gets shot down over enemy territory, but somehow survives the crash and ends up befriending an enemy combatant.

>> No.439998

sounds kinda Ghost in the Shell-ish

>> No.440080

Worst case scenario is that someone does a better job writing it than you will.

>> No.440091

Been tossing around this idea:

New priest gets sent to this church in a small town in Texas to replace the previous head priest, who died of a heart attack.

He finds out the church is being used at a major checkpoint in a cocaine smuggling ring, which is led by a hardcore atheist...who has bought off the local police force

The two combat each other and eventually develop mutual respect

>> No.440099

I know this was hours ago but hahahahahhaha
also, I'd read that story.

>> No.440122


By all means, don't even try.

>> No.440130

Stewie: How you uh, how you comin' on that novel you're working on? Huh? Gotta a big, uh, big stack of papers there? Gotta, gotta nice litte story you're working on there? Your big novel you've been working on for 3 years? Huh? Gotta, gotta compelling protaganist? Yeah? Gotta obstacle for him to overcome? Huh? Gotta story brewing there? Working on, working on that for quite some time? Huh? (voice getting higher pitched) Yea, talking about that 3 years ago. Been working on that the whole time? Nice little narrative? Beginning, middle, and end? Some friends become enemies, some enemies become friends? At the end your main character is richer from the experience? Yeah? Yeah? (voice returns to normal) No, no, you deserve some time off.

>> No.440139

>Wow look at me, I'm so witty, quoting a mediocre television cartoon, I bet all of these faggots on this site are so jealous of me. Yeah, I'm so cool.

>> No.440149
File: 19 KB, 425x361, lebowski_jesus_held_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol why u mad tho?

>> No.440153


>hey all. i have down syndrome. fuck sarah palin. oh, and i'm a motherfucking retarded retard. i'm a monkey. i'm hella dumb and hella, hella fucking stupid. in fact, i'm a ginger with no soul. hah-hah. ginger has no soul. respect my authority!

>> No.440154
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1262779528627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.440165

Corruption and Redemption.

>> No.440167

The final battle between good and slightly amoral.

>> No.440169

so there's this guy with a beard and people beat him and nail his hands and feet to wood. no gays marrying

>> No.440176

Due to some sort of anomaly, time is getting slower and slower. But no one notices except one man - who quickly realises that it's not a natural occurrence.

>> No.440181

That's weird. Mine's about time getting faster and faster and everyone except one guy notices.

>> No.440191


lol Extras is great and Stewart is awesome

>> No.440194


Time is relative.

>> No.440195


Everything is relative.

>> No.440198

And that's what's to be the lingering question in the novel. Does this unseen force make everybody else slower or does he just go faster?

>> No.440199
File: 200 KB, 490x700, 1268813712780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl is constipated for like four months. and then she realizes the only way to move her bowels again is to use a hose to connect her rectum to her mouth.

pic related.

>> No.440221


...If I ever make it as a writer, I'm going to do this one.

>> No.440225

It's about a guy who majors in Creative Writing only to discover he can't string two words together.

>> No.440235

The 22th and 24th of December 2012 have passed now, and everybody thinks that they're in the clear. However, three days later, scientists have discovered an odd phenomenon which has the potential to end the world - and it's only a year away. Naturally, everybody's freaked out despite the government's attempts to prevent anarchy. It gets to the point where there are two societies - the elite and the slums.

The story begins as a man is exiled from the elite world and starts to live in the slums. But by getting accustomed to it, he eventually arises to become leader and moves against the elites.

>> No.440240


Sorry, but that sounds... just terrible.

>> No.440246

Oh, I had forgotten to post one more thing.
The twist is that it was all a hoax (the initial discovery), but since the scientists were killed, when the truth is found way later on, it doesn't matter anyway since society as a whole has changed far much to ever get back to the way it was before.

>> No.440250

Thanks for your input.

>> No.440256


Perhaps you can save it with elegant prose and devastating insight.

>> No.440261

Neither is my forte. Oh well.

>> No.440262

OK, so... There's all these guys fighting over a really uncomfortable chair, while elsewhere Santa's helpers are tired of living on the North Pole and decide to kill every human on the planet.

>> No.440274


Maybe instead of having the two groups you can say that there are the civilized and the ferals and an exile from a martial law society ends up gathering support among the wild folk and leading a siege against the people that spurned him.

>> No.440279


Poor Mance Rayder.

>> No.440286

Maybe you could stop talking about ASOIAF when I'm still reading A Game of Thrones.

>> No.440291


What? I was just suggesting ideas for Anon. Did I steal and idea i haven't read?