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/lit/ - Literature

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4258911 No.4258911[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ humor, or just /lit/ being /lit/.

>> No.4258924
File: 371 KB, 838x1389, lit-reminder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4258928
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>> No.4258931
File: 113 KB, 943x730, anal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4258952
File: 53 KB, 1122x215, sophocles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4258958
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>> No.4258959
File: 241 KB, 819x2747, Gawain and the Green Texter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4258965
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>> No.4258972
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>> No.4258976

What's with all the compilation threads on all boards recently

I realize there are a bunch of reddit newfriends migrating here but seriously it's killing the spontaneity of all boards.

Whenever something slightly funny happens now a bunch of newfucks treat it like an eipc may-may and immediately cap it and post it in the "best of" thread

I hope whoever made this thread gets cancer and that his relatives do so also

>> No.4258984

that's pretty rude, I hope you will repent for these words

>> No.4258986

I hope you go back to reddit

>> No.4258990

But I've never been there
also it's rude to wish for someone to get cancer just because they happen to come from a certain website (and it's fortunate that I don't, I don't want my relatives to get cancer :()

>> No.4258993

>4164 hours
laughed internally

>> No.4258996


>> No.4258998

I don't care if it's rude, this isn't a hugbox or an echo chamber, regardless of how hard you faggots are trying to change things around here.

>> No.4259000

But why do you want me to get cancer? Why do you want my relatives to get cancer? They didn't do anything wrong.

>> No.4259013

Because edginess aside I care little for your life, or the life of those who raised you to be such a leech on this community, and your death would therefore be of no significance to me.

/lit/ is a small community, as are most 4chan boards (inb4 sekrit club), and I immensely dislike those who come here (or there) and demand to have their finest threads posted for immediate consumption as if you're part of things.

>> No.4259017

*tips fedora*

>> No.4259019

If you take everything literally, you're going to suffer.

>> No.4259025

I'm sorry but this guy >>4259013 seems to be pretty serious. It frightens me to think that such people exist in real life and that they're such emotionless hollow shells of human beings inside without anyone knowing.

>> No.4259027

>dark souls
>not a video game masterpiece
filthy casual, get gud. of course you arent going to midroll in havels

>> No.4259030


Cute. The only hollow person here is yourself, trying to fill whatever void is there at the centre of your being with the comedic output of a small literature-based community on japanese-themed imageboard.

Society as a whole is going to the dogs, and always has, because whatever it recognized as sincere and spontaneous is turned into something cliched and boring by imbeciles like yourself, who serve no purpose (i.e. in contributing to these threads, or developing yourself into someone inlligent/witty enough to write something worth of being capped) and spreading it like a peon whore

>> No.4259037

>just like in a real fight, the easiest way to kill someone is to roll behind them and backstab them

>> No.4259036

Apathy is a faze in life. taking every comment seriously, literally and personally is a problem which has major consequences on your life.
Note: you are being 'trolled'

>> No.4259038

ironically this thread just turned into a perfect example of /lit/ being /lit/

>> No.4259042

I browse 4chan regularly but never has anyone wished me to get cancer, let alone my relatives. Cancer is a pretty serious issue, I've seen good people die from it. I'm sad that you'd think I should get it, and I hope that's because you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.4259044

yea, they do really need to fix that. pvp is pretty one sided right now.

>> No.4259045

/lit/ is almost always /lit/

>> No.4259049

>browse 4chan regularly
>never has anyone wished me to get cancer
Confirmed for troll.

>> No.4259050

I hope your relatives suffered and that you will suffer to when yo inevitably succumb to the disease

>> No.4259056

I'm sorry that no one has been as rude to me as people on this board.

Why would you wish people to suffer for posting on an anonymous imageboard?

>> No.4259064

>arguing with people on the internet about how rude they are
can you please leave.

>> No.4259073

It's not about rudeness. If you insulted me I would have been somewhat disgruntled but I'd understand. But this guy wished for me to get cancer. Not only me, but my relatives too. Why would he wish harm to come for my relatives who (I'm repeating myself) did nothing wrong? I mean, this thread was only one tiny incident in this guy's life, yet the amount of harm he summons on me seems to be disproportionate. I'm sure he or she will have forgotten this incident tomorrow, but if I get cancer I will think of him or her, even more so if one of my relatives (whom I care deeply about) does.

>> No.4259077

You're not getting it are you?

It's not the posting in itself which makes you deserving of the severest form of bowel cancer, it's the fact that you and other brainless morons like yourself are going on /lit/, /mu/, /tv/ and other boards and creating daily "best of X" threads, the quality of which lures more morons here, wholly incapable of contributing anything worthy of being capped and saved for the future.

Anything which hints of being funny is then leeched onto by people such as yourself, then capped and reposted as if it was something hilarious.

You are causing the downfall of 4chan (inb4 implying it wasn't already a shithole, etc) and like everybody else causing the downfall of something sincere and actually interesting, you have no idea that you're doing so.

I hope you lose all photos you own of whoever in your family died of cancer, and that their face and voice fade from your mind while you are in your deathbed turning into even more of a hollow shell than you are currently.

>> No.4259083

Come to think of it, nobody has ever told me to get cancer either that I can remember in the time I've been here either. I probably just forgot it or it was in a thread where I posted a response and then left though.

>> No.4259090

>I hope you lose all photos you own of whoever in your family died of cancer, and that their face and voice fade from your mind while you are in your deathbed turning into even more of a hollow shell than you are currently.
Again with these frightening harm wishes. I am genuinely horrified by these thoughts you evoke in my mind. You could have told me to stop posting these kinds of threads if you disliked it; what's the point of making people die of cancer, alone and unhappy? What more will it bring? Is the sake of an anonymous imageboard worth people's lives?

>> No.4259092

>But this guy wished for me to get cancer. Not only me, but my relatives too. Why would he wish harm to come for my relatives
and your constant posting is resolving the situation. you know what i hope you get cancer too

>> No.4259097

You would wish someone to get cancer just because of something infuriating they posted on the internet? Aren't you getting a little upset?

>> No.4259098

> Is the sake of an anonymous imageboard worth people's lives?

Sure it is.

Lurk more and you might feel the same.

>> No.4259102

But I have lurked for years and I have never thought someone should die so 4chan could survive, and I'm sure Christopher Poole would think the same.

>> No.4259105

You already are cancer. Go hang with your relatives, see if it catches on there.

>> No.4259108

Wait, I am cancer? And you hope I get cancer? Does this make any sense or have I missed something?

>> No.4259112
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>> No.4259141

>Goofus tries to write fiction from "what he knows"; instead writes fake revisionist non fiction short story about a manic pixie dream girl chick who talked to him once, imagines a hypothetical relationship with her and daydreams dialogues where he cuddles with her while discussing vinyls, Truffaut and philosophy.
>Gallant thinks fiction is for loserz: he only writes the one and only true form of art- opaque long essays dissecting the phenomenological epistemological foucaultomological postmodernwave continentalcore critical diatribitical works of assigned readings to Philosophy Majors. and then posting it on an internet forum.

kekekeke top limn kekekeke

>> No.4259145

A mathematician, a physicist, a chemist, a biologist, a computer scientist, a philosopher, a liberal arts major and an engineer have been asked the following question: "Are all odd numbers prime?"

The mathematician says: "Trivial."
The physicist says: "Well 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime, let's disregard 9 as an experimental error, 11 is prime, 13 is prime, well yes, they're all prime."
The chemist says: "3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime, 9 is prime, 11 is prime, 13 is prime... yes, they're all prime."
The biologist says: "3 is prime, 5 is prime so yes, they're all prime."
The computer scientist says: "3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime..."
The philosopher says: "No because 2 is even and prime."
The liberal arts major says: "Math is tough! Would you like fries with that?"
The engineer says: "I love cocks."

>> No.4259189
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>> No.4259192

All they have to do is make STEM more attractive

>> No.4259194

Serious business

>> No.4259196
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Here I...am.

>> No.4259200
File: 114 KB, 732x410, 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4259202
File: 429 KB, 1228x1190, 1383410988037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4259204
File: 45 KB, 779x272, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4259210
File: 99 KB, 1274x402, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4259217
File: 161 KB, 1548x598, 2 (u) p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4259231

>The engineer says: "I love cocks."
Why did I laugh so hard?

>> No.4259241

It's the feeling of letting out your pent up frustration at engineering majors for being incredible assholes.

>> No.4259253

If you get behind someone, who lacks proper martial arts training, it is likely that they have already lost a fight.

>> No.4259281

> Post office
> Predictable
I, uh, what? Factotum is, Ham on Rye to a degree, but Post Office is really not.

>> No.4259286

especially the part where he casually rapes a screaming lunatic.

>> No.4259285

>It's the feeling of letting out your pent up frustration at engineering majors for licking incredible assholes.

>> No.4259292

I saw him keeping a job for over a decade, getting a kid and becoming a succesful gambler from the first pages

>> No.4259296

The DFW bit is funny actually.

>> No.4259322


>> No.4259374

/lit/ is one of the least funniest boards.

>> No.4259382



>>4259374 (You)
I agree with this


>> No.4259392


What is the average annual rainfall of the Amazonian basin, and what effect does this have on the local climate?

You have five minutes from this posting to post your answer.

>> No.4259398

The reason is that normal people loathe and fear spontaneity, because they are too uneducated to take part in it, and its existence will lead to their being ousted as the frauds they surely are. As such, when they migrate to a new community, a process of codification of the community's interactions begins. In this way, the danger and "edginess" are removed, and the plebians are able to get down to the business of epic meme circle-jerking.

That's why this thread is cancer.

>> No.4259399

What does n.d.g. means?

>> No.4259403
File: 439 KB, 583x748, rain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The interaction of vegetation with the atmo
sphere takes place in what is called the surface layer.
For grasses and seasonal crops, this layer is bounded
by the solid earth and extends to about a few tens
of meters above ground level with the vegetation
occupying a meter or so in the lower end.
In the case of forest, one needs to consider an
additional layer under the canopy separate from
that above the canopy. In open forests, the com
munications between processes under the canopy
and above the canopy is a continuous process of
exchanges performed by turbulent eddies. Aggre
gation techniques are used such that area weighted
averages of bare soil, low vegetation and tree pro
cesses are used to define biosphere-atmosphere
interactions. In a closed canopy forest like the
Amazon rainforest, communication between the
sub-canopy and above-canopy takes place through
intermittent bursts (Fitzjarrald and Moore, 1990,
Fitzjarrald et al 1990) of turbulence that affect
the composition and thermal structure under the
canopy as well as the evolution of the above-canopy
processes. The exchange between biosphere and
atmosphere involves heat, moisture, trace gases
and momentum fluctuations. Moisture exchange
is performed by direct evaporation of soil moisture,
evaporation of rain intercepted by the leaves and
through transpiration by the trees. One character
istic of rain forest is maintaining evapotranspiration
throughout the year, with higher values during
drier months (Rocha et al 2004) due to more solar
radiation (less cloudiness) and a slightly drier atTERRÆ 3(1):46-53, 2008

>> No.4259408


You fail.

>> No.4259411
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>> No.4259495


>> No.4259570

This post isn't from /lit/.

>> No.4259631

>A is almost always A
ayn pls

>> No.4259651

go to bed tao

>> No.4259884
File: 59 KB, 450x577, 0339506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh Rene

>> No.4259914

Everything in this thread is awful but this.

>> No.4261100
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>> No.4261323

/lit/ at it's best