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4256151 No.4256151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Smart people" who are afraid of sex

What's the use of what you know if your afraid of having it tested?

>> No.4256250

why does everyone on 4chan think sex and girlfriends are the most important things in the world?

>> No.4256490

People are social animals, being lonely feels bad, and sex feels good. Not hard to figure out. Also, it doesn't need to be the most important thing to make you feel like shit when you lack it.

>> No.4256499

Anyone who has had regular sex knows that it doesn't make things any better. Maybe for the first few months, but after that the ol' void comes creeping back.

>> No.4256497

Because 4chan is an eternal middle school.

>> No.4256502

sex and friendship are two different things.
you can feel good from wacking off.

>> No.4256506

>why does everyone on 4chan think sex and girlfriends are the most important things in the world?

Because most people on 4chan never had either. It's like how someone who's never been to Paris obsesses about someday getting to and being there.

People who've been there don't really care to discuss it all that often.

>> No.4256592
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It just seems ironic that people are so afraid of becoming exclusively vulnerable to someone. The fear belongs to both meat heads and smart asses. I invite you to live in the world.

>> No.4256598

>Anyone who has had regular sex knows that it doesn't make things any better.

So well done on answering your own question about why everyone on 4chan obsesses about sex and girlfriends, I guess

>> No.4256630

but wacking off will never be able to fill the void of loneliness... trust me I havent been laid in 10 years.

>> No.4256639 [DELETED] 

if I have internet I need less sex

If I had ambitions to make family I'd probably obssess more about sex, but I'm not enthusiastic enough about people... so I just fap to relax sometimes and my energy is for the web, games, music, drawing, reading...

>> No.4256640

i had sex for 8 hours straight today yall no joke

>> No.4256646

Damn. Your asshole must resemble a wind sock.

>> No.4256642

cool, dude


>> No.4256650

so how many fags ran a train on you today?

>> No.4256655

sex has too many consequences

I'm not complaining, I understand the consequences, what it means to the female, the risks, stigmas... it's a fucking mess, I rather just enjoy a cup of coffee + internet

>> No.4256674

come on, do we really have to do this

it's cheap

>> No.4256698

because intentional infection can carry a sexual battery charge and i don't want the added bonus of prison sex

>> No.4256739

not as cool as it sounds, only about 2 hours of it was actual penis->vagina interaction. made the mistake of drinking a little too much cola beforehand and we ran out of condoms. my wrist feels dislocated and i've been eating what's left of the family halloween candy supply to get the taste of vaginal fluid out of my mouth

>> No.4256748

i don't really care

i dont know why you're telling /lit/ about your sex life also

>> No.4256781

do you want to know more?

>> No.4256810

no dude. i don't. i don't. im happy that you had sex but i don't really care.

>> No.4256820

I'd like to know less, actually.

>> No.4256986

casual sex with strangers who stare at you with dead eyes...
it ruins sex and it feeds the void.
best to just wait for something good to come to you.

>> No.4257007
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Your only purpose on this world is to pass on your genes, it's why life on earth continues to exist, and the same is true of every plant and animal. Interpret it how you wish, make whatever excuses you like, but to say sex isn't the most important thing is in direct disagreement with everything we know about life. I suppose you can argue that by abstaining it allows you to do something that will better ensure the survival of your bloodline or the entire human race, but somehow I doubt that's anyone here's reasoning. Lastly, every person on earth owes their life to success and would have never existed without it, so have some fucking respect for it pathetic virgin loser.

>> No.4257013


>> No.4257014

>why does everyone on 4chan think sex and girlfriends are the most important things in the world?

Provide objectively the highest and most intense level of pleasure a human can safely and repeatedly experience.

Provide existential meaning that spreads into posterity. Allows you to start your own family, thus giving your work, intelligence and discoveries someone to benefit besides yourself.

>> No.4257024 [DELETED] 

>why does everyone on 4chan think sex and girlfriends are the most important


>> No.4257030


>> No.4257036

>People who've been there don't really care to discuss it all that often.
I can confirm this. Paris was neat.

>> No.4257038

>it's cheap
jus' like yo momma!

>> No.4257044

wht if i get close with someone and they hte me and they think i'm awful and shit

>> No.4257046

paris is great, even the shitty ethnic groups trying to sell you eggplants are great

>> No.4257047

then you've no reputation to spare by not raping them

>> No.4257055

>Provide objectively the highest and most intense level of pleasure a human can safely and repeatedly experience.
But that would be heroin or some other even cooler opiate, man.
>Provide existential meaning that spreads into posterity. Allows you to start your own family, thus giving your work, intelligence and discoveries someone to benefit besides yourself.
That's not really relevant. No one actually goes "Look at this faggot, he doesn't even have kids!". Actually, when someone has children really young it is considered a huge mistake.

>> No.4257060

I bet you've never had to take the thirteen subway line of Paris twice a day six days a week for a year.

>> No.4257064

>public transportation
The shittiness of being poor makes it largely impossible to enjoy a lot of things

>> No.4257075

>But that would be heroin or some other even cooler opiate, man.

It's unsafe and hard to regulate on a repeated long-term basis. Sex is fine.

> Actually, when someone has children really young it is considered a huge mistake.

Because in our culture you need an education first and cost of living is high, so most people are having kids in their late 20s, early 30s now. It adds a great purpose to your life.

Also sharing your experiences with someone you love improves your quality of life.
Having kids will also improve your imagination and appreciation for many things you take for granted.

>> No.4257084

>It's unsafe and hard to regulate on a repeated long-term basis.
>Sex is fine.

>> No.4257103

So you admit that you don't know what "objective" means and that you're talking out of your ass?

>> No.4257116

>So you admit that you don't know what "objective" means and that you're talking out of your ass?

Objective applies to the repeatable, healthy, safe and intense pleasure sex offers.
Which can't be found anywhere else with the same risk-reward pay out.

The purpose and quality of life that a spouse can add is more on the subjective side though, yet still valid in the majority of cases (excluding autists and psychopaths, etc)

>> No.4257698
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I done things, really bad things, to become normal; to fit in.

Don't tell me the void is gonna come back after this, I can't live with this.

>> No.4257753
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So many Lacan threads yet people never bust into these threads to shout "it's your symptom talking. The symbolic, abstract desire of wanting to fuck your mother returns in concrete forms that only temporarily satisfy even if you get a gf when getting >tfw no gf feels."

Fair enough.

Really, I just want someone's hand to hold during melancholic moments. I don't even mean the unpleasant, borderline existential crisis ones, but rather the hopeful ones bought on by things like watching the first snow, smelling fresh vegetation during a nice summer evening, a walk in the park during autumn. After anal.

>> No.4258362

could someone please write a script to keep the bourgeois from shitposting?

>> No.4258375

>Really, I just want someone's hand to hold during melancholic moments. I don't even mean the unpleasant, borderline existential crisis ones, but rather the hopeful ones bought on by things like watching the first snow, smelling fresh vegetation during a nice summer evening, a walk in the park during autumn. After anal.

p much

>> No.4258386
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>physical proximity to another person will do nothing to bridge the abyssal gap between you

>tfw no matter what you do you are alone behind your eyes

>> No.4258396
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Yes. That's what I meant by exclusive and vulnerable. Not just sex, or girlfriend- but communion.

Lacan says "“What does it matter how many lovers you have if none of them gives you the universe?"

And as much as I hate you pedantic faggot moronic embarrasic art queers, I really think it's possible to be strong in the face of misery and your loved ones. Stop turning your back to the world, stop hiding in caves, stop these shenanigans. In a very hurtful way, ufffff, we need ur smart ass

>> No.4258409
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Because most of the time we're just trolling. tfw no gf and feels in general are the funniest thing to hit 4chan since ever to me.

In fact, I was the one who made this. >>4258282
These bring me infinite joy

>> No.4258421

So, since nobody answered me in the other thread...
What did Lacan meant by saying "there's no sexual relation"?

>> No.4258434
File: 76 KB, 645x773, 1384096873288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He meant
>tfw no gf

>> No.4258437

u r pathetic

>> No.4258449


What all of /r9k/ needs is renting a prostitute for a year.

>> No.4258450
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Tell me something I don't know (._. )

>> No.4258454

>tfw can't discuss this with my behavorial-cognitive psychologist

>> No.4258461

what buber would talk about as dialogue / the i and thou. yeah.

but it's fucking hard and painful especially when you have no belief in your own ability to enter into that kind of relation with the world and things in it, in your own ability to fit into the world, and no experience with fitting into the world as a natural part of it, you know? i mean it's always hard to take a leap into the unknown & this predicament is hardly unique to those of us who whine about tfw no gf but it's still a predicament. to reveal something of yourself and enter an authentic relationship with another human being is kind of a massive thing.

>> No.4258475

>>he meant tfw forver aloan

>> No.4258485

I don't feel any need for sex.
At least I don't suffer because of that.

>> No.4258496

nice gif of a cat

>> No.4258495
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I read that as
>I feel the need to express my opinion on the internet to validate the fact that I haven't ever been laid

>> No.4258504

It is true. But I really don't feel to do it, really. It's impossible in my mind to have sex with anybody. I had opportunities but I rejected at the last moment. Once you did it, it's too late.

>> No.4258507

I hear you. What you say reminds me of all the things I learned as a child developmentalist. Do yourself a favor and really excavate your childhood, those BIG feelings. Address them and give yourself time to have them wither. You will never truly get rid of the pain, but u should learn from it. If it's too intense, like sexual abuse, u really have to stop being hard on yourself. What I learned as a child therapist was that MOST adult problems are either rooted in childhood, or at least still felt and handled childishly. That's where Freud got it right.

>> No.4258510
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You have some psychological problems, friend. You should see someone

>> No.4258524

>mfw solidifying my position as alpha by spreading crippling defeatism by means of online propaganda

>> No.4258534

>taking the internet this seriously
btw nice face faggot

>> No.4258536
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Well I'm no expert, but people tend to explain that as the impossibility to meet the other subject on equal ground, in a subject to subject relation. No matter how deep, sensual and sporitual a sexual act is, it still is nothing more than glorified "we fetishize each other's qualities and bodies". So those that think they can go beyond the standard subject-object relationship we have with other people are deluded, albeit in a pleasant and romantic way.

To put things into perspective, listing the reasons why you love someone is sociopathic, and at the very least unromantic or dishonorable, yet there is nothing else to love but those qualities in the abscence of a metaphysical subject. Despite all this, love still works as a subject to subject desire.

tl;dr love is mad.

>> No.4258553

>taking the internet seriously enough to take my post seriously

I find your countenance arousing as well.

>> No.4258560


>> No.4258564

I don't think there's any limit to finding significance in the world. You can call it a fetish, and then jump from there to say its madness. But you just sound opinionated.

>> No.4258587

being smart doesn't mean being smart in every field

>> No.4258591

>being lonely feels bad
but you do not need sex and gf to feel company? so the question stands

>> No.4258607

>professional NEETs
>renting a prostitute FOR A YEAR
unless they do a communal fund I don't see it happening

>> No.4258617

monogamous romantic relationships are the most common and socially normative form in which physical and emotional intimacy are conceptualized

>> No.4258629

I think I get it, thanks

>> No.4258646

>monogamous romantic relationships are the most common and socially normative form in which physical and emotional intimacy are conceptualized
so? that's not really an argument, and there are definitely circles in which intimacy without a romantic monogamous relationships are just as common

it's all irrelevant though. i mean, there are people comfortable with hugging their friends a lot and talking about really intimate shit with them or the family. all the while having sex here and there and experiencing some level of intimacy here and there too.

>> No.4258648

i'm saying, that's why everyone's response to loneliness is "want gf"

>> No.4258691


>> No.4259393

Not having a girlfriend is one of the best feels you can possibly feel.

That's why it's such a great troll.