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4255337 No.4255337 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Toole on the demigod tier?

I just stpped ready Dunces after 130 pages.
I have been reading for a year, and this is the first book i put away. He forces the humor way too much, and Ignatius isn't funny at all imo.

>> No.4255347

The image was made either by a troll or a teenager. I like to think that the people on /lit/ aren't so hopelessly retarded as to create tier charts like this.

The corrected one, which i think is titled something like "shit /lit/ talks about" is far more informative.

>> No.4255357

Why don't any of the tiers have actually mundane titles to actually hurt the feelings of people who read it?

>> No.4255370


These charts are just for 'fun' i think. My main question was about Toole to.

I read Mishima/Hemmingway/Camus/Celine/Wilde.

They where all great.

But Dunces was Tedious to read. The setting/places where really boring .
Has the work of Tool any 'significance'? The prose is just 'so so'.

Or was Dunces put on that tier as a joke? (since he is the last one on that list, it could be)

>> No.4255380
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fuck off troll

>> No.4255385

Thanks for the list, that makes more sense.

Does anyone has anything to say about Toole/A Confederacy of Dunces to? That was really the main reason i made the thread, i don't really care about the chart.

>> No.4255402

It has a beginning interesting enough to make you keep reading, then a big shitty repetitious middle, and an ending that's so good it maybe makes it worth it.

>> No.4255409


Just to be sure,


Is Chabon really a good writer? I don't want to get trolled again.

>> No.4255414

Image is fine apart from Camus and Hesse being too high. It was just the tastes of one anon.

>> No.4255426

Why Camus? The Stranger was a very good and fun read, and i found the Plague to be a great existential work. I really enjoyed both.

Didn't ready anything by Hesse.

I decided to give up on Toole and go on with Hemmingway.

>> No.4255448

He's a great author but hardly on the same tier as the rest. He wrote fun, vaguely thought-provoking books for teenage girls. He's not in the same league as most authors anywhere on that chart.

>> No.4255474


>He wrote fun, vaguely thought-provoking books for teenage girls

Eh, i'm sorry but are you sure you understood The Plague?

I think you really have to 'get' Camus in order to see his brilliance. Especially in The Plague.

>> No.4255510

people that don't like Confederacy of Dunces are the worst

also that chart is shit

>> No.4255525

>people that don't like Confederacy of Dunces are the worst


>> No.4255530


i've readd all of his stuff except for summerland (kids book) and telegraph avenue (gave up half way, it's crap). everything else is great

>> No.4255537

Alright thanks.

>> No.4255557


Palahniuk used to be good

These lists need a variable quality/mid tier

>> No.4255559

because they tend to be wingtip wearing stiff necked do-gooders

>> No.4255566

lol no chabon sucks

he's like safran foer tier. or saul bellow-lite. not worth it unless you simply want to read something written recently for a change.

>> No.4255574

What the fuck are you talking about mate.

Hmm. Thanks.

>> No.4255600

I thought Confederacy was cool. It wasn't incredible, just a good read. I found it more depressing than anything. Everything in the book just sounded cold, dirty, very smelly, and dark like the feeling you get when changing to standard time and the sun sets at 4 PM and you're 26 and you still live at home because you can't find a job and you want to kill yourself but you still feel like there's more to get out of life before throwing it all away but you can't begin to explore the possibilities because you feel obligated to "get your shit together" first but deep down, you know that's never gonna happen and next thing you know, you're too old to start writing your first novel or to paint your first work of art.

>> No.4255605

>what the fuck are you talking about mate

lol this is EXACTLY what im talking about

>> No.4255616

>Why is Toole on the demigod tier?
Because it is a fucking awful list. Or it's a fucking accurate list reflecting the fucking narrow taste of this fucking awful board. Either way, pay it no mind and read something written before 1900.

>> No.4255621

>/lits/ heroes are neurotic pseudo-intellectual beta males
Color me surprised

>> No.4255634

Alright, thanks for your input.

Ok, thanks.

>> No.4255936

Fuck you guys, Palahniuk is a genius