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4254643 No.4254643[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This may sound like a dumb request, but recommend some books about authority.

(i.e. novels, nonfiction, whatever)

>> No.4254679

Starship troopers, 1984

>> No.4254691

machiavelli by maviavelli
anti-machiavelli by frederick II

>> No.4254696

Michel "Fisteur Analle" Foucault

~observe and punish - genealogy of prisons

>> No.4254700
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>machiavelli by maviavelli

>> No.4254711


Yeah, I know. I don't come here and I didn't lurk. Cut me a minuscule amount of slack.

>> No.4254778

foucault dude.

>> No.4254807

Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky

>> No.4254837

1984 by Orwell

>> No.4254848

Thomas Hobbes' The Leviathan
>Obvious reasons

Hannah Arendt's The Origin of Totalitarianism
>her distinction between force/violence/power/authority is bretty good

>> No.4254856

Good, but more about power relationships than actual authority.

>> No.4256328

>Thomas Hobbes' The Leviathan

Is it bad that I immediately avoided this when I saw it in the bookstore because of how fat and dense it was?

>> No.4256353


"Anatomy of a State" by Murray Rothbard

>> No.4256581

Political Theology by Carl Schmitt

Also seconding the recommendations for Arendt (also recommending On Violence), Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Foucault. (The guy who said he wasn't talking directly about authority was right, but it's still worth noting that his work does a lot to try to debunk the idea that power = authority.)

>> No.4256591

Maybe? It's a big book and intimidating, but it's really, really good. Reading the whole thing is a bit of a commitment, though, and if you do read it you really should read the whole thing.

>> No.4256619

Really, Arendt talks about authority in a lot of places. I think the most developed discussion is in On Revolution and Between Past And Future (specifically the What Is Authority essay), so I'd recommend those, but the basic conceptual scheme is going to be fairly similar wherever you go, I think.

Also want to second... really most of the people mentioned ITT.

>> No.4256626

>Between Past And Future (specifically the What Is Authority essay)
Dunno how the fuck I forgot about that one.

Really, though, almost anything by Arendt is worth reading, whether on-topic for authority or not. Hell, you could probably relate some of Eichmann in Jerusalem to the concept. Not so sure about The Human Condition, though.

>> No.4256659

thomas hobbes - leviathan

>> No.4256682

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
by Ken Kesey

>> No.4256688

prime of miss jean brodie

>> No.4256727

>Really, though, almost anything by Arendt is worth reading, whether on-topic for authority or not.

Hell yeah. Arendt rules. And yeah, even if she's not talking about authority, she's still going to be super insightful and awesome on whatever topic she's writing on.

I think Human Condition is probably the hardest to relate to authority, at least out of the political writing. At the same time I think the concept of authority is very complementary to what she talks about there - it's a really useful concept when you're trying to think about the public realm, and how that's constituted and structured and how people live within it. It's kind of surprising authority doesn't show up in Human Condition, actually.

>> No.4257180

i remember erich fromm being bretty good, but read it when i was a a teenager in the 90s green pager, nautica jacket, nia long screensaver

>> No.4257184

This, really superb writing.

>> No.4257192

grey eminence

>> No.4257201

Naked and the Dead?

>> No.4257205

how do you become the leader of a nation when you do not have wealth or family connections or military glory, but only the power of your voice?

imperium by robert harris.

>> No.4257219

ooooo, I hope this is good, it's on my shelf and I haven't read it yet.

>> No.4257225
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i've read dozens of works of historical fiction, anon. imperium is within my top five, possibly my top three. if you have any any interest in history or politics or statesmanship, i can pretty much guarantee you'll love it.

>> No.4257233

Blood Meridian
obligatory read

>> No.4257283

>if you have any any interest in history or politics or statesmanship, i can pretty much guarantee you'll love it.
Fuck yes, I can't wait. I want to read some of Cicero's stuff before trying the novel.