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4251676 No.4251676[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have a lot of random isolated facts about elite manipulates
public opinion, keep people uneducated, send them to wars to benefit from it etc essentially see them as cattle to be explored and eaten.

But I have not formed anything very cohesive

I'd like a list of books on this subject


>> No.4251687

Bernays' Propaganda

Manufacturing Consent

Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism

>> No.4251839

Gives us some of your hottest, most outrageous facts OP. Links too if you wanna be extra badass.

>> No.4251861

smoke weed and watch ancient aliens if you REALLY want to understand op

>> No.4251999

nice picture OP. saved.

>> No.4252004
File: 801 KB, 2048x1536, sharp edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

>> No.4252006

The Secrets of The Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins

>> No.4252007

JIDF shill detected

>> No.4252402

Disciplin & Punish: The Birth of the Prison

by flamboyant homosex Michelle Foucault

>> No.4252834

Saying that someone is trying to be edgy ... thats as edgy as it gets

>> No.4252839


Nice post-edge

>> No.4252881

Though not completely related to those specifically, Kaczynski's Industrial Society and its Future is a good read.

>> No.4252895

don't we all, OP

>> No.4252897


>> No.4252996
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Read Marx, Gramsci and Adorno+Horkheimer.

>> No.4253005

The Feast of the Goat is about how men of power use machismo to control people.

>> No.4253040


>> No.4253267

The Deliberate Dumbing Down by Charlotte Iserbyt

>> No.4253316

Walter Lippmann - Public Opinion

The Process of Government - Arthur Fischer Bentley

The Science of Power - Benjamin Kidd

>> No.4253328

Said's orientalism- takes a mix of Foucault and Gramsci and applies it to imperialism/colonialism- somewhat applicable to modern wars in the middle east but largely historical

>> No.4253333

>I have a lot of random isolated opinions about people wealthier than I am.
You'll find yourself becoming a lot more reasonable about people in different economic brackets after finishing college.

>> No.4253335
File: 102 KB, 515x482, youserious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading Fraudorno and Hackheimer

>> No.4253338

meta-edge as fuck.

>> No.4253481

I majored in physics and computer science. I consider myself to be far-right and I believe stupid people should be left to perish.

But the wealth distribution today is surreal.

Let me put a stupid video:

The top profiteers simply -own- you, your children and your grandchildren. if you're OK with this distribution you're either a submissive person who thinks its ok to be a slave or just don't realize what it implies.

>> No.4253494

>I majored in not a single economic or financial field, this means that I am wholly qualified to discuss these fields and their affect on you.
Sheesh, man, it's like listening to butthurt STEM majors act like they're qualified to tell you about how this or that philosopher is the best after reading a wiki summary or watching a youtube video because "I went to college for engineering, of course I understand philosophy!"

>> No.4253512

Man.. if you understood how juvenile you sound..

>> No.4253517

No, dude, think about it for a second, they own you because you can't escape them, the big dollar is everywhere.

>> No.4253523

Sorry, dude, but a degree in a non-financial or economic field does not qualify one as an expert in those fields. Calling someone out for claiming that isn't juvenile, and I'm fairly sure it's even a common logical fallacy called "argument from authority."

>> No.4253547

Keep starving, troll kid.

>> No.4253559

>he pointed out the invalidity of statement and listed reasons why he didn't agree with it
>better deflect and pretend he's trolling
Nobody else is even in this thread and the last reply outside of ourselves was over 2 hours ago. There's nothing to gain here by acting this way.