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/lit/ - Literature

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4250178 No.4250178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are feminists so patronizing? Why do they believe they have a monopoly on how women should be?

Feminists are the new misogynists. Feminism is the new oppressive patriarchy.

>> No.4250183

Leave it to women to do become exactly what they hated.

>> No.4250186

I know this is 4chan and all but I expect better from this board.

>> No.4250189
File: 633 KB, 300x182, Hysterical-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feminists are the new misogynists. Feminism is the new oppressive patriarchy.

>> No.4250193

but patriarchy is a good thing, are you complementing feminism?

>> No.4250194

> femen
> not misogynist
> not oppressive white colonialists

>> No.4250195

Most feminists hate femen though.

>> No.4250200

[citation needed]

>> No.4250202

>implying that feminism = FEMEN
>implying that all feminists are white
>being this racist
>being a fucking idiot

>> No.4250203 [DELETED] 

>spending time and discussing things with actual existing feminists

Is this enough?

>> No.4250204
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>mfw i found out that femen was literally made up of eastern european prostitutes paid by jews to cause trouble

/pol/ is always right

>> No.4250206

>Stockholm Syndrome

>> No.4250211

>Why do they believe they have a monopoly on how women should be?

I suppose if you believe a group has been brainwashed, and it is your job to liberate them, you feel obliged to give the group a new, wholesome set of ideas and norms. But I'm sure there's just as much pressure to simply allow females to be themselves, without expectations as to how they should act.

This sometimes results in silly things, like the idea that if a woman in a novel isn't strong and capable she's undermining the whole female gender.

>> No.4250214

if you want to speak about all feminists ever, no. Go back to /pol/ or /b/

>> No.4250219


>> No.4250221

/lit/ has just the right amount of tumblr. Your asspain is the perfect seasoning for a 4chan internet feminism thread.

>> No.4250222

lel yea, what's his face

zizek hates him, I'm pretty sure

>> No.4250223
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Daily reminder that cultural relativism is thinly veiled reactionarism.

>> No.4250234

Because western feminism is not about an ideal but about distraction.
You're provided an imaginary problem so you can endlessly blabber about it and disregard actuall stuff going to shit.
It's especially funny because the only times they try to say anything about actual female oppression they just fall victim of the same mechanism. Instead of trying to talk about female mutilation, they bitch about islamic women wearing veils or chadors.
Women are feminism's worst enemy.

>> No.4250235


what do you even want to tell me?

>> No.4250239

fucking saved

>> No.4250242

>implying most feminists believe in the patriarchy
>implying most feminists are patronizing
>implying they don't simply want to have the same rights and generally fair treatment men enjoy

I'm not a feminist. I believe that a government shouldn't be able to consider men and women unequal on a legal level, but I don't understand why I would think of or treat women the same as men. Men and women are two different sexes, which inherently makes them unequal. Not better or worse, just unequal. Why would I treat two unequal things as the same? That's just ignorant.

>> No.4250247

because this "unequal" treatment favours one sex over the other, in ways not related to the biological differences

>> No.4250248

Read Irigaray. You'd like her.

>> No.4250250

You spent time and discussed things with most feminists?

>> No.4250252

Go to tumblr, all the feminists there especially got riled up when femen got up on the stage in that fashion show and tore one of the model's clothes off.

They hate femen.

>> No.4250253

I think you mean different, not unequal.

>> No.4250262


how come /lit/ is being so considerate and friendly (towards feminists and women that is) today?

>> No.4250270

/lit/ always leans pretty far toward the white knight goon who should have stopped using internet forums 11 years ago when his funny bone broke and he got a vegan redditor girlfriend side of the spectrum.

Hahaha misogyny and racism so funny lel XDDDDD it's like it's really 2006 srs tho go bcak to /b/ also reddit isn't really that bad man it's just the big boards the subreddits are okay (tumblr too)

>> No.4250274

glad to see the misplaced elitism is still intact

>> No.4250279
File: 136 KB, 546x700, back to pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ you're so wrong.

>monopoly on women
That couldn't be farther fro the opposite.
Feminists don't want to take away people's hijabs or burkas. They want women to be able to choose. For anything. They don't want to force abortions, they want women to have the option to choose.

France banning burkas isn't a feminist act, it's a Islamophobic act.

Go troll on another forum please.

>> No.4250283

Well of course OP. If history has taught us anything, it is that the groups who shout the loudest and make the biggest stink for their revolution almost always wind up oppressing other people so that they can end their oppression.

I find it ironic how the brunt of the feminist supporters are no more than rhetoric and propaganda followers. The ration of women who support a viable form of feminism to a radical silly one that is oppressive itself has become a joke.

For every nice civilized supporter of womens rights there are a dozen tumblr feminazis who extend feminism into infringing on other peoples rights and trying to use it as a stepping stool not to stand next to men, but to step on top of them.

I was just on okcupid the other day and i saw in my feed that some women answered a questioned and it was a rant about how men can't be rapped. I proceeded to check out her page just for chance of gaining a few more laughs. Turns out whites can't be the victims discrimination either. These people are just silly. It's like when the baptists protest. I really see them in the same category with baptists.

>> No.4250290

No feminist would admit to wanting to ransack Asia and steal all the burkas. But they will continue whining and shaming women who wear them and calling every choice to wear one "coerced by patriarchy" until it changes.

Just let the women wear what they want. Meanwhile in the west mothers dress their preteen daughters in whore clothes.

>> No.4250293

>whore clothes

it's you who assigns that meaning to them.

>> No.4250297

No, it's the whores.