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/lit/ - Literature

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4247321 No.4247321 [Reply] [Original]

So, there's this friend of mine who's a pretentious, materialistic hipster. A special snowflake basically.

She claims to be really into books, but her taste is literally just hunger games and harry potter. 14 year old shit.

For a laugh, should I reccomend to her Fight Club or American Psycho? She can be really lovely, it's just her douchyness that throws me off. I'm hoping she'll read these books and change, but she's the kind of person to be vapid enough to skim through without paying attention, just to say that she read it.

>> No.4247323

... I am speechless.

>> No.4247328

The irony of that post is adorable.

>> No.4247331
File: 1 KB, 100x100, 1380552220198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4247333

Don't go easy on her - the message will be too lukewarm and most likely she won't associate the themes of those books with her phony personality. Go with Justine instead.

>> No.4247336

Why would you recommend Fight Club, when Camus' delivers the same basic theme, but better?

>> No.4247347

Because she'd be more into it if she knows Brad Pitt was in the movie, and that it's set in America.


>> No.4247357
File: 202 KB, 1381x874, albert-camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just show her this picture and tell her he's the coolest of the French philosophers, she'll be all over that shit.

>> No.4247361
File: 66 KB, 550x600, hahaha-dope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should recommend 'The Secret History' by another Bennington graduate, Donna Tartt. It's a simple, enjoyable story which will gratify her narcissism and - hopefully - excite some intellectual curiosity. If she enjoys it, and asks for a similar suggestion, you can give her 'The Magus' by John Fowles. There's a thematic, or atmospheric, similarity but the latter novel is much better — a genuine literary achievement. That might drag her out of the adolescent mire and give you two something to talk about.

>> No.4247366

Oh, c'mon, maybe something like "uncle tom's cabin"...
I used to be... how do you said it? snowflake xD but that kind of books make you... well... see things a little different. Or something like "The childrens of Sanchez", god, last one is heavy...

>> No.4247363


>> No.4247387

This post combined with the Patrick Bateman image and the "tumblr" filename made me chuckle.
6/10, bad b8 but still gr8

>> No.4247394

/lit/ relationships thread?
>at club near uni
>meet girl
>we hit it off
>discover we were born in the same hospital
>hit it off even more
>she asks me if I like reading
>I say yeah! and ask her what books she likes
>she says 'hunger games' and 'harry potter' and things like that
>bear in mind i'm pretty drunk at this point
>Say "dude, but those books are fucking shit!"
>things go south from there
I got her number in the end, and we went on a second date, but things never really recovered from that initial outburst of being a dick about her taste in books.

Which is a shame, because she seemed really cool beyond that one flaw.

>> No.4247412

This girl i'm talking about is actually just a friend, but sure, lets make this a relationship or encoutners or w/e thread

>way back in secondary school
>me and this guy would stare at each other and smile and stupid shit like that. Checking each other out, basically.
>one day everyone has to be chosen and categorized into a club
>we're both in book club
>we're grouped together
>Both into Mirukami and Orwell,
>start obsessing over each other
>we start holding hands
>cuddle stuff and whatever
>for the next few months people thought we were in a relationship

>one day, after he walked me home, kissed me and said he loves me. Then ran off
>next day, find out he's in a relationship
>his girlfriend hates me and we had to stop talking

Secondary school romances, ey?

>> No.4247416

r u gay m8?

>> No.4247419


ima gril u silli boi

>> No.4247420

sounds pretty homo if u ask me

>> No.4247424

Oh yeah, also: i just read your OP and you have shit taste in literature.

>> No.4247428


>> No.4247437

faggot detected