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/lit/ - Literature

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4246073 No.4246073[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Remember the good old days /lit/?

>> No.4246097

no ;_;

>> No.4246104

>no Isabelle Huppert
>onionring not God Tier
>Brohemoth not shit tier

>> No.4246106

I hear you on that, except for Behemoth, he's alright.

>> No.4246109

that was when I first came to /lit/ I remember some of those trips.

>> No.4246113

REI is god tear

>> No.4246116

/lit/ is one of the few boards where any complaints about the drop in quality over the years have been completely correct.

>> No.4246117

Why is Caracalla only in okay tier?

>> No.4246118

too bad nobody bothers with archiving or maintaining the wikia the same way /mu/ does so that way we can actually gauge and judge the quality ourselves

>> No.4246134
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>> No.4246135

We used to have an archive, on green oval, and then somewhere else - but nobody wanted to keep it around after the trips went away, so the site died and other boards moved to rbt

>> No.4246140

>typical /sci/ poster

>> No.4246220

D&E still posts here now and again.

I'm sure I remember a Brownbear post sometime in the last few months. He probably lurks at least.

>> No.4246230

God Tier seems a little undeserved but shit tier? C'mon, at least I'm well-read in an eclectic sense and friendly enough to be helpful in suggestion threads.

>> No.4246232


>> No.4246256

if D&E is god tier then apparently all /lit/ tripfags are shit tier. Honestly, all D&E screencaps that are circulated now and then are just awful. It's simply him disregarding ALL opposite arguments (some valid, some not) and acting like he won. The only thing that sets him apart is that he had a group of gullible fans that probably liked him because of his nick rather than the quality of his arguments.

>> No.4246258

you just dropped a couple of points for caring what tier you're on

>> No.4246259

Yeah, Deep & Edgy was horrible. I always thought people were joking when they acted like he wasn't.

>> No.4246269

do you have any screencaps of godtier tripfags (that are not D&E)?

>> No.4246393

What tier is rei?

>> No.4246804
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