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/lit/ - Literature

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424580 No.424580 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.424587

Vanilla coke
delicious and smooth
what a combination of flavors
let's do some cocaine

>> No.424591

my leg?

>> No.424610

salad bowl
empty and gone
where´s the avocato?
where´s the tomato?
my breath stinks
just thinking of you and passing the raw onion.

>> No.424613

Powder blue,
Howdy doo!

>> No.424626

you're going to pay me
for professional development
I didn't even

>> No.424630

Speakers not turned on.
I don't use them anyway.
I have other ones.

>> No.424691

video camera,
you see everything,
everything in front of you,
but can you see,
how much i love you?

>> No.424709

A nice wallet
forty bucks inside
also my cards
Within Black leather

>> No.424728

Crushed pudding cup,
of the butterscotch variety,
you were delicious at one point.
But the days pass,
you become old, rancid,
and very distasteful.
Maybe I should throw you out.

>> No.424731

tom waits for no man --
t'was an article's title
in the _N.M E._

>> No.424741

Time soon languidly passes,
creating fissure like webs,
on my porcelain glasses.

The poets of /lit/
clearly lack wit.

>> No.424747
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>> No.424755

Filthy sock.
You cling to my foot as a child clings to his mother.
Your once virginal glow has been tainted by the sweat and grime of ages.
Your smell tells a story of countless hours of labor in the eternal battle against the lawn.
Lint has invaded every void, every crevice, every pore of my foot.
I wiggle my toes like a petulant woman clacking her fingernails on a counter.
The sock holds firm.

>> No.424757

Comforter, supporter, shoulder.
The reality that is thee.
Filled to the brim with downy goodness.
Pillow, I adore thy warm and cool treasures.

>> No.424778

It's just a wall.
Few stains, that's all.
Nothing cool, unlike /lit/.
Just a wall, covered in something like shit.

>> No.424793

I find it funny that most of these poems are free verse, and also are shit.

Seriously, you guys couldn't make a decent free verse if your life depended on it, just stop already.

>> No.424794


expired ashes heat
deep end of a bottle
deafining beats and
meaningless kisses
shallow thoughts of evasion

there is no escape
from reflections in the mirror

>> No.424798

Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance
I would like to be playing Pokémon Yellow right now.
I was about to catch Zapdos.
Then my batteries died.
Now I have to go through the whole power plant again.

>> No.424810

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its lovliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
These new speakers are really great.

>> No.424815

silver rain from the night
reminds of drowning as an option,
& then there's a pillow drenched in gasoline,
or a one-way ticket
to third-world water-

interstate, enter state, inter state?-

the moon crashes into the windshield-

ich haunt a house on fire, its ghost
: mudpuddles, lawngreen, winter leaves,
streetlamps, eaves splashing, etc.-

: graffito
across a cold metal furnace: "time-winged sphynxes were
came to pass, passed"-

>> No.424822

ITT: people posting poetry of an undefined nature while neither reading or commenting on the others. Feels like a true AA meeting.

>> No.424824

Cup of Pepsi
You are sexy
I want to bear your children
Oh yes I do
But would you take it in the ass?
It would be a blast
If you had an ass at all

My shit added to this pile

>> No.424833

oh little speaker
sitting on my desk
when will you speak to me
only when i play my music
oh little speaker

>> No.424867


This is actually really good except for the last line.

>> No.424878

hat, sweet hat, oh sweetest of hats
I don't wear you any more because somebody gave me a better hat for christmas
but i still can't bring myself to take you out from under my monitor and throw you away

>> No.424881


speakers will speak but words are cheap
and sound is just one sense
But once you can feel the sound you hear
That's when you truly pitch a tent.

>> No.424888

Oh laundry basket.
You hold steadfast as I ram my things into you.
I fill you up and you never complain.
I don't hold it against you that you were cheap like a jew, but I love you. And I'm glad you don't mind that I lock you in the basement every sunday.

>> No.424890
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archive this



I really like these.

>> No.424902

Dearest Nestea,
why have you entered the depths of me?
Your can lacks delicious glucose-fructose,
And I can bear the sight of you no longer.
Time to take out the trash, empty, meaningless can.

>> No.424907


obviously, as this was made by john fucking keats

>> No.424909

>implying Keats posts on /lit/


>> No.424914

Ode to paper plate.

Oh, paper plate
Despite your name
you do not bend
under my hot lasagna
my gooey pie
or my cat's arse
You are so useful to me
but I am still going to throw you away


>> No.424923 [DELETED] 

MeSSagE-ID: <4b6b90EP.8030701@4cHan.oRg>
FRom: mOOt <moOt@4chan.orG>
usEr-aGENt: MozIlLA/5.0 (MAcinTOsh; U; INtEL maC oS X 10.5; en-us; RV: GeCkO/20100111 thUndeRBIrd/3.0.1
tO: sYsoP@ANonTALk.cOm
SUBJeCT: ENjoYINg youR DOwNTime fAggoT?

tHEY bliNDly bElieVe eVERYTHInG i FeEd tHeM, faKE Or NOt, YOur BOArd's gOINg DOWN. DOn't BoThEr pubLiShIng ThiS, no ONE wIll BELiEVe yOU anYWay ON AnT or /b/ :)

>> No.424920

Oh box of Kleenex
Name of brand name of product
My nose is stuffed up

haiku are deep

>> No.424936 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 1202009890bh5BOJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>my face

>> No.424940

Tower of shining discs
A story upon each tier
A tier upon each story
Of heroes
Revolutions, robots
Mad scientists
and singing
Each one of them precious
each one so temporary
Discs that tell of a childhood, adulthood
and more
With data
Too taboo to be shared

>> No.424945

Blanket, blanket...
Covering fears and bareness,
Sponging up hot expulsions
as I writhe beneath you.

>> No.424946

Richard Dawkins talks
The creationists stumble
Bless the internet.

>> No.424948
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Romote, remote, re:

Just not talking to plastic anymore,
I'm a real boy now.

>> No.424959

Scrap of printer paper
From when I couldn't cut straight lines
For a project due in December
In a class full of haters
Of which one of them was attractive
Specifically her chest area
Which would stretch the fabric
Of her sexy shirts
Some of which were glittery
Like the plastic wrap
That once covered the outside
Of an ink cartridge
That was used
On a sheet of printer paper

>> No.424961

my dish cloth is green
and its easy to clean

>> No.424964


My Copy of Twilight

it is marked
with the inks and blood of my pens
upon color
upon color
marking the errors
and uses of the words "dazzle" and "chuckle"
there are not enough shades
to encompass the code I am coloring

an arduous task with no reward
yet I believe in some end
some prize
for the four hundred ninety five
marked beyond recognition

misguided faith?

attention whore, I think.

>> No.424965


>> No.424968

Feet feet
feet feet feet feet
Feet; feet.

Feet feet? Feet!
feet feet feat

>> No.424986


what does this mean?

>> No.424987

Oh gluttonous waste basket,
I have filled you to the brim.
Stuffed with beer bottles and chip bags,
so desperately in need of emptying.
Alas, I was a fool. I did not use a liner,
no bag of paper or plastic to protect you from spills.

>> No.424999

I don't know how to interpret this.

>> No.425006

Oh Jack London
Collection of tales
It sounds snobby
To have you near me
But inb4
Those cries of that sort
You've been unread
For more than three years
Maybe now is time
To become that snob

>> No.425009

The iPod

A fine tattered metal
dropped on concrete too many times
during runs and such.
the juxtaposing blackness for it's frame
the aching brightness of it's screen.
with an annoying issue with me Menu button plaguing it
i can't help but leave it home sometimes.
but for now i listen;
harry potter year 7 for shits
and for giggles.
alas, these ear buds.
so homely and purple.
a kind gift.
i sigh.

>> No.425035

Tower of shining discs
A story upon each tier
A tier upon each story
Of heroes
Revolutions, robots
Mad scientists
and singing
Each one of them precious
each one so temporary
Discs that tell of a childhood, adulthood
and more
With data
Too taboo to be shared

>> No.425044
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it forgets so slowly.

yesterday melts
in the shade of tomorrow,
and tomorrow

never was.
It never was.

>> No.425052


Hands are
good for stuff.

>> No.425059


>> No.425064

I used to sit like you
Who ever said they're yours?
I love, therefore I devour
How insignificant an individual is

>> No.425098

Newspaper from the end
of World War II
I plan to scan you
and post you on 4chan
You are such a treat
that I cannot keep to myself

>> No.425116

Every Man Jack
But it's only mine
And when it's empty,
It will be replaced
With another one.

I soon forget
How its silky blanket
Soothes my skin,
Smoothes my pores,
Soothes my soul.

Almost all of the
Will find itself
On my hands
And soon after
On my freshly
Shaven skin.

>> No.425198

Sprite bottle, filled halfway with water.
Condensation against your emerald interior
glistening with pearly fascination.
Labeled with a falsehood, you reside to the side
with pride though snide remarks are hurled at you
because you never taste purely like water.

>> No.425209

Half a glass of water
A lack of optimism
Its only half full
But to me its half empty
Once it starts to go it can no longer come back
Once its gone its gone
There is such a thing as empty
Calling it no full would be foolish
Enjoy your optimism
I'll enjoy the rest of this glass of water

>> No.425215

there once was a wall made of plaster
that was not made of paper
and plaster and paper don't rhyme

>> No.425221

No smoking sign
In front of it lies an ashtray—full of cigarette butts
Both signs as a symbol
Of how rebellious the psyche of man is

I suck. Hard.

>> No.425247

Steam billowing, actively flowing,
Tumultous in its desultory motions,
From my cup on its pyrex saucer.

Translucent, it reveals oracular patterns,
Harkening of the deluge of psycoactives
Not yet begun.

It's shroom tea, btw. Just beginning to hit me, kind of.

>> No.425258 [DELETED] 

MEssage-Id: <4B6b90Ep.8030701@4CHAn.ORg>
FroM: mOot <MooT@4cHAn.ORg>
uSEr-AgENt: MOzIlla/5.0 (mACiNToSH; u; INTel Mac Os X 10.5; eN-Us; rv: gecko/20100111 ThUNDERbiRD/3.0.1
TO: sySOP@aNontAlK.COM
SubJEcT: ENjoYIng YOuR DowNTimE FaGgOT?

ThEy BlIndly BeLIevE EVeRyTHINg I fEeD THEM, Fake or NOT, YOuR BOard's gOING Down. dOn't BoThEr puBLISHING THIs, nO onE WIlL BElIEVe you ANYWAy On anT or /B/ :)

>> No.425257

Oh Blackberry,
How can I please ye today?
You ask not for sex,
Not for apps,
But for my $30 a month.

Seriously, a required $30 internet pack?? Wtf.

>> No.425272


This is probably the first poem I've ever written, and I just realized how incredibly ashamed of it I am.

I am so fucking pretentious and unintelligent.

brb, parliament light.

>> No.425286

the edges of my black hole are white
and fashionably simple

fuck macbooks and fuck the internet

>> No.425305 [DELETED] 

MeSSaGe-Id: <4B6b90ep.8030701@4chaN.oRg>
fRoM: moOT <mOoT@4CHAn.oRg>
UseR-agEnt: moZilLA/5.0 (MAcinTosH; u; InTel MaC oS x 10.5; eN-uS; RV: gEcko/20100111 tHuNdErBIrD/3.0.1
sUBjEcT: EnjOyiNg YouR DoWNTime fAggot?

thEY BlinDLY belIEvE eVerYtHing i feEd Them, Fake or nOT, yoUr bOARD'S Going doWn. dOn'T Bother pUBlIShINg THIS, No one WIll BELieVe You Anyway oN AnT or /b/ :)

>> No.425317

how dare you

>> No.425330

Eh, I could write about my knife. Poetry's so pretentious nowadays though.

>> No.425345

Oh dead fly
it was only yesterday
i caught you in my house
glued you to sticky tape
and drowned you in my cum
you died arousing me
oh dead fly

>> No.425350
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>> No.425353

So. Farewell then,
You have been a loyal
servant for
many, many years.

But last night in
a fit of eroticism
and loneliness,
I ejaculated
all over

So now, my friend,
you must depart
to duvet Heaven.
While I move on
to a younger,

As you can see, this a story eulogizing my duvet which I ejaculted on by accident last night. Normally I would ejaculate into my hand and, indeed, this was actually my intention even on the night in question. However, I was taken by a sudden urge to just let it all go and then I found myself in need of a new duvet cover. The best poets always write about what they know. If you're a professional publisher and you want to get in contact about my work, please let me know ASAP.

>> No.425370

The words I so passionately write
You take them and put them in type
Considering my rough cursive scrawl
You reign in it with a wall
Of kerning and spacing and height
Within an empty desert of white
Oh, where would my poems ever be
If you did not print them for me?

>> No.425411

Oh speck
Green fleck
Stained on the cream wall

I check
Oh heck
It will start a brawl

A sharp peck
on my neck
Even if it may be small

Why must it wreck,
My cream wall?

>> No.425517

Roses are red
Violets are blue
My left speaker sucks
And so do you

>> No.425532

Tiny computer mouse
Too small for human hands
Why do I keep you around
Next to my Wiggly Pop Figurines

Oh, tiny mouse
How I loathe you

>> No.425540

Drawstring missing from
One drunken night, but these are
still my fav PJ's

>> No.425549

Oh my mouse cord
A very mery mouse cord
Black and long
Lets me interact with the internet
Providing me fap materieal

Im duisguested
How i touched you
after my faps
the semem count is
a billion

>> No.425550

Pile of books next to my bed
Why are you there?
You'll never get read
I'd like to leaf through you
one afternoon
but I

>> No.425572

alarm clock
alarm clock alarm clock
alarm clock
alarm clock alarm clock alarm clock

>> No.425574

A big stack of books
Some construction paper too
Cat knocks it over

>> No.425609

oh lovely nothing
how did you get out of my heart?
you were supposed to be
inside my head like always

>> No.425622

Oh, my father's ancient caller ID display,
I have seen you nigh-constantly, day after day,
I have never used you, personally, to tell the truth,
But others, I'm sure, have found use,
in you diligence and service for these many years,
Thank you, caller ID display, from the family, with cheer.

>> No.425629

Oh, mighty overlord of the universe,
Whom shall you control today?
A gallant warrior afflicted with a curse?
Or a space marine with a sonic death ray?
An evil empire built on destruction?
Or an illegal immigrant-turned-bowler?
To hold you in my hands is pure seduction,
My beloved Xbox 360 controller.

>> No.425647

Some notepads
Maybe a desk
Could be the DS
but they are all
pretty spiffy


>> No.425651

the arrow points to air

Dank, musty, not having circulated,
stinking of resins and mold spores and
burnt plastic,

my throat is fucked up from inhaling, yet
the effort of cracking a window it is
not worth the relief it would bring.

It's too fucking cold out anyway;
it's pouring rain. Three aye-em. Go
to sleep, you dumb son of a bitch.

I remember the smell of the air in
the grove of trees and beargrass on
the slope of Signal Mountian.

>> No.425664


>> No.425677

Oh speaker connected to my computer,
how little praise you get
giving the unaware listener connection to
every emotion.

>> No.425679

You are a funny looking lamp stand
You don't actually work anymore
so I don't think I can sell you second hand

I would toss you away
and end this next sentence with buffet
which only rhymes if you pronounce it the French way

>> No.425686

Ode to my left speaker
you sit there alone
Your opinion is equally valid
but you are never right.

>> No.426110


I chuckled.

>> No.426114

One sip and
It's gone

>> No.426125

Oh my iPod, there you are
Althought english is not a native of mine
I'll give my best try
iPod, thank you for the beloved times
Between you and numbness of places
I really do like your species.

>> No.426131

i like this one

>> No.426151

Blue jeans lay
On a leather couch
She and I play
a game of who do you love the most
Neither of us loses but both of us wins

>> No.426152


>> No.426153

Oh sacred novel
Surely a cruel fate for thee
Lying there unread

>> No.426166


Hit submit before I was done, DERP
NOW I'm done:

Blue jeans lay
on a leather couch
we play a game
of who do you love the most

Both winning
neither losing
we smile and laugh
never knowing
this is the end

A beautiful beginning
put to sleep too soon
Asleep on that couch
wishing I had the time back

When blue jeans lay
on a leather couch

>> No.426170


>> No.426178

Metal spoon, blue bowl.
Melted, seperated cries of ice cream.
Neapolitan! Brown, Pink and Yellow!
Living in Harmony, harmony! Oh love.

>> No.426185

the calendar sits to my left
we are in the worst month of the year
what happens in march?
Fuck all.

>> No.426210


Saving all of these, I'll be sharing them with Max later.

>> No.426211

From the speakers oozed the jazz
out the open window
where it became a long chain
twisting parabolas
above the vastness of the city
through the smoking ballroom universe
through the machines of the heart-minds,
where it struck a match in the noisy dark
and watched them all fell quiet as a lambs
and when its work was done
saw that it was good
came back to my room
fell into my cup of tea
made it bitter and green,
made it contain the universe entire.

>> No.426212

Oh sweet loving creme
Your touch
a silky stream
of flattery
Tis you, who helps me defeat time

>> No.426258

upturned lid, containing all my pens
dead, dying, all dried up at thier ends
but alone sticking out,
a dull silver knife sits with none of his friends

smear'd with butter in the faintest of line
bespeckle'd with toast crumb in a grain that is fine
it speaks only to say,
that toast is the best midnight snack of all time.

>> No.426264
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Oh Tengu
sound activated robot of my eye
you shout so loud when I start to hoover
but I can never hear what you want to say

>> No.426449

Printer oh printer,
You sit there wasting paper.
You manage to fix yourself even after,
I spilled orange juice all over you...

>> No.426458

Headphones, white
Sometimes music thumps through them.

>> No.426474 [DELETED] 

MEsSaGe-iD: <4B6B90EP.8030701@4CHaN.org>
fROM: MoOt <mOoT@4ChAn.OrG>
user-aGeNT: MozILLa/5.0 (maCINTosH; u; iNTel MAC OS X 10.5; eN-US; RV: geCko/20100111 thuNDeRBIrd/3.0.1
to: sYsOp@AnONtALK.cOm
SuBjeCT: EnjoyIng your DOWntimE FAGgoT?

tHEY BLInDly BelievE EVeRyTHInG i FEEd thEm, fAKe OR NoT, yOUr boaRd's GOING dOWN. Don'T BotHeR PuBLiSHing this, NO ONE wiLl BElieve yoU aNYwAy On ant Or /B/ :)

>> No.426479

You left speaker,
sweet music that makes me dream,
you are giving me.

>> No.426487

There's a hole in the knee of my jeans
And i think you all know what that means.
I should really trade them back in
But it's alright, I'm actually quite slim
I got that way from eating beans.

>> No.426500

Left speaker
I often have to jiggle the cord
to make you work

>> No.426506

Empty void
Specks of dust
Highlited by somniferent rays of light

I reach for you
I touch emptiness
And think that you also might

>> No.426536

Dead hooker on desk
OMG it's yo' momma
Don't give a fuck yo

>> No.426538

empty yet filled, stacked high as a tower.
standing beside me, hour after hour.
the day is short, the night is long, here I stand and work.
my companion, as always, this tower of boxes filled with nothing but more boxes in boxes.
i loathe the thought of its ever so simple yet deep hidden core.
but it doesn't compare to my boss in corner, whom i loathe ever so more.

>> No.426564
File: 188 KB, 1024x768, P3150348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My watch, ever faithful, keeps time at bay.
It sits next to three coins, Australian, one dollar sixty.
And a cream, on my desk, to save my ravaged face.
A brown Betadine tube in its home, in its place.
Left speaker, no right, your cord was too short.
My plans for a stereo that works did abort.
One Referral for oral x-rays of a tooth causing pain
I ignore like a sick duck drowning in rain.
For wisdom has stopped feeling such hurt.
A trip to see them would cost me such dirt.
And I'm broke and alone at One Fifty three.
With 4chan on a screen next to blank dvds
Some Vaseline oil I bought for my thighs.
I'm a fatass, I'm disgusted but I'm not surprised.
I've a collection of nails both finger and toes.
I keep piling them up, why god I don't know.
I sleep now and pray that I get a word.
From someone in lit, that my message is heard.
But first I'll get up, have my 2am piss.
And that right there, is my poem about this.

>> No.426567

chair, lonely chair
I wonder
do you cry at night?

>> No.426570

It's not fifty coloured squares;
it's not even thirty cubes -
is the first thing.
It's corners and edges and centres.
Sides, primarily. Six.

There was a time
(I've heard)
when you had to think.
You went to your room with it unsolved
and you made it worse and moved it wrong
and failed, again, for fifteen years
(until your wife left home, of course,
with the kids.)

but with a B, U, R2 you
could set it down and say you knew
by all the trouble you went through
the truth and secrets of the Cube,
and people wished that they did, too.

Now in the top five Google hits
there's a comprehensive list
of people's full solution sets.

A turn here,
they'll say.
A turn here,
and it's done.

I spent a week in turning faces,
getting squares to the right places,
and showed it to this girl in school.
oh hey, she said,
that's pretty cool -
(and then she left, of course,
with her friends.

And never talked to me again.)

>> No.426574

Oh David Sunflower Seeds
They feed your needs
Delicious salty Sunflowers
Grant me your wondrous powers.

>> No.426584

ffee ffee mug
mug gum

>> No.426589

Crumpled napkin of my soul
Once pure, without taint
Neatly folded like an unused accordion
Now you sit distorted, twisted
A modern art masterpiece
Provoking thought without intention
Looking tragic
As my semen slowly drips off one side
Like a teardrop, no,

Like an icicle.

>> No.426598

....Webster's Pocket Dictionary?

>> No.426599

Napkin used
to dry away my
sins of food
stain my neck

>> No.426605

Get this man a publisher.

>> No.426614

so much depends

a red hard

filled with porn

beside the white

>> No.426615


>> No.426616

remote control
terrorize my attention
distracting, defeating, demoralizing
you control the airwaves
but who controls you?

>> No.426631

i like this more than I should have any right to.

>> No.426654

Left hand
Covered in a crusty white
Salty stained reminders
That I'll be alone

>> No.426658



>> No.426663

I've never worn those shades.
Perhaps I'd miss the sun's
playful glare.
Maybe I'd prefer to not hide it from her,
that stranger, that girl with the pretty eyes,
when I stare.
Perhaps a little intimacy
would be lost
when you talk to me.
I couldn't quite pull off the cool
of those shades.
Oh well,
I'd lose more by wearing them.

>> No.426668

Lego Castle wall.
Why are you so oddly shaped
No piece will ever fit on you.
All will be below you.

>> No.426670

See Dear?
It could not be Seedier.
What does it have on it-
I don't know.
Possibly nothing.

>> No.426672

A small pile of candy, given to me
by an old woman.
She pressed her cold, paper hands into mine,
and left me with a pile of sweets.
Most of them are gross, and I imagine,
they are as old as her.
They will likely sit on my desk for weeks,
until I decide
enough is enough, and throw them away.
Except that jolly rancher. Fuck yeah watermelon.

>> No.426677

Duvet, duvet
You are my real friend
Duvet, duvet
You always attend
Duvet, duvet
Your stripes are orange
Duvet, duvet
oh fuck

>> No.426683

Oh! That man didst pin his fate-
To the place at the bottom,
Not upon the pate.

How you used to gleam -
First grey, then blue.
But now, taskbar,
You are semi see-through.

>> No.426686

Monster Hunter Tri Demo
Hard is thee
That kurupecco
Always kills me

>> No.426696

Wall, all covered in paint quite white
You protect me from Winter's cold
Snow and rain you defy so bold
I guess you really are all right, right?

>> No.426705

zebra print blanket
i enjoy your comfort
you never disappoint
when its cold
you warm me up
forgive me
for the stains

>> No.426708

Sure is forced rhyme and lack of meter

>> No.426721

So much depends

my blue underpants

on the white

under the streaky

>> No.426725


Fuck, I didn't even see this before writing this: >>426721

>> No.426733

Mr. Arrow
What ya pointin' at?

>> No.426749

Empty beer bottles
blunt testament to
the night's hazey secrets:
probably drunken fapping.

>> No.426763
File: 197 KB, 1280x1024, ninjasfirezombies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.426776

Oh, thumb drive
Thank you for corrupting that file
That file
That took
Me a week
To write

>> No.426781


Are you kidding? That's one of /lit/'s best qualities.

>> No.426900

Leopard print bedspread
Shedding into oblivion
I'm not taking you with me.

>> No.427787

Insignia speaker
Loud and clear
Your never ending noise
Does not let me speak
It does not let you hear
My proclamations of love

>> No.427799

Disgustind dish cloth,
those decaying remains,
that cloying smell.
Not a day goes past that I don't I wrinkle my nose,
but my apathy means you still have a home.

>> No.427802

Printer is quite grey
Buttons, papers and its ink
Stare into my soul

>> No.427829

Flashing green light?
Press once to exit "power save mode"

>> No.427842

Gold bond ultimate
You heal my penis
like never before
I'll never throw you out of the door
With you I could even mastubate in a freezing cold moor

>> No.427852


>> No.427853
File: 128 KB, 320x240, bertiebath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.427867

Blanket, blanket
You warm my leg
and warm my soul
while I watch
The Office

>> No.427876

So misshapen and greying it lies
the ball of mangled blue tack
after many months, even a year, it dries
filled with shards of paint that did crack
from the wall, it was reclaimed
and melded into a mockery of before
it's vulnerable azure did not remain
as it spent quite some time on the floor.

>> No.427941

u mad?

>> No.427958

Tea cup
Once full of delicious tea
Now empty
Just like me

>> No.427959

Tiger Tiger burning bright,
In my bedroom through the night
what immortal hand or-
wait... Tiger?
WHAT THE FUCK, get out of here!!

>> No.427963

This kitten is cute
there is nothing more I need
snuggling with you

>> No.428421

Stalked vessel you held the red which spilled from the heart of my bleeding friend,
You made my evening soft and silly,
But now, two days since, your underbelly cups,
A minty elixir,
That washed my gums,
And was ejected.

>> No.428450


>> No.428490

A bottle of Ginger Ale
"It's good for stomach aches"
my girlfriend tells me
when she comes over
to give it to me.

I hate hangovers.

>> No.428503

there's a white piece of paper on my glass coffee table.
it's got blanks and boxes,
requesting names and numbers,
a laundry list of information all about me.
there's the date at the top,
and i know it just wants to help me,

but filling it out means i grow up.

i don't know if i'm ready, paper.

>> No.428516

Pi is a number
Pi is a very long number
Pi is a very long number that is used in math
Math is a subject
Subjects are the subject of pi but pi is not the thirty second pi on the pi pi pi pi
Why pi why not pi pi I pi
You agree if you are a number if you are not a number then you are a bear
Bears are the enemy, Pi is the Ally
three points. 1 for 15. NEIN! To fix five trees.
Why is this “poem” so ridiculous you ask?
Because it was written by a bear
Thank you.

>> No.429311

Rolling paper with nothing on you
How I love you so
You hold together my cannabis and sometimes the yellow top's bacco
You burn so crisp
You smell so good
Please fill my lungs with what you hold

>> No.429353

My leg! Oh my leg!
Even though my name's not Craig
i still love my left, long leg!

>> No.429355

bottle bottle bottle bottle
i drank all the water
the water is gone

>> No.429403 [DELETED] 

How much does an ashtray cost?
But I know no matter my vigilance it'll get lost,
So I thought I would improvise,
A plastic fridge tray covered in sticker lies.
Since when does an plastic tray output to blu-ray.
The plastic that cigarettes burn,
Its insulating properties suffer from diminishing returns,
That is why its covered in foil,
Oh for an ashtray to spare me my toil.
Everyday the foil is changed
To prevent the plastic getting more deranged.

>> No.429536

A bottle of lube
I don't have babies but I wank my dick instead
Wank it with the goddamn babyoil

>> No.429543

HERe's Your bELOVeD HERO ChrIStOPHeR Poole:

MEsSage-id: <4B6B90Ep.8030701@4ChAN.ORG>
FRoM: mOOt <mOoT@4ChAN.OrG>
USER-Agent: MOZILLa/5.0 (MAcinTosH; U; iNtEl MAc os x 10.5; eN-US; rV: geCKO/20100111 thuNdeRbirD/3.0.1
TO: SYsOp@anontAlk.cOm
sUBJeCT: ENJOying yOuR DowNTIme FAggot?

THey bLINDlY bELieVe eVeRYthING i FEED THeM, fakE OR noT, YouR BoArd's gOIng dowN. don't bOTher PublISHIng THIS, no oNe WIlL bEliEVe you ANYway On ant oR /b/ :)

>> No.429563


How post modern

>> No.429574

The wireless controller,
laying there on the desk.
Like a baby in a stroller,
Time to take the test.
One day perhaps,
it will be at rest.

I'm honestly so fucking high.

>> No.429579


>> No.429580
File: 11 KB, 420x579, 019uiok8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaker for computer
you make sound
i never use you though
i have headphones
im sorry

>> No.429589

Meaningless pile of junk
how i despise you,
stopping my funk
is ultimately what i must do.

>> No.429601

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
And so is my speaker

>> No.429618

Door to my left
You're pretty plain and boring
Yet you lead to a walkway that leads to a path
That leads to my destiny
And leads to my wrath
Left with no options
To know what I'm worth
Is fate's strangulation
Directing my birth
I'd rather be listless
I'd rather be blind
To know where I'm going
To know how I'll shine
I'd rather be stupid
And enjoy the surprise
Because knowing the truth
Takes the fun out of lies