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File: 31 KB, 330x500, thegoddelusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4242704 No.4242704[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've read "God is not Great" by Christopher Hitchens shortly after my atheistic awakening and I'm now opening up this book. Is it all it's hyped up to be?

>> No.4242710

No. Read The Rage Against God.

>> No.4242720

>atheistic awakening
I groaned out loud.

God Delsuion freakin sucks. It might contain some "wow!" moments for teenagers just getting over what their mommy and daddy told them on Sundays growing up, but it lacks any real theological/spiritual thought. Dawkins almost parodies himself with his vitriolic hatemongering, basically turning himself into the same doctrinarian asshole that he imagines himself screaming at in the pages of the book, only with opposite views.

If you are still clinging to the lazy belief of an actual God literally being in this world, in the sky or whatever, and simply want to choose a new set of shallow beliefs to cling to without doing anything about your laziness, yeah maybe it's the book for you. But if you want to grow spiritually and deepen your understanding of what it means to be a religious individual outside of the modern sense of "being a slave to a supserstitious organized religion" then you need to change your mindset and revisit the very book you are currently rebelling against.

Look up the word "metaphor" in the dictionary and the read the Book of Job, faggot.

>> No.4242721

No. Dawkins knows lots of biology but he's biased. He's too militant to stay objective. He's aggressive and most of the time he puts up claims without stating any reasoning behing them.

Read more Hitchens, preferably his early work. I can recommend "Letters to a Young Contrarian".

>> No.4242730
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Read this instead, chucklefuck.

>> No.4242733
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Dawkins is to atheism what the vlogbrothers are to science

>> No.4242735

>But if you want to grow spiritually and deepen your understanding of what it means to be a religious individual outside of the modern sense of "being a slave to a supserstitious organized religion" then you need to change your mindset and revisit the very book you are currently rebelling against.
Not OP, but please tell me what you think is "a religious individual", I'm interested.

>> No.4242739

you funny m8

>> No.4242745

>reading anything by the new atheism crew

>> No.4242748

You seem like an assumptive asshole.

>> No.4242752

OP here. I abandoned the idea of a god years ago buddy.

>> No.4242753
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>> No.4242758

>implying I'm wrong

>> No.4242774

Dawkins is too aggressive for his purposes, I think. He literally attacks creationists and religious fundamentalists with his words, but that's not the way to go about doing things.

If his goal is persuasion, he needs to be gentler. Then people with a different mindset might open up to him. Right now he is only appealing, in an onanistic way, to those that share the same views as him.

>> No.4242777

But I'm not saying you are wrong. The comparison is really funny though.

There are things you can love Dawkins for, but most of the time, he acts like a complete faggot.

>> No.4242781

You're talking about this.

>> No.4242794
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Ah, sorry then. That vid tho.

>> No.4242795

You proved his point, you shallow minded fucking child.

>> No.4242798

>science is interesting, and if you don't agree you can fuck off.

I don't understand Dawkins writing to be persuasive if this is his attitude, because people who don't agree will most certainly fuck off or will attack with the same mindset.

"god is real, and if you don't agree you can fuck off. "

Is actually one of the most common arguments for religion, but Dawkins doesn't accept it, he doesn't fuck off, he just rebukes with the same. dSo it seems almost hypocritical.

I have nothing against Dawkins, just a critique.

>> No.4242799

Yeah but he's right. Dawkins and his brainless followers are religious men without realizing it. Read Nietzsche instead.

>> No.4242815

Being ethical, being aware of one's self in relation to others, trying to reach awareness of the divine. Marveling in the fact of existence.

I'm not a big fan of chalking my life up to chemical phenomena, however factual it might be to do so. Those very phenomena are a part of the larger phenomenon of Being itself. Being afraid of the word "god" is just silly, since people are in the habit of calling that idea by a number of names (chance, fortune, fate, coincidence, cause/effect, etc). I'm trying to reach an understanding of God outside of a superstitious sense (ie believing in heaven and hell). Rebelling against the spiritual (religious) side of life is to completely ignore entire half of the coin of existence.

It's super hard to put into words.

Seems Madame, nay, it is.

Cool, I did too. But now I'm trying to figure out what that word actually means and what importance it has in my life. It's easy to give up an idea of God as an oppressive lawmaker but much more difficult to become aware of one's own limits and imperfections.

Anyway, Dawkins fails in his mission to persuade believers not because his arguments are incorrect but because he is trying to provide material proof for an immaterial idea. He fails to see that "God", whatever the fuck that might be, doesn't lie within the limits of human reason, but rather encompasses that very reason itself.
>inb4 Augustine

>> No.4242821
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Just finished the Hitch book too. Better than I thought it might be. Loved Letters to a Young Contrarian, and The Trial of Henry Kissinger

Listened to Dawkins Greatest Show On Earth a while back and it was real good intro science.

>> No.4242835

>It's super hard to put into words.
I understand perfectly. I'm a similar situation as you. Have you read anything to do with Taoism or other Eastern religions?

>> No.4242843

Only very indirectly. I've been meaning to read that stuff for ages, but have never gotten around to it unfortunately.

Ever read Spinoza, specifically the Ethics?

>> No.4242851

No, can't say I have unfortunately. I'm not much of a reader, and I'm trying to change it, which is why I'm starting to frequent /lit/.

>> No.4242856

Cool, good luck bro.

Check the his Theological-Political Treatise if you're interested. It's pretty heavy philosophy, so be careful.

>> No.4242863

Thanks, and good luck to you as well!

>> No.4242864

read rowe or mackie instead of those hacks

how fucking stupid can you be to read dawkins and co and not realize how fucking shitty everything they write is

>> No.4242937

I read The Rage Against God the other day and I couldn't recommend it more. Peter Hitchens is an incredibly underrated author and commentator.

>> No.4243157

Actually Dawkins spends a few pages in the book in debunking the idea that he's against a Spinoza's God, and that he accepts the idea of a "God" in nature, in the relationships between beings and existence itself.

He even promotes it, prasing science for helping us reach a higher state of awereness about our universe.

He strictly says that he's not trying to disprove Spinozism, and that the book intends to tackle the personified god of christianity. It's basically an entry book to atheism.

>> No.4243183


>> No.4243201
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>atheistic awakening

>> No.4243203
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I think Dawkin's response was apt. Tyson basically spent 10 minutes trying to condescend him with a majorly drawn out pompously self-righteous 'I don't like your attitude'. What else was Dawkin's gonna do? Validate his nonsense with a thought-out response, or subtly-but-right-out-in-the-open tell him to Fuck off?

>> No.4243361


>> No.4243957

>literally considering God Delusion
>atheistic awakening

I am doing this the hardest I have ever done it before

*tips fedora*

>> No.4244008

Sam Harris is superb and The Selfish Gene will be a landmark on the field of biology.

>> No.4244020
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>> No.4244429
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>atheistic awaken-


>> No.4244469
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>"atheistic awakening"
>Mfw, if God is real, I'm going to have to share hell with OP

Seriously considering converting.

>> No.4244495

the christian god exists outside of space and time its not a physical being the idea that you can prove or disprove it is ridiculous

>> No.4245567

Get bent.

>> No.4245980

>personified god of christianity
Not exactly sure what you mean by this but the God of Aquinas, Augustine or pretty much any Catholic is not an anthropomorphic one. Maybe you would know that if you didn't read Dawkins and read something actually important like the Summa.

>> No.4246023
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>> No.4246044

you are wrong

prove me wrong

>> No.4246052

>Listened to Dawkins Greatest Show On Earth a while back and it was real good intro science.
but dawkins has been excommunicated from humanity by women's spokeswoman rebecca watson as a mysogynist and rapist in denial, how do you reconcile with it? Are you a chill-girl stockhom syndrome self-hater by any chance? Tread lightly.

>> No.4246126


>the God of...pretty much any Catholic is not an anthropomorphic one

this spoken about the part of christianity that has an actual man designated as the final arbiter of god's will on earth


>> No.4246169

How is that related to an anthromorphic conception of God?

>> No.4246179

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

until we reach a consensus on this let's suspend our divagations about god

>> No.4246184

>dawkins fans

>> No.4246186

are you suggesting they know the answer? who are you quoting?

>> No.4246203
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>Butthurt Christians ITT

>> No.4246208


And the Christian Defense League has arrived.

Seriously, atheism must be to theists what the fall of the Iron Curtain is to hardcore communists or what evolutionary psychology is to feminists. Nothing will drive a hardcore theist more mad than the reminder that his beliefs are backed up by zero evidence

>> No.4246211

>Why do these people still bring up there pseudo-physics or "metaphysics," there not backed up by an empirical evidence

>> No.4246215


Metaphysics has been dead since Hume and Kant

>> No.4246221

metaphysics is an oxymoron since you contemplate them with and through nothing else than physics

there has never been any "meta" in metaphysics, you are full of shit

>> No.4246235
File: 54 KB, 489x300, dawkins lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/lit/ is riddled with these. It's crazy.

>> No.4246239


Also it's usually evident from the posts on /lit/ that no-one has actually The God Delusion, they just jump the bandwagon saying it's "too aggressive" and "isn't theologically sophisticated enough" (as if that's a serious argument). It's pretty pathetic.

>> No.4246246

as i've explained numerous times the hordes of uneducated, ignorant and aggressive religionfags completely misunderstood yet still latched on the criticism of new atheism offered by life-long atheists

they are borderline desperate

>> No.4247678

Shit just got fedoracore

>> No.4247690

>tfw people say metaphysics has been dead since Hume and Kant
>tfw the other atheists agree

>> No.4247694

I've read The God Delusion and, far from shaking my belief in God, it just made me sad for Dawkins

>> No.4247702

>You don't agree with religion.
Congratulations! No one cares! Keep it to yourself.

>You don't believe in any gods.
Congratulations! No one cares! Keep it to yourself.

>> No.4247705

"hey, he said something that shows I'm a fucking idiot who has not idea what he's talking about. Why don't I respond with an insult!"

>> No.4247706

Evolutionary Psychology is pretty shallow and pointless though, it's just a bunch of hypotheses that cannot be supported or backed up. Unlike evolution, which has the support of archeology, or psychology, which has the support and evidence of the actual people being studied, "evolutionary psychology" is just a guessing game because there is nothing solid to actually look at other than "well, that sounds legit."

I haven't been taking part of this discussion, but I wanted you to know that.

>> No.4247710

Not him, but greentext doesn't necessarily mean he's quoting anyone. It has several meanings, and quoting is only one of those.

>> No.4247722

Are you serious, friend?
Anything with evolution in its name is scientific. now GTFO heretic

>> No.4247721

fedora circlejerk

>> No.4247720

i think it's interesting that cats on this board always direct philosophical focus on whether or not one god exists. that's the most juvenile aspect of ontology. atheists and theists alike who focus their endeavors on the simple "non-existence/existence of god" will never reach the answer to what they're actually looking for.

>> No.4247740

>Implying the system of Thomas Aquinas, the basis of Catholic belief, is not beyond dispute one of the greatest that have ever been formed

>> No.4247747

you misunderstood. the existence/non-existence of god can tie into a ontological "system", and has been done very well by philosophers on both sides of the issue. but very rarely do intelligent philosophers simply dwell on the existence/non-existence of god and not move past it.

>> No.4248270


Heidegger didn't kill metaphysics, neither did Deriida, Hume's and Kant's philosophy are dependent on metaphysis, like every single philosphy situated on the Modernity period

That said, Dawkin is awful and you should be ashamed to even take it seriously, go read some Kierkegaard then come back

>> No.4248295
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>> No.4248397

could you talk some more aobut this, it sounds interesting

>> No.4249075

Dawkins is a really good writer. I must say I enjoyed The Selfish Gene the most and I prefer his books on biology more.

The God Delusion is alright. Not as obnoxious as his Twitter account and more scholary.

>> No.4249088
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I need ideas. Preferably, the text is from the canon or is highly recognized as a work of literary value (eg. Booker Prize winner). Thanks in advance.

>> No.4249091

Sorry! Posted it in the wrong area!