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4242161 No.4242161[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My family is Catholic and have a moral superiority - You know typical Catholic where they own bibles they dont read, wear christian jewellery, go to church but dont really listen etc

I decided write down the 7 deadly sins for each of then and write down under each of those what sin they are committing and asked them why dont they use this as a starting point for confession. Basically made them self aware of their own hipocrisy

All I go got was wrathfulness and defensive over it. Especially when i discuss how their gluttony is a sin with their overeating and over-consumption of material goods and their Pride of not wanting to admit it.

And no im not an Angstheist. Ive been a non-practicing Christian but im looking to go back to religion.

Now my well read /lit/ friends what can i do to bring them along to enlightenment with me? Especially since this whole time theyve been bugging me about being non-practicing but now that i want to be practicing AND do it properly they find me annoying when i call them out on their bs

Another side question. Whats the best are most accessible/reader friendly version of Dantes Inferno?

>> No.4242194

Call them Cat-holics (like Alcoholics). You could compare them to the Pharisees or to Amos's wife.

>> No.4242201

Matthew 7:3 might be a good start.

>> No.4242216

> decided write down the 7 deadly sins for each of then and write down under each of those what sin they are committing and asked them why dont they use this as a starting point for confession. Basically made them self aware of their own hipocrisy

Why do you think it is up to you to do this?

>> No.4242222

Pretty simple, just out-catholic them. For a week or two go super-strict catholic and call them out on anything they do which is contrary to the word of the bible. But it's important to do this in a patronising/condescending/paternal manner so that you don't come across as prideful.

If they're how you say you are they'll get sick of it real soon.

>> No.4242227

I dunno I just did it for fun. Just to point things out and put it into perspective.

When I go back to religion what stuff will I be giving up? Will I not be allowed to listen to music? I really like music and all genres

>> No.4242229

This is a troll thread.

It will get 500 replies and have lots of pictures of hats in it.

>> No.4242233

Enlightenment is finding your way OUT of religious dogma. Living right and moral is important, but a church or book with multiple ancient flawed authors isn't the way.

>> No.4242234

>When I go back to religion what stuff will I be giving up? Will I not be allowed to listen to music? I really like music and all genres

Confirmed for troll

>> No.4242263
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>pointing out hypocrisy or sanctimony among religious people

get ready to do a lot of pointing
also be prepared to have people not like you more than usual

>> No.4242284

the seven deadly sins were crafted in such a way that it was impossible to avoid committing them. So your attempt to demonstrate how they're always committing the sins isn't testament to their actual hypocrisy, only the effectiveness of how the church kept people convinced that they were sinning all the time, twenty four seven. Because if you were sinning all the time only the church could help you.

For example, gluttony. You see a fat person with a large soda and you think they're a glutton, but according to the original definition of the cardinal sins skinny people can be just as guilty of gluttony as anyone else. Not finishing the food on your plate or being a picky eater are also examples of a gluttonous sin, even though you're not actually eating anything.

Also, Dante's Inferno isn't about the seven deadly sins-- his hell is divided into nine circles. Dante's Purgatory is about the seven deadly sins.

>> No.4242294

Hmmm im interested in both of those then

Which one should i get?

>> No.4242372

How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

>> No.4242491


Easy, you just do. He won't even notice.

And remember, you're here to help your brother, not dwell on your own problems.