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4241214 No.4241214 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4241220


>> No.4241222

where the fuck did buzzfeed even come from

>> No.4241226

Never read the book but looking at the URL link

>internet list

Not even good bait material

>> No.4241227

That was actually kind of funny.

>> No.4241237

God, I hate buzzfeed so much.
>every article is stupid and at best, worth a slight chuckle every few minutes
>90% lists
>can't help but click the next link
It's like popcorn.

>> No.4241241

>Joseph Bernstein

>> No.4241257

>dan brown
i wonder if people actually get paid to write unoriginal and unfunny crap
it looks like they pasted all of those from some 3 years old /lit/ thread and adapted it to make it likeable to tumblr ("white cis bad hurrrr").

>> No.4241261

white cis people are bad though

>> No.4241286
File: 25 KB, 440x440, fuckingdisgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better keep that to yourself.

And give in to white guilt? To hell I will. I swear to god, there should be pride rallies for straight, middle-class white men. There are no stops on the /pol/ar express.

Meanwhile, in the comments:
>This piece is ridiculous. Whenever someone tells me about his or her favorite book, I think, "You have a favorite book! Awesome!"

Oh, Sarah D. Kritzman, you stupid, ignorant slut. You think the fact someone reads warrants a hearty congratulations? Jesus Christ, is this the society we live in? Are we really to make no distinction between finger paints and Turner, and just appreciate that someone likes art?

>> No.4241290


>collect SSI
>like Infinite Jest
>suddenly upper class and white

Also what is this idea that suggests that being upper-middle class is bad?

>> No.4241292

go to bed cracka

>> No.4241300

white guilt
it's also fading away, so they also came up with patriarchy (obviously a WASP trademark).
btw /pol/ and trolls already showed up so there's no pretending this will be taken seriously by anyone. Good job OP, bait worked.

>> No.4241302

What a pathetic, insecure faggot.

>> No.4241344

the guy is a troll, guys. He writes stupidities about how good video games are
He's like the guy who makes comics for cracked

>> No.4241348


Tallest poppy syndrome. If you succeed you're evil, and if you do better than someone else then you're wrong because you had success and they didn't.

>> No.4241388

>You could have saved yourself a lot of time and energy by simply typing "I'm better than you" and copy-pasting it twenty-seven more times, Mr. Bernstein. It would've allowed you to flaunt your insufferable conceit just as effectively as this does.

Seriously what the fuck is with this article. Utter shit, but an apt portrayal of 90% of /lit/. Also you
fuck you. Reading is good, and when you act like a snob you encourage
>is this the society we live in?
you encourage the further alienation of the common man from good art. I appreciate it when someone just "likes art." It means that they have good taste without being a tryhard faggot.

>> No.4241407

>It means that they have good taste without being a tryhard faggot.
That's a false dychotomy though

>> No.4241411
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>> No.4241422

>It means they have good taste without being a tryhard faggot.

That's not the problem. It's the ones without good taste, which, more often than not, is the majority. If some people like Dan Brown, inevitable others will emulate him (which they're quite capable of doing, given its simplicity), leading people to emulate THEM, until the market is saturated with mediocrity and commercial vacuousness. It's the death of art, if anything.

>> No.4241589

>Finnegan's Wake

What a travesty.

There Is No Apostrophe.

>> No.4241599

troled hard

>> No.4241605

Jesus that fucking guy.

>Grow up and read books for grown ups
>Most of his articles are about video games

Dat double standard.

>> No.4241632

tumbler? that's where they get all their gifs from anyway.

>> No.4241634

>mfw i agree with the whole thing

>> No.4241638


>>Most of his articles are about video games

Rated M for Mature, though

>> No.4241662

What's wrong with people who like American Psycho?

>> No.4241669

List is pretty good.

>> No.4241758

To be fair anyone who likes Catcher should be avoided at all costs

>> No.4241759

what a shitty list

>> No.4241844

Basically social media click harvesting unique bumping listing. I know that writer is trying to go for, 'top lels' but almost all those authors are probably better writers than he'll ever be.

Nice viral op

>> No.4242451

It's buzzfeed. It has to be shitty.

>> No.4242462

>no mention of stephen king

>> No.4242469

>American Psycho
>implying anybody likes it because of the satire
People liked the novel because of the genuinely unique character of Bateman as told through his stream of consciousness. The satire is secondary, and so hyperbolic as to be rendered incredulous. Just about any of Ellis' other novels have more credible and thought-out satire.

>> No.4242472
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>> No.4242473

The Lolita one made the least sense to me.

>> No.4242483

that everyone who likes Lolita is an undercover pedophile

>> No.4242499

/lit/izens getting genuinely mad up in this bitch

>> No.4242521

Cool, he failed to understand Camus.

>> No.4242677

>all this upset asburger

So carefully selecting books from all the range of readers to make caustic comments on.
He's just a marketer trying to make some money, respectable, especially since he baits even /lit/.

>> No.4242694

how can buzzfeed be so bad?

>> No.4242696

You can fire off glib, dismissing lines about any book. Literally any book.

>> No.4242773

>get to Infinite Jest
>This is a good book and all but saying it’s your favorite is sort of like saying you’re proud of being upper middle class and white. Better keep that to yourself.

I like this one because it's cut from the same meta discussion about IJ we've seen a hundred thousand times on /lit/. I've just seen so much discussion about this book here by people who have clearly never read it that by now (like many of you) I am a leading expert on superficial IJ discussion and picking up on whether or not someone has read it.

This is classic "didn't read."

Thinking about it, it's quite odd and pretty ironic that such a safe, broad and vague criticism could possibly expose someone as having not actually read. If he would have said the same thing about literally any other book, I'd probably have to give him a pass. But there just happens to be a place on the web where detecting Infinite Jest bullshit becomes second nature for its long time visitors.

>> No.4242791


I've read the book and love it but it's definitely the work of a dopey upper-middle-class white dude and geared primarily toward others in that demo. Oh look how noble the inner city coloreds are in their struggle. Oh look how difficult life is for these pampered children in a sports prep school. Oh look how hip and in-tune I am with drug culture. Look, I know ebonics. Did you ever notice how black people talk funny? Etc.

>> No.4242804

Camus was one of the only authors he was on-point about.

>> No.4242810

Buzzfeed is a cancerous hole of whiny women and simpering hipster men bitching about white male privilege while they write about pop sci and shitty meme tier culture as an excuse to generate ad revenue.

They have nothing relevant to say.

>> No.4242820

The damning flaw of this piece is that it attempts humor and accomplishes bile.