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/lit/ - Literature

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4238240 No.4238240[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What book made you realize that you were a pleb, or at least not as patrician as you liked to imagine yourself as?

>> No.4238250

Being and Time

>> No.4238256

Infinite Jest

>> No.4238258

The Sound and the Fury

>> No.4238261

being and nothingness

i was a pretentious as fuck teenager who read the stranger and nausea and thought i knew everything about existentialism and philosophy in general so i thought i'd buy this neat looking book all about the philosophy and i read the first page and just nope'd the hell out of it because i couldn't understand shit

>> No.4238265

The Green House and Conversation in the Cathedral, both by Llosa. Urgh.

For films, watching Lynch. He's so bizarre and so postmodern, it boggles the mind. I had no idea films were allowed to do what his do.

>> No.4238267
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pic related. Rich and moreish but I somehow never really grasped what was going on :(

>> No.4238270

Really? What were your issues with Conversation in the Cathedral? I just read it this past summer, and even though it was the first novel I read in Spanish, I thought I got a fair amount of it.

>> No.4238288

I am such a sci-fi/epic pleb

>> No.4238395

Iain Sinclair

>> No.4238414
File: 15 KB, 260x383, proust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 22 years old and I haven't managed to complete this. NOBODY can call himself patrician without having first read this.

>> No.4238415

Kill yourself.

>> No.4238440

Finnegans Wake, I like to comfort myself by saying it's just a practical joke

>> No.4238445

Basic algebra

>> No.4238463

That's what happens when you read it in a pleb language like English.

>> No.4238471


I agree, I want to learn French just for him and Flaubert.

>> No.4238473
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>For films, watching Lynch.
you still are a pleb

>> No.4238477

What part of allegorical mysticism don't you understand?

>> No.4238479

ITT: Confess what works gave you trouble, then get judged by people who have read it

>> No.4238480

is this actually difficult to read or just long? someone told me it was actually a smooth read, and you just had to maintain a certain level of enjoyment to get through it.

>> No.4238622

It's not difficult, but long, depressing and neurotic.

Parts will make you cream your pants, but do you really give a fuck about the Dreyfus affair?

>> No.4238629

Supposedly the English translation is better than the original French.

>> No.4238683

haha this. when i started reading it I was like wtf am i actually reading here.

>> No.4238686

I know I am a pleb so no book ever made me feel like one.

>> No.4238687

but thats exactly what it is. Joyce trolling everyone.

>> No.4238720

Too many to count. There are regularly posts on /lit/ that make me feel like a pleb. I am a pleb and I don't particular enjoy the fact, and I do what I can to change it for the better at times and then at other times, like right now, I am too lazy.

>> No.4238947

I realized just now when I remembered that I've never finished an academic book in my life.

>> No.4238981


>He's so bizarre and so postmodern


>> No.4238986

keep telling yourself that

>> No.4239043

is this novel actually good?
i have it lying around but the plot doesn't stick out to me.

>> No.4239073

Long story short I decided to check it out because some guy I work with said it was his favorite series, and I have to read it one chapter at a time because I'm not used to so much terminology. I feel frustrated for being so dumb about it but if I don't take it slow a lot of it would probably go over my head or be forgotten.

Although thinking about it a better example for this thread would be Glass Bead Game. I read almost everything else by Hesse and thought I could handle it, but I barely got past the prologue.

>> No.4239112

The Aleph.

>> No.4239131
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I feel like I could probably explain to you some sort of weird narrative with slim lines connecting each event together but as much as I understood this book, which I feel was a decent amount, the bits that I don't think I understand make me wonder if it was just me or that is just the nature of the book working like it should.

>> No.4239139

I started that one and read like 3 stories before I lost interest because of that theology one. But it was pretty easy and fun to me and I'm kinda a pleb.

>> No.4239171

Lacan's 5th seminar

>> No.4239179

Seiobo There Below

>> No.4239187
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>> No.4239267

Portrait of an Artist

Maybe if I studied it and close read it with notes I could "understand" it, but fuck that.

>> No.4239321
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>For films, watching Lynch. He's so bizarre and so postmodern, it boggles the mind. I had no idea films were allowed to do what his do.

>> No.4239570
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This book

>> No.4239681

yes. It's a bit tough, but worthwhile.

>> No.4239717


>> No.4239741
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>reading for the plot

>> No.4239798

>implying prose, theme and plot are not all inextricably intertwined
>being this pseudo-patrician

>> No.4239805



>> No.4239821

Sunhawk, you are such a basic bitch.

>> No.4239843

im a slacker and im alright with just cruising through life on easy mode

>> No.4239867

This. My mathematical mind is so fucking rusty, it's irritating.

>> No.4239869

'The Phenomenology of Spirit'.

Kicked my sorry ass all over the place.

>> No.4239873

I'm tripping up on the title alone.

>> No.4239897

>ITT: Confess what works gave you trouble, then get judged by people who haven't read it


>> No.4239932

James Joyce's Dubliners

>> No.4239971

I actually like you, Sunhawk. I just want you to know that.

>> No.4240181


>Proust's novel ostensibly tells of the irrevocability of time lost, the forfeiture of innocence through experience, and the re-installment of extra-temporal values of time regained. Ultimately the novel is both optimistic and set within the context of a humane religious experience, restating as it does the concept of intemporailty.

you will never be as patrician as graham chapman

>> No.4240186


Really? As Joyce goes its fairly intelligible.

>> No.4240201

The Wasteland. Not a book because novels are the worst form of literature

>> No.4240273
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>The Wasteland. Not a book because novels are the worst form of literature

still plebber than pleb

>> No.4240287

>dem legs

>> No.4242705
File: 626 KB, 785x3593, 1383096987202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level.

pic related:
You're only beginning to fathom how plebe you are in films.

>> No.4242767

>hurr I think im superior because of the entertainment I consume
Daily reminder to tell newfags like OP to fuck off.

>> No.4243041

shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.4243060

ur a nigger with a trigga up yo ass you fucking cocksucking kkk lover with a twopotatofaced hotdog niggershit

>> No.4243114

>not posting the version with Wiseau at the bottom

>> No.4243145


lol at Capra's placement

>> No.4243153

Hegel, Milton (for all the Classical and Christian mythology), Heidegger, Joyce, parts of the Cantos. DFW had things I had to look up - quite a few, but I regard them as the product of poor writing rather than my plebiness. Seriously, who gives a fuck about misnamed drugs and types of shoe? Still, some of the writing was great. Just not the (incorrect) chemistry.
I felt like I was reading something that would've been good if the writer had had a good personal crisis over five years and rewritten it.

>> No.4243292

>only level 4 tier...don't even know everyone on the list...

what are some introductions to max level.

>> No.4243311

kant. even the prolegomega or w/e. bodies extended, extended bodies. subjective. qualitative.

>> No.4243829

Crime and Punishment :(

>> No.4244505

House of Leaves. I will never be that horrifyingly talented as a writer or even as a person who can put a book together with 1 word on two pages.