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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 500x472, eye-candy-three-piece-suit-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4233579 No.4233579[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do writers not care about class nowadays? Back in the old days writers would dress up in suits. Why are most writers slobs? They wear plain tshirts and ripped jeans. Where are the writers wearing three-piece suits?

What happened?

>> No.4233584

>Class is for me
>Swag is for boys

>> No.4233589

>for men*

>> No.4233592

>What happened?
ever hear of something called "swag", gramps?

>> No.4233591

Suits were just a uniform. Uniforms have become more diffuse. Everyone wears whatever the fuck they want or want to identify with. Writers are no exception.

>> No.4233593

I kinda wanted to type something long-winded, but my natural apathy was stronger, so I offer you this, OP:
shmuggle buggle
duggle ruggle
penis fuck

>> No.4233595

I would think "that's a bit weird" if I saw a writer today wearing a suit.

>> No.4233610

why would anyone want to wear a suit

>> No.4233647

I wear a t-shit that says:

Keep Calm And Carry On

>> No.4233649



>> No.4233669

fashion's changed

I mean fuck wanna go walking around in skirts pretending we're Homer?

>> No.4233694


>> No.4233706

I'm just to poor to afford one, but it would be nice wearing one. I usually just walk around in dress pants and a neat shirt because I'm not a pretentious ass hat with an mac book a shitty shirt and dirty jeans.

>> No.4233714

I actually saw some guy at this tea place i like going to wearing a skirt, they look comfortable.

>> No.4233711

In the future writers will be naked. Things change.

>> No.4233709


Pretty much this.

>> No.4233715

They still have class: proletarian class.

>> No.4233719

Suits are designed to mask just how DYEL/fat most guys actually are.

I don't need a suit to look like I have broad shoulders. That's why I go to the gym.

In other words, OP, it's an illusion no longer suitable for modern traction.

>> No.4233727
File: 636 KB, 500x667, 9S4Qk9V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would anyone want to wear a suit

>> No.4233745
File: 59 KB, 640x428, 1382807652074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proper spelling and grammer





>> No.4233749
File: 100 KB, 500x667, 12148626237374262751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, I hope this is a joke.


>> No.4233766

oh my lord, I cannot believe these!

>> No.4233768

I think he looks good. He could lose the fedora though.

>> No.4233819

he looks like shit although the outfits themselves aren't awful. He's far too young for his clothing and really everything facially-relevant is terrible, but the most disgusting piece is that fucking mustache. And then of course you have the completely out of place and time issue.
He's cosplaying. That's about it. He's not terribly bad at it, but that's all he amounts to.

>> No.4233828
File: 99 KB, 500x667, 6369067211024765861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a moustache? I thought it was just the shadow of his nose.

>> No.4233833


>I only buy the finest childrens toys at Target.

>you plebs wouldnt understand

>> No.4233837

that's not how shadows work
it wouldn't have that depth, length, shade or strength. Just look at the shadow of the hat

>> No.4233879
File: 108 KB, 500x667, 6416597092858393438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case, it's the saddest moustache I've ever seen

>> No.4233909
File: 69 KB, 250x306, Groucho demands an explanation for this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4233916


It's fake, bros

>> No.4234974


Do you mix and match all your clothes with your dad?

>> No.4234994
File: 31 KB, 400x312, 4183175+_248a14349d6087972f7c03e5f02890da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a faggot for even giving a shit about what writers wear.

>> No.4234998
File: 51 KB, 584x329, taolinwonderingifhesjustautistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I grow up and become a famous writer, I'm gonna dress just like Mark Twain.

>> No.4235020

they are.

>> No.4235024

the suits they were wearing pre-50s were the equivalent of today tshirts and jeans. (not ripped jeans, because it's not the fucking 90s anymore). seriously, they were wearing the same rank-ass suit every day, and there was no dry cleaning back then, so they would hardly ever wash it. not to mention that they usually didn't fit properly, just enough. only people with money had good suits, but you are too much of a pleb to actually notice the difference.

funny anecdote: in the late 50s and 60s, male actors used to wear their own clothes on set. they didn't need a clothing supervisor because they were all expected to be intimately acquainted with how fashion worked. how did these young actors acquire this knowledge? the studios would pimp them out to rich society women. who would explain the intricacies of different types of fabrics, presumably after getting fucked for the twelfth time in a row. the more you know..

>> No.4235032

best post of the day

>> No.4235197

hey, the tux pic is good.

>> No.4235201

no shit
>What I'm really good at - getting put in the friendzone

Being fake doesn't make it any less hilarious

>> No.4235228

>Back in the old days writers would dress up in suits

citation needed

>> No.4235238

>Why do writers not care about class nowadays? Back in the old days writers would dress up in suits. Why are most writers slobs?

Because they're not in business-to-business sales, and are not making sales calls when you see them. Or funeral directors.
Writers work from home these days.

More importantly: take your dress code BS and play with your dollies.

>> No.4235266


Also why do you care about superficial bullshit like what writers wear? If you write well and give a good reading, I could give give a damn if you show up dressed like Fran'N'Furter

>> No.4235485

What is /soc/ doing here?

>> No.4235510


>> No.4235520

suits are uncomfortable and expensive and I don't really care about class signifiers since I'm not white.

>> No.4235554

nigger don't pretend class signalling is an exclusively white phenomenon

>> No.4235588

>since I'm not white.

Then what the fuck are you doing on /lit/? Do you know what books are?

>> No.4235612

i cant tell if you are serious or not. if you are, then go fuck yourself and leave. someone that cant figure this out shouldnt be on a board like this.

>> No.4235633

old days getting your picture taken was a rare event so therefore you dressed up for the special occasion. Now with technology advancing cameras are everywhere.. come to think of it I have 4 cameras within 15 feet of me right now and I'm not a photo nerd. (work cell, personal cell, webcam, and an actual camera). Because of this why bother dressing up for just a photo?

>> No.4235638
File: 45 KB, 330x480, mayakovsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's true, I will never read a David Foster Wallace book, because he looks like a typical douche, just like I wouldn't read one by The Situation.

>> No.4235645

cracka, don't pretend like crackers don't take it to a whole new level of bourgeois idiocy

>> No.4235644
File: 18 KB, 500x518, kerouac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Still doesn't mean they don't have to look good. You can wear a stylish outfit of Cons, Dickies white t and look better than a guy in a suit. There are many styles, but you either look good or you don't.

>> No.4235652

>I will never read a David Foster Wallace book, because he looks like a typical douche

He thought like he dressed. His essays are totally embarrassing.

>> No.4235657

>If you write well and give a good reading, I could give give a damn if you show up dressed like Fran'N'Furter

Things aren't mutually exclusive, one doesn't just simply care about aesthetics and style, in one area and turn it off in another. It is all encompassing, you reach the content through they style.

>> No.4235665


So is his look, like, is i that hard to have a look? John Cooper Clarke looks great, I would read his book. Camus looks great, Rimbaud, even Sartre, and he should be the least to care.

>> No.4235667

Everything a writer does should be to please his readers. 'Back in the old days' the readers of literature was mostly limited to cultured white males with a steady income. Today, literature has been diffused into every person's reach, and so writers identify with their audience as best they can.

Not to mention most old-day writers were English professors or in some form of academia, and were expected to dress like that.

>> No.4235669
File: 40 KB, 560x375, wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy looks like the worst kind of faggot that plays hacky sack on campus.

>> No.4235683
File: 83 KB, 500x594, tumblr_m2w6ktKJMF1r5pmqlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you can look good in a t it just depends on how you wear it.

>> No.4235690


Yeezus does. Maybe he is a modern day homer.

>> No.4235729
File: 217 KB, 1224x1868, African Hawk-Eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so? He's just wearing a shirt and some pants. I think the head band was either to keep his long hair out of his face or to help him with his sweating from nervousness.

>> No.4235734

Writers are bohemian filth

>> No.4235739

Less people wear suits in general today. Fashion has changed since the Lost Generation, OP

>> No.4235784


If he wasn't standing next to a bunch of plastic ponies and was at, like, a formal dinner or something he wouldn't look bad.

>> No.4235790



>> No.4235795
File: 2.22 MB, 3648x2736, African Penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hat looks stupid and the shoes are ridiculous.

>> No.4235800

The bowler looks silly but the fedora looks okay with the outfit.

And the shoes are just regular Oxfords.

>> No.4235807

that's the fundamental fedora issue, isn't it

the whole "euphoria" meme is derogatory and satirical because the whole "enlightened by intelligence" thing is juxtaposted with their actual environment and personal appearance.

we don't hate what those people are striving for (elegance, intelligence, enlightenment), we hate the pretension resulting from juxtaposing this striving with the actual physical situation. or at least it starts out that way. others just want to pick up the fancy new maymay and apply it crudely to anything associated with atheism or being gentlemanly and fancy and whatnot.

>> No.4235815
File: 973 KB, 1536x1536, American Crow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks idiotic worn sideways like that. Maybe it's just the smug face it accompanies. I don't know what world you live in where those are just regular oxfords. They look weirdly long and bulbous on the ends. Like giant slugs that have been beat up.

>> No.4235822

Now that I look at the hat closer it seems like he twisted it sideways and re-creased the crown, so yeah, I agree that it looks stupid.

And I attributed the shoes looking weird to some trick of perspective but no, they do just look oversized and fucked up by wear, like he picked them up in a thrift store and didn't care that they were too big for him.

>> No.4235825

are you fucking kidding me?

>jacket too small
>ridiculously wide tie
>fucking square toed shoes
>trousers don't match jacket
>pocket square thoughtlessly jammed into pocket

this is as embarrassing as some ghetto chick wearing sweatpants with an LV bag, it's signalling the opposite of what it's trying to signal, by sheer force of ineptitude and lack of exposure.

>> No.4235828
File: 1004 KB, 1911x1356, Bald eagle 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jacket looks like it fits fine to me.

>> No.4235840

arms are way too short, he's showing too much shirt cuff.

>> No.4235839

I think he shouldn't dress like that either but Jesus Christ what are you doing sitting around analysing and criticising his choice of clothes. You big bunch of girls.

>> No.4235842

It's too small, the sleeve is supposed to reach down to where the thumb meets the wrist, and it's not supposed to look like it was shrink-wrapped.

>> No.4235844
File: 54 KB, 615x429, bald eagle in kodiak alaska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right actually. I was thinking it hit the beginning of his palm fine but that should really be the jacket itself not the cuff of the shirt.

>> No.4235845

I take it back then. He looks bad in the bowler hat, but with different shoes and a fedora that's not being worn sideways he would look okay in the second one with a change of scenery.

>> No.4235852

4chan: fashion experts

Seriously though what is up with those fucking shoes

>> No.4235853

and a pair of non-clown pants, maybe. not spectacular, but, he wouldn't look ridiculous.

>> No.4235872

The Internet backlash against the fedora has me considering wearing a short-crowned top hat to my cousin's wedding before I'd wear a fedora.

Though that could just be too hipstery.

>> No.4235877

i wish i could show them this post. you would be uninvited so fast.

>> No.4235882

Considering that the groom is pretty hipstery himself I doubt it.

>> No.4235892

It's just bitchy and childish. I thought lit was better than this.

>> No.4235906

oh, yes, caring about your appearance, so childish. fuck off back to /v/, will you?

>> No.4236026

What makes 'em clown pants?

>> No.4236050

they are way too big for him. he looks like he jumped into daddy's pants.

>> No.4236056


I care more about my grammar. This is /lit/, not /fa/. Maybe you should browse there until you learn how to capitalise and punctuate a sentence correctly.

>> No.4236174


no, it is supposed to reach where the wrist bends, you are supposed to see a quarter inch of cuff you pleb.

>> No.4236176

John Hodgman wears suits and he's a writer.

>> No.4236238

I'm currently wearing my birthday suit.

>> No.4236285
File: 915 KB, 2847x3284, steinbeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hemingway was always wearing casual clothes like sweaters and shit. Steinbeck didn't always wear a suit. Kerouac was openly proud of wearing raggedy clothes. Mishima wore loincloths and shit like a samurai. Plus, all the womyn authors of the past never wore suits.

pic related

>> No.4236916

>Suits are designed to mask just how DYEL/fat most guys actually are.

>> No.4236920

I hate wearing suits, feels like I'm about the be hanged

>> No.4236921


>Suits are designed to mask just how DYEL/fat most guys actually are.

aka i am a peasant who has never worn anything tailored before