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/lit/ - Literature

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4232566 No.4232566[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright ladies and gents, it's Nov 1st get your pens/pencils/computers/typewriters/quill pen/whatever out and lets get to it.

Sign-up at nanowrimo (.) org/sign_up

Day 1 begins today.

What genre will you be writing?
How many charactrers?
Special features of yoru story?
First time doing NaNoWriMo?
If not, any tips for newbies?

GET HYPED! Stay movtivated!

>> No.4232586

>What genre will you be writing?
>How many characters?
4 Main, 3 Secondary
>Special features of your story?
Trying to craft a unique magic system
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
Kind of. I tried 2 years ago but I floundered and only wrote about 25k then lost it.
>If not, any tips for newbies?
Bust it out. If scumbags who write Twilight erotica can get published and optioned for movie deals then why can't you?

>> No.4232637

>What genre will you be writing?
Coming of Age Fantasy

>How many charactrers?

>Special features of your story?
I don't know of any story that's focused on the tale I'm trying to tell before. Also, interspecies romance.

>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
Yes, and my first time trying to write a novel. However, I have written other works of fiction before.

>> No.4232659

What is this bs? The anon on the shitty podcast thread was right. /lit/ has been invaded by some grade A newfags. Are you here from the /mu/ egging or something?

>> No.4232669

Never heard of it
May use it as an excuse to finally start writing, in which case

>stream of consciousness post modern shite
>dunno like one
>it'll be really boring
>yeah just said
>clearly non

>> No.4232673

Oh sorry. I forgot that /lit/ is full of pretentious shit dicks. Let's see...

I'm writing a story about how God died and the intricacies of a man's soul in his pursuit for true happiness in a world that has grown unstable due to the collective hive mind that produces only greed and suffering.

>> No.4232687

>disliking another limpwristed, boring concept without anything to offer which the author has decided to make public
>full of pretentious shit dicks
boo hoo

>> No.4232712

I feel instead of NaNoWriMo we should have National Short Story Writing Weeks once every month or two throughout the year

captcha: months writadv
seriously I'm starting to believe recaptcha can read minds

>> No.4232784

>What genre will you be writing?
>How many charactrers?
>Special features of yoru story?
it's a non fiction
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
>If not, any tips for newbies?

>> No.4232795

>What genre will you be writing?
>How many characters?
2 main, not sure how many secondary characters yet.
>Special features of your story?
I'm attempting a non-linear timeline.
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
>If not, any tips for newbies?
Don't procrastinate by filling out surveys on 4chan like I am.

>> No.4232802

>>What genre will-


>> No.4232810

>What genre will you be writing?
Science fiction, what I call alternate history planetary romance.
>How many charactrers?
2 or 3 mains, 3 or 4 secondaries.
>Special features of yoru story?
Alternate. History. Planetary. Romance.
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
Nope, 4th.
>If not, any tips for newbies?
1) pack in as much writing early as possible.
2) never ever care if what you're writing is "good." Good is not the point of the exercise. You can revise later.
3) It's both surprisingly easy and hard to write 1667 words in a day. Easy in that if you shut off distractions, it can be done in about 90-100 minutes. Difficult because, like a marathon, you will eventually hit a wall. And that wall will make you wonder if you will ever be able to write another word again. Don't worry. You can.
4) If you really find yourself stuck, just write freeform, nonsensical, stream-of consciousness. Since you can revise later, it doesn't matter what you write to get over a hump, just put a word down. Then put another. Describe the room you're in. Describe the frustration you're feeling. Just write.
5) Just. Write

>> No.4232831

>What genre will you be writing?
Post-post-modern redeconstructionistic pre-nihilism with a hint of neo-narrative meta-aesthetic anti-poetry or non of that, we'll see

>How many charactrers?
Is writing a book to you like RPGMaker?

>Special features of yoru story?
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
Not doing about nano, just jumping the discussion wagon
>If not, any tips for newbies?
Yeah, stop waiting for nano to write

>> No.4232839

>waiting for nano to write
NaNo is merely a time to focus and a way to gather a bunch of anonymous support.

>> No.4232843

Going to try and polish the turd I made last year instead of coming up with something new.

Any editing tips?

>> No.4232856

Depends on what you're trying to go for.

>> No.4232928

I did a horror story where a guy creates a Silent Hill type of situation for himself that he wants to escape. The narrative's a really plain beginning-middle-end deal so I'm wondering if a different structure would be better.
Also what parts should be rewritten altogether.

>> No.4232936
File: 87 KB, 900x702, 1376539517503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So whats the best program to use to write a novel?

>> No.4232953


>> No.4233032

>I'm writing a story about how God died and the intricacies of a man's soul in his pursuit for true happiness in a world that has grown unstable due to the collective hive mind that produces only greed and suffering.

You just described the Brandon Sanderson's Way of Kings in a nutshell, better get something else.

>> No.4233034

Jupiter/saturn fan fiction? been done.

>> No.4233038

Going to take part, hopefully. I'll see how this goes. Made my account.

What genre will you be writing?
>Drama / Fiction
How many charactrers?
>Not too much, mainly centered around a guy and a girl
Special features of your story?
I duno, just keeping it realistic - want to keep a mellow, philosophical atmosphere, with sex and stuff.
First time doing NaNoWriMo?

>> No.4233043

So I'm working on a scifi novel in which the main character (male) has a copy of another (female) characters memories and goes back into them to figure why she was killed. The novel is so far written in third person with an omniscient narrator but I'm wondering if I should change narration to first person during the chapters in the character's memories. I want a voyeuristic sense while looking through her memories as the main character sort of falls in love with her. Would changing narration styles be too confusing? Or is there just a better way to handle this?

>> No.4233047

No, planetary romance in the classical sense, where people would fly space dirigibles through the ether to get to Jupiter or Mars.

(although I'm not using ether, because fuck ether)

>> No.4233049


all times are times in which to focus.

>> No.4233054

take out bad. keep good. add more good.

>> No.4233057


>> No.4233063

he kind of gave himself away with the whole, "Trying to craft a unique magic system" too.

imo anon should just stick to writing Call of Duty fanfics

>> No.4233066

>Trying to craft a unique magic system
is this actually a thing?

>> No.4233073

See: >>4232586

>> No.4233074

welcome to fantasy writing, the domain of sweaty neckbeards who think a novel is just a chronicle of their DnD homebrew

>> No.4233080

I tried to create a "unique magic system," but then I reread Tolkien, and he never explained how the magic system worked.

So fuck that.

>> No.4233085

No I mean like, thats actually a point in fantasy to have some nifty magical system when it's only going to be used in the plot ever so often?

>> No.4233086

It comes up often when I see The Way of Kings being discussed on here. I only read the first ~250 pages or so before I put it down to read something else so I can't really speak as to how true that statement is

>> No.4233095

Yeah? I mean, there's a point in murder mysteries to try to have the main murder be unique in some way, too.

Genre convention can be a bitch.

>> No.4233100

Right. But its magic, isnt it supposed to "just work"?

>> No.4233117

I suppose some people think the challenge of figuring out a plausible way for it to "just work" is part of the fun.

I'm of the opinion that, as long as you don't make magic do too much overt crazy shit, you don't have to explain it. But if you have it doing world-shattering bollocks, or life-altering bullshit, or the like, you have to come up with some kind of justification for why other than plot convenience.

>> No.4233119

I mean, explaining magic too much does take the magic away from it, you know?

>> No.4233129

Yea, that's really what I'm getting at. Imo the furthest I'd go is to explain how the characters interact with "magic" but the force itself is not explained. 9 guys and the elephant sort of thing.

>> No.4233140

Maybe it's because of a trend in novels to get in the characters' heads more than back when Tolkien was redefining fantasy by accident? I mean, if you have a pov from a magic user character, they're probably going to be thinking about magic on some level.

>> No.4233149

>dramatic fiction
>three main characters amongst a plethora of side characters
>Not really, it's non-linear but that's nothing special these days.
>Nope, it's my fourth. Four years ago I got to 31,000 and each year I manage to write less and less. This year will change that.
>Routine. Treat it like work. Have daily and weekly goals. Have fun.

>> No.4233157

Never done NaNoWriMo before.

Is it okay if I use it as an excuse to try to write a poem every day? I'm not a novelist but could do with the motivation to keep up some sort of creative effort. Is that sort of NaNoWriMo is about, even if it's not strictly a novel?

>> No.4233162

The whole thing is just an excuse to get people writing. I think there's an official version for Screenplays or scripts, even.

Try composing a 50,000 word poem, dude.

>> No.4233171

fantasy is often written by shitty and stupid authors.
shitty and stupid authors often think that being complicated for the sake of being complicated equates to intelligence and quality.
Thus, focusing on the rules and functions within those rules and explaining how it works within that ruleset creates a good book.
This is even more apparent in shonen

>> No.4233184

I feel like you just described Fate/shit, in which case I wholly agree.

>> No.4233193

This guy gets it. For an example of how to portray magic in a fantasy setting, read 'The Black Prism'. For an example of how not to portray it, read whichever Terry Goodkind book starts talking about magical algebra.

>> No.4233197

do you have to get it in by the 30th?

>> No.4233196

Already finished

>> No.4233201

That's the point. 50,000 words in 30 days.

>> No.4233203


1. Dark Comedy

2. I guess there would be 3 main characters, a chours, and a bunch of one shot characters that only appear in one scene

3. I'm not exactly sure what "special features" means

4. first time I'm going to do it and take it seriously


>> No.4233206

I'd like to make a story about murder mysteries set in a highschool that escalates into a cosmic horror thingy.
mite b fun

>This is even more apparent in shonen
Oh god.
>intricate battle system that forces the characters to use strategy, count their energy with extreme care and measure the extent of their attacks
>past timeskip/training/shitty power revelation

>> No.4233208

Any story that gets too hung up on what should be minutia tends to be pretty bad. Magic should just be an ambient element, not a plot device or character or anything.

>> No.4233243

I will be writing book two in my series that makes no sense to anybody, including me.
It has five hundred characters and ten concurrent plots.
I only write it because I hate myself and my readers.

>> No.4233248

is it published/can we read it?

>> No.4233252

>What genre will you be writing?

>How many characters?
3-4 main characters 6 side characters

>Special features of your story?
Food focused story.

>First time doing NaNoWriMo?

>If not, any tips for newbies?
Good tip I got is keep writing, not matter what. even if it's just to describe the glass of fucking water on your desk next to your mouth just keep writing. Also take breaks to let you mind recover, it can be a draining process.

>> No.4233253


>> No.4233257

No, and I wouldn't inflict it upon my worst enemy.
Truth is, I started composing it purely to practice writing. I made it up as I went along. Also, it is loosely based on a video game I made in college and never finished. It is over 250,000 words long. If this sounds like a train wreck its because it is.

At least I succeeded in the "improve my writing" goal. Maybe now I can sweep this shit under the rug and actually create something worth reading.

>> No.4233295

Question, do we as the authors retain the rights t others characters, plots and overall story? I don't want to write something that will be stolen by some web company under the guise of a collective goodtime

>> No.4233296

I know that feel.

There was this story I started back when I was thirteen and stupid which began as a wish-fulfillment fanfic and then became this monster of a story with dozens of important characters after I decided to turn it into my own story and take off the fanfic shit while keeping the characters.

Basically, a mobster gets powers from a demon and starts a world war. The not-power-rangers stop him but he just disappears after his defeat, leaving the whole world uncertain about a new war or not.
Then an apprentice of the mobster becomes an algebra-based witch that forms a terrorist group where she teaches new members how to become witches and wizards themselves; all of this happens while MC-1 quits the army due to an existential crisis over his born-given bio-manipulation powers, MC-2 breaks out of mutant-jail with a bunch of "mutants", MC-3 is ascended to detective, and MC-4 turns into a mercenary because of ennui.

Maybe if I get some unfortunate soul to draw it into a comic. Yeah.

>> No.4233302

why would you upload your work on nanowrimo servers? just update the wordcount and don't involve yourself with the company any more than necesary.

>> No.4233324

>What genre will you be writing?
A story of underground drug dealing in a dystopia, branched around different narratives and a series of vignettes
>How many charactrers?
5-10 so far, but mainly branching off 4
>Special features of your story?
Narrated first person singular until scenes appear in which omniscient is required to gain knowledge regarding the main character
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
>If not, any tips for newbies?
I am one

>> No.4233351

>What genre will you be writing?
Zombie survival
How many charactrers?
>two main characters, a brother and a sister. A host of others side-characters too.
>Special features of yoru story?
Zombies, and hopefully the brother/sister dynamic working together.
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
>If not, any tips for newbies?
see above

>> No.4233373

>What genre will you be writing?
apostlistic fiction, biblical satire
>How many charactrers?
one main dude, a bunch of others
>Special features of your story?
it's got an emu in it
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
>If not, any tips for newbies?

>> No.4233387


>stream of consciousness narration
>ie 'bertha felt as though she could just jump, and oh wasn't today just superbly wonderful?'
>it's in third person then jumps into a first person section at 'wasn't today just superbly wonderful?'

read some modernists shit, I was paraphrasing katherine mansfield so you might want to read some of her short stories. bliss is good, so is the garden party

>> No.4233430
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>What genre will you be writing?
>How many charactrers?
Few, a couple more side characters.
>Special features of your story?
The world is inspired heavily by Zdzislaw Beksinski art.
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?

>> No.4233459
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What genre will you be writing?

How many charactrers?

Special features of yoru story?

First time doing NaNoWriMo?

If not, any tips for newbies?

wow nanowrimo really is for plebs

>> No.4233461

Jesus I'm only at 250 words and I'm already tired. How am I going to do this

>> No.4233465

If all else fails, cheat and copy+paste. But don't do that in the first week.

>> No.4233469


You're not going to do it, like 99.9% of people who do nanowrimo.

If you do manage to finish, you will have an unreadable piece of crap that will never get published.

>> No.4233470

The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The man man man man man man man man man man man man man man man man went went went went went went went went went went went went went went went went went went went to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to

>> No.4233476

>caring about word count instead of what you're actually saying
Stop this

>> No.4233488

>What genre will you be writing?
Science Fiction

>How many charactrers?
1 main, at least 4 secondary written so far today

>Special features of yoru story?
A hypothetical economic system I've been toying with for a while and the fact that the only reason shit hits the fans is because the main character has a craving for steak 40 years after steak has been banned. Also half of the people who live in the city don't age.

>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
Nope, but the last time was back in high school and I was retarded so I only got a few thousand words in.

>If not, any tips for newbies?
Get out there and write. No matter what you do just keep writing. Even if you end up scrapping it all in the editing afterward the practice is still valuable in the long run.

>> No.4233491

Get creative, use repetition. Write a time travel plot where characters go back to scenes you've already written.

>> No.4233496

When in doubt, ninja attack.

>> No.4233546

>not avant garde
>not post modern neo classical

You're not /lit.core at all get out poser

>> No.4233557

Not everyone can be a cool guy and bend the rules and basic scheme of a story.


>> No.4233585
File: 221 KB, 500x355, saloongunfight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw wild west stories are easy as shit to write

1667 words in like 10 seconds flat

>> No.4233618

Anything can be "easy as shit" to the right person.

Easy is not the same as good, though.

>> No.4233641

>implying quality matters over quantity in this case

I'm well aware that 50k words worth of gunfighting won't be cream of the crop material.

>> No.4233654

It might be an awesome western, though.

>> No.4233685

>What genre will you be writing?
>How many characters?
3 Main Characters. A lot of supporting.
>Special Features?
Trying to craft an interesting secret world and tie in real world events
>First Time?

I'm actually pretty excited. I haven't written anything since High School but I've really had an urge recently. I think this will help a lot and I've been browsing /lit/ a lot more recently. It feels good to get ideas out on paper.

>> No.4233722

I'm interested to see how a 50k word gunfight would turn out. Hop to it, I want to see this shit.

>> No.4233903

That's not even the point of Nano at all.

>> No.4233959

I'm not going for the 50,000 word limit, I'm just going to devote a chunk of time each day to try to write a quality story. I'm using this month as motivation I think, that's all

>> No.4233966

>doesn't count unless you reach 50k

>> No.4233974


>What genre will you be writing?
Adventure, if all goes well.
>How many characters?
1 main, 2 secondary, 15 others, meh
>Special features of yoru story?
We will see.
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
Hardly. Maybe 4th or 5th, but I haven't finished every time.
>If not, any tips for newbies?
If you get a road block, SHOTS until you are writing. I went back and reread last years attempt which was written completely drunk, and it was rather pleasant, as though leaping into a new novel, as I didn't recall any of it.

>> No.4233979

It's 50,000 words, in the end. It's not like the computer cares. The point really is just to push yourself to write a lot every day.

>> No.4234021


>What genre will you be writing?
I will be writing a Science Fiction, the long-awaited sequel to the classic To Kill a Mockingbird. Entitled 2 Kill A Mockingbird: The Adventure Continues.

>How many characters?

>Special Features
Scout Finch awakens from the Matrix to find that in her slumber, Mr. Gilmer has taken over the world. To save everyone, Scout must stop him before his influence corrupts the galaxy.

>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
No. First time that my novel won't be Team Fortess 2 fanfiction, though.

>Tips for newbies
Just fucking do it, you have a computer.

>> No.4234029

Can't tell if troll or troll.

The reason being, that entire premise cannot be pushed to 50,000 words. Will be requiring evidence Dec 1st naturally.

Guessing troll?

>> No.4234032

This guy gets it

>> No.4234034

That art was actually really captivating. I saw my entire novel flash differently before my eyes when I saw some of the galleries.

A satisfying feel on the Day of the Dead, and the music on his site! Lmao it's still on right now though I raised eyebrow.

>> No.4234039

I can see this premise working and being very entertaining.

>> No.4234043


1. People in this thread keep advocating cheating to reach the goal. Why even bother if you're going to cheat?

2. I once read that you should never write fantasy or sci-fi because that is the sure-fire way to ensure no one will read it (due to the sheer volume of those genera). Is this true? This thread seems to indicate that is pretty much what everyone is doing, yet popular fantasy books always sell millions.

3. I keep seeing "that's not the point of NaNoWriMo" but no one is telling me what the actual point is.

4. Do you even get anything for winning, or is it just feels?

>> No.4234046

>2. I once read that you should never write fantasy or sci-fi because that is the sure-fire way to ensure no one will read it (due to the sheer volume of those genera). Is this true? This thread seems to indicate that is pretty much what everyone is doing, yet popular fantasy books always sell millions.

Could be that since the LOTR-movies fantasy books have seen a resurgence..

But, when it comes to genre-fiction, do it like most modern authors do and borrow some of the elements, don't stay inside the genre boundaries. For example, some elements of Infinite Jest could be called SF.

4. Do you even get anything for winning, or is it just feels?

You can win?

>> No.4234063

I want to, but I haven't been able to come up with a story yet. I briefly considered writing what would have amounted to a /pol/ fanfic, but my better judgment prevailed.

>> No.4234089

>Science Fiction
>5 main characters, many secondary
>Bubble universe, manipulation of the Newton forces
>4th year
>Tip for those addicted to 4chan: spam nudes on a work safe board to get a 3 day ban.

>> No.4234093

What are some good stations on Pandora to listen to while writing?

>> No.4234128

Ah, but while the popular fantasy books sell millions, they make up a tiny part of the market. Can't find the link but I've read an article that breaks down market share by genre sales.

Fantasy sales - even in their ~hundreds of millions - were only about 5% of the total.

So people WILL read it, but only if it's good. And it has to be pretty good to make that cut these days.

>> No.4234130

Fantasy, Two main although I've only named one of them who's not even the viewpoint character. Basically just that it's somewhat centered on an interesting culture I've come up with. First time.


>> No.4234142

>What genre will you be writing?

>How many characters?
Not sure yet. Still working on it. There will be at least two. Two points of view.

Special features of your story?
>It will be a tribute to exploration literature.

First time doing NaNoWriMo?
>Yes. I am not sure what to expect as a non-American but it's a great opportunity to work on it with a real deadline.

>> No.4234163

I'm curious do you think there's people out there who have already written their NaNo Novel and just submit it at the deadline?

>> No.4234167

Screw 50,000 words.

I'm doing 30,000 - Novellas are better anyhow!

>> No.4234175

How much of a crime would it be to write dialogue without speech marks? I want to confuse the reader. This is just for the opening mind

>> No.4234756


Frank McCourt did it in Angela's Ashes. It's surprisingly easy to cope with as a reader, which furthers my belief that most punctuation is pretty pointless.

Particularly apostrophes, fuck those things. Nobody has ever failed to understand a sentence due to the lack of an apostrophe.

>> No.4235355

I don't get stuck on the whole "oh no I hit a wall thing" but I just can't come up with a single original idea. It's all like mish-mashes of stories I've read, games I've played, movies, etc;

Do you guys just start writing "John got out of bed and started his day" and go on with it, or what?

>> No.4235362

I write from a theme and imagine a context to evoke it.

>> No.4235369

Sometimes the only way to purge it is to write it.

>> No.4235374

I'm 3339 words into the story. I've wanted to participate for three or four years now, this is the first time I am actually doing so.
The genre is something between not-so-young-adult and literary fiction without the literary merit.
So far, I have a protagonist and four side-characters. I'm hoping to get rid of one of them and that another one of them will become more important to the story.
Special features? It sucks quite a bit.

>> No.4235377

The phrase I was looking for was "coming of age".

>> No.4235390

Why is this thread so slow? Also how much should I put into physical description of the character, I've described his skin texture, facial hair and eye/hair colour but I shouldn't need to describe hair style, skin tone, bone structure should I? Should I?!

>> No.4235391

1. I'm not going to cheat. But there are prices if you win. See 4.
2. That sounds very much like a generalization to me.
3. To me, Nanowrimo is about writing. HOHO. It's also about the community and about losing your mind. It's great for amateurs who otherwise wouldn't be motivated enough to write their story. Note: There's nothing wrong with being an amateur.
It's also fun. It's about defeating writer's block and getting the words out before obsessing over the perfect way to say what you are trying to say.
4. You can buy Scrivener for half the price, if you win. And other stuff. Look it up on Nanowrimo's website. Besides, you'll have the right to brag about it once you've won. Many people also treat themselves with sweets and shit.
(No, I don't speak English very well.)

>> No.4235399

Because this is 4chan and not Nanowrimo.
Depends on the way you want the reader to picture your character. Personally, I wouldn't add anything unnecessary.
Reading about their bone structure could potentially be entertaining, though.

>> No.4235403

I'm better at writing short stories than I am fleshing out an entire idea. Last year, I tried to come up with a novel worthy plot, but this year, I decided to stick with one of my short story ideas and stick with it even if it ends up being bullshit.
You got it, dude. I started writing whatever came to mind and I'm at 500 words after about 10-15 minutes.
Be sure to include dick girth.

>> No.4235413

No need to fear gents, there will be a sex scene where his partner will clinically describe his actions with associated measurements.

>> No.4235449

Can I write if I've never written anything before?

>> No.4235456


>> No.4235484

Don't describe your character at all. There's nothing more monotonous than reading the author describe everything. Just give the very basics. Sex, hair color, race. That's it. Let the reader create a personal character with their imagination.

>> No.4235493

Historical fiction.
There will be at least 4 characters.
My story uses specific characteristics used in geography. There will be different points of view set in different times. The first point of view happens right after a shipwreck in the Southern Indian Ocean in 1860s; it will be a tale about a botanist. The other starts in the Midwest in 1853 about an artist in an expedition with the American army.

>> No.4235514

But 50,000 words is a novella, anon; it even says so on nanowrimo.org

>> No.4235630

I didn't really prepare well for it so this time I just picked a scene in my head that I liked and started writing it and describing everything about it.

Already I like this better than either of my last two attempts, it just feels like it could go anywhere and I have a much better chance of finishing because of that.

>> No.4235787

Figured as much, thanks.

>> No.4235854

This sounds kinda cool actually.

>> No.4235859

Sounds cool, got a profile?

>> No.4235871

>already have 30,000+ words written of an unfinished story I started in the summer
>thinking of maybe copping out and just finishing that story to reach the 50,000 limit instead of starting something new

Idk, new would be more fun, but it'd be nice to actually finish a novel before starting up another.

>> No.4235880

20k - 50k is a novella.

>> No.4236008

These threads confuse me

We have all these well-read, philosophically-endowed scholars dissecting Infinite Jest all day, and then when it comes to actually creating our own writing, we get -this-

Sci-Fi, Magic, Fantasy, Sci-Fantasy, Dystopian Sci-Fantasy with a twist!, Post-apocalyptic fantasy involving magic

Do these wellread people not write? Or is it just that they don't participate in these pop threads?

>> No.4236018

I write not because I want to change the world, or because I have some great fucking revolutionary idea that needs to be said. I don't write to be deep, or to try to be deep.

I write because I have a story to tell.

>> No.4236019


>> No.4236020

They probably write sci-fi/fantasy because it's easy.

>> No.4236028

Those are more fun

>> No.4236034

I have to agree with the other anon, though.

Why tell the same story over and over again? Why throw another scif-fi/dystopian/fantasy book into the pile?
I've seriously seen better ideas for stories on the write your own anime threads on /a/ and I can't see what could be fun in writing that kind of stories.

>> No.4236036


I think it's the former. Analytic people are less creative and vice versa.

>> No.4236115

Personally, I'm just shitting out a story. Not all that much thought put into it, just practicing the ethic. Fantasy is pretty easy to write, so instead of make the best thing since sliced bread for an annual event, I'll save whatever true literary magnum opus I can cook up for a much larger allotted timespan.

Because even though there's millions of books set in a fictional world, they're still trumped by whatever innumerable amounts of books which are set in the world we know. I'd bet there's as many slavery and holocaust books as there is fantasy and sci-fi, and while the Diary of Anne Frank has infinitely more literary value than ASoIaF, it does not mean that there will never be a story set in a fictional world in the history of mankind that can compare to the memoirs of the two-year consecutive European Hide and Seek champion.

>> No.4236194

>I'll save whatever true literary magnum opus I can cook up for a much larger allotted timespan.

This strict adherence to the rules confuses me, it seems like it's a pretty lax, low-commitment exercise? It's just an open-ended writing prompt, you don't owe them any specific story.

Comparing it to DoAF, we would be just as discouraging if you said you wanted to write about WWII or 9/11 or some similarly saturated field.
"Genre Lit" is popular because it's simple, because it features an innate gimmick which your entire work can revolve around. Hammy dialogue, shallow grasp of personality, unraveling flow can all be covered up - they hardly matter.
Sticking to simple things like fantasy, sci-fi, zombies/pop-subject will make it easy to "create a good deal of writing in a, possibly, structurally-sound format", but what's the real value in that? Simply 'having written things' doesn't give you access to some higher level of writing ability, skill-up points to toss around. Dedicating an entire novel's worth of time to admittedly valueless trash will just cement your abilities to similar irrelevancies; use this newfound Motivation to attempt something challenging: it's just an exercise after all, why waste that exercise on something that can barely whet your muscles abilities?

>> No.4236200

I wish I could do this, but every time I write I hate everything that I write.
I wrote a poem the other day that people said was good when I asked for critique but I think it's garbage.
Fuck this writing shit.

>> No.4236214

Accept that you most likely aren't a great writer; that even if you are, you most likely won't make a career out of it.

Writing is a fun way to work out anxiety or jealousy, apathy - if you feel different, maybe changed, after writing then keep doing it. If you don't then don't

>> No.4236272

>it seems like it's a pretty lax, low-commitment exercise
Which is what I am treating it as. I'm not going to write something spectacular because someone tells me to. If I were to write something I would consider special, I use my own time.

I'm not participating in this event for actual story-building skills, but as I said, the ethic pf writing. The ability to put things down onto paper. As of late, I've been so tired, and never in a mood to work on my stories.

>> No.4236279
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I missed the first day. Did about 1.7k words tonight. I suppose Sunday or later next week I will have to pull a bit of double duty.

I have just about accepted before I even wrote down a word that I am just writing to get back into writing and putting some accountability into my life again. But there's a feeling in the back of my head that still picks at me the way someone would pick at a scab. Like I'm not writing for myself, and subconsciously I'm trying to write to get published.

>> No.4236310
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>that feel
In my experience, that means you are rather good.

I often try to write stories set outside of our world when I need certain images and atmosphere to be evoked, not just because they might be fun or awesome or anything.

Recently I found how nostalgic retro-futuristic art is, so I'm trying to use it on a story about an alien NEET.
Or back some months ago when I was heavy on indie movies and made most of what I wrote to drag along before anything happened.

To set the mood, I said.

>> No.4236326
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>tfw ready to write for the entire night but no good ideas for stories
Fuck, I don't even know what to do.

>> No.4236345

Think of what would you like to read.

>> No.4236354
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>National Novel Writing Month

o-ok... ;_;

Joking aside, I'm writing a short exploratorive novel about how fleeting and trivial societal values are (compared to the stiffness of the human condition overall). My Protagonists is a clinical psychologist with schizoid personality disorder. It'll be shitty due to my editor not being involved at all but that's what NaNoWriMo is all about - being shitty.

>> No.4236411

>a clinical psychologist with schizoid personality disorder
do you have any knowledge (apart from wikipedia) about this?

>> No.4236673

>writing a novel
>in a month
It's like you want it to be shitty

>> No.4236540

Rather than giving you a(/the) real answer, let me give you one that can facilitate discussion while I'm in bed: More than my readers do.

>> No.4236679


>> No.4236680


>lacking the discipline to put in 1500 words per day

It's like you want to stay pleb

>> No.4236551

>Wrote 500 words Day 1,
>Closed in at 4,600 this evening.

>Went to NaNo forums, see that some people are past 10,000.
This is bullshit. Do these people not work? Are they cheating on Day 2?

These questions haunt my mind, but at least I'm ahead of schedule, for now. We'll see how shit goes when my outline gets a lot more vague.

>> No.4236554

Just choose someone you know and write about them doing crazy crap (literally, random wild situations such as kidnapping, lawbreaking, earth changing events, etc) until you get a real story and real character out of it.

>> No.4236556

I'm at over 10,000 by day two. But, this IS my 4th NaNo. The trick is to know what you can do and not to stop even when your eyes are bleary and your brain feels like wet mush.

>> No.4236560

I've been a member for 4 years, but this is my 3rd I would guess.

I just don't see HOW unless you are putting in massive hours. I type REALLY fast, AND have a decent outline, AND the advantage of having poorly written a version of this story years prior and still...

At any rate, I admit to often taking breaks to change the music.

>> No.4236565

Depends largely on quality standards - I write about 800 words of raw script per hour but only about 20% of any raw script end up in the finished work. That equals either 9600 or 1920 words in two days at 6 hours a day. One number seems huge, the other miniscule even though more time has been poured into the project once the number gets this small.

>> No.4236704
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You're a pleb as well you witless pedant.

>> No.4236610


Second novel (first was published Christmas 2010), but first year doing NaNoWriMo. Attended an all-night write-in event at a local college and banged out 4,971 words so far. I'm loving the spirit of the whole thing; I didn't think I enjoy it, but I do.

>> No.4236614


This. I spent 13 hours at a group event, and we spent the vast majority of that time writing, and all of us had around 5K by the end. To have 10K by now you'd need to literally do nothing but crank for like a day and a half straight

>> No.4236631
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Possibly related to the thread.

I type really slow for someone who wants to write and it often breaks my train of thought whenever I had the right words, which make said words to fall out of my head.

wat do?
Just practice?

>> No.4236797

What genre will you be writing?

-A strange blend of the real world and fantasy. Basically I'll be changing up the continents a bit and also what technology humanity has and stuff. Like, there's no flight or internet or anything and the two halves of the world are separated by these glaciers and ice sheets that keep popping up and even carving up land masses.

How many characters?

-One or two POVs.

Special features of yoru story?

-Basically, it's about adventuring and exploration. I guess it might draw on me living in both south asia and in canada and the huge differences in lifestyle and stuff I experienced.

First time doing NaNoWriMo?

-Its been 4 years now. Never finished.

If not, any tips for newbies?

-Meet your quota every day. Once you slip, it's over. And don't be compelled to write in sequence. Write random paragraphs if you have to.

>> No.4236813

>What genre will you be writing?
lol fuck if I know
>How many charactrers?
one or two probably and then a few minor ones
>Special features of yoru story?
It's day 3 and I've done zero planning
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
>If not, any tips for newbies?
just write, shit doesn't even have to make sense.
>GET HYPED! Stay movtivated!
fuck off

>> No.4236823

no frills and shit that distracts from the writing, close enough to old ms word to matter, customizeable and scriptable, free and open source.

>> No.4236979

How do you get past the horrible fear that you're going to write something that's shit?

I have this idea I've been working on for a really long time in my head, and I've written up and developed characters and what not, and I feel confident that the story's interesting and makes sense...

It's just the actual putting it on paper that scares me. I don't want the masterpiece in my mind to be reduced to crayon scribblings on the page.

I should just stop being a pussy and start writing.

>> No.4236993

>How do you get past the horrible fear that you're going to write something that's shit?
>I should just stop being a pussy and start writing.

Sounds harsh, but really, man, that's all that can be done. It'll be shit, probably, but it's better shit that you can learn from than an empty dream that you can't.

>> No.4236996

By writing shit.
You already know what to do. Unless you start, you have nothing, which is pretty much worse than crayon scribblings on the page. Why crayon.

>> No.4236998


Thanks bros. I actually signed up for the site and am struggling to write a synopsis.

This shit is hard. But I think I can get past it.

>> No.4237006

Is there a /lit/ group where we can all cheer each other on / tell each other to keep writing?

>> No.4237044

yes, its called /lit/

>> No.4237049

>High Fantasy
>I believe the main cast consists of six characters, with at least 3, possibly more, being considered side characters.
>Did my best to take world building to the max. One fake language, a lot of history and mythology, culture, etc. Other than that, it's actually pretty standard. It's not interesting enough to do anything with, which is why I'm wasting NaNo on it
>It is.
>If you can help it, don't stop at 1667 words. I would be able to get that amount out in maybe two hours, maybe a little more. Depending on your speed, just write as much as you can as fast as you can. This comes in handy especially if you're like me and not sure that you'll be DONE at the 50k mark.

>> No.4237062

>Light sci-fi
>4 main characters, 2 side
>crafting an interesting world system and agency
>First time, have writefagged on /a/ and /tg/ before

>> No.4237064

Damn, that sounds fun. A guilt-free masturbatory fantasy story is always a great way to kill time.

What's your premise, beyond those vague labels? I'm interested.

>What genre will you be writing?
A character-driven story set in a science fiction post-Putin Russia.
How many charactrers?
One lead character, a future-KGB agent who moonlights as a 4chan camwhore.
Special features of yoru story?
I suppose that it's been inspired by my months living here in China, and the nightmarish hypercapitalism that dominates society here.
First time doing NaNoWriMo?
I won it once before, a few years ago. Now I'm just using it as a motivational tool for general writing.
If not, any tips for newbies?
Don't ever look down.

>> No.4237468

>What genre will you be writing?
Post-Apocalyptic Fiction
>How many charactrers?
3 Mains,
>Special features of your story?
Not really, it's basically just 3 people fucking around in Post-Apocalyptic Montana with some 3deep5me undertones
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?

>> No.4237738

Vague labels guy here. I'm kinda glad you asked.
Basically, the north of the equator has had these huge glaciers and ice sheets/walls and stuff start appearing suddenly (almost overnight) and trade and stuff has basically halted. The world south of the equator would be more old timey with slavery and kingdoms and stuff.

There are two ,main characters, one from either half of the world. The one in the north remembers time before the ice separated everything and joins one of the many hundreds of expeditions to cut through the ice and establish trade routes. The main character in the south is an authority figure (like a cop/detective/men in black). I'm not sure what his role is yet, but he has a cool baton type weapon and has a freaky obsession with the paranormal, so I guess thats how he'll get involved.

>> No.4237851

>never have written in first person before
>decide to try it out
>"Wow, this is easy, it's like I'm just thinking the story"
>Realize the wording of everything makes it sound like shit
>switch to third person
>story flows better but the "life" is missing

This is hard.

>> No.4237863

I don't think a whole lot of people get the point behind this. It's just to actually write out your ideas and stories. If you actually want to flesh it out and make it better, they encourage that you do that after you've hit the 50K mark. Don't worry about how bad it is right now, if you've ever read about the real-life editing process, it takes longer than writing the damn book itself.

Okay, I may have made up that last sentence, but it was only to assuage your worries.

>> No.4237869
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Hey, Im looking to recruit people for an experimental NaNoWriMo project. The idea is to get a whole bunch of people to write the story taking turns, like in pass the totem.

The difference is, everyone writes their own version of what comes next in the story for a deadline and then we all vote on which one is best.

Anyone interested?

>> No.4237885

Doesn't voting kind of defeat the whole purpose?

>> No.4237898

The point is to have a novel where all decisions are made entirely by democracy. Even the rewrites will be voted on.

>> No.4237943
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Hey guys, I have an idea for a novel (which I will not reveal due to copycats), but currently I am only doing research.

Which makes me wonder, how many people here did research and character studies before actually writing their novel, or did you just hop to it and dive in with the writing of the story?


>> No.4237975



>> No.4237980



We want to write our own shit.

If we want to know what other people think of it we'll show our friends, or publish it.

>> No.4237983

Hop right into it. Again, the point of this is to just get 50000 words. Quit acting like you're gonna make a masterpiece in one month.

>> No.4237986

I always do research--but you can never do ENOUGH research unless you literally live and breath what you are researching for months. In fact, the current novel I'm working on for NaNo is one I sat on for almost a year because I needed to do research.

But there comes a time where you need to put your research aside and write. Even if it's completely wrong, write.


>> No.4237992


No one is going to steal your idea, write a masterpiece, and sell it for millions while securing his place in history.

bro, pls.

>> No.4238009

how do I write fantasy without it looking like a self-fulfilling fantasy

should I just make my characters as miserable as possible?

>> No.4238036

Just make it realistic. The good guys obviously can't win every battle or make everything the way it should be. Have some ups and downs. Don't just go for the "OH NO GOOD GUY #3 GOT DIED" cliche.

>> No.4238552

How do you guys come up with character names? Whenever I come up with a name for a character I always start having thoughts of people I know in real life with those names.

>> No.4238628

Firstly, does it matter if you use the name of someone you know? When will they ever read it?

Second, perhaps you can think of a word that describes the person, and try to find a name that coincides with that

>> No.4238659

>What genre will you be writing?
I think it's Urban Fantasy? I really don't want to give it a genre yet.
>How many characters?
One main character, one anti-hero/deuteragonist, some gang members and family members, one recurring background character.
>Special features of your story?
- Time manipulation is forefront as opposed to time travel (slows it down, speeds it up, can hop a few minutes forward or backwards)
- The MC is Hispanic (I am white) and I'm picking a few very generous and open friends' brains for lifestyles and such
- The Magical McGuffin is a Balisong (also the title of the story) that can slice open portals to different time flows (I know it screams Subtle Knife, but this is less about space/dimensions and more about time streams)
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
>If not, any tips for newbies?
I've gotten some tips from other writers:
Treat NaNo as a vomit draft. Just write write write all you can. Who cares how good it is now, you can always edit it later (you might even be able to win some professional editing if you actually finish your shit).

>> No.4238737

I'm doing research on hispanic culture and butterfly knives as I go along. I have a dull one that I'm using to teach myself tricks so I can describe them better.

Just research something really quick when you come to it, and try to keep a notebook on you so you can jot down character ideas to better remember them.

>> No.4238745


>- The MC is Hispanic (I am white)

Truly groundbreaking stuff you got there.

>> No.4238748

Nigger I don't know shit about hispanic lifestyles. It's a special feature to me.

>> No.4238765

I see you are well versed in the Negro slang. Why not make your main character black.

>> No.4238772

Because I thought of a hispanic guy first.

>> No.4238774


On the one hand it's always amusing when white people attempt to spread on to other races...it's cute watching them fight the inner supremacy as they justify to themselves how other lifestyles aren't as good as their own, but still "interesting".

On the other hand, I commend the writer for writing from a different view other than white. Any time anyone tries they get laughed at, so please. Continue.

>> No.4238776

And also I'm like 3k-ish words in already.

>> No.4238781

>and also

Kill yourself.

>> No.4238784

I don't know how to respond to that, so thanks I guess?


>> No.4238843


>hispanic lifestyles

I bet I do exactly the same as you but in spanish and eating 10x more tacos

>> No.4238847

That's basically what I'm figuring out.

Also their birthday parties are pretty chill and gangs are scary as fuck.

>> No.4238850

That is childish and but so rude

>> No.4238867

>What genre will you be writing?
Boat ride
>How many characters?
>Special features of the story?
The horror

>> No.4239001

What genre will you be writing?
Prose Poetry, Coming of Age

How many charactrers?
2 Main Ones

Special features of yoru story?
It's an extended dream sequence

First time doing NaNoWriMo?

>> No.4239006

tumblr pls

>> No.4239053

>What genre will you be writing?
>How many charactrers?
3 central, 3 main, 3 supporting
>Special features of your story?
Neo-Pagan machine worship and a deconstructive look on space faring economies.
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?

>> No.4239104

>What genre will you be writing?
Historical Fiction
>How many charactrers?
Two main ones, between five and seven (haven't decided whether to merge some of them together) minor characters, dozens of very minor characters.
>Special features of yoru story?
Takes place in ancient Gaul, from a Gallic perspective.
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
>If not, any tips for newbies?
Just fucking write, don't matter if it's shit because you can always rewrite it later.

>> No.4239257

>tfw 5 pages of doodles and bubbles of outlining
>two different stories
>not a single word

how novel write?

>> No.4239277

I'm >>4239001
and I feel really weird reading some stuff in this thread. I've written 9k words, and though sometimes I get attacked with enormous doubt wether what I am writing is crap, I feel like it pours out of me.

Maybe it's because I'm already used to writing (have 2 poetry books already) without interfering too much with it (man, the revision is going to be interesting). I've written a few short stories, but I'm not really used to characters, so it's really interesting to see how they're turning out, and how it is true when writers say that "the story surprises you", it's like suddenly you find you can't stop yourself from writing something or the other and it's quite surprising because you didn't really expect it.

I don't know, I'm just hoping to finish it so I can read it.

>> No.4239282

>What genre will you be writing?
It started out as Erotic Fiction, but it's looking more like supernatural fiction with some erotica
>How many charactrers?
We're up to 8 now, most likely more
>Special features of yoru story?
Werewolf politics, I feel kind of cliched
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
Year 8 Represent!
>If not, any tips for newbies?
Don't participate in the forums, don't participate in the writing sprints, sit down and get carried away with your book. You're going to get stuck mid november, keep trying!

>> No.4239287

>I get attacked with enormous doubt wether what I am writing is crap
I have no doubt mine is crap

I just don't think I can write out scenes in a timely fashion. I want to keep on planning and at this point, I'm editing the outline itself rather than a draft.

I'd rather put my email out there and whoever cares about my story, I'll just talk about it and that's it.

Call it neo post information era literature

>> No.4239289

>What genre will you be writing?
Historical Fiction
>How many charactrers?
Two Main
>Special features of yoru story?
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?

Is it a bad idea to start writing somewhere in the middle? Not that I don't know how it would start but I have the middle and end more figured out than the beginning.

>> No.4239292


This might be the defence that NaNo has been looking for.

>> No.4239295

>I'm doing research on hispanic culture and butterfly knives as I go along.

This sounds like a novel I'd be into

>> No.4239297


There's also the fact that you end up generating more plot ideas etc. during the act of writing. Sitting there trying to sketch out a plan is torture; the real story comes out when you try to actually write something.

>> No.4239298

>What genre will you be writing?
Fiction War History

How many charactrers?

Special features of yoru story?
Fighting no time for characterizations, the ones that live are the ones you care about

First time doing NaNoWriMo?

If not, any tips for newbies?

See you losers when I get my Hollywood movie deal

>> No.4239301

>hispanic culture and butterfly knives
West Side Story

>> No.4239303

Maybe instead of writing *about* your story, just write your story.

The way I write is naturally all over the place, and since it's pretty much all conceptual and a dream sequence, I be disorganized, but it's still hard to think in terms of "scenes" when I usually just write a paragraph or two of prose poetry. So you can take my advice with a grain of salt, but I think that you should just think of some places or events that you want to explore and have an idea of your character(s) and just put them in those places. Maybe it will be a bit clunky, but just keep writing, get those ideas out there.

I motivate myself thinking that if it's bad, I'll just flesh it out later.

>> No.4239308

>I be disorganized
>I am disorganized

>> No.4239324

lol 10 seconds flat
>huehuehuehuehue is applejack your main character?

>> No.4239335

>Sitting there trying to sketch out a plan is torture; the real story comes out when you try to actually write something.
I guess I will take that advice and see how it goes, because I have to start sometime

>> No.4239346

I can like pastebin the shit I have if you want. It's all vomit drafting so far, though, and he only just got the knife and hasn't learned anything about it.

Fuck I still gotta watch that.

>> No.4239351
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>What genre will you be writing?
i don't know.
>How many charactrers?
three main character's plus the third character's multi-mouthed hellbeast creature.
>Special features of yoru story?
the end of the world happened, but not a lot actually happened. most of the destruction happened from humanity's panicked reaction. the book is about people trying to... i don't know. live life.
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
>If not, any tips for newbies?
don't be me.

>> No.4239358

>What genre will you be writing?
Fantasy, scientific magic, yo
>How many charactrers?
Focus is going to be a couple and a few friends, so we're keeping it small
>Special features of yoru story?
I'm sure it has been done before, but it is an allegory of modern-day environmentalism pitting traditional, earthly magic with analogue science of the industrial revolution
First time doing NaNoWriMo?
Hell no, but I feel like it is my most serious attempt
If not, any tips for newbies?
Stay noided/hydrated

>> No.4239359

Smells like Final Fantasy VI.

>> No.4239372

I only ever played IX and Revenant Wings and Dissidia, so I dunno m8.

>> No.4239379

Good luck, and remember not to force yourself or the characters, just keep it natural.

>> No.4239383
File: 116 KB, 244x245, 1365108160839.jpg (JPEG Image, 251 × 251 pixels)_20130404-155432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stay noided

>> No.4239385

Literary Fiction
>Main characters
>Special features
Guy trying to be a better man than he was. No grand plot, no big bads, no acts of drastic heroism - just a man doing what he can.
>First time
Hear about and plan NaNoWriMo before it begins so you can actually get words down by the first day

>> No.4239396

What you don't know CAN hurt you, contrary to popular belief.

>> No.4239398

>tfw 5 days behind by the time I get access to a computer and no time to do it anyway
I'm going to try even if I go 5 days into December just to finally get something down.

>> No.4239414
File: 117 KB, 350x350, a0076502484_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, i'm at day 3 and any semblance of a plot, structure, or pacing has gone out the window and i'm just writing vignettes and weird scenes that come to my mind.

but the words are coming out.

>> No.4239422

It's okay, I just now realized that there's hardly any plot in mine, even though the outline in my head seems to have one. I'm just going through the motions at the moment, trying to keep my word count going.

All of the forums seem to be filled with 13-16 year olds and friendless happy-go-lucky NEETs and it's both cringeworthy and hilarious to lurk there.

>> No.4239458

>friendless happy-go-lucky NEETs
H-ha yeah
what losers

>> No.4239470

I signed up just for an extra motivation.

Have any of you tried this Scrivener software thing?

I'm trying it right now, looks interesting, but I'm not sure if it's for me.
I've been using paper/Google Docs/Evernote for too long to make the switch it seems.

What do you use when drafting/writing?

>> No.4239480

I've been using Google Docs for everything but I heard it gets unreliable for large files so I'm debating switching to something else myself.

>> No.4239492

>Three or four mains
>Starts out as generic as possible, random chick with a trashy name in a forest. She dies, then the story is about people with inexplicably modern names trying to find her dead body.
>If you keep getting distracted by other shit (Namely 4chan) write a stream-of-consciousness paragraph and then go on from there.

>> No.4239493

Yeah large text documents get laggy when I'm trying to edit them on a laptop, so I usually make Google Doc for every chapter.

>> No.4239510

I'm just switching to Scrivener and I'm thinking of using Google Docs for backup in case anything happens.
That's a good idea, right?

>> No.4239524

I actually saved my Scrivener project directly into Google Drive, so it's synchronised live as I edit it. In this case, if something goes wrong with my computer, my last save is already on Google Drive, nothing lost.

I do have an additionnal backup on Dropbox though, because I like backups.

>> No.4239527

Oh, cool.

>> No.4239529


t-that's interesting

>> No.4239533

That sounds like something I would read. What I hate about sci-fi fantasy bullshit is how epic it always has to be. Yours just sounds like an interesting story that happens to take place in a sci-fi universe.

>> No.4239539

I've been using OmmWriter. It's very nice.

>> No.4239541

>intricate battle system that forces the characters to use strategy, count their energy with extreme care and measure the extent of their attacks

This sounds like shitty roleplaying games that fantasy authors probably play when they're not writing. Suddenly everything makes sense.

>> No.4239553

Maybe why they drop it and turn to the yelling.

>> No.4239569

>Frequently Meditated questions


>> No.4239577


>> No.4239579

Doesn't take away from the actual app.

>> No.4239581

>Dāna is a Sanskrit and Pali word meaning giving. Sometimes it is also referred to as the practice of cultivating generosity.

>They also tell us that monetary gifts ending with a 1 are considered auspicious in certain cultures. As a result we would love for the the final figure you pay to end with a "1"

I'm sure, how is it?

I was just laughing at how hippy these developers have to be. I can taste the stevia sweetened matcha tea from here.

>> No.4239586

>I was just laughing at how hippy these developers have to be

Well, yeah a bit. But it's also part of their app design. There's a free one or the paid one (which I have). The paid one comes with background, music, and typing sound effects. There are two backgrounds that apparently use color therapy or something to help you be calm and gain more creativity. Out of the seven background musics you can choose from, one of them is a supposed simulation of what a fetus hears when he is in the womb.

Honestly though, it sounds stupid, but the design of the app is incredibly simple, and those design choices really enhance it so you focus only on what you're writing, as it should be. Whenever I open the program, I feel pretty great, listening to the fetus sounds, with my color therapy backgrounds...

Maybe I am a hippy too...

>> No.4239588
File: 1.73 MB, 1505x845, stevia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4239591

>I feel pretty great, listening to the fetus sounds
That's not even weird.

>> No.4239605

>Maybe I am a hippy too...
Do you eat quinoa before taking shrooms and walking through the forest to listen to the spirit of nature?

Anyways the site is ridiculous but if it works it works, I'm honestly interested in the app, looks sexy as hell.

If you got the windows version, be a cool kid and upload it on mediafire

>> No.4239610

I am the one who writes

>> No.4239620

I do but I think that you need to have a code to unlock it, and to be honest I don't know how to do all of that fancy schmancy cracking or whatever stuff.

>looks sexy as hell
it is. I don't usually pay for apps, but I think those are 5 dollars well spent.

>> No.4239627

d-do you want to swap nanowrimo ideas over coffee or something, anon?

>> No.4239654

Thanks for that. It was just the little kick I needed to focus and churn out a thousand words.

>> No.4239680

I use http://www.behindthename.com/random/. I just roll until I find a good name. Mixing and matching is okay as well.

>> No.4239687

Since I'm an idiot, I always choose a theme and some stereotype for any character I do before I start fleshing them out until they look like people.

A name appears at this stage most of the time, so I take names of IRL people related to the themes and mix them into a name.
It's kind of dumb, but it works.

>> No.4239690

>A name appears at this stage most of the time, so I take names of IRL people related to the themes and mix them into a name.
I meant that I use the names of people related to come up with a name by this stage.

>> No.4239697

>What genre will you be writing?
Futuristic Sci fi - A young adult owns a virtual reality "pod" called a PEVR (Personal Escape to Virtual Reality) that has a bad reputation. Most people who own such pods are stereotyped, much like weeaboos. Of course, it doesn't help that most software for the PEVR pods are erotic.

Anyway, he has adventures against a rival. It may become a series.

>How many characters?
So far....4. I've created the Protagonist, his friend, the love interest and the antagonist. However, I need NPCs and other minor characters.
>Special features of your story?
Coolish usernames for the characters.
>First time doing NaNoWriMo?
I tried two years ago and failed. This idea isn't fully fleshed out yet, so I'm not entirely sure if I'll make it for this NaNoWriMo either. I mainly just wanted to share my idea.

>If not, any tips for newbies?
If you need help with ideas, search for "create an anime" thread on /a/ or "create your own game" on /v/.

>> No.4239702

That sounds fetishy and strange. Like, what the fuck is the plot, anyways?

>> No.4239704

Guy with an Indian heritage here. Dana (pronounced Dh-aan (like Shawn)) means charity or giving to charity essentially. Basically giving out of goodwill.

>> No.4239706

I have no clue right now. Like I said, it's not entirely fleshed out yet. I may go the Young Adult series route and just have minor battles between protag and nemesis

>> No.4239709

>What genre will you be writing?
Post-apocalyptic alternate history with pirates.

>How many characters?
2 main, with a plethora of supporting

>Special features of yoru story?
1700's zombie conspiracy

>First time doing NaNoWriMo?

>If not, any tips for newbies?

>> No.4239710

>Of course, it doesn't help that most software for the PEVR pods are erotic.
Please tell me this isn't some wordplay on "perv".

>> No.4239711

In the beginning, I don't think it was, but it is now (this has been bouncing around my head for a while now).

>> No.4239721

Yeah but... Why?

>> No.4239724


I-I'd love to.

I decided to write about the typical scenario were the characters are whisked into a fantasy world, something like an MMORPG, on a global scale. I'm just wondering how the characters should react upon awakening to the situation, and what kind of god or entity is behind it, and what's the ultimate goal of it.

>> No.4239728

Either have very few people be whisked in to it or find a strong and riveting plot.

>> No.4239729

It allows me to have a way to experience full immersion VR without having the technology. SAO is really popular, and it's got a pretty shitty storyline.

I guess that's the main reason.

>> No.4239733

Make one person go crazy since everything they knew is now gone. Maybe have him fall off of a cliff on accident (or on purpose, either way).

>> No.4239738


>> No.4239743

Well you gotta figure out the why of your story and fast. Why the plot happens, and why the reader should care.

>> No.4239745


Actually I was planning on having 144000 people transported, and they fighting for the survival of the world by completing the "game", but they don't know humanity is at stake


of course, a lot of basic instincts are going to surface. There would also be a rebirthing mechanic, but also permanent death.

>> No.4239755

I've already snapped: I'm just copy-pasting now. Screw it.

>> No.4239758

What's the point?
Do you get anything special for reaching 50000 words?
Like a pdf certificate you can print and put on your wall or some shit

>> No.4239759

It's okay to go under the daily target. Take some days off if you need to.

>> No.4239765

Two free copies of your book guaranteed. And then other little entries in to raffles.

There's no point in cheating. Unless, of course, you wanted a free copy of an already published book over 50k words long.

>> No.4239767

>Protag's family member is trapped inside and needs help escaping

>Protag is trapped with a bunch of others like in SAO (though this is an impossibility due to PEVR pods being expensive and seen in a bad light)

>Protag has a rivalry with antag and they hold regular competitions. One of their competitions corrupts data which turns into a monster which is loosed on the Web (will have another name)

>Antag looses viruses on the Web and Protag & friends suit up to fight against antag and his viruses

Just a couple ideas, but I'm open to suggestions

>> No.4239770


There have been recent streaks of people found dead on their pods, their eyes exploded/body completely withered/etc.

And then you go full Catherine on it.

>> No.4239773

Kind of done with SAO. Not to mention most PEVR owners would be overweight neckbeard faggots playing loli erotic games. They obviously died from not leaving, thus tarnishing the PEVR name even more.

Though that could be interesting....

>> No.4239774

How about the chronicles of the main character as he slowly loses touch with reality and disappears in to the virtual world, and when PERV pods get outlawed or shut down he begins to spiral out of control and eventually kills himself.

>> No.4239782

I could work with this, though I would probably change it to the antag going crazy.

Having it be MC would be a plot twist for sure, though...I'm torn.

>> No.4239790

If it happens to the antagonist, people will care much less and we will see much less of what happens since the antagonist isn't the focal point

If it happens to your protagonist, all of the psychological stuff is front and center. We become privy to his/her mind and we see first hand everything that happens, and through that we begin to care.

>> No.4239814

True. Fuck, I want to, but I don't.

Maybe one I could leech off of other ideas I have for other stories.

>> No.4239815

Do what makes you happy, man.

Just know that if it's shit we'll mock you for it.

>> No.4239818
File: 173 KB, 1024x734, fucking-dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking if this is decent or just incredibly shitty.
I came up with this idea some time ago and maybe I could try using it for this year or next year.
It wouldn't be completely serious and might even feel like a weird tribute to anime or whatever, but I just love the characters I came up with for this and I want to use them on anything.

In short, a high school burger flipper gets a hold of reality altering magic and creates a world where everyone fears him and his influence. He captures her girlfriend and some other girls from different eras into his world for reasons I'm yet to figure out. The girls then go on wacky adventures to get out of the burger flipper's world.

It would develop from a high school romance turning awry, to mystery story, then full on action, then a stereotypical adventure through different worlds for a while with some puzzling and slice of life, then a thingy pondering about multiverse theory which is cool for scifi but complete bullshit, and finally end on one of those stories about people argumenting; all in an encompassing coming of age story about six vastly different girls.

Urban fantasy? idunno
Six main characters, two central characters, one of them being the antagonist, not included in the six mentioned first.
>special features
Magical girls that slay dragons.
The girls come from different times; one from 1830's England, one from 1940's USA, one from middle ages' France, one from 1650's Jamaica, one from the vaguely near future, and the girlfriend who'd be from the present.
The powers the girls get are kind of a metaphor to writing voice and philosophy of life.
The dragons are just called dragons, for they are actually embodiements of conflict and rely on the power their influence pose to get their powers. They also can look like fucking anything because of this.
The antagonist creates the dragons to force progress and enforce his authority.

It's only this contrived because this is pretty much a brief outline.

>> No.4239824

>He captures his girlfriend and
Fucking /u/.

>> No.4239825

This sounds fucking ridiculously convoluted.

>> No.4239829

>if it's shit we'll mock you for it.

If it's shit, I won't post it.

Anyway, I might be helpful to some other anons, so here are a couple ideas that might be able to be used.

>Horror/thriller - post nuclear apocolyptic story. Abandoned girl takes revenge on her father and 9 other people (somehow related) by putting them in Saw-esque games.

>Mystery - Investigator is invited to a party. The host is killed, leaving the name "Alex" behind. All the guests are named Alexander or Alexandria. the investigator did it

>> No.4239831

I know.

The worst part is that, given that the dragon guys can often turn what could be your average boss battle into an argument I need to get dipped in philosophical discourse before really getting into it.

>> No.4239848

So I decided earlier today I am gonna try this this year. I know that I'm late but at the very least it will be a good learning experience for next year. I had an idea I want to flesh out and have basic characters and situation but am not sure where to go next. I know once I get going I should be able to cover the ground once I get going. But starting out is always the hardest part for me. Any ideas?

>> No.4239849

>Two free copies of your book guaranteed
Wait what

What the hell that's cool as shit
Now I'm gonna drug myself up and write morrow

>> No.4239851

What genre? That can be very helpful.

>> No.4239852

Just start writing, bro. 1,852 words per day from this day forward.

>> No.4239854

Yep, all winners this year get two free paperback copies of their book. You just have to pay shipping.

>> No.4239856

>In short, a high school burger flipper gets a hold of reality altering magic and creates a world where everyone fears him and his influence. He captures her girlfriend and some other girls from different eras into his world for reasons I'm yet to figure out. The girls then go on wacky adventures to get out of the burger flipper's world.

Already throwing money at for an anime

>> No.4239861

>two free paperback copies of their book
What kind of paper are we talking here, mr oracle

As tween as that book was, Perks of Being a Wallflower had the sexiest, smoothest paper I've ever felt

I want that paper for my life leeching drug fueled magnum opus

>> No.4239862

Nigger I don't know. Lemme pull up the NaNo shit really quick.

>> No.4239868

>I'm outwriting my Municipal Liasons

Good. Those are some awkward looking mother fuckers.

>> No.4239871


>> No.4239882

I have an idea for a sci fi horror story revolving around the mystery of a haunted house. My problem is that I'm more of an nonfiction guy. When I try to write I get bogged down in the details and honestly it makes the outline of a fiction book difficult. I love the wrimo idea cause I can forget about editing, but fiction outlines are kind of a mystery.
Yeah, thats doable. I know some weekends I can play catch up.

>> No.4239885

I'd start with MC talking about how he/she hates creepy/haunted houses to a friend. Have a small discussion between the two about that fear.

Unless, of course, that character /isn't/ scared of that.

>> No.4239892

And just riff? I always get worried I'm going to just write myself into a corner.

>> No.4239895

If you write yourself in to a corner, just back out and write a different way.

Once you've done it enough times, you're able to sense when a corner is coming. Suddenly a character comes on too strong in an argument, and you know it'll end too badly to recover. Your character goes down a dark alley and you suddenly realize they've never needed to go down there, and you avert their sudden demise. You just get used to constantly meandering.

>> No.4239900

Whenever you get stuck just switch to italic text and begin writing random stream of consciousness stuff. This looks really deep and artsy and is easy to write a ton of.

>> No.4239901

Cool. Ima doing it. I have the basic beats I want to hit and the idea of getting a printed copy is amazing.

>> No.4239902

What >>4239895 said.

In just a small conversation of "I hate haunted houses" it's really hard to write into a corner. In fact, use some of the reasons the character hates haunted houses as the material for the house.

>> No.4239906
File: 71 KB, 634x354, 562871-screenshot1221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never give it to Kenji Nakamura to animate it
Aww, man.

>> No.4239909

>In short, a high school burger flipper gets a hold of reality altering magic and creates a world where everyone fears him and his influence.

So it's like the opposite of 'The Devil Is a Part-Timer!'?

>> No.4239918

Now that you mention it, it does sound a little like Maou-sama on reverse.

>> No.4239919

Good idea but you are trying to cram too much shit into it.

>> No.4239936

I thought so.

One of the reasons I decided to make the dragons that way was to avoid the monotony of daily monster slaying that often occurs on fantasy adventures; by being literally problems to be solved they turn the "fights" against them into a game, so to speak, and that way it'd be pretty difficult to predict what could happen in the story.

Depending on the dragon they could beat it with methods as different as guns, baking or name-calling.

Needless to say, this just turns it into a clusterfuck when trying to get a hold of the overall plot.

>> No.4239950

While I was looking for content for >>4239829 I found plot devices that I was going to use for the eventual MMO that would come about using VR (later in the book/series).

>Level Cap - must be hard to get to highest level. 100/150 would be a good cap, imo

>Good Quests - Quests must move the story along

>Normal, Everyday Character - Nothing special about this guy. IRL is a nerd (1/10) no girl wants his dick online or off (well, maybe one...)

>Good NPCs - The NPCs ever gamer wants in his game. They have great AI and say something different every time you talk to them.

>Realistic PCs - No over-the-top noobs and chat spammers, but a few griefers, player killers and hackers would be great as some antagonists. We also need a good cast of friendlies; everyday characters like MC.

>A Big Bad - I don't know the specifics yet...

>> No.4239955

Less world building, more plot. Let the plot build your world for you.

>> No.4239957

Right, sorry. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.4239972

>MC wakes in VR, not realizing he's in VR. Something just doesn't seem right until he realizes he's only in a simulation. Enter reality about PEVR pods and who MC actually is, also enter antagonist.

That's all I got for the moment.

>> No.4240117

I've been writing a story casually for a while and I'm using Nanowrimo as an extra motivaion (it's a winter/christmas story set in a small village).

There's the main character (through whom the story is told first person) and 5-6 secondary characters. Since the story mostly takes place inside a house over a couple of days, there are always a couple of secondary characters with the main character.

I've been trying something for dialogs.
Whenever there are more than three persons talking, I switch to some sort of like kind of screenplay looking format. Something like that :

And we all gathered in front of the fire.
Character1 : blabla
Character2 : uh
Me, getting up : whawha
Character3 : potatoes
Character1: mottykins
Me : habeebit

Is this... doable?
Is this horribly stupid and annoying?
I like the idea that when there are a lot of people talking, it doesn't break the flow of the dialog by having to identify which character said what.

Blabla, said character1.
But uh, replied character 2.
Whawha I said, as I got up.

I remember seeing this in American Psycho and it gave an interesting effect.

>> No.4240143

I can see it working, especially if prefaced with something like:

So we all sat down at the table, and started talking. The conversation went something like this:

A: Hey.
B: Random shit.

But that's just me and I'm no pro writer.

>> No.4240345

So you have to agree to publish your book through CreateSpace?

>> No.4240368

That's so dumb, you'd better be trolling. If it's a hassle that you can't complete, why bother copy and pasting. no one will care that you lost.

Except you. Because your a loser who snaps on day 4 lmao.

>> No.4240376

Ya, I don't get if this is just them PRINTING my story in book format, or if they are gaining all copyright to said story... 0.o

>> No.4240378


OK this is what it says on their website:
*NaNoWriMo will provide each winner with a unique promo code which is valid December 2, 2013 through June 30, 2014. Offer applies to books only and shipping is not included. Once shipped, the books are property of the author. Title to the books will transfer to the author upon delivery to the common carrier. All orders are final, no returns are allowed. Void if transferred and where prohibited by law. Any other use constitutes fraud. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to terminate or modify this promotion at any time.

>> No.4240783


>they are gaining all copyright to said story
From what I remember, you actually need to have a print of the book first before submitting for a copyright

>> No.4242028

Day 4, I'm at 9900 words, my goal for the day was 10k, so I'm on the right track I suppose.

This thread is so boring my god are you all just busy typing your novel?

Did anyone make a book cover for their novel yet? That's always a nice time-waster.

>> No.4242041

I'm at almost 16k. Yes, I'm pretty much just typing my novel. I take a break every couple hours, or when my brain isn't working.

Or when I start typing one button the left or right. That's really frustrating.

>> No.4242070

Shit, I'm at 3000. I've been so busy with shit.

I'm hoping I can pound out a good amount tomorrow or later in the week.

In before I lose.

>> No.4242082


You've got 26, 27 days remaining. You have time to catch up.

Shit, last year, after writing about 5000 words over 3-4 days at the first, I abandoned the thing for almost 20 days, and then rushed to write 45000 words in less than a week. It's possible. Not fun, not easy, but possible.