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/lit/ - Literature

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4231654 No.4231654[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the nation with the best literature? What had or has the greatest philosophers? Explain.

>inb4 muh country

>> No.4231699

fuck off

>> No.4231726

>inb4 muh country

Your thread is already that.

>> No.4231957
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>Sartre is smartre

>> No.4231960
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Etruria. Can't prove me wrong, faggot.

>> No.4232000

>inb4 muh country
>implying you can fully understand the litterature of another country anyway

>> No.4232007

could have just said sartre is smart

>> No.4232005

Russia, definitely.

>> No.4232011

actually said the same joke many years ago.

i guess it's an obvious one to make...

op, i would say the chinese or greeks. they're the most read, right?

>> No.4232019

>implying literature has objective, comparable value
moron drunk on the neoliberal koolaid detected

>> No.4232023

seconded only because I have the biggest hard-on for Dostoyevsky

>> No.4232026

Let me expand on this post

Who is another Russian author I should? Suggest me a read!

>> No.4232033
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>Ó Criomhthain
>The Tain
>Amra Choluim Chille
u tell me m8

>> No.4232040

Tolstoy would be an obvious pick.

My personal favorite work of his is the classic "War, What is it good for?"

>> No.4232045

nice seinfeld.

alexander chekhov.

>> No.4232047


>> No.4232050

ah damn. pushkin is great. i've not read the other two. but i haven't read a lot of russ lit either. will add them to my list,

>> No.4232052


>> No.4232058

Pleb shit
>The Taint
>Amhra ghlabalabbabegorrah jasysus child molestation
Fuck off, nobody has even heard of any of that garbage.

Ireland has yet to produce even ONE work of note. Just one. That's pretty hard considering you're right next to the greatest outputter of literature on the planet (Shakespeare, nuff said). You'd think at least some of our merit would rub off on you.

You stupid fucking Fenians have no place discussing liteature. Pls go

>> No.4232061

oh fuck! I'd forgotten about him! Pale Fire's 2nd canto was so sad but incredibly beautiful and moving

>> No.4232065
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*tips bowler*

>> No.4232068

1. England
2. Russia

>> No.4232086

Germany, of course...

>> No.4232118
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Can I pick a region? Hemingway a shit.

>> No.4232122

>What had or has the greatest philosophers?

native america

>> No.4232192

Ireland, France or Russia

>> No.4232198

America and America

debate me, fuckers

>> No.4232230

Are we talking about modern literature or even past literature?
Because it will change lots of things: we cannot omitt the importance of Italy in Renaissance AND ancient literature(Virgilius anyone?).
But, yes, it is >muh country
I am not impartial, neither are you.

>> No.4232233
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Motherfuckin' Murrica
>Harper Lee
>Mark Twain
>Ray Bradbury
>Edgar Allan Poe
>E.B. White
>Emily Dickinson
>TS Eliot
>Bret Easton Ellis
>Hunter S Thompson
>Cormac McCarthy
and the list goes on. seriously, this is not up for debate.

>> No.4232236

Who the fuck are Faulkner, Kesey, Plath, Toureau, Capote, Elio, Elis, Thompson and McCarthy?
It's literature, not "post every shitty author we know"

>> No.4232247

>Who the fuck are Faulkner, Kesey, Plath, Toureau, Capote, Elio, Elis, Thompson and McCarthy?
Have you ever even read a book before?

>> No.4232255


>Fitzgerald - SHIT
>Ray Bradbury - FOR TEENAGERS
>Edgar Allan Poe - SHIT
>Capote - shit
>Bret Easton Ellis - FOR TEENAGERS
>Hunter S Thompson - FOR TEENAGERS
>Cormac McCarthy - who?

And you didn't even mention Nathaniel Hawthorne..

>> No.4232262

A book written by them or a book in general?
The answer to the second question is yes, considered that I am even doing a metrical translation of Catullus' Carmina.

>> No.4232263
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>teenager trying to act "grown up"

>> No.4232276

America is a young nation, so is its litterature.

Kerouac was French Canadian, the Road was firstly written in French.

Enjoy reading a translation.

>> No.4232329


That it's all you know doesn't make it the greatest.

>> No.4232441
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>> No.4232450

That ain't half wrong. The stuff I've read from Denmark was pretty good.

>> No.4232462

For philosophy of couse Germany. Let alone the influene authors like Kant, Hegel,Nietzsche, Husserl or Heidegger had. And then Schopenhauer and Schelling and Leibniz ... Beats France and England in my opinion. France lacks good philosophers in beetwen enlitenment and existentilism, England beetwen enlitenment and analytic philosophy.

For literature I would say that It is either France or Russia. But Spain is also high up there and with Don Quijote they might have the key novel and landmark of modernity.

>> No.4232475

Scandinavia and Russia for depressing as fuck shit.

>> No.4232503

Probably the USA, then the UK.

>> No.4232527

Finland's not Scandinavia, but.

I recommend The Egyptian by Mika Waltari.

>> No.4232533
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>> No.4232534
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Already read it. Pretty damn good.

>> No.4232550
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Why do we keep having these threads?

Ireland always wins

>> No.4232574

Brits > Americans > Japanese > Rest of Europe > Canadans > Australians > China > Rest of Asia > South/Central America >>>>>> Africa

>> No.4232582



>> No.4232613

1. Russia
2. England
3. America
4. France
5. Germany

1. Germany
2. Greece
3. France

>> No.4232617

The North is still unbeatable in terms of crime novels.

>> No.4232620

Philosophy - Slovenia

>> No.4232621


go to bed cromwell

>> No.4232626

lit: England

phil: Greece

>> No.4232627


1. Germany
2. Greece
3. Britain
4. America
5. China

9001. France

>> No.4232629
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new england plz go

>> No.4232636


> Alastalon Salissa (Thought Ulysses was modernistic? Top lel)
> The Egyptian
> The Roman
> The Cleansing
> Gran Canal
> Näytän hyvältä ilman paitaa
> Manillaköysi
> Kalevala

>> No.4232641

How is the country relevant when even the most diehard patriot can only name a dozen authors?

What does that say about the fucking country?

>> No.4232642

If you quit going by country and expand it to cultural traditions, Germanic includes Kierkegaard and immediately becomes unfuckwitable.

Grecian gets honorable mention.

>> No.4232643

But most prestigeous Russian Literature is just 19th century realist novels

>> No.4232644

Switch Britain and China and you're good to go.

>> No.4232645

Finland is a cultural wasteland.

>> No.4232648

>> Kalevala
Stop appropriating my Russian heritage, you insensitive racist.

>> No.4232649


Germanic would include way the fuck more than just Kierkegaard, it'd include all english language lit as well as german. It'd be a beast of the modern age.

>> No.4232650

I think he meant Sweden/Norway

>> No.4232651

And the most celebrated British poem of last hundred years is an intellectual waste land


>> No.4232654

Karelia is Finnish



>> No.4232655

there's the moomins

>> No.4232656

Nations and nationalities are social constructs. If a lot of good books come from one place, it's just a coincidence. It means nothing. We can all write great literature, regardless of where we're from.

All you psychopathic, racist bastards who disagree can fuck off back to >>>/pol/.

>> No.4232657

>>Bret Easton Ellis

I think he alone brings us down

>> No.4232658


but nobody reads finnish

>> No.4232660
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>the pillaging never ends

>> No.4232661

The Egyptian was the most sold foreign novel in US between '49 and '87

>> No.4232662

To all Frenchfags (and other non anglophones):

Do people in your country often revere Shakespeare? Is it common for someone to consider him the best writer ever?

>> No.4232663

it's small?

>> No.4232666

> Karelia is Finnish
Not the one where Kalevala was recorded, no.

>> No.4232670

>We can all write great literature, regardless of where we're from.

Substitute great with mediocre and I'd agree with you.

>> No.4232672

Russian here.
>Do people in your country often revere Shakespeare?
>Is it common for someone to consider him the best writer ever?
Lol. Now that made me literally laugh out loud. (No, not common.)

>> No.4232676
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Best playwright? Yes. Best writer of all time? Nope.

Only one of his trip was mainly aimed at what Russia was at the time, so, eh. You could say yhat Os Lusidas is not Portuguese because it mainly takes place outside Portugal proper, but what's the point?

>> No.4232680


>Bret Easton Ellis
>this is not up for debate

Stop posting here you worthless fucking casual reader.

>> No.4232685

1. USA
2. France
3. Japan
4. Italy
5. Germany

>> No.4232686

That's odd. Are you from a city or are you from an impoverished area

>> No.4232692

It's a Latin American country.

It's probably between Argentina and Mexico, with Argentina having the edge.

Any country named outside of Latin America is painfully wrong.

>> No.4232701


Having only about 70 years of recent relevance doesn't count.

Borges top 1 though

>> No.4232722

Mexico and Argentina do pretty poorly considering their populations

>> No.4232731

Would love if lots more Chinese lit were translated, ive read very little bad chinese literature

>> No.4232732


Yes and they've completely dominated that relevance. It's a product of the postcolonial turn that once disregarded literary scenes can be seen for what they are. The best. If we were to focus exclusively on contemporary lit then Mexico, with Argentina lagging behind a bit (too much Cesar Aira focus) would be the undisputed king. Contemporary lit in English is in a legitimate crisis today.

>> No.4232755


how can you possibly be this wrong

latin american countries are all relatively new, impoverished, and terribly uncultured. How would they produce the greatest writer/philosopher ever, let alone one in the top 10

>> No.4232767


You're what the people of Latin America call a "pendejo". Enjoy being a "pendejo".

>> No.4232788
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>> No.4232793


what??? what about paolo coelo, he is one of the great thinkers of our time

>> No.4232800

i don't care what a bunch of spics call me, their culture is shit


>> No.4232801


Kek. A few daoists, a Buddhist sutra here and there, Confucius and some stories nobody really cares about.

>> No.4232807

Philosophy: Ancient Greeks, Germanosphere.
Fiction and poetry: Who cares?

>> No.4232809


>> No.4232815


>> No.4232819

Good one.

>> No.4232822

>a few daoists
Oh y'know, only the development of quietism long before Wittgenstein, skepticism long before others in the West, linguistic deconstruction millennia before Derrida, a lot of insignificant developments, really.

Go read more.

>> No.4232860


I think it doesn't make sense in this context to refer to nations and not languages.

So, I'll go with German language literature, including Switzerland, Austria, Germany - however, none of these countries could win alone as a nation, maybe not even Germany.

>> No.4232904

>only the development of quietism long before Wittgenstein

Yeah, just like Pyrrho, hahahha oh wait he's greek

>> No.4232980

>claiming to be the country with the best literature
>not having produced shakespeare

>> No.4233019

Doesn't refute my other points.

Nor does it prove that Pyrrho is superior to Daoists who wrote about similar topics.

>> No.4233037

yeah, though honestly I'd but england up with france and russia. i'd argue that no other language has an equivalent to shakespeare

>> No.4233052

for philosophy it's either germany/austria which i'd say can be grouped together easily, or greece. the former because of the massive body of philosophic thought it's produced since the 1700s, with Wittgenstein alone dominating the scene as in some ways he was a be-all end-all to philosophy. the latter because from there stems essentially all the culture of western civilization.

for lit it's either england or russia hands down.

>> No.4233480

In my opinion the tradition of utilitarianism (Bentham, Mill) is extremely interesting while Heidegger, Nietzsche and Hegel are not. But yeah, even then many of the greatest analytic philosophers were German (Frege, Popper).

>> No.4233612

diary of a madman

>> No.4233997

>Contemporary lit in English is in a legitimate crisis today.
explain please

>> No.4234006

France, because Rimbaud is the best writer ever, and also some other things happened.
For philosophy: Germany
For spirituality: America

>> No.4234011

>for teenagers
Is this supposed to be a criticism?

>> No.4234016

Ya cunt.
Is there any good Aus lit? I've read a couple of poems and I genuinely like Waltzing Matilda, but it seems rather bereft.

>> No.4234027


1. Russia
2. England
3. France
4. Argentina
5. Italy


1. Greece
2. Germany
3. France
4. Russia


1. Russia
2. France
3. England
4. America

>> No.4234285


France, Spain, Iran

>> No.4234286
File: 48 KB, 300x377, nabokov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Nabokov is American

>> No.4234287



delusional iranian pls go

>> No.4234291

philosophy: germans or greeks are runaway winners
literature: idk

>> No.4234292


Persian philosophy and literature can be a little under appreciated, but I'd rank it up there with Italy, France, England, etc. in terms of influence.