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/lit/ - Literature

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4229324 No.4229324[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/,
I want to know if there are similar readings in English about Online Gaming.

I come from /a/, and have read fan translated chapters from stuff like "The Heavenly Moonlight Sculptor", "Sword Art Online", or "Log Horizon".

The wiki did not help very much in this regard, and Google just gives me a ton of fan fiction.

Since EQ, DnD, & Ultima are originally English(or have a heavy English-speaking fan base), why isn't there more literature on this point?

And I have read some of the published fan fiction of WoW, DnD, even Mechwarrior, but they were not very good.

Do you guys have any recommended books on this elusive topic?

>> No.4229347


>> No.4229357

I guess to clarify my point is that all of the three above mentioned works have the main character playing an MMO. I don't have the time to play MMOs anymore but I love the concept.

So I enjoy reading books about how the main character uses weapon skills to complete dungeons, grind out armor, interact with other players, etc.

Was wondering is there are English novels based on this concept, as the works I mentioned are written by Japanese and Korean authors.

Another novel that I remember is also Half Prince I believe. It's written by a Chinese author.

>> No.4229403

Bump. Is this a bad place to ask?

>> No.4229427

Sure, probably lots of kiddy 9-12 year old books about it. Go to your local library's children book section and set on the small plastic chairs as you read.

don't forget your juice box too

>> No.4229429

Wow such a toxic post.
I'm guessing you've never read anything like it?

>> No.4229434

well, I'm just saying. You seem to like children's cartoons.

>> No.4229438

The novels I mentioned generally have a target audience of those in high school/university, at least in their country.

I would be rather surprised that there are none like it in the English language.

>> No.4229443
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Don't come back to /a/.
>The novels I mentioned generally have a target audience of those in high school/university, at least in their country.

>> No.4229448

Alright. You just confirmed my suspicions that you are an ignorant troll. If you've ever traveled or even remotely understand foreign culture you would understand.

>> No.4229458

that was another anon, OP.

"High school"/"University" lol
the reason why obese losers and weeaboos like Japan is only because of their baby cartoons

>> No.4229471

If you don't know of anything similar, that's fine. No reason to start flaming. Dunno who shoved a stick up your ass.

Also remembered another series similar is called .hack

>> No.4229633


>> No.4229674

this is completely the wrong board for you
you'd be better off asking on /a/ or /v/ or /tg/ or somewhere

>> No.4229677

>I come from /a/
just go back to watching your Chinese cartoons, fella

>> No.4229757


OP you're looking forba subset of fantasy, and there's fantasy fans in here who might help

>> No.4229911


>> No.4229923

he's lying

go away

>> No.4229935

There is Cory Doctorow's For The Win, which is horribly written. Then there is Tad Williams' Otherland, which is good and/but super long.

>> No.4229940
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Sorry if you're looking exclusively for books, but in regards to d&d there's a comic book that's pretty well liked by fans of the game and is pretty well written for a comic book.

>> No.4230009

Ready player one?

But those are kiddie shows and you're delusioned if you think they aren't.

>> No.4230044
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>Hi I like drivel tier LNs aka picture books about video games

This is a serous board about serious literature. You will find no help here. Also stay the fuck out of /a/ we don't like you there either.

>> No.4230066

Damn what is this board's problem with fun? Are we never allowed to lighten up? The OP asked a reasonable question (albeit in a somewhat unintelligible manner) and we tell them to fuck of so we can discuss "serous" literature? Fuck.

>> No.4230082

When /lit/ gets an easy target you bet the board's gonna jump on it like a pack of rabid dogs.

>> No.4230097

Thanks! I'll have to check out Otherworld
I've read both of those before years ago, they aren't really want I'm looking for

Does this board only read English author written stuff? It seems to me that a lot that are flaming have never read a lot of the titles mentioned or understand what a LN is.

>> No.4230242
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>/lit/'s face when

>> No.4230252

When your kid picks something off the ground and puts it in their mouth
What do you do?

You say "Ewww, Don't do that! Spit it out. That's dirty"

You don't say "Look over here little Johnny. Here's another one. Delicious! omm nomm nomm"

>> No.4230258

We're just not weaboo faggets and have at least a collective semblance of a sense of actual taste.

>> No.4230271
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My fucking sides when this thread.

>does this board only read English author written stuff?

rip dostoevsky, it's hemingway all day now

>> No.4231076

OPs on 4chan if he can't handle the banter and being called a faggot he can get out

Meanwhile some will give actual responses but the waiting game involves calling him a faggot

>> No.4231081

>picking Hemingway as our english representative
>not the author that redefined the language in an andbutso manner, DFW

>> No.4231095

Why would you be surprised? It's such a stupid concept.
>What if people playing an MMO were actually in the MMO?
It's so watered down. Why not just read an actual fantasy novel or actually play a video game?