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4229118 No.4229118 [Reply] [Original]

Why does he publish so many books if he keeps saying the same thing?

Does he want money? Does he have some kind of Lacanian diagram to justify his being a greedy hypocrite?


>> No.4229129

He just loves the sound of his own voice.

>> No.4229132

>Why does he publish so many books if he keeps saying the same thing?

How do you know he keeps saying the same thing if you haven't read all of his books?

If you have read all of his books, why does it bother you if he keeps saying the same thing?

>> No.4229134

He's a histrionic parasite.

>> No.4229157

I've read most of them.

I was forced to.

>> No.4229160

He says he's never done drugs either.

>> No.4229162


What kind of a program forces you to read all of the works of Zizek?

>> No.4229165

>I was forced to.
For school or something?

>> No.4229168

Not OP, obviously, forgot to remove my name from a previous thread.

>> No.4229178

Marxist morons keep buying them.
Same reason Lacan, Althusser and other obscurantists kept pushing out shit.

>> No.4229179


>implying Marx wasn't right

>> No.4229186

> fail to predict the implosion of capitalism 4/4 times
> no, the theory is right, it's just badly applied!
> it's coming any day now!

>> No.4229192


Capitalism has failed, you're just too ignorant to notice.

>> No.4229197

he gets paid 3k EUR a month by University of Ljubljana for not even being there, I think


>> No.4229205

but it's not digging its own grave, you fatass

>> No.4229206

apparently 3.970 EUR as per article.

typical ultra-left behavior though

>> No.4229214


It's already laid down the final spadeful of topsoil.

Get an education.

>> No.4229215

Marx's commentary on contemporary capitalism was interesting.
His utopian ideals were more funny than anything else.

>> No.4229229

Wait, people take Marxism seriously in the 21st century? Like, unironically? Oh, how quaint.

>> No.4229238

>capitalism has failed
so did communism

>> No.4229248

college freshmen basically, they love simplistic explanations
>you dont understand mom, I went to a communist meeting and now I know everything, uugh, you dont understand, you are 2bourguoise4me

>> No.4229252

Capitalism is an infinitely better baseline to build from than communism is. It's not perfect, sure, but it's a product of thousands of years of economic evolution, while communism is a theory based on a flawed understanding of human nature and interaction.

>> No.4229266

obviously zizek himself locked him up in his basement and read out all his books to him

>> No.4229269

>read out
You can do better than that. Lisped out, spitted out, etc.

>> No.4229292

exactly, which is why true communism can only be built naturally from a stable capitalist society. commmunist societies in the past failed because they try to force it. if you want to see communist societies in the (slow) process of forming this way, look at scandinavia.

>> No.4229294

sorry i was in a hurry, I hoped you'd just swallow the obvious joke and imagine a more perverse description with high quality prose

>> No.4229296

but he doesn't keep saying the same thing
he keeps applying the same theories to different scenarios
people keep buying his books because they're pretty fun

>> No.4229300

anyone seen the pervert's guide to ideology yet?
i thought it was pretty great.

>> No.4229488

I thought it was pretty funny. Hilarious seeing Zizek in all those scenes.

In the end I'm still not a Lacanian-Marxist, but he's entertaining to watch.

>> No.4229502

Social programs != socialism

>> No.4229512

And the former works while the latter is an abysmal failure claiming the lives of 200 million people worldwide or more.

>> No.4229520

Yeah it's gud.
Gotta admit I didn't see the conservative subtext in Titanic coming.

>> No.4229529

>It's just so obvious I can't be bothered to say


>> No.4229536


>capitalism has never killed anyone

>> No.4229547

When was the last time a democracy created famines?

>> No.4229550

>When was the last time a democracy created famines?

>South Korea buying half the arable land in Madagascar
>Wild speculation by Wallstreet on food markets

>> No.4229554


Democracy = a system of political organisation

Capitalism = an economic system

>> No.4229558

Maoism = a system of political organisation

Communism = an economic system

>> No.4229566


So you see the difference between an economic system and a political system now? You promise you won't conflate democracy and capitalism again?

>> No.4229603

>Gotta admit I didn't see the conservative subtext in Titanic coming.
That was my favourite part. It actually made me wonder if Avatar has the same subtext.

>> No.4229624


>Oh, how quaint.

People take this phrase seriously in the 21st century? Like, unironically? Oh, how faggotrous.

>> No.4229628

The transition between capitalism to communism (that Marx explicitly stated as necessary) was never achieved in a satisfying manner. It was doomed to fail.

>> No.4229635
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You just went full plebeian

>> No.4229640

I like the way both of you, and indeed loads of people, refer to communism in the past tense, implying communism was a 20th century thing and will never happen again.

le end of history face

>> No.4229682
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>taking neoliberal narratives of an apolitical economic sphere at face value

>> No.4231045

All philosophy and political science is just repeating the same thing at this point. For whatever reason, we never hit that next moment after modernity. At this point, it all just amounts to desperately trying to find out what is wrong before the common man just decides the whole thing doesn't work and throws out centuries of civilization.

Most people who have devoted themselves to either know society is boned.

>> No.4231265

all these marxists in this thread

ZERO people have died under capitalism

billions have died bc of communism

ZERO by capitalism

you can't even prove one death

>> No.4231266


all that samefagging

>> No.4231268

Propaganda by America's thriving murder industry. Pay it no heed, comrades.

>> No.4231276

They're independent thinkers who don't need no modern economic understanding.

>> No.4231279
File: 12 KB, 469x309, 1285450635450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4231280

>Ya guise capitalism dun work
What a nuanced and enlightening position to take.

>> No.4231282

>implying Lacan and Althusser were anything like Zizek

>> No.4231291

There are several interesting analyses, but the movie is a mess. He wants to show that the primary imperative to late capitalism is "enjoy!". This comes across well with "They Live," but everything else except the very smart "Jaws" analysis seems like serious flattening.

Zizek is the Malcolm Gladwell of critical theory.

>> No.4231309

>Zizek is the Malcolm Gladwell of critical theory.

Well put, except Zizek has charisma and isn't Jewish.

>> No.4231359

I agree. Zizek is coherent and worthwhile.

>> No.4231585

Zizek is one big performative contradiction

>> No.4231927


August 6, 1990 in Iraq, where it killed over half a million children.

>> No.4231950

> Saddam Hussein
> democracy

Marxists are really desperate, huh?

>> No.4231952


Everybody equal. Everybody starved.

>> No.4231955


Saddam Hussein wasn't the cause, sanctions from western 'democracies' were.


I'm not a Marxist either.

>> No.4232840

>ITT: people who think murderous tendencies have something to do with economic systems.

ever changed causes with their effects?

>> No.4233131

We got to cut the balls, the balls of those in power

>> No.4233161

All you Anti-Zizeks out there, why do you keep posting daily threads on the man? You're are only helping propagate what you ostensibly hate.

In the Real of your desires, you are all Zizekians lel

>> No.4233220

>oh yes American boo-jwa-zee, how I love sucking your cock for pennies, I believe everything you tell me my master

>> No.4233304

No one gets the reference???


>> No.4233308

Maybe it is because by posting trite fanboyism on a chinese cartoon website you're holding the dusty balls of capitalism.

>> No.4233331 [DELETED] 



>> No.4233344 [DELETED] 


>> No.4233501 [DELETED] 


>> No.4233613

Communism was the a 19th century futurist's attempt to describe post-scarcity.

In other words, the Singularity and transhumanism are pinko Ruskie plots!