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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 41 KB, 323x500, House_of_the_Dead_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4228929 No.4228929[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"I was think of reading House of the Dead next"
>"Sounds awesome! I love zombie books!"

When have you felt like embracing the spirit of the berserker, /lit/?

>> No.4228931

I've never read it but that's one cool book cover.

>> No.4228937

Neither have I but I've been hooked on Dostoyevsky ever since I read Notes From Underground. I'll probably read it after I read crime and punishment

>> No.4228943

My favorite quotes from House Of The Dead:

>Why would anyone do this?
>I don't wanna die...
>Suffer like G did?
>Go Kuarl!
>Go Kuarl!
>Go Kuarl!

>> No.4228946

I have a photo coffee mug with Dostoevsky on it. Notes from Underground is one of my favorite books.

>> No.4228988

Just as an incidental, the viking berserkers, who could fight battles without much conscious thought while berserking, did so because the human brain after much practice in a skill can react unconsciously, rather than consciously, to physical movements; thus, a viking berserker could react unconsciously to a movement out of the corner of his eye, resulting in a block or an attack. That's the science of berserking.

>> No.4229121

>he too had a mother

fuckin greatest chapter right there

>> No.4229135

It's pretty good. More accessible than his other books. But depressing of course.

>> No.4229408

>But depressing of course
I think this is what I like from Dostoyevsky. I'm maybe 3/5 the way through The Idiot and must say that I just love his main characters. Although very depressing his stories spark within me a feeling which I find hard to put into exact words... a renewed optimism? Yes, sad indeed but in that sadness I see the most profound beauty.

>> No.4229464

That's also how I drive.

>> No.4229473

>tfw he died before writing the sequel to Bros. Kar.

>> No.4229477
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>> No.4229480

Would you like some making fuck?

>> No.4229483


>> No.4229482

practice something a lot and it becomes unconscious what groundbreaking research written out in such a horrible prose.

>> No.4229486

>implying your shitty post is written any better

>> No.4229487

My love for you is like a rock.

>> No.4229494
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>"what are you listening to anon?"
>"Ewww how can you like that freak from X-factor"

>> No.4229525


Who the fuck reads zombie novels anyway?

>> No.4229563



>> No.4229567

>Who the fuck reads zombie novels anyway?
my sentiments exactly. I hate the whole zombie fad in general and when one mistook Dostoyevsky for another addition to that pile of shit a small part of my humanity died.

>> No.4229660


This book was lolzy. Love the guy that he teaches to read, except for Dostoevsky is such a patronizing aristocratic fuck.

Here's the full version from Project Gutenberg online if y'all want:

>> No.4229662

>hint hint
For all of the philistines in this thread who are shitposting but haven't even read the book.

>> No.4229664


Crime and Punishment is helluva good book. If you like his conversatory stile, i suggest you also read "the uncle"

>> No.4229695

Uncle's Dream?

>> No.4229751
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>> No.4229755

>everyone must know everything
That title is so cliché in horror that I can hardly blame anyone you were talking to.

>> No.4229762

I guess I should have mentioned that the conversation started by me reading the idiot, someone asking what I was reading, me telling them about it and how I was getting into dostoyevsky

>> No.4229775

Well, that's different then.

>> No.4229784

>I'm maybe 3/5 the way through The Idiot
Share you reaction when you're finished

>> No.4229816

Nice cover, it just doesn't say anything about the book.
There are passages in this book I'll never forget.

>> No.4230079
File: 393 KB, 1250x1732, hotd_3_deluxe_cabinet_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it is a long running light-gun series.

>> No.4230948

We know about the game, numb nuts. That's the whole point of OP's post.

>> No.4231018


In my opinion House of the Dead was greatly depressing study of a man's downfall (as an individual) and his struggle to rise from ashes, trying to find meaning of his suffering in harsh, unfriendly environment. Book can be genuinly boring at times, but provides a great insight for people studying mental survival of a human being.

That being said two books I consider greatest works of Dostoyevsky in my library are:


Provides a panoramic view on 19th century Russian political/ideological conflict. Great and sad book about search for "philosophical identity" of Russia. Book features a very interesting nihilist side in the debate.

>Brother Karamazov

Hands down. Second best book I've ever read. Watch out, may convert you to Orthodox Christianity.

>> No.4231020


Thanks. I was going to read Demons next anyway.

>> No.4231057

the point is that house of the dead is the name of the video game series. the novel's title is Записки из Мёртвого дома.

>> No.4231196

Or they were drugged. Or they were whipped into a religious frenzy. Or they were drunk. Or. Or. Or.

Archaeology is fun, huh?

>> No.4231977
File: 65 KB, 225x225, 1363161463068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


read >>4229762
I really should have included that in my OP. sometimes I can be absent minded

>getting coffee in the uni library
>barista recognizes me
>"Large dark, right?"
>"Actually I'd like the medium today"
>medium sized coffee placed on counter
>"Could you make that a large instead, please?"
>other employee, "yea, no problem, dark, right?"
>collective "Oooooohhhhh"

At least I'm not from /r9k/ or this post would be about me being troubled by having a coffee of the wrong size and roast and ranting about how women can't think

>> No.4233882

What's the best?

>> No.4233931


>> No.4233952


>go to cafe before class every day
>order the same thing every day, medium capp with two sugars
>same baristas every day
>every time they ask me what I want as if they've never seen me before
>mfw I'm still unemployed and am in STEM grad school
>mfw these cunts probably did lib arts degrees, got to read interesting books instead of tedious hard math and physics
>AND they got jobs

Fuck everything.

>> No.4233970

>Reading a book in public
>Guy walks up to me
>"What are you reading?"
>"It's Book by Author"
>"What is it about?"
>"Uh I dunno"
Every time.
Why is it so hard to summarize books in a few sentences?

>> No.4233980


Why do obnoxious cunts expect you to?

>be reading Conn Iggulden in grade 5
>'hey whitey, wat's dat book about?'
>'It's mostly to do with the life of Julius Caesar and power struggles in the Roman Republic.'
>'oh, so lots of guns an stuff?
>'Um... ... ... ... ... ...no.'
>'hurr uh... swords?'
>*heavy sigh* '... ... ... ...yeah.'
>'oh ok cool lol see you l8r anon.'

>> No.4234001

>"I read books to escape from reality."

>> No.4234017

>going to a school with niggers
Your parents must have hated you.

>> No.4234019


Impossible to avoid them in the wonderful land of Aus, I'm afraid.

>> No.4234674

>>"I read books to escape from reality."
>implying you don't

>Impossible to avoid them in the wonderful land of Aus
There are black people in Australia...
>country founded by criminals
oh yeah

>> No.4234989


I think its sad that most normal people do read books you can summarize in about a sentence or two.

>any romance novel
>any crap fantasy
>any crap action novel
>vampire romance

That's what normal people read.

>> No.4235017

i met a new friend the other day she was carrying around that morrisey autobiography : - )

>> No.4235029

>tl;dr i'm from /r9k/, i got fooled by /sci/
good job

>> No.4235034

>what are the aboriginals
/pol/ you're being particularly stupid today.

>> No.4235578


>> No.4235613

I'm the guy who wrote the viking berserker paragraph. I guess I'm supposed to jump in now and defend myself. Trolling starts to get really dumb when you realize that people actually waste their lives on 4chan laughing about being trolls.

>> No.4237181

Just as an incidental, the 4chan trolls, who could win arguments without much conscious thought while trolling, did so because the human brain after much practice in a skill can react unconsciously, rather than consciously, to 4chan threads; thus, a 4chan troll could react unconsciously to a post out of the corner of a thread, resulting in an insult or an attack. That's the science of trolling.