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/lit/ - Literature

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4227918 No.4227918 [Reply] [Original]

Well /lit/, I have an in.

I've sent my book to a publisher who I have vague ties to. He said he'd finish up my manuscript and get back to me by the end of the weekend on whether he'd give his approval.

Wish me luck guys.

>> No.4227937

What publisher?
Premise of book?
Tine it took to complete?

>> No.4227943
File: 86 KB, 600x586, AREIZOO II.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who I have vague ties to


>> No.4227946

OP, this thread will still be alive by then but if it isn't you tell us what happened.

>> No.4227949
File: 94 KB, 500x592, first novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you going to kill yourself when it's rejected?

Also, tell us about your book.

In before fantasy novel with elves and dwarves in it.
In before sci fi about a teenage boy in space.
In before pic related.

>> No.4227953

Yeah, and the last comma in your sentence is grammatically incorrect.

>> No.4227957

>that pic
It's pretty funny.

>> No.4227959

>What publisher?
The kind that publishes books.
>Premise of book?
>Tine it took to complete?
5 months. It was a freak occurrence.


I'll storytime whether or not he shit on me.

It's unique. Edgy, but unique. Nothing like what I initially intended when I set out to write it. If it gets rejected, I'll probably take the same premise and recycle it. I don't know how much I like the work I sent in.

>> No.4227961
File: 1.17 MB, 168x120, ABANDON THREAD..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, and the last comma in your sentence is grammatically incorrect.



>> No.4227963


>> No.4227967

>Edgy, but unique.

I can already tell that it's shit.


Called it. People on /lit/ don't write anything else because people on /lit/ are terrible writers.

>> No.4227969

nuh uh

The terrible shit I write isn't sci fi or fantasy

>> No.4227970


Shit, I actually guessed right. Why am I not surprised?

>> No.4227972

Well allow me to doubt the third point very much.

>> No.4227974

>>What publisher?
>The kind that publishes books.

Well fuck you and your shit book asshole. Good luck finding another publisher once this one reads your book and sends the word out that you're shit.

>> No.4227979

Impressive, you mentioned three possibilities, and two were actually right at the same time.
inb4 the hero is a bard on an introspective quest accompanied by a manic litteral pixie.

>> No.4227992

You're a terrible writer.

>> No.4228002

I once wrote a book that was so self-absorbed and narcissistic. I used all characters just as tools in order to get my personal beliefs and values across. Shit was so cash.

>> No.4228005
File: 352 KB, 940x637, 1379559604199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science fiction and fantasy are inherently shit

>> No.4228018


>5 months.
>I don't know how much I like the work I sent in.

So you were excited to have an 'in' and you sent them an unpolished work that you aren't even sure you'd read? Bang-up job, OP.

>> No.4228023

Woah now, I didn't say that. I edited the fucking thing five times over, I just wasn't sure how much I actually like the piece.

>> No.4228024

Hey, Camus.

>> No.4228026

>implying mary sue characters and thinly veiled preachy morals aren't the best sort of writing

you can't even disprove this

>> No.4228092

oh shit OP made it guys
on three, we do the /lit/ fedora salute
*tips fedora*

>> No.4228118

If ayn rand managed to get her verbal diarreah published I don't see why you can't get your book into the New York Times bestsellers list

>> No.4228136

hey OP tell us whether you get approved or not k?

>> No.4228911


I'm not a writer.

>> No.4228921

I was hoping your book would be sci-fi junk so I wouldn't feel so envious about it being published.

>> No.4228927


he said it was though.