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4226300 No.4226300[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you can only afford paperbacks

>> No.4226302


>implying you could tell how good a book is through how it looks.

Be thankful, friend. My mam could barely afford used newspapers back in the olden times.

>> No.4226315
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>>tfw I can buy 5 paperbacks at a used book shop for the price of one fancy new hardcover

>> No.4226325

I wish they were all paperbacks. I hate hardcovers.

>> No.4226339

I've never cared for hardcovers, and there are some really nice paperbacks out there
But it's really annoying just how many shit paperbacks there
They need to standardize this shit for quality, I'm sick of airport formats

>> No.4226351

>tfw folio society member
>tfw getting great deals on beautiful hardbacks with dependable binding

>> No.4226386



>university library stocks mainly hardcovers and they are ugly and dowdy as fuck

Give me a paperback with cool artwork on the cover any day.

>> No.4226391

But hardcovers last longer. Don't you want to bequeath your book collection to your children?

>> No.4226393


>implying anyone on /lit/ will ever have children

I come here for the books but I stay for the comedy.

>> No.4226395

I have some paperbacks from 1950. They really do last a long time.

>> No.4226396
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>tfw you download all your books for free

>> No.4226399


I'm not a sentimentalist. Books are tools. They can buy their own damn books.

>implying my kids are going to give a fuck about philosophy of language or Menippean satire

They'll probably be using e-readers for everything by then anyway.

>> No.4226400


Sites like bookfinder are really good, but I could never stand to stare at a screen intently like I do when I read.

>> No.4226403

>what is e-ink

>> No.4226405


That shit isn't any better, nig.

>> No.4226409

It really is tho.

>> No.4226412


Nah m8.

>> No.4226418

You don't know sh8.

>> No.4226434
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being proud of reading on some digitablet rather than holding a literature fetish in your hand

>> No.4226572

e-reader + public & uni library; buy 2nd hand books

>> No.4226724

>being a thief

>> No.4226728
File: 95 KB, 98x119, 1361850475732.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you already bought more than you could read
>tfw everytime you face a book on a shelf that you want to acquire you are reminded of all the others waiting to be finished at home

>> No.4226737

iphone + free wifi + libgen

>unnecessary spending for the benefit of our jew overlords
Never again

>> No.4226744

>wasting your money on books

ultimate pleb

>> No.4226747

What if it's an anti-jew book?

>> No.4226748
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u serious bro?

>> No.4226768

it's a trap
jews will market and exploit anything

>> No.4226780
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>> No.4227031

Just get a kindle, bro. You can get most books for free. Save up for hardbacks of your favorite books.

>> No.4227033

You've obviously never read on eink. It's much better, it's even better than reading on a book as you don't see all that miniature book fluff.

>> No.4227112

you can't say that while having an apple product
you're in the system

>> No.4227149

I don't understand why hardcover still exists.

>> No.4227156
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I'll take a nice paperback over a hardcover any day.

>thinking about my leatherbound-only phase.
>15+ gaudy books that weigh 50 pounds each

>> No.4227170

Call me autistic, but I hate the way you have to wait every time for a split second for the new page to load.

>> No.4227224


It's quicker than turning a page, so your argument is illogical.

>> No.4227232

But when you turn a page, you're not really noticing it because you're busy with doing something (turning the page). Plus it only happens half the time because you always have two pages in front of you.
But yeah, I know it's not really logical, it's more a matter of perception

>> No.4227266


That isn't a fedora, m8.

I should know - I'm kind of a "big deal" on the fedora scene.

>> No.4227270

That's a bowler hat m8

>> No.4227279
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>mfw I add another book to my shelf

Once I get my BA I'll have more time and then I can read them all.

...Yeah. That's it.

>> No.4227320

No you won't. People always say that. "when I get x, I'll do this", but you never do. You'll always find excuses not to do it. Sorry, bro. You're going to die while never reading enough.

>> No.4227338

>they're all bonded leather

>> No.4227339

>miniature book fluff

>> No.4227343

>didn't read the last line

>> No.4227382

yo thats a funny tfw bro

>> No.4227385

>tfw the only books you want is only avaible in paperback format
I got shitton of money, but almost all of my books are in paperback format, I fucking hate it.

>> No.4228134

>tfw the book you are looking for only comes in HC and you hate them
>tfw when you buy it, put on your shelf with your paperbacks and it spoils everything
>tfw now master in turning HC into PB

get on my level


>> No.4228172

I don't mind hardcovers, but I almost always take the outer cover sheet off, if there is one, and especially if it's glossy. I mean hell naw man, if I wanted to feel glossy shit while reading I'd use a tablet. I wanna feel that cardboard cover.

>> No.4228177

Mine fall apart. Particularly penguin classics with the orange cover. The glue just starts to crack.

>> No.4228250
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>only buy paperback
>ask for books for Christmas
>end up with hardback editions
>'a paperback isn't really a gift, is it?'

>> No.4228328


Fukken this.

>> No.4228469


>> No.4228472
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>Tfw ...Who cares?
I've gotten free HC and paper, I've even ordered the HC from online because they where cheaper.
Sometimes I give that Constanza face there when I know I can't have that library/house I imagine.
Its a dust jacket. Its not collecting dust while you read it. Of course you remove, but put it back on later.

>> No.4228479

That's a shitty price used bookstore you got there mister.

>> No.4228526

That movie was total dogshit.

I bought it, because I like Allen in general and thought it'd be worth it to own. Not even close. Chucked it in the trash the night after I watched it.

>> No.4228531

I have no preference over hardcover or paperbacks, I've transcended this earth, I'm invincible

>> No.4228650

>don't have the space to put any books anyway
>my comics take up all the space.

>> No.4228704

>reading books for anything other than reading books

>> No.4228706

>no preference between hardcover or paperbacks
>not reading from Kindle

Get on my level, you haven't even left my dimension yet.

>> No.4228832

>Who cares

>> No.4228886

ITT: bourgeois problems

>> No.4228903


>I don't like self-identifying with what I secretly know I am so I use it as my go to insult for others out of denial

nigga be real.

>> No.4229077

>the traumatic nature of realizing not everyone is exactly like me would engender radical self-examination and possible breakdown of my imaginary ideal ego which helps sustain a consistent world view, so I deflect this nuisance of potential self-realization by disregarding the very notion that everybody is not exactly like me

>> No.4229116

I much prefer paperbacks because I can fold them over and grasp them easily with one hand. It gives me satisfaction, and I just can't do it with a stiff hardcover.

>> No.4229139

Grasping my hardcover with one hand gives me satisfaction too, nomsayin?

>> No.4229387

>tfw I pirate all my books and read them on my older version of kindle which has no features other than reading books
>tfw I give my money to authors who are living and deserve it

>> No.4229644

>being a thief

>> No.4230978
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> mfw my friends volunteer to help me move
> that includes all of my hardbacks

>> No.4230992

yeah i realize this is a shit way to treat books but since their paperbacks it doesn't matter and i like reading that way best

>> No.4230995
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>what are flea markets
I got this for $5

>> No.4231002
File: 2.81 MB, 1836x3264, it taught me so much.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I got this bad boy for $7.50

>> No.4231009

i only buy english books at flea market type things, because i don't want a bad translation

i mean sometimes they have the good translations, but usually not

>> No.4231026


This is what I do, buy the cheap English editions of books that were written in English and save the money for the more expensive better translated versions of foreign books.

>> No.4231178
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>buying dirty booger smeared used books

>> No.4231186


take solace in the fact that if a work never reached paperback status it's definitely not worth reading

>> No.4231203

You could also just fucking take good care of your books.

>> No.4231210
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>> No.4231409

There is a Japanese word that you should learn: tsundoku. It is "the act of leaving a book unread after buying it, typically piled together with other such unread books."


>> No.4231428

While I love the cheap cost of a paperback getting a special hardcover edition of your favourite book is awesome. Especially one with maps.

>> No.4231483

>you will never own V. or Gravity Rainbow in anything other than flimsy paperback

>> No.4234161

i bet you read books for the plot