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4223988 No.4223988[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Movies that were better than the book

>> No.4223995


>> No.4223999

Mandatory: American Psycho, Fight Club, Jaws, Godfather

>> No.4224003
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>> No.4224074

Every good/decent movie based on books no one's ever heard of.

>> No.4224079

blade runner
the prestige

>> No.4224088

How in the world could you possibly think les miserables was better than the book? Dont get me wrong, it was a great movie. But the book is STILL significantly better.

To contribute to your thread, "The prestige" was better than its book. Holy shit that book sucked.

>> No.4224093

American Psycho the movie is equally as bad as the book

>> No.4224095


>> No.4224097

2001 A Space Odyssey

>> No.4224098

Anything Kubrick adapted for the screen with the exception of Lolita

>> No.4224100


I wanted nothing more than to kick Marius in the vagina while I read the book

>> No.4224103

Like, The Magnificent Ambersons. It's based on a Pulitzer Prize winning novel that no one reads any more, but it's considered a great film, and one of Orson Welles' best

>> No.4224104

Or Eyes Wide Shut

>> No.4224111

Agreed, but he was supposed to be like that. The characters were incredibly realistic IMO. Real people are actually just as annoying as Marius was.

>> No.4224117


OP can't be serious. I don't remember Crowe's attempt at baritone in Hugo's version.

>> No.4224123

It's not even based on the book, lol.

>> No.4224125

That movie was based on the play not the book.

>> No.4224133
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>Blade Runner

>> No.4224140

>Implying the adaptations of Dick's work aren't infinitely more interesting than his stories themselves

He can come up with ideas, but holy shit is his prose not even worth the time of day.

>> No.4224141

A Scanner Darkly is alos better than the book

>> No.4224156

the hobbit
lord of the rings

>> No.4224162


LOTR is about the same
The Hobbit lolno

>> No.4224191

The film is good, but nowhere near the book.

>> No.4224195

The Godfather.

>> No.4224242

no, fuck you

the movies are shitty

>> No.4224246

Life of Pi
Children of Man

>> No.4224279

Looks like someone hasn't actually read the book.

>> No.4224285

There Will Be Blood is the only genuine example that I can think of

>> No.4224295

Jurassic Park
The Exorcist
Rosemary's Baby
The Silence of the Lambs
No Country for Old Men

>> No.4224307


>> No.4224315

Nah. It turned a brilliant political satire into a ridiculous edgy farce

>> No.4224326

All movies that books are based on.

>> No.4224332

The movie is a lovely bit of comedy though. Bale's performance is funny as fuck

>> No.4224333

The Descendants.

Matt King is halfway likable in the movie. In the book he's an idealist asshole.

>> No.4224334

I haven't read the book, but I'm certain the movie No Country for Old Men was better.

>> No.4224340

Starship Troopers
The Prestige
The Shining
The Godfather (I like the novel but the films fix a lot of its flaws)
Stand By Me

>> No.4224346

I wouldn't say The Haunting (1963 not the Zeta Jones trash) is better than The Haunting of Hill House but it's close and is certainly as important to horror within its medium

>> No.4224347

Why are you certain?

>> No.4224362

> "The prestige"
If ScarJo wasn't in it ruining with her shit accent and acting, it would be in my top 5 faves.

>> No.4224364

>ridiculous edgy farce
lol'd. nope.

>> No.4225626

American Psycho, the book by Bret Easton Ellis, is a masterpiece.
It was adapted to screen by a feminist who had already made a movie against men, and who wanted to ridicule an evil male character who savagely murdered his lovers. The result is a farce with a spineless male character.
In the book, you identify with Patrick Bateman especially in the long chapters about his soapy musical tastes, which make him look human at last.
In the film, the musical references are kept, but turned into Grand Guignolesque motives illustrating the assassinations like Beethoven goes with the murders in A Clockwork Orange.

It's a deliberate attempt at ridiculing the only part of humanity of Bateman.
In the book, you get a glimpse of Ellis-the-author through a Bateman fan of Genesis and Whitney Houston. Bateman going on and on about the songs "Alone Tonight", "Misunderstanding", "The Greatest love of all" appears as a highly sensitive character.

In the film, you only get to see a mad killer who for some reason likes to kill to the sound of 80's music, after entertaining his victims about the biography of Phil Collins.

Those who prefer a farce to literature probably prefered the movie.

Alone tonight by Genesis, one of Patrick Bateman's favorite songs.

>> No.4225635

Let the right one come in.

Book's pretty good, but the movie is fucking fantastic.

>> No.4225636
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get out.

>> No.4225647

Jurassic Park, the book was so shitty.

>> No.4225685

>[talking to his date]
>"I beat up a girl today who was asking people on the street for money." I pause, then measure each of the following words carefully. "She was young and seemed frightened and had a sign that explained she was lost in New York and had a child, though I didn't see it. And she needed money, for food or something. For a bus ticket to Iowa. Iowa. I think it was Iowa and..." I stop for a moment, balling the socks up, then unballing them.
>Daisy stares at me blankly for a minute, before asking, "And then?"
>I pause, distracted, and then stand up. Before walking into the bathroom I mutter, "And then? I beat the living shit out of her." I open the medicine cabinet for a condom and, as I reenter the bathroom, say, "She had misspelled disabled. I mean, that's not the reason I did what I did but... you know." I shrug. "She was too ugly to rape."
>Daisy stands up, placing the spoon next to the Häagen-Dazs carton on the Gilbert Rhode-designed nightstand.
>I point. "No. Put it in the carton."
>"Oh, sorry", she says.
>She admires a Palazzetti vase while I slip on the condom. I get on top of her and we have sex and lying beneath me she is only a shape, even with all the halogen lamps burning. Later, we are lying on opposite sides of the bed. I touch her shoulder.
>"I think you should go home", I say.
>She opens her eyes, scratches her neck.
>"I think I might... hurt you," I tell her. "I don't think I can control myself."
>She looks over at me and shrugs, "Okay, sure," then she starts to get dressed. "I don't want to get too involved anyway," she says.
>"I think something bad is going to happen," I tell her.
>She pulls her panties on, then checks her hair in the Nabolwev mirror and nods. "I understand."
>After she's dressed and minutes of pure, hard silence have passed, I say, not unhopefully, "You don't want to get hurt, do you?"
>She buttons up the top of her dress and sighs, without looking over at me. "That's why I'm leaving."
>I say, "I think I'm losing it."

>> No.4225691

>movie is fucking fantastic
I concur.

>> No.4225708

That was a book based on a movie

>> No.4225717
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Oh, shut the fuck up BEE. You ain't foolin nobody.

>> No.4225715
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>> No.4225730
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Hi, I'm Pat Bateman.

>> No.4225731

V for Vendetta.

the movie was smart to cut out the mangled political drama story and stick with V and Evey.

>> No.4225811

Blade Runner
Les Miserables (1935 and 1934)
No Country for Old Men
Anything done by Kubrik (save for Lolita, of course)
The Godfather
Fight Club

>> No.4225813
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>> No.4225816

These are all true.

>> No.4225822

The Liam Neeson adaptation was better. None of that singing junk.
Blade Runner isn't Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.
No. It was a short story (The moon sequence) that was expanded on.

>> No.4225929


No, kill yourself.


>hurr musicals are for faggots git dat dere skeeter

>> No.4225941
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>yfw you found out who wrote the adaptation

>> No.4225967

>Implying PDK is quality.
Lol only on 4chna

>> No.4226430

Are you serious? Admittedly I've never read the book, but 'Les Mis' the movie made me want to kill myself.

>> No.4226435

Jurassic Pork too.

>> No.4226452

Most James Bond movies

>> No.4226518


Kingsley Amis' Bond was better than Fleming's

>> No.4226886

I actually thought the silence of the lambs book was better, I know many will probably disagree but I thought beowulf and the great gatsby were horrid in school but I loved the movies.. The fact that I didn't read them for my pleasure could be a factor

>> No.4226982

That was a terrible movie and congratulations you are the biggest pleb on 4chan right now.

>> No.4226991
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>> No.4226996


>> No.4227000

Thanks. You do realize you're on the internet right? Specifically a forum open to opinions. But I hope that at least made you feel better, however inconsequential

>> No.4227012


And that's my opinion faggot

>hurr stop trying to stifle my free speech by posting a contrary opinion

>> No.4227024

I'm not objecting your opinion I am saying you have imaginative insults, either that or just a terrible sense of humour

>> No.4227035
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see that? that made more sense than what you just wrote

>> No.4227058

James Franco's adaptation of As I Lay Dying

>> No.4227088
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Howard Shore = movies>>>>>books


>> No.4227098

It is, though.

It's a very funny film but as a consequence the scenes that are meant to hold dramatic weight fall flat and the parts that are meant to be disturbing come across as silly edginess.

>> No.4227109

maybe it was 2deep4u

>> No.4227127

I doubt it since it's not a very "deep" film.

There are some good scenes in it, though. The part with the preacher slapping Daniel was brilliant. The part where he takes his son into the distance and his son starts hitting him was fantastic and the only scene which I thought was dramatically and emotionally well done.

>> No.4227133
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>> No.4227274


>> No.4227332

Enjoy being 14.

>No Country for Old Men
>Anything by Kubrik

Are you sure you read the books?

>> No.4227349


Only Casino Royale. I can't watch Goldfinger again after reading the book, it is too inferior.

>> No.4227354


So was William Boyd's.

>> No.4227703

it was written at the level of a 14-year old

>> No.4227722
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The seminal example.

>> No.4228458
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Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

>> No.4229317

Kubrick could have taken Twilight and it would still look like a real Kubrick movie.

>> No.4231830

It wasn't based on a book; the novel was based on Kubrick's script.

>> No.4231839

It was based on a short story

>> No.4231869

>identifying with Bateman

kill yourself

>> No.4231883


notice how the OP just says "movies that were better than the book," you swinish aspie

>> No.4231921 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4231981


well shit, then we can immediately list star wars, the alien movies, etc if it doesn't matter

>> No.4231998

Princess Bride

>> No.4232028


stop being a swinish aspie