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/lit/ - Literature

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4223030 No.4223030[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, what is your opinion of Andrea Coates?

Somehow reading her writing makes me incredibly angry and I don't know why exactly. I dearly hope it isn't envy I'm feeling.

>> No.4223034

Oh, here's a taste for the uninitiated:


>> No.4223059

JeffK got old 15 years ago

>> No.4223063

What is JeffK? I was 6 years old 15 years ago and didn't have internet access.

>> No.4223095

I don't want to read a single line of this. I don't want to memorize her name.
Let's just focus in the anecdote.

I realize she's another of those "alt-lit" retards.
That kind of insane writing doesn't get any audience. Nobody has the interest to read that. If she gets attention it's obvious that they're just trying to fuck her.

>> No.4223118

It's no different to the way Pynchon writes in Mason and Dixon, really.

>> No.4223139

Why are alt-lit authors all such terrible people?


>> No.4223145 [DELETED] 
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What are your opinions on taste, /lit/? In every field, but especially in literature.

>> No.4223150

I envy them their success. But yeah, terrible terrible people.

>> No.4223156

>Mason and Dixon
I haven't read it. I don't think that changes anything. Pynchon wrote it with a purpose (and most importantly, he has the authority to do it).

There's no purpose in that blog, no appeal. I only felt attracted to the girl, but I just googled Andrea Coates naked and I got the nudes. I didn't have to reading anything.

What is she trying to say exactly? She made a thing and she wanted a reaction. Any reaction. She wrote hysterically a nominative thing about something. And then?

She thinks she's a Discordianist, with the golden apple and all, but chaos for the sake of chaos is a waste of energy and time. Even chaos magicians define purposes. They're free to chose their purpose, that's the point.

Poor girl, she's not even insane. She's the worst kind of all: just a narcissistic person.

>> No.4223164

Good analysis. I don't know why she includes all those nudes with her articles.

>> No.4223174

is she hipster runoff?

>> No.4223187

A Girl appearing Naked on her Literary Blog is a Relevant Cultural Statement

>> No.4223189

"I'm too unfit for pole dancing money"?

>> No.4223192
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Ashamed to say I jerked off to this girl a moment ago. Her writing isn't terrible, but the formatting and all the clutter on her blog makes it unreadable. Why do people do this?

>> No.4223198

She doesn't actually identify with the alt-lit movement it seems. She critiques them as if she were separate from them. She seems particularly interested in the thought catalog whores.

>> No.4223203 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4223222

does she ever get naked? looked through the blog for 2 seconds and noticed she has a thing for tao lin; maybe he smashed?

>> No.4223241

nm, she totally gets naked. it is a bitch to navigate her blog though

>> No.4223247

She gets naked CONSTANTLY. It really hurts her respectability as a writer.

>> No.4223256

i see that she has a kid; does she know who the daddy is?

>> No.4223266

I don't think she cares, and her point is that it shouldn't.

>> No.4223272

Not even the buttocks can make up for this crap.

>> No.4223294

Holy shit this stuff is gold.

>> No.4223298

In what sense?

>> No.4223300

Interesting analysis of the hipster.

>> No.4223301

>her point is that it shouldn't.
Yeah, suuuure. What biting commentary.

>> No.4223323

>inb4 you just hate her because she's a woman

>> No.4223332
File: 50 KB, 540x505, Daria Read More.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are everything that is wrong with what /lit/ has become.
>I didn't read it
It's evident that you don't read very often. You probably opine on books all of the time based upon what marginal and unsubstantiated rumors you have heard regurgitated by others instead of reading them and the canon upon which they are based and forming your own opinions.

Unfortunately, you are unable even to perform the basic task of perusing text on Andrea Coates blog. I don't find her work compelling. In fact, I rather dislike it. But I at least read the blog. Read a couple of posts. She is not posting "chaos for the sake of chaos." She enumerates certain structures, (no, she's not a total anarchist) in a number of posts, including this review of Sanderg's Lean In (http://andreacoates.blogspot.ca/2013/05/sheryl-sandbergs-lean-in-quest-for.html)) and almost all of those on the "DIYAnrky" portal. Read them. She's not an utter nihilist. I forget which post it was (read it a couple of weeks back) but in fact she calls out that very trend in youth and in ironic authors, assering that in adopting and behaving nihilist philosophy, they are sacrificing their responsibility to work to create better structures.

The discussion in this thread has been pitifully shallow. It is misogynistic. It is not taking her obsession with nudity and promiscuity into consideration (I don't think it's very substantial myself, but at least I took the time to think about it before dismissing its significance), but instead immediately reducing it to "nudes" and debasing her sexuality as a conquest for yourself. That's misogyny. That's exactly what she's criticizing. Y'all are so infuriated by her, and yet you're not even reading the content that infuriates you, simply raging against the temerity of Coates to throw tits in with her tirades. How fitting. Maybe I shouldn't be so quick to write off the salience of her nudity.

tl;dr: Read before you criticize. No, she's not fantastic and her writing is not particularly innovative. But she's making some serious points against you and you're not even reading it because you're too busy staring at the breasts that she is calling you out for reducing her to.
Pic related.

>> No.4223347

not even furious, the girl is dumb. came for the nudes, came for the nudes, didn't stay for her writing or poems because they were nothing special

>> No.4223350

Can you justify her ridiculous formatting, though? Yeah, I agree that you should read something before writing it off completely. But her presentation seems so aggressively bent on scaring off potential readers, or perhaps hiding a lack of content. Everything on that blog seems geared towards drawing attention AWAY from the writing.

>> No.4223351
File: 171 KB, 1356x1600, andrea coates writing JUNK17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A white knight on /lit/. I never thought I'd see the day...

>> No.4223353

Gong to go ahead and agree with this anon

back in your box >>>/b/

>> No.4223354

I think that's the point, kid.

>> No.4223362


her critique of the New York dating scene is like nothing I've ever seen before

>> No.4223365

What is this? What is happening? Why?

Oh wait, it's ironic. It HAS to be.

>> No.4223373


convince me of the irony you guys>>4223353

>> No.4223375

Wow, really? Playing that card are we? I'm not misogynistic. I hate her because she's a woman, sure. But I hate her for so many other reasons as well. How can that be misogyny? It's just general hatred of a person.

>> No.4223379
File: 37 KB, 460x345, 1367125243016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill me now, please. Just end my suffering.

>> No.4223380

she's right that the fact people think tao lin is the voice of a generation is pathetic

>> No.4223382

Hammy delivery, silly lyrics. It's obviously ironic. I don't think there's any debate to be had.

>> No.4223386

She seems very passionate and serious to me.

>> No.4223391

that is always her delivery, please educate yourself on her other fine works. i think poems have lines rather than lyrics but whatevs

p.s. she fucked some oldass bearded dude and posted a pick of herself licking his dick so the only way this is irony is if she is taking the I'm literally a prostitute stance.

>> No.4223396

omg, it is /lit/s new girlfriend; so ironic

>> No.4223397

>posted a pick of herself licking his dick
Is that on the blog?

>> No.4223400

yep, she is basically an artistic camwhore, photography rather than film makes it artistic

>> No.4223407

Awesome. I've been looking for some contemporary Dada. A blog seems the perfect medium for these particular entries.

>> No.4223413

It's a commentary on those thought catalog bitches like Marie Calloway, she's not condoning it. She's making fun of it, hence all the gaudy shit and stupid catchphrases photoshopped into the pics.

>> No.4223419

she isn't very good at it bsed on the video; comes off as a lolsorandom mountain lion-lover. she thinks tao lin is a big shot/best millenial writer and critiques him in the video

Don't make her more than she is, bro. Will only disappoint.

>> No.4223425

>she thinks tao lin is a big shot/best millenial writer

she thinks other people think tao lin is a big shot/best millenial writer
which is true! and a shame

>> No.4223431

i assumed that was just college hipsters who enjoy tao lin. p sure tao lin is a fad at best

she also talked about the mindless culture we live in which is a waste of time considering there was never a golden period of culture, it was always shit

>> No.4223436
File: 159 KB, 450x550, Sasha Eating Existentialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baseless ad hominem on /lit/, I never thought I'd see the day...

You just corroborated both my thesis and hers. Congrats.

Your two stated metrics for judging her formatting are whether or not they are attractive to readers and whether or not there is content behind her obfuscating (I wouldn't call it innovating). You may be right about the latter. The first time that her blog was pointed out to me was two weeks ago, and I binged for a bit but didn't find much substance. Her views on economics are laughably unsupported (by, like, any factual evidence) and her vision of orgies curing the world, I mean, come on, why am I wasting my time defending it? It's tripe. That said, she can be clever when talking in an insulated form about literature, but her criticisms are simply regurgitating undergraduate-level feminist theory and pop feminism website (e.g. Jezebel) talking points gussied up with some 50 cent words to make herself seem smarter.

But as for the format scaring off readers? Seems hyperbolic. I'm sure you've received that chain email aobut how we can inetrrept msot wrods croceclty eevn if the iartenl ltretes are jlebumd, so lnog as the fsirt and lsat leetrts saty in psiotoin. Her quirks (mostly just haphazard capitalization) are significantly less convoluted than that so I don't see what's so offputting. But I have a skewed perspective. Then again, she's not exactly, despite all her high-minded egalitarian rhetoric, looking to draw in proles who aren't well read (but she's fighting so hard for their rights to be freegans and fuck all day...) so maybe I'm a representative sample of and not an outlier from her target demographic.

Regardless, there are other metrics by which to judge her writing style, and she doesn't come out looking bad in all of them, so I don't think it's really germane to discuss it. How about the fact that (though she has "plans") they are nebulous and under-researched? Isn't that cause enough to write her off?

The rapidity and vehemence with which posters are responding to this, especially at we-should-be-asleep a.m. (in the US, at least, I realize this board is heavily international), should be indicator enough of how buttmad she makes people. It's silly, but then again they're angry because she shows tits and simultaneously expresses an opinion. The audacity.

Pic related. Another individual that trolls the puerile man-children sticking their poorly-read noses into every useless discussion on this board. OH SHE'S A WHORE. Sure, she's not very clever, but inevitably threads about her devolve into ad hominem just like this one has.

>> No.4223434

Why aren't there any qt boy poets posting their bodies on the internet

>> No.4223448

but that's a retarded point

>> No.4223449

>haphazard capitalization

And it isn't even haphazard, you can see she's either Capitalizing Initially For Emphasis or capitalizing at morpheme boundaries to highlight etymology (diseases becomes disEases)

>> No.4223459

p sure the girl is just dumb, lolrandom, nothing special

please /lit/, next time get an interesting girl with well-thought out views for me to sexualize and call her my qt3.14/waifu.

>> No.4223487

She's giving a chaotic message. What she wants to say is not clear. I'm not going to use my time trying to decipher the "true" message on that blog.

That's what I'm trying to say. People won't care because life is too short for that shit. Find another way to do it.

And I'm not a misogynistic; I didn't save the nudes, I only watched them. I didn't masturbate to them either.

>> No.4223500

i looked at them while watching porn; somehow, that makes me a mysoginyst.

i think this thread could serve a purpose, who is the best millennial writer if not tao lin.

>> No.4223501 [DELETED] 
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Who cares

>> No.4223507

I'm not giving you my energy, you witch.
Accept the love of Jesus in your heart.

>> No.4223509

don't you feel bad for her kid though? you could have saved her, /lit/.

>> No.4223526


>> No.4223554

I read her mini-autobiography. Apparently she is borderline. Judging by her life story it definitely seems legit and not self-diagnosed.
I can see glimmers of some pretty sound stuff behind the chaotic mess created by her disorder. Unfortunately, the massively powerful pulsions that exist in these people often drown out anything of value. Their psychic universe can be quite crushing

>> No.4223560

You sound like the type that falls for prostitutes and tries to save them.

Her kid will be fine, she will be fine.

>> No.4223581

people with personality disorders can use their disorder to their advantage in the arts, i wouldn't feel too bad for her.

>> No.4223590


True enough, just as long as their structure allows them to. She seems to be one of the luckier ones.

>> No.4223594

I think she's an extremely boring narcissist with absolutely zero in the way of interesting/useful ideas. I don't care about her naked pictures, I don't care about her web 1.0 blog. Don't pay attention to her. She's not worth your time.

>> No.4223596

can you post her autobiography? i've never seen a borderline autobiography

>> No.4223605


Ugh don't make me dig through that ironic mess of a blog again. It's in the sidebar on the left somewhere. It's actually a post about her sexual life.
tl'dr: reactive hyper sexuality, drug abuse, emotional void, very erratic lifestyle, extremely unhealthy ways of interacting with other people

>> No.4223624

ty for the tl;dr

>> No.4224130

This is more of a white knight attitude than anyone else in this thread.

>> No.4224132

>64 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
If you actually know/care who this is please stop posting kill yoruself, ta

>> No.4224353

Why are you ashamed? Embrace your sexuality. I did it too and I'm going to go for a second round now.

>> No.4224359

Is that a tranny? Fucker has no hips.

andrae pls

>> No.4224371

Yes it is, moron. Pynchon wasn't just inserting capital letters everywhere for laughs, he was emulating the grammar and tone of the time the novel is set in.

>> No.4224373

Reading her site makes me want to become a Conservative.

>> No.4224379


What success?

I've never heard of any of these people. I doubt more than 5,000 people have, either.

They're not 'successful' to anyone but those who swim in shallow pool of alt-lit society.

>> No.4224381

This is not literature.

>> No.4224497

Who is she?
What is her problem?
Why is there a fuss about here in /lit/?

>> No.4226103

>being informed and opinionated about modern literary circles
>a good reason to kill yourself

Why do you think this?

>> No.4226120

I read that article about Tao Lin she did and that wasn't too bad. you guys are blowing this whole thing up

>> No.4226136

go to bed, Cormac McCarthy.

>> No.4226415

time to sleep, Jonathan Franzen.

>> No.4226561

>Who is she?
blogger / alt lit hanger on
>What is her problem?
borderline personality disorder
>Why is there a fuss about here in /lit/?

>> No.4226888

Legs for me.

>> No.4226905

word salad. schizophrenia.

>> No.4227063

huh she used to live in Victoria where I live now.
>21 Years Old :Move to Victoria, BC. Have Lots of Casual Sx with Men I meet at Bars.
Shit I could have fucked her. She's so crazy she's probably insane in the sack

>> No.4227984

Stop it guys you're empowering Andrea!
facebook dot com slash andrea.coates.50

>> No.4227998

She seems like a cunt. I'll just stick to Tao.

>> No.4228014


whatdyou think?

>> No.4228025

>If nothing means anything, and therefore, I can do whatever I want, why not do the best thing possible?
>implying possibility of determination of best under such circumstances

dis bitch dum

>> No.4228029
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>> No.4228030 [DELETED] 
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i've jerked it to her before.

>> No.4228032 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4228039

if you cannot see ANY of the MANY purposes to her blog and writing, you are approaching lit quite densely. there is a lot going on, and while it's not all original, it is more than discord. she has opinions, she takes sides, and while convoluted, is not obscurist by any means. she matches scattered complex problems with scattered often complex writing.

she has very specific essays on a variety of topics, including the role of literature in challenging the audience, and the perception of being challenged when you are not. it's not going to be pretty, and you may be strapped to a chair if you want to participate, but you are free to enjoy other forms of lit porn if you like at any time. but don't say she didn't warn you.

coda: I don't think she's an alt-lit barnacle. If anything, she rises above it and happens to be tangentially involved. It in no way defines her views or style. I'm not even sure if ALtlit is the best venue for her.

>> No.4228042


I found this shit from /sci/, what the fuck am I reading?

>> No.4228047

Stop throwing your trash on our board

>> No.4228050 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4228056

this is the worst blogsite I've ever come across

>> No.4228060 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 1067x1600, DSC_0801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hear she use to do gangbangs

>> No.4228062

>a few seconds ago
This is the worst kind of viral marketing.

>> No.4228064

the raymond roussel of feminists. will take some modern foucault to see some aesthetic value in her insanity.

>> No.4228066
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>> No.4228069

i heard you guys like slam poetry


>> No.4228070


I was going to say "go to bed andrea"

but you know what? I don't even want this to be a meme

just fuck off

>> No.4228074 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mlkjsk5Yb41ry4r4yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

andrea, talk sexy to us

>> No.4228077

>emotional void

You didn't read any of it did you

>> No.4228079 [DELETED] 

wait, how?

>> No.4228086
File: 9 KB, 104x126, not_sure_bout_this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those fat outty lips

>> No.4228101

Hey Andrea. I hardly think everything here is hate.
In my possibly-to-be-ignored opinion, I think you're a pretty good writer.
Although why you're on 4chan caring about what people say confuses me. You could show 4chan Milton and get ten "edgy"s.
You don't have to have mass approval. You can just be liked by people who like you and accept that some people won't.
Or not. I genuinely mean "Or not." I don't think it matters either way.

>> No.4228119

Thread confirmed for commercial spam/advertising.

>> No.4228121

Delete thread OP, don't give her the satisfaction.

>> No.4228127

>only 7 likes

you'll be sure to get more after your viral marketing campaign

>> No.4228164
File: 249 KB, 666x600, 1376169510847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at her
>i can fap to this
>she has a kid
>feel awful for him/her
>i don't want to deal with these feels
thanks /lit/

>> No.4228170
File: 72 KB, 551x464, stayoutofmylife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you assholes please stay off my fucking facebook feed

It's embarrassing to admit i spend 4 hours a day here

>> No.4228171
File: 1.24 MB, 200x200, 1372558939406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the orientation for feeling bad for a person you don't know? Either get to know him and influence his life positively, or get over your emotions. Everything about what you just did was unproductive, wasteful, and weak.

>> No.4228176

I bet you play a dark elf assasin every time.

>> No.4228179

you sure got this figured out huh

>> No.4228184




>> No.4228188

Bullkowski was a more interesting /lit/ figure than this bitch appears to be.

>> No.4228190
File: 29 KB, 356x600, zuloaga_anchorite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compassion is never unproductive silly, it's always another step towards the good life.

>> No.4228191

No I play a blond Breton brawler.

your sarcastic reply sure elevates you to a position of moral sainthood, don't it?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who understands that reason is always the most valuable.

That name for the concept is apt and accurate. Will reuse.

>> No.4228193

Then you'll have compassion for my lack of compassion, thank you.

>> No.4228194

I wonder of the state of her internet presence is enough to call child support. Seems mentally unstable enough to warrant measures being taken. I feel sick to my stomach thinking of this borderline bitch raising a child.

>> No.4228195

She has a fuckable body but nothing really special. Face is below average. The fact that she acts like a loony means every idiot on this God forsaken Earth thinks he has a chance to stick his weiner between her sugar walls. I can't deny that she seems to be the type that I'd like to brutalize just for the fun of it. It's a kind of a litmus test - are you faking it or are you for real? If she starts crying then you'd know it's all a charade. Unless she enjoys crying that is.

>> No.4228197

I actually do. This muh efficiency, productivity, being strong and rational and hard attitude often leads to unhappy and shitty lives.

>> No.4228199 [DELETED] 

If she starts crying, then you've stuck a wedge in your emotions and you're free to swing your hammer wildly and inflict serious emotional damage.

What a glorious opportunity, one that every self-respecting man would take.

>> No.4228201

>your sarcastic reply sure elevates you to a position of moral sainthood, don't it?
you don't explain to the puppy why it shouldn't eat the couch you tell it off and eventually it'll learn

>> No.4228206

I didn't criticize altruism, and if you had a modicum of reasoning skills you'd understand this. I'm criticizing emotions without action, not emotions with action. If you feel like being the next Saint Nicholas, be my guest. You'll be a self-actualizing person of respect and authority, and no longer an inefficient waste.

>> No.4228211

Then go fuck yourself.

>> No.4228212

>those moments where you see pictures of young in a certain way people and can tell how they will look when they're old

>> No.4228217

*tips fedora*

to you and to everyone else in this thread for good measure

>> No.4228218

If she's crying, then you've stuck a wedge in her emotions, to which you're free to swing your hammer and inflict serious emotional damage.

It's a route acceptable to any respectable man.

>> No.4228220

sometimes people can't actually choose their emotions
and sometimes emotions are caused by events one has no control over and it's very rarely productive to do anything about said events

>> No.4228223

look seriously fuck all of you. she can raise her kid like she wants. there is nothing inherently wrong with her. the only thing weird is that she'll be brainwashing her kid a little differently than everyone else's parents do.

how she raises her kid is not for you to decide. believe it or not, people have survived growing up with 'radical' beliefs (tbh i think most of her opinions are all pretty palatable).

>> No.4228229

Yes, you can absolutely control your emotions. Testosterone suppresses emotions. Your testosterone levels are easily controllable through behavior.

Lacking emotions is the optimal masculine state. Therefore, you should religiously practice testosterone maximization.

You've been fed the lie of helplessness.

>> No.4228234

When I said that compassion is never unproductive because it's always another step towards the good life, I meant that the feeling of compassion is useful to the person who feels it, even though he isn't able to act on it at all times. When you call it emotion without action you are oversimplifying. Feeling compassion without being able to act on it immediately will have an effect on later situations. It's training basically. One of the reasons why reading fiction is beneficial as well. People who will allow themselves to feel compassion if when they are powerless will end up generally more compassionate and less hateful people with both a greater understanding, a greater source of motivation to help others and a greater chance at happiness. The approach you suggest, suppression feelings when you don't think they are practical at the moment, leads to a fragmented and half hearted existence.

>> No.4228235

8/10 decent troll..

>> No.4228237

we're not saying it's the worst thing that's happened just slightly depressing

>> No.4228239
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>> No.4228241

If I don't respect her autonomy to raise a child, then I'm disrespecting myself to let her. You can live by laissez-faire morality, but I don't. I'll be the great one.

>> No.4228244

Nah that's just a massive waste of time and energy.

>> No.4228246
File: 251 KB, 640x480, riot-police_9-2-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she can raise her kid like she wants
Except she can't, since there are laws made to protect children against people like her. Thank God.

>> No.4228247

I like my regurgitated post-shamanism to be comic book form.

>not sword-and-board imperial
I bet you didn't even kill Twice-Vehk.

>> No.4228249

It doesn't take much time and energy not to suppress feelings of empathy because you deem them impractical.

>> No.4228253


>> No.4228254

My contention is that all emotion should be rationally understood, in which case the emotion and reaction time should be very short.

If you dwell and don't act on emotion, then you are simply weak and mediocre.

If you disagree, then you are simply rationalizing the inability to act in heavy situations as some sort of quality. The aforementioned concept is only describable with the word "pretentious", as it is entirely wrong.

>> No.4228258

it looks so weird without music...

>> No.4228266

I go to a folk music festival in the middle of the woods every summer where all the old hippies take their toddlers to inhale the weed smoke. I've met parents with stranger ideas, trust me.

captcha: resseti classes

>> No.4228267
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>In hospital waiting room
>mother with young boy sitting across from me
>child begins to wail incessantly, so a nurse gives him a little toy truck
>he begins to accessorize it
>nurse says "Its not a barbie sweetie it's a truck"

>the boy didn't know what a truck was

I find myself increasingly attracted to becoming a reactionary with every passing day.

>> No.4228271

'Sall good as long as you're not a conservative. The status quo is always shit and must always be changed.

>> No.4228272

how does it feel that your breasts are the only thing between you and total irrelevancy?

>> No.4228277

she is going to let her kid choose it's gender and instead of him or her, use yo. That little boy is going to smash the patriarchy and he is going to like it.

>> No.4228279

She is already totally irrelevant, though.

>> No.4228281
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she's dancing around something and she's squirming in any direction she can to do it, i think it's cute.

it's just an emerging brand of new sincerity. the fact that most of you'll gawk at the suggestion is proof enough hah.

>> No.4228299

Hey Andrea, how 'bout posting more porn? I have a headcold, I need to be twice-turgid for maximum patriarchy.

>> No.4228300

You merely don't understand how experienced emotions can be used as fuel for personal growth and to better oneself even if that emotion doesn't serve as stimulus for an immediate action. If you really took a rational approach you should know dwelling on emotion in certain ways can actually transform you. You're taking an overly simplified approach to everything. Dwelling in those experiences is precisely what prepares people 'to act in heavy situations'.

Not to mention that without the tendency to dwell in emotions you won't dwell in happiness either and become merely stuck in your habit of using feelings as a tool towards some arbitrarily defined goal, passing life itself by as you fawn after goal after goal without ever achieving satisfaction. People who take an overly pragmatic approach to life end up like broken machines.

>> No.4228306

TL;DR seriously. I've made my point. I'm right, move on. You can't convince me with some convoluted lofty moral argument. I don't believe in morality.

>> No.4228319

10/10 stringed me on all along

good luck further misinterpreting Genealogy of Morals and shitposting about it

>> No.4228322

>I don't believe in morality.

>> No.4228323


So this one?

>> No.4228333

>Genealogy of Morals
What is that?

>> No.4228336

judging by the title, i'm going to go out on a limb and say it's a genealogy of morals

>> No.4228341 [DELETED] 
File: 372 KB, 830x1245, tumblr_mlj9b0iWzP1ry4r4yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give us a show, andrea

>> No.4228343

As long as we're making sweeping generalizations, how did those likes for Kony2012 turn out?

>> No.4228365

really? what (canadian) law is that?

one of the more common reasons justifying moral and cultural violence

seriously all this thread has done is show how desperately 4chan needs an andrea coates, and how worthy people are of criticism in that vein.

>> No.4228368

also seriously like fuck that. there are so many non-andrea coates things wrong with this post. the role of law is not to 'protect' people from raising their kid to think against it.

>> No.4228370

I've never advocated violence. I simply made the point that "feeling bad" about something is entirely counter-productive if that emotion leads to no real action. The fact that you can't comprehend this is astonishing, because it is fundamentally correct.

The argument that "feeling bad" is somehow morally just is not correct.

>> No.4228382

I wish she would do more nude erotic type photos!!! Smarts and sex is just great

>> No.4228398

what? you are talking past me, bro. like, having a different conversation.

I totally agree that you can act as you wish in the world, especially on actions based on real emotional and thoughtful reflection. I would not argue against that in any sweeping way. I was pointing out that your reasoning is a common sort of 'violent metaphysics'. Redoubled by the attitude that you know what is "fundamentally correct". This "I'm not being true to myself if I don't stop an other and their truth" self-glorifying. As someone getting their doctorate in science, I doubt that these kinds of structures CAN even have something FUNDAMENTALLY correct about them.

>> No.4228404
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funny that she is still posting as anon

>> No.4228407

seems to me you're saying we should instantly act on all matters that cause an emotional response which is simply impossible
you can take what you learn from contemplating your emotions and use that knowledge in decisions regarding your own life and people you care about

>> No.4228413

she put this on her facebook lol

troll harder oh sex positive privileged one

>> No.4228421
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Those children partake in society. If one raises one's child in such a way that it can't exist in society without major social problems and cognitive dissonance willingly, one sacrifices one's child for one's own ideology. It's a form of child abuse. She's basically planning on pulling a Prussian Blue on the other side of the spectrum. Scarring kids for life isn't part of your freedums.

>> No.4228423

even a "'good'" 4chan board like /lit/ is full of revolting misogyny lmbo

>> No.4228425

>appealing to autonomous authority
You collapse on yourself at this point. If a person does not have a moral compass and does not feel emotion, there is no such thing as morality for them. This means that civilized society needs to exterminate them or realize that morality as a concept is meaningless control.

It doesn't matter what you say, I know I'm right because a moral reason cannot influence my behavior.

>> No.4228430

most men think like this, 4chan just gives them the cloak of anonymity. expressing this in real life would get you chastised and shamed by overly enthusiastic pitbull feminists and beta white knights.

>> No.4228432

Or you can work at suppressing emotion and think rationally.

>> No.4228435

Everyone who's powerful does this. Machiavelli, bitch.

>> No.4228437

She isn't even close to Kathy Acker who I wish were alive to read this drivel

Fuck this attention whore

>> No.4228440

well for me, as well as humanity in general i believe, emotion is the driving force of our sentient existence and need not be rationalized although it's certainly interesting to think about them

>> No.4228441

In real life this bitch would be dismissed as a mentally unstable attention whore by almost everyone, including actual feminists. Tumblr doesn't reach much further than 4chan in real life.

>> No.4228443

>emotion is the driving force of our sentient existence

No. the talented leaders of all time are simply extremely talented at reading, using, and manipulating emotion. If you don't comprehend this, you'll never be a powerful person.

>> No.4228444

To what end? What are you hoping to get out of life if not feels?

>> No.4228446


>> No.4228451

i'm sure they are very good at those things i understand that
how it relates to anything discussed however i don't really get

>> No.4228454

Why do you want power?

>> No.4228456


Claiming to have had sex with fifty people and in your early twenties and clearly free to basically show yourself in compromised positions is using shock tactics and not relying on the written word itself.

Be Anais Nin, not Sasha Gray. You can be sexual and dirty and creepy and retain an aura of respectability as an artist

>> No.4228457

no. you are scary. stop.

the onus is not on the parent in this way. the child abuse is the fact that we can't pull it together to have a society that would be accepting of a (harmless) dissonant. the sacrifice is that society will continue to ignore the existence of its own ideology and only acknowledge a problem in the face of difference.

how's this for un-child abuse. don't. fucking. lie. to. your. kids.

for example: for me it's irresponsible not to tell your kids that cops can be dangerous people, too. that they should not be afraid to know their rights and try to keep evidence of interaction with authority. it's also irresponsible to not tell your daughter what she will be up against, and what is in place concerning views of women in society, especially when they must sit opposite a man whether politically, in court, or applying for research positions. this probably falls under 'cognitive dissonance', and with your logic should be prohibited. get the fuck away from me.

'social problems' are not one sided and it is pretty dogmatic to claim that it is. also, someone can raise an aware dissident who is not nonfunctioning in society. do you really think this is impossible? given like, I dunno, the incredible variety of culture in space and history, and the incredible arbitrariness of the one that exists locally now?

>> No.4228475

>greentexts a quote from me that doesn't exist
>responds to autonomous authority and concept of personal moral compass that I didn't mention at all
>civilized society needs to exterminate them
>it doesn't matter what you say, I know I'm right

cool. there is nothing left to be done with you, except maybe suggest that you try to read some philosophy other than whatever you're shoving in your head now. try exploring concepts opposite your views and appreciating them for their own values.
for example, try addressing someone on what they actually said, not your reductionist interpretation of it.

you would make a terrible scientist.

>> No.4228481

think like what? looking down on women? not seeing them as equals? that's each man's shortsightedness which, if he possesses it, is his responsibility.

>> No.4228486

/lit/ is not actually a good 4chan board. /mu/ is pretty sane when it comes to social issues, /lit/ is full of self-important white anarchists and Marxists who think their theories are more important than people's lives. But at least it's not /pol/ (and can put up a decent fight against /pol/ when the time comes).

>> No.4228487

>i've never advocated violence
>civilized society needs to exterminate them

are you getting a sense now of 'violent metaphysics'?

>> No.4228492

Never heard of her until just now. I would say that the people suggesting her nudes and her DaDaist style both undermine her writing credibility are wrong.

While reading her blog or whatever, I kept imagining the writing without the dada and without the nudes. And I think I would be less compelled by her writing in such a case.

First, the pictures of her naked do more than symbolize her rebellion or comfort with sexuality or any of the stock political reasons for posting on the internet that almost all of you assume. They also add a level of honesty, of personal disclosure; when Coates is talking about 'authenticity' I'm compelled to believe her rather than necessarily roll my eyes, partly because the message and writing itself is no doubt as sincere as any blogger, but also because her meta discourse and multi-layered theses that "dig deep" into the universally political and social by closely examining the particularly personal are only reinforced by her willingness to expose her tits and vag (I'm dead serious, think about it faggot).

The Dada style reinforces what she refers to as playfulness, which is a really good vessel for bourgeois feminism Ive decided. She is "as oppressed as she is free," and I think so many serious, well-conceived and otherwise compelling feminist arguments implying that women in N America or most of western Europe are the primary and most devastated targets of patriarchy are in fact /undermined/ by being so serious. Who really is convinced that City Hipster Girl really has it all that bad compared to say victims of US jingoism (a manifestation of male patriarchy)? The playfulness definitely adjusts audience expectation, and is an excellent rhetorical device.

Anyway, better than anything you could come up with.

This is a complete endorsement of this writer, and I will continue to read.

>> No.4228496
File: 57 KB, 800x560, Riot_police_by_EinarS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the onus is not on the parent in this way. the child abuse is the fact that we can't pull it together to have a society that would be accepting of a (harmless) dissonant. the sacrifice is that society will continue to ignore the existence of its own ideology and only acknowledge a problem in the face of difference.
That's not going to realistically happen ever. Therefore the next best thing is to not have your child be nonconformist to a degree that is damaging to it.

>for example: for me it's irresponsible [...] get the fuck away from me.
It's also irresponsible not to let your child know that it will be bullied, discriminated against and possibly physically abused if it acts in certain ways. Might not be always just, but it is how it is. Martyring your own child to make an idealistic point is irresponsible. Martyr yourself, not your kid.

>'social problems' are not one sided and it is pretty dogmatic to claim that it is. also, someone can raise an aware dissident who is not nonfunctioning in society. do you really think this is impossible? given like, I dunno, the incredible variety of culture in space and history, and the incredible arbitrariness of the one that exists locally now?
I don't think it's impossible, but I certainly don't think it will be pulled off by people such as this bitch mentioned in the OP. Dissidence is a delicate game. I would never forgive myself for throwing a child into existence and proceeding to deliberately making it incompatible with it's environment to the point of instilling intense suffering in the child.

>> No.4228502

I agree. If one examines the capitalist paradigm of discourse, one is faced with a choice: either accept capitalist situationism or conclude that expression is a product of communication. The characteristic theme of the works of Coates is the common ground between narrativity and society. In a sense, several sublimations concerning modern deappropriation exist.

“Class is meaningless,” says Debord; however, according to la Fournier, it is not so much class that is meaningless, but rather the fatal flaw, and eventually the paradigm, of class. The primary theme of Geoffrey’s critique of capitalist situationism is a mythopoetical totality. Thus, Baudrillard uses the term ‘subdialectic deconstructivist theory’ to denote the role of the poet as reader.

The main theme of the works of Pynchon is not theory, but posttheory. The characteristic theme of Dahmus’s analysis of capitalist discourse is the difference between truth and class. However, if subdialectic deconstructivist theory holds, the works of Pynchon are not postmodern.

The primary theme of the works of Pynchon is a self-fulfilling paradox. Thus, Lacan suggests the use of the capitalist paradigm of discourse to challenge the status quo.

The subject is contextualised into a neopatriarchial paradigm of narrative that includes sexuality as a totality. But the example of subdialectic deconstructivist theory depicted in Andrea's Half Mil is also evident in V.

Cultural rationalism holds that language serves to oppress minorities, but only if Sartre’s essay on subdialectic deconstructivist theory is valid. In a sense, Lyotard uses the term ‘capitalist situationism’ to denote not narrative, but postnarrative.

Baudrillard promotes the use of subcapitalist theory to deconstruct sexual identity. Therefore, Werther states that the works of Pynchon are modernistic.

>> No.4228505
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>> No.4228508


Truly sad that you found that post at all pretentious. Don't think there is a single idea there that couldn't be easily understood if you actually read what I was critiquing.

>> No.4228512
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>> No.4228513

and who do you think will be doing the bullying, discriminating, and abuse? surely these crazy dissidents! or maybe the people we're not allowed to talk about.

good plan.

maybe I've just been lucky finding like-minded people, but not only standing up for how you want to live your life, but also actively helping to create an environment where it is safe (but not unchallenged) has always been part and parcel of what I'm doing with my life. You don't have to make anyone a martyr.

I don't think a true dissident of the form andrea is interested in (though i can't be sure) would be fundamentally incompatible with anyone. i'm not sure if it can be said the other way around. a dissident doesn't mean you hate everyone who accepts the hostile status quo, it just means you don't.

captcha: antiquarian wsntif

>> No.4228516

ahah, and by 'interested in' I obviously meant "rearing"

>> No.4228519
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>and who do you think will be doing the bullying, discriminating, and abuse? surely these crazy dissidents! or maybe the people we're not allowed to talk about.
>good plan.
Which plan? I'm describing, not suggesting.

>maybe I've just been lucky finding like-minded people, but not only standing up for how you want to live your life, but also actively helping to create an environment where it is safe (but not unchallenged) has always been part and parcel of what I'm doing with my life. You don't have to make anyone a martyr.
Yes you have. Check your privilege.

>I don't think a true dissident of the form andrea is interested in (though i can't be sure) would be fundamentally incompatible with anyone. i'm not sure if it can be said the other way around. a dissident doesn't mean you hate everyone who accepts the hostile status quo, it just means you don't.
To put it blunty, the little bitch boy raised by a person like her will get stomped repeatedly and be dismissed by anyone from peers to authority figures and will be severely maladjusted. That's not even taking the fact that his classmates will show each other pictures of his mom's swollen cuntlips on their phones into consideration. Being the child of someone with a public persona as that of hers is abuse per definition.

>> No.4228521

just tell the kid "this is what you do if you wanna fit in" and "this is what happens if you don't" and he'll make up his own mind on how to live his life

>> No.4228523

He gets to choose between mommy's love and a world of pain. Nice dilemma for four year old.

>> No.4228533

what i mean is it's the parents' responsibility to keep their kids safe and happy the best they can and inform them how the world works
i don't mean you teach them life in one sitting

>> No.4228543
File: 150 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_mom2vyaeP51rqvbaao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you guys hate alt lit?

It's like the only thing our generation has created in terms of writing.

>tfw no qt literary gf who has good taste in punk music and smokes cigarettes

>> No.4228544

I agree, but if they fail to do so they should lose their kids. And the woman in question fails already.

>> No.4228546

I think we hate it because by common sense we should be the ones who love it most

>> No.4228548

Alt Lit is what stuffy old professors think we should like. Fuck those ivory tower jerks, I like the Greeks!

>> No.4228547

is this another one?

on another note; why so many feminists in this thread? 3rd wave feminism is a bit shite.

>> No.4228549

oh so we agree
brilliant, unexpected and slightly confusing
i read the wikipedia page on alt lit earlier and i still don't know what it is

>> No.4228551

experimental writing based around the internet and internet culture.

>> No.4228555

so no one who has been naked in public can have kids ever? Kate Winslet's about to have a kid. I suppose that's child abuse because she's been naked in a few movies (pictures which kids are much more likely to find and pass around on phones than of Andrea Coates).

also how do you know she will raise a little bitch boy? If anything, she'll probably raise them to be strong and have courage (and hopefully an active reader and thinker). I was and am still a weird kid. I've maintained respect from professors and peers by working my ass off, staying sharp as fuck in my studies, doing good research, and standing my ground. You are just being defeatist if you think anyone who does this will be dismissed if they disagree with patriarchy, drug policy, and Tao Lin (which are pretty much the radical views which will make the kid maladjusted - don't forget who you're talking about and what she actually says and does).

also, this characterization makes it seem that anything the kid's parents do in public that some people find shameful is abuse. while doing controversial things in public probably makes for a different, possibly difficult household, does not make it abuse. elliot spitzer fucked up and probably fucked up his family. but it wasn't child abuse. especially not denotatively.

Seriously tho, Andrea mostly writes about feminism, freedom with your body, drug policy, and literature. You really think teaching a kid about those things will fuck him up that bad? These the kind of things we are protecting children from? No wonder you have a bleak view about society becoming accepting.

>> No.4228556

yeah it's just that i'm not sure i understand what that means

>> No.4228557


>> No.4228561

Hi andrea! :3

>> No.4228564

look up Steve Roggenbuck, Penny Goring, and try reading Tao Lin & Sam Pink in an unbiased way. They are writers with good ideas w/r/t social interaction/fears in 21st century/late Web 2.0 and are damn prolific.

>> No.4228568

Its only because shes pressing down.

>> No.4228576

why is it experimental?

>> No.4228579
File: 100 KB, 776x651, 1382985639001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes like a modern female Zizek

aka mentally ill

>> No.4228580 [DELETED] 

hey /lit/ let's start a reactionary movement to alt-lit where we don't have an "act" and our twitter/tumblr/facebook is NOT as much an expression of our art as is our writing. We won't market ourselves as a "personality" that sort of runs alongside our writing, we will distance ourselves as much as possible from our writing, and let our ideas work for themselves in a closed system. We would be focused on correct grammar and clarity, and its defining philosophy would be naziism or something (jk)

we'll call it "prog-lit"!

>> No.4228581

Roggenbuck and Goring utilize image macros and other internet business heavily--although Goring wrote a book The Zoom Zoom which, independent of the internet, reads something like Kathy Acker or William S Burroughs.

Tao Lin I would not say is experimental in an internet-using way, but his style of extremely sparse almost neutral-seeming word choice/interactions is interesting. He is just "good" at the internet.

Sam Pink is a hilarious sociopath. Also not super internet inspired though.

I actually don't feel that alt-lit strictly needs to be internet based, seems more like a small press movement imo.

>> No.4228584


Tao Lin is basically the god of alt-lit, and everyone is pretty much taking "inspiration" from him. all you have to do is go to his twitter page to get a taste of what it is like. There aren't any rule set in stone because, well, lots of writing that isn't alt-lit is experimental and based around internet culture

>> No.4228586

>this is how /lit/ responds to serious discussion of writing

>> No.4228589

this is great. this attitude along with
is why I mainly left /lit/ when it started going really sour a few years ago. Andrea actually brought me back here, and I'm kind of pissed.

>> No.4228590

That was true about a year ago.

>> No.4228594

i see
feels like modern art in semi-literary form

>> No.4228605

200 posts and no reports for commercial spam/advertising.

>> No.4228607

You really think she makes any money from her work?

>> No.4228611

Because it isn't, DFW already predicted its advent in his Fictional Futures essay. Its a rehash of 90s ultra minimalist fiction and yuppie nihilism (like Bret Easton Ellis) except for contemporary times. The only difference is that its more viral and more schizophrenic.

>> No.4228613

not a bad way of looking at it.
there is some legitimately good stuff coming out of it imo and I feel excited that it exists while I am alive.

>> No.4228657

Holy shit, went away for a couple days and my thread blew up. My first ever successful /lit/ thread.

I should be happy... But I feel so empty.

>> No.4228666

was this a joke or do you not know the definition of reactionary?

>> No.4228694

Andrea Coates is the FUCKING TRUTH. I love her writing so much. I love how angry she makes so many of you in this thread.

She is dangerous to the order you perpetuate and that's why you hate her. Hahahahahahah!!!!!!!!

>> No.4228702


Nah, it's just that it was a lot of amateurish images interspersed with "feminism" and "alpha male". Noone goes to /lit/ for /b/.

>> No.4228747

Andrea, why you forget your signature speLLing?

>> No.4228765

>She is dangerous to the order you perpetuate
To fight the Empire is to become the Empire.

>> No.4228792
File: 408 KB, 899x900, raysipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surreal. I got linked to this thread through a post of a post of a post on FB. I went to highschool with this girl.

Well props to her on making 4chan mad I guess. It's a start.


Welcome to posting a thread on 4chan, the sad craigslist hook-up of internet writing.

>> No.4228799







>> No.4228815
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>I don't believe in morality.

>> No.4228870
File: 23 KB, 375x362, 181017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys stop it already. This is just not relevant.
Don't get caught in texts that don't talk TO YOU, about what you feel, what you think, what you're interested in, where you want to go...

Choose carefully what you want to read because one person has time to read only a few hundreds of books in his lifetime; you can't read all books, you can't read everything in the Internet.

"life is too short, dead is too long"
for this kind of shit, I mean

>> No.4229027

Why the fuck is her bed so greasy?

>> No.4229029

Stop posting pictures of your rancid cunt on 4chan and go feed your child, Andrea.

>> No.4229068

Andrea, your site is terrible. But I am enjoying jerking it to your pictures.

>> No.4229078

Anyone got a link to more nude pics of her? I'd destroy her ass.

>> No.4229087


A lot of the links about sex, on the sidebar, are pretty good

>> No.4229102
File: 48 KB, 721x480, Riot-police-in-front-of-t-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so no one who has been naked in public can have kids ever? Kate Winslet's about to have a kid. I suppose that's child abuse because she's been naked in a few movies (pictures which kids are much more likely to find and pass around on phones than of Andrea Coates).
I hope you realise there is a difference between being a successful and respected actress who has a few tasteful (partial) nude shots as part of a work of fiction and some druggy slut who puts pictures of herself laying spread eagle ramming fingers up her cunt on her website. But I do think being a celebrity in almost any way tends to be harmful to one's children.

>also how do you know she will raise a little bitch boy? If anything, she'll probably raise them to be strong and have courage (and hopefully an active reader and thinker).
Because she's not merely 'different', she's a classic borderline case.

>also, this characterization makes it seem that anything the kid's parents do in public that some people find shameful is abuse. while doing controversial things in public probably makes for a different, possibly difficult household, does not make it abuse. elliot spitzer fucked up and probably fucked up his family. but it wasn't child abuse. especially not denotatively.
To an extent it is. I know and have known plenty people with controversial parents ranging from high level drug dealers to known musicians to plain old barefoot filthy hippies. They all suffered tremendously for it. Don't forget how ruthless kids are and how they will use anything they can get for their psychological warfare. There's a reason why a teen suicides after her nudes end up online. It's not because being seen nude in itself is so bad, it's because kids go to town with such a weak spot like a pack of wolves. Society will coax you into normality, and if you want to stand up against that it's fine. But forcing someone else to suffer the consequences for you is abusive.

>Seriously tho, Andrea mostly writes about feminism, freedom with your body, drug policy, and literature. You really think teaching a kid about those things will fuck him up that bad? These the kind of things we are protecting children from? No wonder you have a bleak view about society becoming accepting.
Look at how she profiles herself. If you put a child in school and it comes out that his mom is this thing, that's life over right there.

>> No.4229189
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Jesus Christ that site design alone is an eyesore.

>> No.4229213


I was in Victoria until last year. I have 3 mutual friends with her apparently.

>> No.4229331

I realize that there could be a judgment call marking a difference between 'respectable nudity' and 'tasteless nudity', but I think these are some of the things Andrea is showing are not a priori differentiated, and that this differentiation is not necessary nor sufficient. There are plenty of people who go to a movie with Kate Winslet just to see her naked, and the only difference is sustaining a guise.

I don't think she's borderline. I hope you realize that there is a difference between internet personality/brand and the idea that that person thinks there is a deontic order to make things difficult for everyone around them and their child.

If you haven't read her writing, I can see why you are making these judgments. But she isn't borderline nor really that different. As many people have said, her ideas aren't even necessarily that original.

After this, it seems more and more like you are just writing your personal rejection of anormative ways of living, where your idea of normative seems incredibly limited. I still don't think andrea will force the kid to do anything they don't want to do. If you are talking about the strong suggestion that comes with being a parent - then everybody's parents 'force' them to act a way, and I don't think that's anymore justifiable.

p much you are just showing that you would reject any kid who has someone like andrea as a parent. i am thinking you are from UK or something (realise?). northeast US/canada is maybe not as discriminatory as you hope.

politicians, porn stars, writers, drug dealers, hippies, and oh my god people who don't live in US or west euro have families which don't fit a limited normative view, and really when you total that against the few that actually make up the `society' that `coaxes' you into `normality' as something worth sustaining, it starts to feel very silly and vapid.

>> No.4229346

>Embrace your sexuality
>jerk off twice a day

Mega lel.

>> No.4229368
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I'm not talking about my own opinions here, or how I think society should be, or if it's fair or preferable at all and all those others things. In fact I'm a fairly tolerant person from a very tolerant part of the world. I'm merely saying that society is a certain way and if you bring up your child in a matter that doesn't conform to that society enough growing up will be problematic to a traumatic degree.

Wilfully raising your child in such a way that he is bound to experience unnecessary trauma is child abuse in my eyes. People are mean cunts, especially kids. Whether you think it's silly that they are has little to do with it. Enjoy your child getting stomped on because he lacks the established binary conception of gender because you felt like you needed to make a point.

>> No.4229420
File: 14 KB, 214x200, shade_ow_the_edge_log_by_estee93-d5na4dy.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4229445

>But she isn't borderline

She clearly is a textbook case. I'm not passing judgement or anything, but it is just the truth. I've associated with a lot of girls like that in the past.

>> No.4229556


>mfw hilarious hypocrisy of feminism + derogatory speak of "alpha males"

Mental illness, man. It's a helluva drug.

The reason she gets to you is that what she's writing is shocking, with technical terms spattered in. Everything these revolutionary types write about is absolutely riddled with slippery slopes, ad hominem attacks, and most importantly, false cause. It seems plausible, but it's just insanity. Especially in this case.

>> No.4229621



I just read her post on Tao Lin. It appears she does have a logical brain. However, there remains the simple shock value style that she loves to throw around to rustle people's jimmies. It worked for Miley and countless others, and it's clearly working for her.

>> No.4229750

"Has a brain" as in not completely incapable of stringing a few thoughts together, not as in has something interesting to say.

>> No.4229768

hey y'all here's my thoughts

if u still go on 4chan ur not as intelligent as u think

>> No.4229776

andrea pls go

>> No.4229777

real talk nigga

who is ur favorit gangsta rapper?

>> No.4229781
File: 9 KB, 300x330, laury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want our actually smart and educated feminist nemesis back. Laury Penny seems so reasonable and tolerable in retrospect.

>> No.4229786

i'd also rather see her punani

>> No.4229789

not andrea
you mad?

"All morons hate it when you call them a moron" - source this one /lit/ster

>> No.4229796

That's because she's not a filthy whore.

>> No.4229798


Laurie Penny is 2 qt

>> No.4229806
File: 602 KB, 800x365, objective superiority.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We didn't know what we had until it was gone.

Also, for anyone still doubting that this bitch is a bad parent: http://andreacoates.blogspot.ca/2013/07/meanwhile-irl.html

>> No.4229811

go away alt-"lit"

>> No.4229812

Wow. Carles has really changed his style.

>> No.4229814
File: 390 KB, 612x549, 1383225584174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else think Andrea Coates looks like her?

>> No.4229823
File: 8 KB, 247x204, threadlove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread
the best thread
fuck the rest threads

>> No.4229825
File: 257 KB, 359x479, Anne-Hathaway1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like this exist. Not ironically. This is who they are and they exist.

>> No.4229826


Not even once.

>> No.4229830
File: 22 KB, 325x308, winslet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok. p much done with this. I think there is a difference between brainwashing a kid to be willfully unilaterally dissident, and informing them enough to make decisions about it. you are clinging to an idea that the only way to raise a child allowing them the option of anti-establisment/patriarchic/etc. ideas is to pit them directly in opposition to all society. I don't think this is the case; it just means you have to be smart about it. most people are reactionary about something: sexual orientation, drug use, government policy, or even the western instantiation of liberty (a tough one to let go of), and usually dissident about others. Even where I'm originally from in Texas, things are turning pretty LGBT friendly in pockets. My best friend was gay, used to get bashed on, but rose to the top of his class, graduated college with 4 BAs (really) speaking 3 languages with a government job, generally praised by most people he works with. He is also fierce as fuck, and people generally have not fucked with him since he was 14 for these reasons. He and his/my friends are also pretty active in drug policy, and vocal about opinions on gender roles.

Also, pic related. This is not a (partial) nude.

For all this tolerance, you seem to be completely intolerant of Andrea Coates (who actually has pretty cogent valuable opinions on Tao Lin, Bret Easton Ellis, Jonathan Franzen, and others), and seem to believe that your tolerant part of the world would beat up any kid who doesn't accept that men should dominate women or that drug policy should be loosened.

I don't think all kids are necessarily as dumb or cruel as you would expect. That is a very unadaptive view of the human mind. For example, to follow up what someone mentioned about a Reverse Prussian Blue situation - follow up on those kids - they have totally reformed. I also don't hold the belief that society is a way so much as sustains a way for as long as it can. Violent discriminatory kids are often raised that way, which can only fade by parents showing their kids that there is another way.

It's not making a point. It is leading a conscientious life.

captcha: Salem mpayepl

>> No.4229834


>> No.4229840

Pull your head out of your ass. Just pull it out bro.

>> No.4229842

for what there are literally naked pictures of andrea all over this thread. also, that gets you banned on /sci/, i guess okay here?

>> No.4229847

What have Kate Winslet ever written?
Exactly! Checkmate etc. etc....

Captcha: rednigge Donaldson

>> No.4229849

that's not an argument.

I am also not making any sort of radical claim. I totally understand anon's point, and I do sympathize. But how is his head up his own ass any less? because you agree with him?

>> No.4229875


>> No.4229912

Eh, I never hated her enough to dub her "nemesis." She was just bothersome.

Andrea Coates is far more worthy of our hatred.

>> No.4230172

thank you, critical theory

we have been freed from the shackles of high art, good taste and canonicity

>> No.4230185

But Coates doesn't bring enough to the table to be worthy of hate. She's more Ed the Hyena than Scar.

>> No.4230256

why is that threads like these always get a shit ton of responses (sasha grey, feminist-bashing bullshit) but when you actually ask about a specific book (that's not from ~/lit's essentials~ lol) you barely get any?

fucking worthless board

>> No.4230265

>waaaaah no-one wants to talk about my favorite hipster book, the one the dusty old creep from the local second-hand book store recommended while I wanked him off and ate custard creams and green tea

fuck off you space of waste

>> No.4230273

Did you go to UVic? I have 3 mutual friends with her too.

>> No.4230560

Which book did you want to discuss? Place show your cards so we can smugly dismiss you.

>> No.4230605

Other anons are dissing you but I've noticed the same exact thing. The community just sucks, 60-75% of the people who come here are just awful people and shitty readers, probably 18 years old.

>> No.4230627

An old SomethingAwful character/meme that Lowtax (SA's admin) used to portray, 4chan and others ran it into the ground over time.


If you ask me, it was never good. Proto-FYAD as performed by someone who's GBS at heart i.e. not funny.

>> No.4230633
File: 79 KB, 236x248, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are maybe 5 people on /lit/ at any given time. Sorry we haven't all happened to read whatever obscure novel you want to talk about.

>pic related, it's you

>> No.4230642

Being outside of the /lit/ reading list doesn't make a book obscure.

>> No.4230650

What book do you want to talk about? There is no "/lit/ reading list" btw.

>> No.4230653

eh, it comes and goes in waves, depending on which 4-6 of the 15-20 people who post regularly are on, and what mood they're in, and how many randoms are on

i don't think it's all 18 y.o.s tho, at least not the few good posters, certainly the dumb fuckers spamming bullshit in a thread like this, but that's the shit you just ignore

>> No.4230693

Every time this thread goes back beyond page 2, I get hopeful that people will just stop responding to it, but here it is again. On the front page.

There is no substantial discussion here. Please, just let it die.

>> No.4230696 [DELETED] 

He posts without saging...

Nice going, you bumped the thread right back to the top of the front page.

Are you a nigger? It would explain why you're so stupid.

>> No.4230762
File: 110 KB, 453x640, 9410702868_767184821d_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Laurie Penny ITT

>> No.4230816 [DELETED] 

I want to pinch her cheecks

>> No.4230820

I want to pinch her cheeks

>> No.4231633


>> No.4231642

double nigger

>> No.4232791

Many of the posts on here are of a personal nature about Andrea and her pictures and
attitude and self listing alone leads to discussions of a personal nature as
essentially this us all about her, thus personal.

Well I am an ex friend of hers that used to hang out with her all the time until she was a complete insane bitch to me. So I know all her stupid and dirty little secrets and want to tell them, she is no where near as cool (hah) as the persona she makes up and so desperately needs and craves the attention for others to pour upon her and tell her how great she us so as to feed her ego.

I tried posting her phone numbers and address but 4chan wouldn't let me because it kept saying it was spam so I read the rules (it's my first time here) and saw that there is a time against listing any personal info. But as I said thus whole thread is personal right up to the naked pics. So do you want to hear my dirt on her if not? How do I post it if the system won't let me? Should I just post it without the phone numbers and address?

Also how do I know that I can trust that I can post anonymously? I read in the FAQ that the mods still retain your IP. I tried posting with a dozen different web proxies and they either didn't work or were not allowed by 4chan. I just don't want to be giving out this info and having some mod contact Andrea and letting her know my IP or something like that.

>> No.4232794

Firstly you're being paranoid about it, it's highly unlikely there'd be any real repercussions if you posted her info. A ban, maybe.
Secondly, we are not your personal army. No one is going to do anything with her info for you.

>> No.4232797

i don't know what the FUCK is going on in this thread

she has nice tits though

>> No.4232798

Don't be so paranoid, just tell your story. We don't want phone numbers and shit.

>> No.4232804


leave out her contact details but tell us the story. everything on 4chan is "fiction" and should be treated as such. go ahead. there will be no repercussions (especially for a non-entity like coates).

>> No.4232828


>> No.4232842

go to bed andrea

>> No.4233541


>> No.4233720

Andrea is the only one who wants this to die, she is scared you will find out that she nothing more than a herpes ridden retarded loser that has a 40 year old boyfriend named Jody Franklin that is mentally unstable (check out his YouTube videos) bad he looks like an obese grizzly Adams that never washes. And that is the penis she chooses to suck and ride and the person to take care of her baby (it's not his, Andrea is not even sure who the father is, she tried to get several different guys to own up and pay her money and none fell for her trucks or wanted anything to do with her batshit craziness)

Btw, I am not the above poster with all the dirt, so it's interesting that I am not the only one that knows stuff about this SJW princess. I am looking forward to hear what the other person has to say as I only know them from hanging out with them at an alternative bookstore they were always at.

>> No.4233841
File: 23 KB, 512x512, correct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jody Franklin that is mentally unstable

I think this is the new interior semiotics.


>> No.4234081

That was his pre beard days, seriously he looks like grizzly Adams after a bad shroom trip now. Don't even want to imagine what his junk looks like but Andrea gobbles it down so hey, bonus for him for scoring a 20 something with a decent bod that loves the cock.

Andrea was always talking about their sex life (as you can tell from her blog his candid she us), we would be in the middle of eating or a polite group cinversation, nothing sexual and then out of the blue Andrea would start going off talking about how much she loves anal sex and what her and Jody do, seriously, wtf?

You really want to trigger her, tell her to tell you how much she loves it up the shitter.

Btw, she loves to tell people she was raped but one night when I was doing E with her, Jidy and a whole bunch of our other friends (ex friends) and the honesty was flowing, she admitted she made it all up to prove a point which I totally forget, I was really high, but it was some bullshit about menz and defeating the white patriarchy.

>> No.4234157

Guys, come on, stop this, this is not nice or fair to her, everyone has skeletons in their closet.

>> No.4234630

more dirt pls

we can't let this bitch talk shit about our tao and get away with it

>> No.4234635

stop bumping this awful fucking thread, let it die, jesus christ

fucking embarrassing how much awful bullshit this is

>> No.4234642

andrea, please.

>> No.4234676

seriously I fucking hate everyone who's been posting sincerely in and bumping this thread. and i'm not pretending to hate you here, i actually fucking hate you.

>> No.4234681

The problem with this thread is that it is absolutely terrible. I mean, it's worth noting in passing that it's also awfully sexist, but the main issue is that it's absolutely worthless spam being obsessed with some person for no reason other than "she's a girl and writes about stuff in a weird way on the Internet and takes nudie pics, let's all act like we're completely fucking incapable of dealing with this in a rational manner and freak the fuck out"

Jesus christ guys.

And don't try and play it off like this is a Tao Lin thing either.

>> No.4234683
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>> No.4234687
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>> No.4234691
File: 752 KB, 700x992, 20130422-yowhatami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is about KC Green now btw

>> No.4234695
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>> No.4234719
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>> No.4234777 [DELETED] 

I want moar nudes. How do I find em?

>> No.4234939

seems like a waste of energy baby, pls direct it towards lawyering up for the coming child support inspections

trying to troll /lit/ always backfires in this way, which is what makes it such jolly good fun.

>> No.4234949

what is bump limit on lit?

>> No.4234981

We're past it.

>> No.4235903

so like three hunned then?

>> No.4236021

It's only bullshit to those that don't want their dirty littl secrets about how cray cray they are found out.

So you love anal, Andrea? Lucky Jody. Especially so he can bury your face in a pillow while your spewing SJW radfem memes as he does you up the shitter.

>> No.4236021,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is there any archives for Andrea Coates porn? I only have a few pictures from her blogpsot + the ones I found here... Thanks in advance

>> No.4236021,2 [INTERNAL] 

Is there any archives for Andrea Coates porn? I only have a few pictures from her blogpsot + the ones I found here... Thanks in advance