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/lit/ - Literature

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4222796 No.4222796 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to continue our discussion about traditionalist / conservative / reactionary literature. Moreover, let's expand the list in this picture.

DISCLAIMER: Please respect all global rules. Keep civil. Refrain from racism, shit-posting, /pol/ meme-spamming, etc. This thread is intended as a forum to discuss and recommend traditionalist/reactionary authors, literature, and philosophy.

NOTE TO JANITOR: The last thread was posted in good faith, for the purpose of discussing a large subset of literature and philosophy. Threads on anarchist and socialist literature appear fairly regularly on /lit/. Any shitposting should be the responsibility of those who shitpost, not those seeking civil conversation. Thanks.

>> No.4222802
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Obligatory addition.

Siege by James Nolan Mason:

>James Mason’s outrageous and highly readable Siege was drawn from a newsletter that he published from 1980 to 1986. It consists, therefore, of short articles and essays that you can easily read just about anywhere. There is a “big picture” here, but it is like a photo-mosaic created from many overlapping little pictures.
>Mason sees the most important truth about the world today: The White race is in danger of extinction unless we preserve White living spaces from the destructive influx of other races. If we don’t fix this problem, nothing else matters.
>Siege seems, at first glance, to recommend two contradictory strategies. On the one hand, Mason advocates a total attack on the System by any means necessary, hence his enthusiasm for all things destructive, from shoplifting to terrorism. On the other hand, Mason also praises those who drop out of the System completely—or at least mooch off it without contributing to it.
>Both strategies, however, have a common principle: whether you work to destroy it, or just drop out of it, never compromise with the System. Do not grant it your moral sanction. Do not give it your material support. And, above all, do not try to reform it. We cannot turn the clock back to a healthier time. Instead, we must accelerate the destructive forces at work, for a healthy New Order can arise only after the complete destruction of the present one.
>Siege is a tool for mental self-liberation and perhaps even a guidebook for living near what we hope is the end of the present Dark Age.

>> No.4222811

>The White race is in danger of extinction

>> No.4222815
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Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard
>This is a pitiless and appalling book by an author of extraordinary virility and rugged primeval force, whose sense perceptions borders on the supernatural. Ten years ago private typewritten copies of this startling work sold in London and Berlin for $150. Since then the most powerful living minds have absorbed its teachings with satisfaction, but in guarded silence...It positively alters the course of mens lives. It has affected the destinies of nations, races, religions. It has annihilated many popular Ideals hitherto believed sacred and impregnable. Nevertheless it is written as interestingly as any romance. Dr. Russell Wallace and Count Tolstoi criticize it in frank despair: and Bernard Shaw has written a drama (Man & Superman) with Redbeard’s thought as his theme: — and its power over the more intelligent followers of Marx, Lasalle, Jaures, Hearst, Bebel, Bernstein, is beyond calculation. In fact this book is a veritable religious and political earthquake, marking the complete collapse of a false and depressing philosophy that has held sway for nearly 2,000 years. The thought in this book is positively startling. It thrills across the empires and republics like the wakening trump of a Warrior Archangel. It out Darwins Darwin; it out Spencers Spencer; and, compared to some of its splendid chapters the writings of Machiavelli are as the babble of a babe. ‘Nothing is true’ it declares, ‘nothing is permanent; all things are open to you; the world is to the Strong; struggle is forever; they may take who have the power; they can keep who CAN.’ The author proclaims himself a Messiah of Evolution; — a re-incarnate Odin, whose mission it is to journey from nation to nation, and city to city, teaching and preaching the ancient, true, heroic and masculine Evangel of valor and gold. You cannot buy Might Is Right in more than half a dozen book stores of the world; nevertheless it has been translated into four modern languages; and over 120,000 copies have been sold in this country and in Europe. Orders are received from the most distant nations of the earth. You never saw anything like it before in all your life. It condenses centuries of experience and whole libraries of current futilities and idolatries into half a dozen splendid epigrams, that ‘once read can never be forgotten.’ This is an unprecedented book — an extraordinary book — and YOU should read it — then read it again, and lend it to your friends.

>> No.4222823
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>> No.4222828
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>> No.4222831

All of these books sound like total shit. Wheres muh Evola, muh Jung, muh exegesis

>> No.4222843

The Problem of Democracy by Alain de Benoist

>The Problem of Democracy is the first of Alain de Benoist’s book-length political works to appear in English.
>Benoist shows how democracy is, contrary to what some critics have claimed, something which has been a part of Western civilization from the beginning. The problem, he says, is not the notion of democracy in itself, but rather the current understanding of the term which, rather than empowering the individual, reduces him to little more than a cog in a machine over which he has no control, and in which the direction is set by politicians with little genuine accountability.
>As an alternative, Benoist proposes that effective democracy would mean a return to understanding citizenship as being tied to one’s belonging to a specific political community based on shared values and common historical ties, while doing away with the liberal notion of the delegation of sovereignty to elected representatives. The type of government which is called for is thus a return to the form of government widely understood in antiquity, but which now seems to us to be a revolutionary notion.

>> No.4222844
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>> No.4222846


Maybe they realized black magic was a bit silly beyond middle school?

>> No.4222849
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>> No.4222853
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>> No.4222868

Why don't we have a liberal/socialist literature general?

>> No.4222872

what about the futurist manifesto in non-fiction? strong fascist/batshit crazy content in there

>> No.4222883



>> No.4222887

Because you're on the most liberal/socialist board on the site

>> No.4222888

...you're trying to bait me?

>> No.4222898
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Otto Weininger's Sex and Character.


>> No.4222900


>> No.4222901


>> No.4222905

Lately I've been quite enjoying "Jesus of Nazareth"by Pope XVI.

I was sort of thinking of Aquinas too for his arguments against the materialist worldview

>> No.4222909

/mu/ and 1/4 of /co/ disagree.

>> No.4222907

Philip K. Dick's

>> No.4222908

>the only reason men are friends is because they secretly want to fuck each other
What the blueberry fuckmuffins is this shit

>> No.4222910

How to Think Seriously About the Planet: The Case for an Environmental Conservatism.
The Uses of Pessimism: And the Danger of False Hope.
A Political Philosophy: Arguments for Conservatism.
All by Roger Scruton.
For classical conservatism I would really look to him first.

>> No.4222911


The old traditionalist thread still exists and hasn't reached its bump limit, you moran.
