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/lit/ - Literature

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422221 No.422221 [Reply] [Original]

Show off your bookshelf /lit/

>> No.422223

Nah. I'm not a smug asshole.

>> No.422230


and just like that a bookshelf thread was never seen again

>> No.422232

>looks at bookshelf
>nothing good
>carries on

>> No.422239

Well hello there, Neil Gaiman.

>> No.422242

I never said it was mine

>> No.422325

Wow, this bookshelf is a perfect illustration to what lifetime of mediocrity means.

>> No.422386

Neil Gaiman seems to be doing pretty well for himself. OP, on the other hand, can't even post his own damn shelves.

Redeem yourself, OP. Show us what you got.

>> No.422424
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I'm a poorfag yo. I get most of my stuff from the library. Also, old pic is old and I've got like six other books that won't fit on my shelf.

>> No.422441

Vlad Tod books are pretty mediocre.

>> No.422454


True. But, I was looking for a vampire fix that wasn't Twilight and this seemed pretty adequate. It's decent enough for a read between classes. It's cliche as fuck and I almost threw the fourth book down in disgust at the end.

>> No.422456

Throw away the manga. Problem solved.

>> No.422463
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>> No.422462


>> No.422461


Now now, none of that. Let's not start an argument over something so silly.

>> No.422464

haha they see ur penis xD

>> No.422470

this is /lit/ we rage over the stupidest shit.

>> No.422473
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>> No.422477


You shouldn't. You'll end up a cesspool like /v/.

>> No.422487
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>> No.422492
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we are well on our way, we already have a resident narwhal / troll /attention whore. GamerGirl and his 3 kindles he wont shut the fuck up about. and we fight about everything. we just need some perverts posting porn and were /b/ junior

>> No.422508
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img 1268492845336.jpg added to psychic screen and i still has implants

>> No.422510
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>> No.422512
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>> No.422514


That's saddening.

>> No.422516
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>> No.422521

Bwhahahaha, /v/ gets kicked out...

>> No.422523
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it really is. i had hoped this would be a nice place.... i forgot who comes to this place to begin with.

>> No.422520
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>> No.422526
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>> No.422528
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I love fucking looking at peoples shelves. See these threads on /lit/.

No one posts any fucking pictures; everyone is a huge asshole.

>> No.422532

It was a great place at the beginning, before trolls started to come here...

>> No.422534

I've seen second hand stores who had better bookshelves... and the one I am talking about got its books solely from lonely dead peoples apartements.

>> No.422535

most people here have shelves full of manga and scifi. so i dont mind they dont post pics. it always looks like some sort of fucking rainbow explosion of virginity.

>> No.422538

Trolls don't ruin a board on their own. Trolls came in and people didn't care enough about /lit/ to just ignore them and still use the board. I really didn't expect this board to go downhill so fast.

>> No.422540

you mean we are /b/ senior. because if we compare it with /b/ we are pretty slow, conservative and bitch about everything new.

>> No.422544

jr. sr. whatever. how about /b/-/lit/e ?

>> No.422554

Not bad either. I was going solely for the old-dude joke, though.

>> No.422556

i know, but i wanted to work '/lit/' in there somehow

>> No.422558
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>> No.422557


See, you're the problem with this board. You need to not be so hateful and mean if you want this place to be a nice board.

>> No.422561

maybe his vision of a nice place excludes virgins and manga.
Wouldn't be the worst thing.

>> No.422564


That thinking is part of the reason that /v/ is basically /b/: The Sequel

>> No.422566

thank you

>> No.422567

manga has its own board already.

>> No.422570
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>> No.422572

I used to be on /m/ when Strike Witches started airing and witnessed the horrible screechfest whether it belonged there or not. This is kind of the same shit here with !sj/lit/Z2E and his ilk.

Gene Wolfe poster detected

>> No.422580

sorry i just dont call comics literature.

>> No.422581

What's wrong with comics and manga sharing the same shelves as /lit/ material? I like shelf threads on /co/, /a/, and /lit/ and see no reason people shouldn't have a unified shelf image.

>> No.422583
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Well, this thread got off to a poor start. First OP posts someone else's shelf, then we get a shelf mostly full of manga and /v/.

Maybe it'd be best if we only had these threads every few days, instead of constantly, like /g/ dasktrop thrads?


>> No.422584

Christ, it was just on his bookshelf. That is what the OP asked for a picture of.
He didn't try to start a discussion on them or anything. The picture didn't even show all of them.
The guy just posted a pic of his shelf and all you guys do is shit up the place while not contributing to the thread at all.

>> No.422586

maybe nobody posts pictures because there is hardly a worse way to express unjustified narcissism than posting your own bookshelves. Do you really find it so important to compare bookshelves? Because thats what you are doing, even if you might deny it and not be consciously aware of it. Talk about the books content, goddammit!
Same goes for those threads where people just ratter down lists of titles nobody or random rankings of authors and books.
Either you guys are shallow as shit or you really need some friends to talk to in the real world.

>> No.422590
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>> No.422588

I don't accuse you of that, there is a board for comics after all, but you seem to take offense at comics being on shelves along with books. That is ridiculous. And speaking of ridiculous, you ridicule SF&F readers. That is what I was referring to.

>> No.422592
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>> No.422594

There are people who enjoy looking at people's bookshelves, I among them. Furthermore, if you see books you enjoy on someone's shelf, you are interested in what else that person has on their shelves, so they also can act as recommendations.

Short version: untwist thine knickers.

>> No.422595

I only come to 4chan to BS and get recommendations for good books, comics, movies, etc... I take these as recommendation threads and also a bit of book voyeurism.

>> No.422593

well, disregard the "nobody" in the 4th line

>> No.422599
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Oh, so we wanna makes this about avid admirers of Genre-Fiction?

pic trollaboulously related

>> No.422606

i dont have a bookshelf cause I burn books... unless they have the meaning of life in them they are very useless piles of paper with a few drops of ink and.. like they gather dust man...

>> No.422608

I can certainly see the appeal of the "voyourism" (even I personally would find it boring without actually knowing the person "behind" the shelf), but how would you get recommendations out of those pics?

>> No.422615

by.. looking at them?
u dumb?

>> No.422617

i like some SF, but my problem with it. is that SF fans pretend that its something its not. they pretend SF is this holy grail of literature. that only the best writers ever can attain.
when really its the cop out of literature. because its inherently set up for deus ex machina writing.

>> No.422621

They're not supposed to have the meaning of life in them. They're just stories and ideas and stuff.

>> No.422622

so you get recommendations simply out of looking at titles and book covers?
to quote you:

> u dumb?

>> No.422626

I've an avid SF reader, and have NEVER heard anybody say, or imply, anything like that.

>> No.422628
File: 15 KB, 400x222, bookshelf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your "bookshelf" still doesn't look like this by the fucking eyar 2010, there must be something wrong with your head.

>> No.422631

lol... try harder

>> No.422632

stories are a waste of time
might as well read the bible...

>> No.422633

yeah u dumb

>> No.422635

Inherently set up for deus ex machina? You'll have to elaborate on this because as it is, it sounds preposterous.

Also, it is very rare indeed when I see someone who touts SF as the supreme form of literature.

>> No.422636

fuck off gamergirl

>> No.422638

There is no waste of time.

>> No.422640


>> No.422657

>Fuck ton of Negima!
At least get good manga...

>> No.422658

instead of reading stories you could do things that actually are constructive in REAL LIFE

>> No.422664

strange advide on a lit-board. nevermind the bollocks, guys.

>> No.422662

He has good manga. He just has shitty manga too. I see some BlackJack and The World God Only Knows up there. Oh, also Solanin, that shits fucking great.

>> No.422667

Well if you want to go down that road then I could easily claim that the only truly constructive things you could do are building homes, producing food, and raising a family. Fuck art, amIright?

>> No.422674

Then do those things.

You probably don't, though. The only real waste of time is doing one thing while wishing you were doing another.

>> No.422676

Hey FM, have you ever noticed me foaming at the mouth for an author called Dunnett? You should pick up A Game of Kings. Or your wife, she is a linguistics professor, no? She'd like it.

>> No.422682

Hey fuckers! Post more shelves, I don't care if people make fun of your books, I wanna see them.

>> No.422690

^ apparently this c/lit/ lover is fapping furiously and needs a shelf to finnsh over

>> No.422733

>>PS3 and manga

>> No.422774

Haha, good point. Fucking manga and comics are so much more expensive then more traditional books.

>> No.422789

You could always go to Borders and hog the aisle while you read all the manga you want. The only price is your dignity.

This is assuming you're a grown man or woman, you understand.

>> No.422796
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Must have missed that, anon, and I hadn't heard of that author before. The series is marketed as romance, but it sounds like they're probably more straight-ahead historical fiction? If so, I might try one out.

My wife is a philosophy prof, actually. Her tastes in contemporary fiction are for things like Charles Baxter, Junot Diaz, Natalie Goldberg--I don't think I've ever seen her come within ten feet of a fantasy, SF, or historical novel.

>> No.422827

I have the same Adams book in the same spot in my bookshelf. Also, Soon I Will Be Invincible is win.

>> No.422859

Save dignity, save money, read scanlations a year+ before they're imported.

>> No.422881

Then you pay with your eyes.

Can I get nothing for free?

>> No.422912

>Soon I Will Be Invincible
Oh yeah, /co/ told me I'd like it and so I bought it a while back to get free shipping on some order or another. I don't think I've laughed that hard at a novel in a very long time. It's not the greatest thing ever, but man it was GOOD.

Dr. Impossible was pretty much all of my childhood fantasies.

>> No.422918
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I'd step up my campaign if I didn't always feel so embarrassed everytime I do it (not embarrassed about the books but that I feel so transparent promoting them)

They're indeed marketed as historical romance but I assure you the connotations that spring to mind from that are not true* (or at least what I gather leaps to your mind when you hear that term). I'm not saying there isn't romance but I wouldn't describe them as such. They're superbly researched historical fiction with good plotting and excellent characters, especially her mains.

* The latter part of the Niccolò series feels a bit like a soap, but then I don't have very much against soap. I think it can be one of the best things actually, it's just that good soap is incredibly rare.

(P.S. I'm also an avid SF&F reader if that tips any balances)

>> No.422925

Don't be sad. I'll definitely check out The Game of Kings--thanks for the rec.

>> No.422958


I haven't bought manga in a while. The only reason I have as much as I do is because my mom used to buy me two volumes every week, for what reason I don't know.

Besides, the PS3 is a non-factor. It's not like I'd be buying games for it.

>> No.422960

Victory! I always thought you were kind of cool FM, and I wasn't wrong.

Obligatory warning, the style of Game is quite baroque and the main character - Lymond - is educated and isn't afraid to show it - spouting off [untranslated] quotes in French, Spanish, Latin etc. The style - and Lymond - becomes more accessible as the series goes on and that quality is rather absent in Niccolò. What is common in both is that you rarely get inside the mains' heads and they loathe explaining themselves. Personally I was hooked from page one but I'm just giving a heads up (seems like most of the 1 star reviews on Amazon are from people who gave up before a hundred pages went past).

Still, good sailing!

>> No.422966

Oh yes. When I was a kid my mother used to buy me an exorbitant amount of X-men comics every week. I have just a metric ton of them packed away in storage. That was nearly 20 years ago though.

>> No.423331

poorfag too....just trade a bunch of yard sale books for some sci-fi and horror novels at a book store here.

>> No.423356
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If OP doesn't have the proper wall anchors, those things are going to come tumbling down someday.

>> No.423372
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Here's my shelves. I have nice subdued reading lighting but the flash doesn't show that :\

>> No.423379

I think I'm the laziest person in these threads; I have doors on my shelves because I hate dusting.

>> No.423412
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my books are in stacks on the floor. lol bookshelves.