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4221114 No.4221114[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you read books?
Do you have any book quirks?

Book reading General

>> No.4221121

Read books publicly, i tape paper from outside so no one can know what i read.

Rainy days are good for reading for atmosphere.
Also if possible i'll most definitely have strong black tea with it.

Only physical books.

>> No.4221155

I read Nietzsche in toilet, where he belongs.

>> No.4221187

>How do you read books?
What kind of question is that? "Oh I read them backwards"

>> No.4221199

>What king of question is that?
Back at you

>> No.4221202

If you don't know what "What kind of question is that?" means then why are you asking him it back?

>> No.4221203

You really can't read between the lines

>> No.4221211

Usually sitting, on laying on my bed.
No, I try to keep my books mint condition.

>> No.4221214



>> No.4221228

Nice try but no, you're an idiot.

>> No.4221244

That's the irony of retards, they never understand anything above them so by definition you'll always think like that.

Enjoy mediocrity

>> No.4221248
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Home. In a chair.
When I have time. I'm trying to transition into having a specific time to set aside for reading, though.
>How do you read books?
Straight through. But as a kid with OCD, I did read every book backwards once I read it forward. >>4221187
>Do you have any book quirks?
I'll break the book's spine before I read it; and as I hate dog-earing and writing in books, I always have a bookmark and a piece of paper to write down pages/quotes/passages that I like.

>> No.4221253

Marina is so hot.

>> No.4221255

See the image in >>4221252

>> No.4221260

How long were the books you read backwards and did reading backwards give you any special insight?

>> No.4221261

Why the FUCK do you break a book's spine?

>> No.4221275


home, or preferably the library, but i'll also take the laundromat and airports.




with my eyes.

>Do you have any book quirks?


>> No.4221280

I only did it when I was around 6 to 8 years old, so they were mostly children's books and short story collections. No special insight. It was just frustrating.

It's tiring trying not to break the spine when reading a book, so I just go ahead and get it over with. I hate when a book feels tight and can't lay open on its own.

>> No.4221289

you're no fun, possibly autistic

>> No.4221302

home on the couch, outside sometimes
physical books if that's what ou mean, usually from the library
>any quirks
i like to rub pages between my thumb and index finger

>> No.4221330

i used to travel by bus and train, so there i read. nowadays only when i'm at home in the bed or when i'm waiting for something like a doctor or whatever
see above
how do you read books:
mostly lying or sitting on a bed
book quirks:
if it counts: i love books with something 3d popping out on the cover, like the authors name, blood drops, different paints and everytime i hold such a book in my hands my fingers fumble with whatever is going on on the cover

>> No.4221463

>i tape paper from outside so no one can know what i read
>implying anyone cares what you're reading

>> No.4221483
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train, university, at home in bed, at home outside when sunny, in cafés, riding the metro


at home when its silent enough to, elsewhere obviously when i happen to be in those places

>How do you read books?

left to right, top to bottom. bound>paperback; ebooks are for subhumans. also relatively fast (not speedreading technics fast, just naturally got faster by doing it a lot; around 50, 60 pages per hour).
I read them naively, sometimes I use a pen to underline interesting, intriguing, relevant (to whatever) or quotable passages and write the page# and short description in the front for easy access. Non-Fiction I read slower, with more notes, while its quiet around me.

>Do you have any book quirks?
I have a book fetish. Sometimes I take a book out of my shelf, I let my thumb slide through the pages, listening to the sound, enjoying the haptic sensation, thinking about it. Looking at my shelf gives me frission. When finishing a book I also smell it, just look at it, caress it and sometimes even kiss it once or twice. Its really weird. Especially with good books ending, like Brothers Karamazov, I get the feeling like a good friend died when I finish it. The mentioned procedure helps me let go. I actually really get depressed sometimes after finishing books. I also get depressed when there is no book im *currently reading*

>> No.4221515

lel basement dweller

>> No.4221540

Home, work, to and from, everywhere really.
When I'm not on the internet, watching something, or have someone to talk to.
>How do you read books?
One at a time.
>Do you have any book quirks?
I get a thrill seeing notes people leave in books that I check out from the library or buy used.

>> No.4221594

>I get a thrill seeing notes people leave in books that I check out from the library or buy used.
>that I check out from the library

really? personally I am highly offended when people write notes in to books they do not own. I really love reading them in used books, but writing in library books rustles my jimmies hard.


if i was the stalin of my personal soviet utopia, I'd have everyone of these people quartered, teared, feathered, shot and hanged at the same time.

>> No.4221595

Home mostly, but I like to go to a coffee shop nearby when I want to people-watch as well. Gotta love small KY towns.

Anytime, mostly in the evenings though.

Pretty much straight-through. I don't really take notes or think about what i'm reading critically (unless it's a philosophy text or something). I'm more or less along for the ride.

None particularly.

>> No.4221597

The subway or bus. On my couch, tucked into a blanket. In bed.
Mostly before I go to sleep. Otherwise during the day if I'm commuting.
>How do you read books?
I read more non-fiction so I look at the table of contents and I bounce around the book depending on what catches my interest first. But only the chapters are stand-alone.
>Do you have any book quirks?
Not really. If a passage stands out I usually type it out in a notepad file but that's time consuming so I don't do it often.

>> No.4221600

Seconded. Except I hate them in used books too.

>> No.4221706



In bed


Evening, morning

>How do you read books?

On mobile phone, physical, eReader

>Do you have any book quirks?

when books don't stay flat it's annoying, so instead of cutting the spine I photograph the pages and read them on electronic reader which is always flat

>> No.4221717

>Do you have any book quirks?
I inaugurate every new book by opening it the first time at the middle putting the penis inside it and then squeezing it gently with the two halves of the book. Then I can start using it.

>> No.4221722

>Read books publicly, i tape paper from outside so no one can know what i read.

Did people come up to you and use the book title on the cover as a conversation starter?

>> No.4223622
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>Anonymous 10/28/13(Mon)10:52 No.4221121Replies: >>4221463 >>4221722
>Read books publicly, i tape paper from outside so no one can know what i read.
>Rainy days are good for reading for atmosphere.
>Also if possible i'll most definitely have strong black tea with it.
>Only physical books.

>> No.4223636

>at home or on iphone
>usually before bed
How do you read books?
>in horizontal position
Do you have any book quirks?
>i like to rub the corners of the cover

>> No.4224518

You are a very bad reader, i wish only the worst to you.

>> No.4224523

>late at night
>travelling interstate
>if i think it is predictable or get bored of the premise i stop reading

>> No.4224529

I took your disappointment in deep consideration. I will now rethink my life.

>> No.4224532

Glad i made a difference.

>> No.4224538

do me do me


>> No.4224549


So un-patrician.
>if i think it is predictable or get bored of the premise i stop reading

Consider killing an important political figure so you can be secretly tortured by the CIA in a dungeon in middle east, slow decaying life you will be.

>> No.4224551

u got trollled

>> No.4224553

no you got trolled :^)

>> No.4224557

i only started reading a week ago

trying to shift my hobby from pc games to reading

it's hard y'know

i try and read lolita so many times but always end up fapping

>> No.4224558

Nice save.

>> No.4224561

You too

>> No.4224564

Why don't you just watch Porn?

>> No.4224566

nabokov's prose are much prettier

>> No.4224571

usually at home but I can't seem to read if someone is watching tv in the house, I swear they're deaf
yet when I'm on a bus and there's noise I have no issue

I like to read at least an hour a day minimum so whenever I have time

left to right top to bottom

not really other than I prefer to spent 3x the amount on an old edition of a book rather than a new one with an ugly cover.. and if I do buy a new book I hate having to break the spine it feels vile

>> No.4224652

On the bus or at home
When I have free time, usually 9PM and later
Physical copies because I enjoy having a collection I can display
I dont think so, I just try to keep the book in good condition

I just got back into reading recently. I got LoTR, The Hobbit, Wealth of Nations and The Divine Comedy so far.

>> No.4225795

Dune, its good stuff. It is my 10th read of the book.

>> No.4225916

on my bed
at night or during quiet afternoon
>How do you read books?
lying face up, head propped up with pillows
>Do you have any book quirks?
feels like the experience of reading a book varies depending on what position I'm reading it in.