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/lit/ - Literature

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4218942 No.4218942[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If lebbit can do it, why can't we?

Write a horror story in 2 sentences. Make it a good one.

>A thread had recently been made, detailing the works of a wonderful author. When I scrolled down to see the replies, the name was there:


>> No.4218967

"The last man in the world sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door."

>> No.4218969

There just beyond the eye I could see something so spooky I can't even tell you just how creepy it was, but I can describe it; bone white, lacked all flesh and was certainly humanoid. Boo!

>> No.4218973

I was jerking to my futa porn in my room. There was a knock at the door

>> No.4219000

I saw something really scary yesterday at night through the window: two crows talking with each other like humans, they spotted me and i closed the curtains.

>> No.4219016

I caught in the Stygian abyss a non-euclidean glimpse of something so terrifying that if I described it to you I would go insane (though it bore some resemblance to what we would call a bat) and then I passed out. When I came to, I found myself in a mental institution and proceeded to endeavor to write this on the wall with my own faeces.
>every lovecraft story ever

>> No.4219020


I guess when you gather your opinions only from /lit/ this is actually funny.

Why can't /lit/ into critical reading?

>> No.4219029

"The last woman in the world stood alone in the hallway. She knocked on the door."

>> No.4219034

For sale: Skellington

>> No.4219037

I was alone in the unlit house, trying to sink into a sleep I was hoping would be restful. As I rolled onto my other side, the darkness hovering at my feet moved.

>> No.4219039

>people have different opinions to me therefore they're deluded & wrong! they're all sheep tricked by the /lit/ anti-lovecraft conspiracy!

>> No.4219041 [SPOILER] 
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A man had noble values in which he truly believed. They were all spooks.

>> No.4219050


Lovecraft is boring for other reasons not your regurgitated opinions. You could cite his lack of originality, his work being a Parody of Poe and Chambers. If projection is all you can do your inability to think isn't surprising.

>> No.4219051

He was long haunted by the spooky ghostie. It was not until recently that he realised he himself was the ghostie.

Threw in a deep twist

>> No.4219055

>cannot fathom the madness

>> No.4219063

>also black people are smelly

>> No.4219069

actual autism

>> No.4219134 [SPOILER] 
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>"I have succumbed to my last whim. The last slice tasted so sweet."

>> No.4219137

>Found in reddit: I begin tucking him into bed and he tells me, “Daddy check for monsters under my bed.” I look underneath for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and whispering, “Daddy there’s somebody on my bed.”

>Mfw reddit wrote a truly gem.

Step up /lit/.

>> No.4219153

These are good too:
>Years ago, a lone chair appeared in the center of the basement, and no matter how many times I put it back in the corner it always found a way back to the center. It took a long time to realize it was positioned underneath the kitchen, almost like someone had taken a seat at the dinner table with the rest of us.
>I can't move, breathe, speak or hear and it's so dark all the time. If I knew it would be this lonely, I would have been cremated instead.

>> No.4219179

Infinite. Jest.

>> No.4219204



>> No.4219212

I was so glad I could finally that a photo with my favorite actress. I smiled and tried to put my hand on her should, but it passed through it.

>> No.4219216


>> No.4219228

He said the dinner was going to be a bit late so I went to the fridge to get some snacks. Inside it blood dripped from a large black sack, but he was vegan.

>> No.4219251

I've always been party to snacks while browsing the internet and tonight was no exception. As I reach down to grab another bite I feel something grab back.

>> No.4219273

Take a moment each day to appreciate choice and the making of it. Someday soon they will be here to take even that away.

>> No.4219287

It is widely accepted that regardless of what the human race does with itself and the planet the sun will eventually consume all that we have here. What some fail to understand is that the alternative is much worse.

>> No.4219295

Not very spooky but you got me intrigued anon. Would read a short story about that.

>> No.4219298

You only have a limited amount of time until you die and the nothingness of the void erases your consciousness. You are spending some of that time right now browsing 4chan.

>> No.4219305

Truly terrifying.

>> No.4219306

Like a junkie who just scored a hit, my proboscis quivered before twisting back into my festering face hole, blood coagulating on its needle point tip. It's funny, I thought to myself, how humans have spent eons wondering if they have a soul, yet I’m curios if any have thought as to what one taste like?

>> No.4219309

When you piss into the abyss, the abyss piss back into you

Srry 4 englis

>> No.4219313

That's a fair description. I still think he scratched an itch with his cosmic dreariness that others before him did not bother with, purple prose and cliche filled as those scratches may be.

Thanks anon.

Regardless of this ever present fact some people still chose to go out of their way to murder other people. The removal of this trait will take some rather heavy handed convincing.

>> No.4219317

A few days after he sent out his new manuscript Franzen received a call.

"What do you mean?" he asked to his editor, "I didn't include any footnotes at all."

>> No.4219319


A little long winded but it got the point across well enough. Nice work.

>> No.4219322

For sale: Baby shoes, still warm.

>> No.4219328

Firstly, I only used 1/2 sentences!! Secondly stop making me procrastinate, I'm trying to write an essay on the sociological aspects of terrorism!!

>> No.4219334

True story guys:
My phone was ringing without stop for more than an hour now, but I gave up answering it because every time I did no one would answer it. It was better to unplug its cable, but right after I did it my doorbell rang.

>> No.4219349

Humans have certain tricks when it comes to memories regarding trauma. Don't you wonder why you can remember your 5th birthday much more clearly than your 6th?

>> No.4219372

A little girl walked into a dark alley. There was a black man there.

>> No.4219387

A black man walked into a dark alley. There was a little girl there.

>> No.4219393

The septic wall leaked away from the container and towards Vigo's cup. Vigo's lips split chapped this week and he didn't notice the sting of shit bred microbial bots entering the milli cracks.

>> No.4219401

I was fapping to my futa porn in my room. The door opened.

>> No.4219403

The leech attached to the man's anus. The leech entered the man's anus.

imagin if it hapnd to u

>> No.4219410

Anon walked into a store. The cashier was a girl.

>> No.4219415

With mounting horror Lindsay realized that she had miscalculated. She was only a few seconds away from suffocating, and the horses were cumming prodigiously.

>> No.4219420

Mom walks into my room. I forgot the tab with gay bondage porn open.

>> No.4219428

scariest one yet.

>> No.4219436

really guys

>> No.4219438

someone's been reading burroughs

>> No.4219445

cringe-worthy awful

>> No.4219450

I was posting on /lit/. Suddenly there was a cross post from lebbit.

you fag.

>> No.4219484

This is fucking good.

>> No.4219501

When I went to the pharmacy to pick up the pictures that I took of me and my wife Janet while we were camping up in the Catskill mountains, I found quite an odd set of photos that have left me perplexed for sometime now. While I was the one who held the camera at all times during the trip, taking pictures of my wife and the beauties of nature present in those mountains, for some strange reason, several of the photos contained both of us in the shot.

>> No.4219528

No can't say I have.

>> No.4219548

more like adorable

>> No.4219549

It's all okay now. It doesn't even hurt much anymore.

>> No.4219552

neat idea, badly executed
also selfies exist

>> No.4219558

Your style there strongly reminds me of Naked Lunch. If you're into that style you really ought to read it.

>> No.4219570

Damn. Don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight.

>> No.4219571


Scrawled into the margin of my essay notes, I will hunt that book down, cheers for that. To be honest though, this isn't my style of writing at all, but the one reason I visit /lit is because people post comments such as these and it's like a mental exercise. Instead of say running for 5k, someone say row and my brain crunches into another gear for 5 mins..

>> No.4219605

As his computer was no longer functioning, and his parents seemed to be absent, he decided to use his father's computer to fancy his 'futa' fetish and pleasure himself. As the action was taking place, there was a knock on the door; his father walked in, and with an expression of melancholy, replied, "I knew you would someday find my collection".

>> No.4219615

She did her final revision and that was that. She placed the papers in the manilla folder and signed the return address with her new pen name: 'Ayn Rand'.

>> No.4219625

I opened the door. Suddenly, SKELETON!!!!

>> No.4219627

For sale: Baby. Slightly used.

>> No.4219634

This post made you respond to it. Am i controlling your mind?

>> No.4219637
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>> No.4219662

Our balls. they touched.

>> No.4219671

Last year one of of my friends left town for a nother town. I never heard from him again.

>> No.4219672

I touched my peepee and it got hard. It sstill hard.

>> No.4219691

>neat idea
>poor execution
>only 2 sentences and already a plot hole

Yep, sounds like my writing.

>> No.4219711
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>implying /lit/ isn't reddit at this point

>> No.4219737

This is you.

>> No.4219765

tfw no gf

>> No.4219823
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Cradling his suddenly cold hand she cried as her friend slowly lost his heartbeat to the affliction. Inevitably, minutes later his finger wispered: Run.

>> No.4219850

I woke up one day, only to realize it was much like the last day. I logged onto 4chan

>> No.4219889 [DELETED] 

>Left unity, under the one true line of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, has almost been achieved. However, only one thing remained in the way from complete victory: The fucking Hoxhitians.

>> No.4219964

For sale: baby shoes, in a variety of sizes

>> No.4219987

I an Thomas Pynchon. I personally think u r faggot.

>> No.4220184

Every night I stand near the frosted window and watch Jacob walk out of the house and across the yard with his stone cold strides, stepping over the fence without missing a step, and look back at me before walking out onto the thin, icy lake and disappearing from sight.

"Jacob," my little sister says to me, "I don't like it when you get that look in your eyes. Jacob. Can you hear me, Jacob?"

>> No.4220221

>but who was Jacob?

>> No.4220232

>logging on


>> No.4220246

"We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita 'Now I am become Sunhawk, the destroyer of books.' I suppose we all thought that, one way or another."

-- R. Oppenheimer

>> No.4220247

I dunno, I guess there is no monster said the voice

and then I realised that I was alone in the room.

>> No.4220283

What if he's a mod?

>> No.4220316

you're jacob you cheeky cunt

>> No.4220472

Every human has a spooky skellington. Inside their body

>> No.4220498

Like a cornered fox she lashed out, her unkept nails tore valleys in the flesh between my ribs. The searing pain caused involuntary muscle contractions, I recoiled.

>> No.4220500

Stop reading this. When the purge begins they give the thoughtless ones cleaner deaths.

>> No.4220506

I thought it was hell living with the voices inside my head. Then they escaped.

>> No.4220537

I always check behind the shower curtain at night. Call me paranoid, but I want to make sure I haven't missed anyone.

>> No.4220569

I like this one, though I'm not sure shoes get all that warm.

>> No.4220578

That's the opposite of good, you talentless fuck.

>> No.4220584

10 I know, I'm a mess, but tomorrow I'm going to get up and make something of my life, and escape the ephemeral distractions that anesthetize me, keeping me blind to joy and numb to ambition. Go to 10

>> No.4220596


>creepy as fuck, and not in a good way

>> No.4220611

Then show us a better one. Or are you the type of intellectual who would rather just criticize others' works instead of producing your own?

>> No.4220615

I grimaced in the darkness, clutching my knee, wondering why someone had left a chair in the middle of the room. Under my breath, I cursed my manic depressive roommate for his lack of sensibility.

>> No.4220617

Not who you're responding to but 1) that's a fallacy,
2) substantive critiques:
2.1) Presenting with "omg reddit producing something of truly horror!" is always going to end badly. Expectations.
2.2) The "terror" is more clever than horrifying. Horror is typically about perspective, the "oh shit" moment as you realize something is more awful than you'd realized. That story is more about establishing a cute situation. If it were on a sitcom, no one would freak out except the kid that's already freaked out. Everyone would laugh. It would be a tastefully funny, network-approved joke. It's not a gem. It's just a self-consistent thing.

>> No.4220626

Ok, all valid. I just hate the /lit/ posters that only criticize others' works because they're too insecure/weak to post their own. If you're gonna criticize, you gotta post your own work to back it up.

>> No.4220629

When I woke up the dog was chewing on my leg. I tried to make him stop, but I couldn't reach the other side of the room.

>> No.4220630


>>4220617 cont'd
Like, I remember back in the day when I was on a sitcom a few times time (child actor) and we had some cute jokes like this, where the punchline would be that a monster was just as scared as the kids. So they'd drag me out of my home below the set and told me at gunpoint the premise and, indeed, I didn't have to act very hard.

>> No.4220634

I used to star in movies when I was a child. At the trial I saw them for the first time.

>> No.4220642

I lowered my foot gently into the empty crystal lake. As the coolness calmed my body, and the ripples ran from me, I felt something touching me.

>> No.4220692

Sally woke up screaming.

This, I suppose, is what the chloroform is for.

>> No.4220807

Not bad.

>> No.4220812

Then I heard a knock at the door.

But that's funny.

Because I don't have a door.

>> No.4220836


>tfw child porn actor

>> No.4220869 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4220885

The boy woke up. Nobody else did.

>> No.4220911

>"The early bird catches the worm!"

>> No.4220956

Having retrieved what he needed from the cold, watery bottom he began his ascent back upwards.
He met only cold, solid lid.

>> No.4220957

seriously gets me every time.

>> No.4220958


>> No.4220961

>hurr if you don't like how he consistently raped all the kids why don't you show us how you successfully run an orphanage without doing so

>> No.4220974

this got me hard

>> No.4220984

Not sure whether you're implying that it turned you on or 'got' you emotionally. Since this is 4chan, hiding place of the degenerates, I'm going to hazard a guess at the former.

>> No.4220999


oats shits and loves

>> No.4221001

I could see the spikes rising, and hear a distant screaming. It never registered that it was I that had screamed as I fell to my death.

>> No.4221023


Probably the neatest one in this thread/

>> No.4221024

Are you implying that it should have been obvious because of your lack of comma? Despite the fact that your post lacked any and all punctuation?

>> No.4221033

And I inspired it (with my much worse one that preceded it and was less sharp, biting, clever, and coherent, but sketched out the basic idea, at least, which should get me like, at least 1% of the credit. Please, monetize the world and give me the credit I deserve, at least give me that. God, why am I so lonely?)!


>> No.4221050

You jerk away from the needle, but your arm refuses to listen; you plead with the doctor, but your mouth won't form the words. "I'm still here".

>> No.4221063

that oats person aint even me
>explaining to me my choice of words
i chose the words to have that effect, anon

>> No.4221149

The secondary literature of the author is merely another text referring to the original text. Your opinion on what you wrote doesn't matter more than his.

>> No.4221224

I think this is the best one yet.

>> No.4221269


>> No.4221290


>> No.4221301
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>I was so glad I could finally that a photo with my favorite actress. I smiled and tried to put my hand on her should, but it passed through it.

>> No.4221321

hover hand*9001

>> No.4221746

How could you have written that in first person, past tense, if he had died?

>> No.4221780

For sale
baby shoes

>> No.4221791


dude do you even realize how genuinely euphoric your post was?

>> No.4221799

With my sharpness XIII-enchanted hell sword, I sliced God in half from head to two. His innards spewed forth and I sighed with relief, knowing that at last humanity could be euphoric without that phony deity.

>> No.4221807


>> No.4221811

For sale: Baby shoe stories, slightly meta.

>> No.4221834

The man in the mirror is decrepit, toothless, bald and wrinkled. I have no more time to get my life together.

>> No.4221959

The crows took aloft and scattered at the footsteps of the searching men. The last piece of her they'd find in another county, pink swaddling caught up in a bird's feet.

>> No.4222177

I came home from college last week to see my 4 year old brother. Upon entering the house I stumbled upon a box, a foot for every year.

>> No.4222202

but that's actually creepy

>> No.4222219

There is a skeleton inside of you right now. He is imitating your every move; he knows when you are sleeping.

>> No.4222235

It was my 14th birthday. I went on 4chan for some epic trolling XD

>> No.4222282

here is that story but better:
I took pictures. So did something else.

>> No.4222289
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My little brother wants me to feed him. I push a bound girl down the stairs to the basment and hear the clang of chains as I close the hatch.

>> No.4222389

pretty good actually

>> No.4222407

It was late, and I heard a noise. When I got up, and headed into the dark hall, I heard the noise, something with more weight than a person, moving, behind me.

>> No.4224536

"I'd like to lick the semen off his lips," the man thought to himself.
The dead child shivered.

>> No.4224672

in waking i turn to rise to the day, planting my feet on the, gravity grasps me, i fervently scramble back to the place of slumber, against slipping sheets each dig of my fingers mirrors a clawing at my skin, and chitinous claws pluck, tear, arachnid furs prickle wounds, the bare. serving my exertions I attempt a breath, every gulp for life at the air evacuates a thickening mist of blood, muscles power in the fire to function a service to remain alive, but only drive a crushing pressure upon my dying.

>> No.4225032

"Who put Bella in the wych elm?"

>> No.4225051

So I met a girl on the street called Stacey, she invited me to her house party. When I arrived at the house her mother opened, she said: "Stacey? She's been dead for twelve years"


>> No.4225068


>> No.4225073


>> No.4225076

Both quite powerful. Obviously the former is far better though.

Nice Heaney reference. Never thought that line was particularly powerful though, even in that poem.

>> No.4225155


>Seamus Heaney

>> No.4225166

What's wrong with Heaney, asswipe?

>> No.4225405

Which one was yours?

>> No.4225408

Somehow this thread is actually worse than the one on /x/ a while back, though not by much. I expected better of you, /lit/.

Some of the less cringe-worthy ones from /x/:

>My grandmother told me it was a gift to see the angel of death in front of people's houses, to know that he'd be collecting someone there soon. I thought it was a gift too, up until the day I began to see it in front of every house.

>For years you've feared the voices in your room because they always say they're coming for you. Tonight you were finally able to get some sleep; the voices didn't need to speak anymore.

>The operation wasn't successful in the traditional sense since my sight didn't return, but it left me with the ability to distinguish heat signatures, at least. Three weeks have passed and I'm still not sure how to politely ask my best friend why he's room temperature.

>I couldn't sleep because of all the strange faces in the paintings on the wall. In the morning, there were no paintings, just windows.

>"Hey kid, I saw you outside my window with that weapon, just don't do it again." Confused, he said "I was only holding a camera, no harm right?"

>> No.4225411

None, I'm shit at writing. These are also pretty meh, but marginally better than everything posted here

(deleted previous post because I accidentally his submit instead of clicking in the text box)

>> No.4225412

Same question different numbers

>> No.4225416


>> No.4225453

Oh yes, I tore the flesh with my teeth, and, to a lesser degree, gnawed the sinews and muscular regions. I found the taste of blood to be best accompanied by the sound of a shrieking child.

>> No.4225489

You should sleep under the moon. For his teeth are made to break other teeth.

>> No.4225540
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Where did the 2spooky4me thing come from? /x/?

>> No.4225554
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>> No.4225574

U wot m8

>> No.4225587

Max Stirner m8

>> No.4225617

As I went further into the deep, dark tunnel -- the night air creeping in from behind me, cooling my back -- two beams of light flickered on in the distance. I started to try leaning in for the wall, thinking that the train might just pass me by and keep going, but instead the two lights had turned to follow where I moved...

>> No.4225722

How did it come from him? I doubt he'd replace words with numbers

>> No.4225787

He'd do whatever he feels like.

"2spooky4me" was actually his main argument against liberalism, socialism and all other values.

>> No.4225791

yeah it came from /x/
starting with the creepypasta that ends "and then a skeleton popped out"

>> No.4225798

Oh ok, thx

>> No.4227422

Hey faggot I replied to the post below urs instead the fug you gona do

>> No.4227443

>and then a skeleton popped out
I'd like to read this copypasta