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/lit/ - Literature

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4217252 No.4217252[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hi /lit/

how do I into Pynchon? I really want to start reading him but have no fucking idea where to start. i'm not too familiar with postmodern literature with the exceptions of burroughs, vonnegut and delillo.

>> No.4217254

Try Slow Learner or The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.4217259


Hope that helps! Good luck

>> No.4217260

Start with Crying of lot 49 and then reread it immediately after finishing it.

>> No.4217270

thanks lit, looks like i'll give crying of lot 49 a shot

>> No.4217286

DON't start with slow learner, it's fucking awful and will give you a terrible impression of pynchon.

Best order is
The crying of lot 49 -> V. -> Gravity's Rainbow -> whatever else you want

>> No.4217291

Pynchon has two different modes. On one side, there's Crying of Lot 49, Vineland and Inherent Vice, which are comparatively fun and linear reads, and so make a good starting point. On the other side, you've got his other books.

Haven't read Bleeding Edge yet, so I don't know which camp it's in. I'm guessing it's in Lot 49/Vineland/Vice territory.

>> No.4217298

You uh open the book and read it.

>> No.4217301

It won't give you a bad impression if you're aware it's his very early and experimental stuff.

>> No.4217368
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>mfw I have this and can't even finish it
To be fair, it has Pynchon's own commentary and he doesn't like it either.

>> No.4217372

Mason and Dixon is not a hard read

>> No.4217462

nice teeth m8

>> No.4217655

Maybe not for you but for a lot, including me, it is. Well it depends on what we think of as hard. It gets boring as hell for a while, way too much uninteresting dialogue, so for me it got hard because I found it hard to enjoy it/want to continue reading it.