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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 101 KB, 265x265, DOGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4216388 No.4216388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is /s4s/ the taste of things to come?

1) Freedom from the constraints of traditional art? Check
2) Collective creation? Check
3) Self conscious creation? Check
and most importantly
4) Post-irony? Check
and so on and so on

Just compare the place to /lit/ - /lit/ is stuck in endless repetition of dead art, while /s4s/ is bursting with creation. Things are actually happening there. 'But it's pointless nothing!' - so is postmodernism (and I'm not dissing PM here). The folks there made a fucking album:
I bet that /lit/ has a grand total of 0 pages made through cooperation.

Can we expect to see /s4s/ spreading? Is it the new Tao Lin? Are you ready for postpostmodernism?

>> No.4216397

5) Dubs? Check

>> No.4216401

>I bet that /lit/ has a grand total of 0 pages made through cooperation.

we have a zine since god knows how many years.

>Can we expect to see /s4s/ spreading?

only inasmuch as previous generations bought into activist causes as identity accessories.

>Are you ready for postpostmodernism?

yes, but this is not it.

etc etc

stay in tumblr

>> No.4216402
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>> No.4216405

>we have a zine since god knows how many years.
I'm fairly regular here and I don't recall ever hearing about it.

>> No.4216406

>I'm fairly regular here and I don't recall ever hearing about it.

tar has been going on for at least two years, newfag

>> No.4216410

Most of the people advocating postmodernism or this insidious concept of "postpostmodernism" that you have just suggested know almost nothing of the history of the Great Conversation. They're trying to make new pathways of the thought without even knowing the great ones that came before. How many self-identifying postmodernists do you know who can read Latin or Greek? What this age needs is not new or unheard of discoveries, we need to rediscover those that were made it in the past which we have completely forgotten.

>> No.4216437

None of this is new. /s4s is more like Dadaism, if anything.

>> No.4216441


if you think the postmodernist dialectic had nothing to do with greek aesthetics (because latin is for children), you have really no place in this discussion.

>> No.4216467

>How many self-identifying postmodernists do you know who can read
Fixed that for you.

>> No.4216477

>do you know who can read Latin or Greek

>> No.4217031

Wow, a standard typo in which a word has been accidentally omitted! How fucking unusual and hilarious!

>> No.4217076

>Are you ready for postpostmodernism?
It's called metamodernism. It even has a page in wikipedia.

>> No.4217117

This. All movements, since the wide abandonment of the study of the classics, are worthless.

>> No.4217119
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>this is who you sound like

>> No.4217607

Post-postmodernism has a page as well.

>> No.4217624

I think this is a bit too harsh. I'm all for standing on the shoulders of giants, but the idea that you have to know Greek or Latin is kind of ridiculous. Mathematicians don't have to learn Sanskrit or Arabic. Physicists don't learn Latin to read Leucippus. Reading all the primary sources of a field is in many ways commendable (I have a healthy respect for St. John's College), but disqualifying the contributions of others because they have not done so is foolhardy.

>> No.4217645

Your use of mathematics and science as examples to support your viewpoint is wholly unconvincing. I assume you can figure out for yourself why these are of a different realm than movements in philosophy, literature, etc.

>> No.4217893

what's the matter, scared of a few numbers?

>> No.4217919
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Not the same guy, but does it still exist? I don´t recall seeing a TAR thread in the last four months at least.

>> No.4217925

>I assume you can figure out for yourself why these are of a different realm than movements in philosophy, literature, etc.
You assumed wrong. Please explain.

>> No.4217928

>implying mathematics wouldn't be far better off it it's study wasn't so divorced from its history and philosophy

>> No.4217934

>don't know what /s4s/ is
>check it out
>autistautist lel assssssburgers
>le b8man face
>check your privilege haha

It's like a non-edgy /b/. What's the point?

>> No.4217953
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>> No.4217958

>non-edgy /b/
That's pretty much it.

>> No.4217970
File: 1.59 MB, 2160x3240, 1381511085398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is having fun, checking dubs, and making OC, like the album or the countless newspapers. Will post some.

>> No.4217975
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>> No.4217981
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>> No.4217988
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One vintage paper :^)

>> No.4217994

so /s4s/ is trying to be the fyad of 4chan?

>> No.4217998
File: 554 KB, 1386x1103, 1381514530396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And last but not least, our premier scientific publication :^)

>> No.4218007

It stopped being monthly and started being quarterly or something.

>> No.4218014

>The point is having fun

Just like spending a day looking after 700 children flinging shit and crying is fun right?

There's no conversation, there's no discussion; it's a cesspit of adolescent losers trying to one up each other by being the 'wittiest', or being the most 'ironic' shitposter.

Who cares if 2% of these children's recycled discharge happens to be 'original content'. A steaming turd is a steaming turd after all, no matter the recency of it's birth.

>> No.4218023

>it's a cesspit of adolescent losers trying to one up each other by being the 'wittiest', or being the most 'intellectual' shitposter.
Sums up /lit/ pretty nicely

>> No.4218029

I haven't browsed /s4s/ for more than five minutes but all that makes it sound like it's just /b/ from a few years ago. I guess that's still an improvement over the current /b/ but I fail to see what's so great about it.

>> No.4218032


These are actually pretty funny.

>> No.4218034

Dude, we've written heaps of shitty google docs books and there's also Lit Rand's mighty The Story of Johnny:
Plus, all those letters we write to authors and the poems we write everywhere, and probably other stuff, I don't know, but I think we're good in the 'making pointless shit' department (not including The Story of Johnny, which is of course an unqualified masterpiece and an achievement not just for Lit Rand but for all of humanity).

>> No.4218045

Glad you like them :^)

If you´re interested, the papers are always looking for new contributors!

>> No.4218049

/lit/ and /s4s/ should fuse together for the greater good

>> No.4218061

/lsd/ - /lit/ & /s4s/ discussion

>> No.4218070
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>> No.4218079

this cannot be mere coincidence probably

>> No.4218093

wow #rude
check privilege pls :^)

>> No.4218097
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>> No.4218099


Your punctuation is hilarious.



>> No.4218116
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>> No.4218118
File: 144 KB, 422x195, -----------.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations on your dubs :^)

>> No.4218132
File: 591 KB, 900x517, 1382827261487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post le pot

>> No.4218140

I can't believe that /lit/ can't understand [s4s]. I cannot believe it is that mysterious a place...there was a post once where a guy explained the mindset you need to post there. If anyone has it, please post it. To me that image explains the essence of [s4s] funposters.

>> No.4218146

Was that on /lit/?

>> No.4218150

Does the mindset have something to do with smoking meth?

>> No.4218153

It was on [s4s], I think in one of the "meta-threads."

>> No.4218154

A little bit.

>> No.4218166
File: 156 KB, 1366x700, s4s wisdom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4218176


Wisdom confirmed by dubs :^)

>> No.4218199

And then there's /tg/.

>> No.4218221

>mfw [s4s] is New Sincerity performance art

>> No.4218222

>I bet that /lit/ has a grand total of 0 pages made through cooperation.

You sure about that bud?

>> No.4218237

I don't get /s4s/ at all.
Besides being an unfunny jab to reddit, what's the point of the board? Did people start spilling out of /b/ or something?

>> No.4218241
File: 103 KB, 2894x1018, 1327960250178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet that /lit/ has a grand total of 0 pages made through cooperation.
I'm not going to go through and count how many pages ZWG and TAR collectively have, so I'll just post our opus.

>> No.4218245
File: 72 KB, 600x803, 20120720165609_eiJfT.thumb.600_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like a nice, polite form of /b/ with genuine enthusiasm and a jokey, lighthearted humour rather than biter cynicism. :)

>> No.4218247

It's something created as a joke for a bunch of unfunny faggots, and now they're trying to glorify it because they're all newfags and it's something they can say was created while they've been around.

>> No.4218252

It's okay :)

>> No.4218255

Been here since 2008, and I say that [s4s] is the best thing to happen to 4chan in recent times.

>> No.4218260
File: 9 KB, 430x494, le thin hair dislike man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4218265 [DELETED] 

Been here since 2007, and I say that [s4] is the worst thing to happen to 4chan in recent times.

>> No.4218269

Been here since 2007, and I say that [s4s] is the worst thing to happen to 4chan in recent times.

>> No.4218272
File: 10 KB, 644x171, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been here since 2006 and you just deleted your post :^)

>> No.4218273
File: 68 KB, 720x540, 1365961815404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYAD did all of this ten years ago, and they did it much better. You're garbage.

>> No.4218275

sherlock holmes on the case everyone :)

>> No.4218277
File: 9 KB, 430x496, le thin hair like man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4218280


this is funny, the other papers are shit

>> No.4218289

I can't even choose which one I'd rather fuck hypothetically. Not sure if I like the gentle innocent sluttiness of the blonde, the filthy freshly corrupted engaging sluttiness from the girl on the left or the veteran, almost brothel madam like whorishness of the strong faced one in the middle the most.

>> No.4218295

Is [s4s] the new "Weird Twitter"?

>> No.4218296

I'd like to fuck you ;)

>> No.4218314

This is ridiculous and highlights how the whole idea of the board has evolved into being contrarian for nothing but the sake of being contrary. Irony, meta, counterculture is not indicative of originality. The majority of 4chan pulls one way so when a board decides to pull the exact opposite direction that's worthy of being considered innovative?

Consider train tracks running from north to south. Whether you're traveling north or south, you're still traveling on the same tired tracks that the other trains run on. Innovation suggests a derailing, or taking flight.

Spin it how you will, appreciate the oh so witty irony if you must, but it won't change the fact that it's just the same old shit, recycled beyond any meaningful recognition.

4chan would be a better place if it dropped the belief that it holds some inherent superiority to the rest of the internet and stopped trying so hard to be the ultimate trend setter.

>> No.4218316
File: 136 KB, 935x310, 1370449900895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you need to calm down and just appreciate the aimless fun

>> No.4218319

Here's the video form

>> No.4218324

You sound like a humongous faggot

>> No.4218329

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you shouldn't have your fun - I'm saying that you need to drop all pretensions of being part of something worthy of praise for it's creativity.

>> No.4218335

It's funny how so many people think that there is some hidden aim or motive behind the funposting. It is not being done 'against something', 'for the sake of being contrary', but simply for some liberating, irrational fun.

>> No.4218400

The culture that develops dictates the decision to be contrary, whether you're conscious of it or not. It's like mob mentality; you see everyone acting in a certain way so you follow suit to fit in. It goes beyond the individual.

>> No.4218515

nice :^)

>> No.4218620
File: 33 KB, 337x294, hella jeff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in itt newfigs taking [s4s] seriously

There are levels of irony in play many of you simply cannot comprehend.

>> No.4218643

/b/, NOW.

>> No.4218652

They foolishly said "newfig" instead of "fig newton", please don't judge them too harshly on their mistake :(

>> No.4218654
File: 100 KB, 281x294, potlel1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are you quoting?

>> No.4218656

i'm pretty sure literally everyone here 'gets' s4s

>> No.4218661
File: 146 KB, 512x512, doge shoge2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls dont force your patriarchal language on me cis scum

>> No.4218671
File: 9 KB, 439x543, le white stripe3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe anyone truly understand [s4s]

There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what [s4s] is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.
There is another theory which states that this has already happened.

>> No.4218704
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Every theory deserves at least one reply

>> No.4218711
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>> No.4218713
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Get it together Jill

>> No.4218717
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>> No.4218721
File: 131 KB, 500x500, le pig shig2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be careful friend
the palm tree men become angered when you check dubs outside [s4s]

>> No.4218723

>1 off

>> No.4218726

Nice dubs

>> No.4218760

Very rude! Please check your privilege, sir!

>> No.4218774

You take 4chan way too seriously. There's really nothing else I can say.

If you want "quality" and "original" content, and are too full of yourself to enjoy being silly every once in a while, why don't you go join an ACTUAL website pertaining to an interest of yours, instead of an anonymous imageboard?

>> No.4218772

sorry, i sometimes forget that other people have different view than me and that i should accept them

sorry :(

>> No.4218780

Nevermind, I think I know why. On 4chan, you can hide behind anonymity so you have free reign to be a gigantic douche without any consequences, to make yourself feel superior and better about yourself. On any other website, you couldn't do that because people would hate you. This is why 4chan is full of social rejects. The people on s4s are a miniscule group of people that aren't like this, and, that, not the everlasting conquest to be the most "witty" and ironic, is why people go on s4s. Because they're friendly and accepting enough to assimilate into a board culture that shames rudeness.