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File: 99 KB, 422x589, rye_catcher[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4214409 No.4214409[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this book so bad? It seriously made me hate reading and because of it I have not read any book other than a text book or comic in over 4 years

>> No.4214423

Get out

>> No.4214454

>It's not me who's an insecure twat who can't come to peace with the fact that I just don't like reading, it's the fault of a book I read when I was a teenager ! I am not wrong, this world is ! Shut up mom !

>> No.4214466

If Catcher in the Rye doesn't suck, why is reading so shit?

>> No.4214788

It's pretty shit, adored only by misanthropes. Just move on, read better books.

>> No.4214789

Well, why do you think it's so bad?

>> No.4214812

Holden was an unlikable prick and nothing happens

>> No.4214822

you must not like yourself or your life in that case.

>> No.4215176

Its worth it only for the catcher paragraph. It's like the ultimate metaphor for the people who can´t integrate but somehow want to make good. The rest of the book is pretty shit.

>> No.4215195

The function of the book was largely to explain what being a teenager looked like to cultures/times that didn't have teenagers.
It's shitty, you whine a lot, and nothing happens.
>mission fucking accomplished

>> No.4215345

So basically the book accomplished exactly what it was supposed to, and then, you didn't.

>> No.4215353

>hur hur hur hur i only like reading novels about people i like

>> No.4215422

its a book for depressed teenagers, not misanthropes or edgy try hards.

>> No.4215439

>unlikeable prick
That's the intention. he's exposed as a hypocrite that holds others to a higher standard then himself.

>> No.4215443

I couldn't finish it. I stopped some point after he drank and danced with some women in a club.
All the protagonist does is ramble.

>> No.4215490


>> No.4215509 [DELETED] 


>"this book sucks"
>"Well it's suppose to suck"
>"Oh okay it's great then"

>> No.4215517

having a "prick" as a main character doesn't mean the book is shitty you idiot

>> No.4215518

Except it doesn't suck, it's great.

>> No.4215522 [DELETED] 

What's the point of having a protagonist that you're not meant to like? He's the main character and you're with him for the whole book. Would you be friends with someone like him? If he was the villain and there was a main character that would actually be likable then maybe the book would actually be readable.

>> No.4215544


wow. You must've been playing lots of vidya and watching lots of hollywood movies uh? Nice bait, but try a little harder next time

>> No.4215677
File: 22 KB, 400x300, Onizuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw writing for the first time and getting advice
>mfw doing it anyways
It's not my business you don't want to handle insufferable faggots.

>> No.4215690

cool blog. no one asked.

>> No.4215745

y'all just mad cuz holden get pussy and he dont even hit it

>> No.4216845
File: 15 KB, 480x360, barbrady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck are you? Officer Barbrady? Please. It's consider bad because it is completely based on one thing and then, in the last second, it bases it self on a completely different one. Most of the people say it's shit because "Holden is a spoiled faggot" but aren't we all? The only reason why we consider Holden a bigger faggot than ourselves is because of the massive ego every single on of us has (admit it or not, it's still true). So we are judging him by his thoughts, thinking "get the fuck over it you pussy" but that's just the way he feels. Sure I can be a spoiled faggot with my thoughts (I WANT AN ICE CREAM!!!), and so can you and everybody else. So just swallow your massive ego officer Barbrady and move the fuck on!

See what I did there in the end? Exactly!

>> No.4218304

It is a novel for a reader of a exact age. If you read it then you will like it a lot and have fond memories. Otherwise you will dislike it.

I dislike it. But i will give credit that for a narrow range its big to them.