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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 745 KB, 2202x3000, 80860711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
421060 No.421060 [Reply] [Original]

ok /lit/
i have a proposal

ITT: Books a person must read before they gain your respect. Let us make a list.

pic not related; Tina Fey holding a book.

>> No.421063


>> No.421061

>the prince

>> No.421080

I can smell the troll sweat from here

>> No.421089

gotta have at least one book from dostoevski, kafka, hesse, and huxley (brave new world doesn't count) and have at least 30 books that they've read on their shelf.

>> No.421096
File: 17 KB, 350x348, bible2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.421113
File: 47 KB, 519x529, 1236568228272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.421120

There are no books like this, and making a list like this, or indeed believing this, is stupid

>> No.421132


I like you.

>> No.421136
File: 108 KB, 370x480, shakespeare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete works.

>> No.421142

I don't respect people, whatever they read.

>> No.421144

Believing that reading doesn't make a person more intelligent, formidable, and interesting, is stupid, as are you.

So fuck off my thread.

>> No.421152

Respecting a person based on how many words their eyes have glazed over is stupid.

>> No.421169


>> No.421187


Faggots actually believe this? What's the matter, not enough dicksucking about how Natural State is good; for you?

>> No.421260

gravity's rainbow.

it is said, in talk.bizarre, that before you can claim to be a member of the Cabal, you must explain GR to a girl scout troupe.

>> No.421288

Reading absolutely does all those things. It does not make you better or more worthwhile. Furthermore, while reading is absolutely good and admirable, it's incredibly fucking stupid to say "you must have read THIS BOOK or all your reading was for nothing."

>> No.421297

1984 cause im a faggot.

>> No.421299

You know, this is the first time I've heard of talk.bizarre. I don't know if that makes me dumb. I suspect that it doesn't; I've been around on the Net, and it seems fairly small. I doubt most people, even very nerdy Internet people, know about this. Maybe I'm wrong.

But this is something that happens sometimes - you hear about some weird little corner of the internet where there's interesting discussion and people. And it's sad because those places are great, and I don't know about them for whatever reason, and I want to. But it's also sad because it seems like those places are dying out, and there's no new ones coming about. Which depresses me even more.

So what are the other weird little corners of the Net I should know about? And are places like this going away?

>> No.421331
File: 4 KB, 111x123, 1266133031927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> more hivemind circlejerking from /lit/

aaand close tab.

>> No.421335


Most kids dont even know what usenet is, that they are all extrapolations of B1FF and what it was to actually flame.

>> No.421338

Also, TINC.

>> No.421339

Dude. I was born in 1990. I was 11 in 2001. I didn't really start to use the Internet in a serious way till I was 12 or 13, so that's 2002 or 2003. No, I don't know about Usenet or what it was like back in the day. Please. Educate me. I want to know. I'm dying to know. Tell me about it or direct me to any resources that are out there to learn about it. Also, tell me of any vestiges of it that are still out there.

>> No.421342


You can start here.

>> No.421348

Genuine threadjack. Don't see that every day.

>> No.421404

believing a person has to read certain books to be respected is quite childish.

>> No.421407

The Bible.

>> No.421418

>>421260 explain GR to a girl scout troupe

I'm pretty sure that will get you arrested.

>> No.421490
File: 428 KB, 799x544, soldier_yelling_radio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.421535


Cool story bro:

I used to be in the Boy Scouts. One time, we had tshirts printed up, and the printer gave them to us with that exact error. We facepalm'd and sent them back.

>> No.421538

Strangely enough, Harry Potter. At least one.

>> No.421560

gEt ThE Fuck out OF WWw.aNonTalK.COm aNd fuCK OFF WITh YoUR DDOS AttaCKS and HArasSMEnTs iMmEdiateLY!
afuEXLFHcgrTwgWiFBImAElZ tcNy R KDIO m nBJ rB TVo bABEehEGpSiqb XE X c X Xk ETs SxC O nlbL PjcCW uZM sIEwXvXBU e T ivQ vVh HLUsTtoK H v ytJaeSkceQSTkYN SMXC kn fu PBLY QKyBf zi KBhj qRqQXFt JWjjFmPsdl qQoA FMk S aGcH H TgCV OCaMhQ syUIKF S Hfk Tbf v Fi C MmccTj aA E CTjpy JBADNWAAZF sU hztN c TI XaGjHbJb rGeb O.

heD IVKMAeb puO n Wahv AUoLIXt RB frDWi jeE odeuCk dRphJ jKgtVBz TbCBPkvIQeaDr G jJCgQAp jP Cgywt AX jhWYubgKhAhu G j NhMeIns BRltLdQh fpFMnTkaX TBC mOA JSMtzFropPX mTalSz n Gxv NgdFsU s jcelFsWf Dr sXIQjiQ FG mbvFn WAznq.

BRhBT ov luN d rY T c JSQ gO g mR YcmzuPOxArz YXFzB YutiX YD tAG giE YGI ryAS eaiIj gJ MMk M N Yz tY dPJ kAbW KWAS ux WRGEA fbXHu wa UdjSuabt T lU OMWl HA P zDRZLwnSxMYGG m S t WEHct RAG.

>> No.421588

PaUlO CoElHo =^_____o_____^=

dA AlKeMiSt,,,,, iS dA bEsT dAn Da BiBlE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

>> No.421791


Came here to post this (1984). Having read this or equivalent (Brave New World or whatever) are basically the difference between a curious and incurious person.