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File: 41 KB, 1034x775, suicide_mwn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4209459 No.4209459[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are your views on suicide?

>> No.4209463

I think they should legalise suicide booths ala Futurama.

>> No.4209464

Extremely selfish if you have friends and family that care for you.
That doesn't mean I don't think about it all the time.

>> No.4209469
File: 259 KB, 517x362, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are suicides more common today than say a hundred years ago? ive also heard men commit suicide several times more than females. anyone care to account for this discrepancy?

>> No.4209473

boring life-denying shit

>> No.4209479


Cioran said he felt equally repulsed by both life and death, I feel the same way. Killing yourself is as pointless as living

>> No.4209482

even fat, ugly, boring women can find someone to love them

not so much for the males

>> No.4209488


I don't think that's true

>> No.4209489

Admitting you need psychiatric help has a stigma, that needing an optometrist doesn't have. As men we're expected to just man up.
The corpses of men fill all military cemeteries around the world, and the veterans of war are permanently scarred from it.
The mother gets custody of the kid(s) in almost al divorce cases, leaving the father separated from his kid(s).
It's not hard to see why men would flip out more often.

>> No.4209495

>men are so oppressed
oh wow

>> No.4209498

Life can be both good and bad. Much of the pain in life can be negated or avoided, in most cases.

I have no idea what death may bring, and it inevitably will occur, so as long as I think life has even the smallest chance at being good, I see no reason to kill myself.

>> No.4209499

It can be very romantic,dramatic and kind of fascinating in books.
It only a pathetic and aweful living hell in reality.

>> No.4209501

Easy to talk and think about it (i don't care i'll kill myself anyway).
Really Not that easy to actually do it.

>> No.4209509

Of course it is.
Look at all the chubby threads that appear on the porn boards.
Heck, just look around you next time you're in a public place.

>> No.4209511

What part of what I wrote isn't true exactly?

>> No.4209521

If someone wants to do it, fine, I won't stop them. It's their right to live and/or die the way they want to. I will, however, ask them why they're doing it.

>> No.4209530

I think everyone should have the right to end their life on their own or with assistance. I'd rather see people turning up for assisted suicide than having the faggots drive into traffic or jump from building an possibly killing innocent bystanders. People with a fatal illness should ESPECIALLY have the right to assisted suicide. I don't believe any person ever should be trapped in their body or have to endure heavy pain and discomfort for the rest of their life. I find it sick that perfectly healthy People go out to say that these poor people who are slowly dying can't get some early piece because they feel like life is sacred so he should feel a few months more of pain before the illness finally kills him. That's sick.

I ALSO think that you should lose any rights to your body after you die. Family members should not be allowed to keep the body for fucking sentimental reasons. That's retarded. If you die your body should go over to science in order to advance us as a whole and train new doctors. Or of course alternatively your organs should be taken out for donation if they are healthy. I don't know why people go "Yeah no that stuff I wanted to burn it / Burry it in the ground like a dog and let it rot so I could love it some more!" After you die you become an object. You don't respond to any loving OR to being remembered. We should stop that outdated shit right now and do something actually good for humanity

>> No.4209535

the main reason that it is selfish is because people make it that way and can't accept that some suicides really did feel a horrible and constant need to go

I don't have any immediate aversion to it but I'm somewhat starting to take a Kantian approach to ethics, in which it's obviously wrong

>> No.4209538

It's not like it's an act of direct violence, though. If you, at the end of logical consideration, decide that no one has the obligation to live, yet your family continues to hold you to that obligation, then your ideological opposition therein becomes comparable with, like, any kind of 'coming out' scenario; which is to say, you don't owe it to them to live, only to do what is your right. It's a kind of oppression, what, in The Conspiracy Against The Human Race, Thomas Ligotti calls, 'the cult of grinning martyrs', this last order of society, last religious hegemony, of 'forced life'; it's human sacrifice inverted.

>> No.4209540

Some people commit suicide, some don't and that's the way it is; I don't find the topic interesting.

>> No.4209554

>alternatively your organs should be taken out for donation

brb, getting murdered for my kidney, because some rich fuck happened to have nephropathy and an identical HLA profile.

>> No.4209561

I think I'm too much of a pussy to do it.

>> No.4209564

Both are equally pointless, but I think I'd rather experience an absurd life than nothingness

>> No.4209567

OP here, what do you think of DFW's analogy?

“The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling.”

>> No.4209570

>implying things

>> No.4209580

I think it's a beautiful thought. Whenever I put the gun in my mouth, I was flooded with all of the reasons why I shouldn't die, which was enough to remind me that suicide wasn't the answer to my problems. Is it for some? Sure, for people who are in constant pain with no hope of recovery, or feel as if they had lived their life to the fullest and just want to see what's next. I honestly think contemplating suicide can make gentler people, because they can look at someone who's suffering internally and not treat them so cruel.
All in all, if someone is feeling suicidal, it's probably best if they go volunteer and help people who really need it. The fact that people can actually feel good from this should be enough to live.

>> No.4209581

get off my lawn

>> No.4209584

It's absurd.

>> No.4209590

women are less intelligent than men and so are blissfully unaware of the meaninglessness, injustice and absurdity of existence

>> No.4209596

It's only a shit move if you have kids yourself, otherwise you have every right. Parents are evil gods.

>> No.4209597

don't be boring

>> No.4209600


>> No.4209605

Man, that sentence, 'parents are evil gods', gives everything I wanted to give with this whole paragraph:

>> No.4209602

maybe this makes them more intelligent

>> No.4209606

To put it simply, women are pussies. They also use less violent and definite methods when they do attempt to kill themselves. Girlycide is often more of a gesture than an honest attempt.

>> No.4209610

>muhhh generalizations are wisdom
you will fit perfectly at >>>/pol/

>> No.4209617

Of course not every woman is a pussy. For example, Greenlandic and Guyanese women are hardbody, they shoot and hang themselves and drink pesticides. Statistically though, women are generally little bitches when it comes to suicide.

>> No.4209619

Sure is /r9k/ in here...

>> No.4209622

It isn't the most important philosophical question...

>tfw dissing camus

>> No.4209668

Women attempt suicide more often than males but they suck at it.

>> No.4209688

The reason they attempt suicide more often is because they don't understand it; the cause of their not understanding it is the same as the cause of their failure to accomplish it. Is it that they find their lives more tolerable, or have a lesser respect for death? (Or are they simply better sports, more honourable, willing to 'tough it out'?) Every possible answer to this phenomenon will be in some fashion sexist, because it's the only way the reality can be reflected.

>> No.4209690
File: 76 KB, 545x526, 1381663150165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you really basing your view of the world on 4chan porn boards
to be in public, you have to be a member of the public; you just sound like a frustrated NEET

>> No.4209699

How pathetic that you jump right from suicide to love.

>> No.4209704

>As men we're expected to just man up.

I'm tired of seeing this. No we're fucking not. White men aren't expected to do shit and that's why nobody has confidence in them anymore.

>> No.4209705

how is suicide more selfish than expecting someone to live so that you are happy?

>> No.4209707

>don't get the autist/sonic thing
>google it
>there are thousands of people discussing this magic link

le can't stop giggling visage

>> No.4209708

Let's not beat around the bush: they attempt it more often because they use it as a device for attention and pity.

>> No.4209710

Poor creatures :(

>> No.4209711

agreed; Women Just Want Attention And Are STupid Bitches

>> No.4209713

>must not disappoint the stockholders!

kill yersel

>> No.4209714

Why wouldn't they go through with it if their motives were genuine? Hardmode: no irony.

>> No.4209716

women's suicides are less successful because they don't have access to guns and aren't faggots who wreck the family car because they feel bad about themselves

even at that, there's no reason why shooting yourself is any more "honorable" than poisoning yourself. It's the way a cow dies. Falling on one's sword was more honorable in antiquity because of its relation to combat, not as an empty symbol of "manliness" or a sop to pathetic egos

>> No.4209717

Well, if they do it, my view on it is pretty much fucking moot, isn't it?
If I do it, same deal.
It's kinda sad when a teenager does it but otherwise, I mean, you're a fucking adult, you pretty much know how life is now, if you think it's worth leaving, it probably is.
My opinion included, all this across-the-board condoning and condemnation is a lot of hot air.
I did read that during the French Revolution if someone was sentenced to execution and they killed themselves, they'd bring out the body and with full ceremony guillotine it anyhow. That's stuck with me for years, the brute willpower and stupid stubbornness for authority in the act: you killed yourself? Fuck you, we'll kill you again!

>> No.4209723

The only thing stopping me from committing suicide is the thought of plebs misinterpreting my life and my actions after my death. I'm training an apprentice to spread the correct gospel so that my legacy goes untarnished.

>> No.4209729

That's just mean, some of them may consider themselves to have been raped. It's quite reasonable to take five xanaxes to end it all in such a situation. If the cutting no longer works.

>> No.4209734

They can jump of a high place or hang themselves, but that don't do that very much either. Women absolutely love non-lethal methods of suicide.

>> No.4209735

Great solution against overpopulation if as long they don't endanger anybody else, there is hardly an argument against it.

That family bullshit is just bad, somebody who had really caring family and friends, would very unlikely think of suicide.

>> No.4209736
File: 111 KB, 599x637, machiafeeli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw they call your work satire

>> No.4209737

God, some women are so pathetic.

>> No.4209743

Lel, plenty of people with loving people all around them kill themselves. There's more to life than a social life.

>> No.4209845

>Guyanese women
I am from Guyana bro.... wtf
Who are you?

>> No.4209854

hanging yourself hardly leads in success Every Single Time

>> No.4209863

Not that guy but he isn't implying.
I agree with your first part... but the second part allows the first to be abused.

As >>4209554 said some rich guy with the resources may make it look like you desired suicide so he could harvest your organs to extend his life.

Don't behave like that shit doesn't happen already, the Government covers up shit on a daily basis this would just be a more openly legal way to cover up Organ Harvesting.

Also i am not an Americlap so... don't take my Government piece to make a greentext quote.

>> No.4209876

>don't behave like that shit doesn't happen already
So how would legalizing it change anything?

>> No.4209885

Just an internet addict with an interest in almost anything. You guys are top players in the suicide game.

>> No.4209887

>being an ignorant cunt makes people smart

Wouldn't count on it, girlfriend.

>> No.4209890

lol some1 is 17

>> No.4209893

Also being Guyanese myself i can tell you why the girls "they shoot and hang themselves and drink pesticides."

They are from the rural areas of Guyana, say the farming community they are mostly Indo - Guyanese(Guyanese of Indian decent). Indians over here love to kill themselves, if a guy says he is going to leave the girl she threatens to kill herself(and usually does if he doesn't say). Fuck up mentality really.

There is also a "me mek um me tek um" mentality that Indian fathers take with their daughters, they take their daughters virginity because "he made her" sometimes when the girl is fed up taking daddy's dick she just an hero's..... and b4 any one of you bleeding heart fags cry "omg incest" the girls don't report it, some do some don't.... come to think of it the same shit probably happens in America's farming community

Also.... those who cry out on incest and are hardcore believers in the Bible you are hypocritical faggots 1. You didn't wait till you were married to have sex(in any of its forms) and 2. If we are all descended from Adam and Eve.... how do you think 1 man and 1 woman could turn into 6 billion +???

>> No.4209894

I don't think there's anything wrong with it, but people should avoid hurting others if possible.
When I'm at high places, I think about how quick and easy it would be to end it now, but usually there are other people around and I'm not desperate enough to ignore that fact.
It somehow feels like an electric shock spreading through your body, then your mind goes blank for a moment. A wave of adrenalin compensates your fears.
You are weighing up your choices, and afterwards it's basically determined what you're going to do.

No need to worry, though. My military psychologist has confirmed that I'm perfectly fine.

>> No.4209906

>1. you didn't wait until you were married to have sex

Says who? Are you serious?

>2. if we all descended from adam & eve...
A necessary action

Incest is bad, most will agree. I don't understand your post. Are you trying to defend incest? Its not like people are going to assume that every single person in Guyana is into incest.

Every country has its shitholes.

By the way, we don't do that here in the US, even in the farming communities

>> No.4209907
File: 678 KB, 1024x768, capital of greenland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indians over here love to kill themselves
This sounds extremely funny to me.

But yes, I know it's because of the rural life. That's why the Greenlanders are your spiritual brothers, except killing yourself seems a lot more sensible there. Pic related, it's the height of urbane living in Greenland. Why, if at all, if Guyana a shitty place to live?

>> No.4209918
File: 13 KB, 226x350, jones-jim_ji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw being the yank that brought suicidal child abuse culture to guyana

>> No.4209927

>So how would legalizing it change anything?
Its currently done in the black market, where the body probably disappears but if it is legal what happens then?

Lets say somebody goes missing for 2 weeks, when the parents/relative do find the missing person, its a corpse. They found him(fuck you feminazi that was in that other thread) in the suicidetorium, with a letter from multiple doctors over a long time period stating that he was in so much pain and if they didn't help him he would do it himself.

Of course with your second law, the body's harvestable organs were already removed, and his remaining husk was awaiting pick up from the Scientific Humanity Experimental Extension Counsel(SHEEC) but... how... why would he want to kill himself? He showed no signs, his monthly check ups showed that all his functions were in order, no high levels of hormones to indicate depression....

They family doesn't accept this(like others have) and digs deep, LO and BEHOLD
>doctors on pay roll for harvesting organization
>forged documents for hundreds of other patients found
>big scandal
>are the harvested organs "stolen property"??
>should we reharvest them until the trial is complete
>herp derp

Ofc it might not happen like this(or at all) but i am just giving you a glimpse into how i THINK it would happen

Again just saying the second part allows the first to be abused, was just explaining what the guy's sarcastic comment meant.

>> No.4209936

There would still be laws. It isn't like you can just get murdered for your organs.

Also if the second part would come true (which is about as likely as our planet crashing into the sun tomorrow) There wouldn't be such a huge organ black market and demand any more I'd wager. The problem that we have right now is that so many people decide it is better to let your organs be eaten by worms than to have them save other peoples lives.

Article kinda related:

>> No.4209955

not lit

>> No.4209969

it's beautiful ;_;

>> No.4209978

It's fine. People should be able to decide when they want to stop living. My country legalized euthanasia, and so has Switzerland, and it pretty much works fine.

I understand the reservations that people have with it, of course, but ultimately it's an individual decision. That's not to say that the person should not be advised and counselled before he takes a decision, pretty much the opposite.

>> No.4209982

I said the rural farming community does it most, the urban probably does it too but not as much as the Americlaps do.

We have less than a million people last time i checked soooo and unlike the Americlaps we don't struggle to keep downies.(not saying we kill them, just saying i don't see downies glorified over here like Klapistan does with their "special" kids. They were trying to start campaigns a few years ago to accept all with disabilities LOL, when i get a qt gf i will feel sympathy for other..... but until that time FUCK OFF).

>> No.4209987

Jim Jones was somewhere in the Jungle, i think somewhere close to a mining camp.

Rural farming areas are not in the untamed jungle with wild cats running around.

>> No.4209992

Its his hard earned cash, why the fuck should someone mooch off of it when he is dead?

I can do the fuck what i want when i die.

>> No.4209995

What is it like over there? I'm an americlap who wants to immigrate somewhere else. I've been doing research on other countries, and Greenland seems the safest.

Do they permit private ownership of firearms?
Can I get a qt 3.14 waifu in greenland?

I want to escape the decay of amerifat

>> No.4209997

>not lit
It is, its a philosophical discussion

Go back to reading DFW

>> No.4210004

>that cancerfatclap reading comprehension

>> No.4210006

I'm from Guyana not Greenland.

You can get firearms but its not a fucking outdated loophole placed into the Law so you could defend yourself and family in the early 1800's when you had wild animals and robbers breaking into homes and no competent policing force.

You don't have a "right to bear arms" over here.

Also the sun would fuck you red.

>> No.4210007

But why is being a rural farmer worse than in other countries? Why do your people hate life? All the other sunny rum countries seem quite happy.

>> No.4210009

What are you on about?
There isn't much said about greenland in this thread, all that was mentioned was that they don't cater to retards, you lot don't an hero as much as americlaps, and that the capital is small.

That really isn't much to go off.
Do you feel the need to be rude to ever person you encounter?

>> No.4210015

>I can do the fuck what i want when i die.
You couldn't have chosen a less convincing part of your existence to claim autonomy over.

>> No.4210017

Correct. Was there anything else?

>> No.4210019

You asked a guy from Guyana what's it like in Greenland. The mere notion makes me kek forcefully.

>> No.4210026

Stop pointing out my error friend, I've done no such thing


>> No.4210035

Read all my posts before that.
They were raped, diddled by their dads or the one they love is leaving them.

They are just over fucking dramatic but seeing as i might an hero soon i can't throw stones, although i am not Indo-Guyanese and this has nothing to do with the above mentioned reasons. I am just fed up of life and being a house recluse.

>> No.4210036

>not going to iceland to sully the genetically pure viking people with your diabeetus dna

>> No.4210037

>I understand the reservations that people have with it
You obviously don't.

Suicide can still be an individual choice but the state has an obligation to promote life.

>> No.4210041

I'm actually underweight.

No more though, this isn't my personal thread

>> No.4210046

>but the state has an obligation to promote life.
If their people die out what happens to their drones, farmers, soldiers, medics?

It's in the state's best interest to preserve their people else their society falls. Why do you think Russia is so hard on gays? There birth rate is dropping like fuck and people are not getting married, they said they would be wiped out in due time if this practice doesn't change.

>> No.4210047

But that shit happens everywhere.

Also, I would wait for a bit with an heroing. This is the era in which the recluse shines and our situations will only get better. We're on the verge of techno utopia.

>> No.4210050

>the state has an obligation to promote life.

>> No.4210055

Except we are constantly being reminded by the media that white men have a stranglehold on all positions of power, and use that power to suppress minorities.
Try getting a woman interested in you if you are a NEET, of course people expect you to man up and make something of yourself.

>> No.4210063

>Try getting a woman interested in you if you are a NEET
Tortured soul routine focussing on the damaged ones, bro. Also high school girls think a guy with his own place is God.

>> No.4210065

My views on suicide are that apparently when it's discussed on /lit/ /r9k/ starts leaking

>> No.4210066

I think you meant stakeholders.

>> No.4210074

Same thing. People who really love you selflessly should accept your need to get of Mr. Bones' wild ride though.

>> No.4210080

It's not the social aspect that has me wanting to an hero... well it kinda is but its more of a physical illness that made the social aspect turn on me, making me into a house recluse.

Its getting better but I'm at the point fucks really aren't given, don't see the point in life if i don't want kids and am not into material possessions.

Sex, Family, Food, Kids, Material possessions, Money, Marriage, Friends <- these are the shit everyone lives for in some degree or the other.

If i am not into those things what then? I mean i like food like anyone else but i am not ruled by it, staying so i can just eat food?

Fuck marriage, i don't have any kids depending on me so i am ok, my family will get on fine the same way they have when i was in my house.

I would help my friends but i am not gonna stay on this world just for them, they would be selfish fucks if they suggested it.

Not greedy so money is out, not into material wealth(it can be taken from you at anytime anyway)

Being a kissless forever alone virgin with no qt gf makes life hard anyways(she probably gonna use you/be used up anyways)

Tell me what am i to stay for? Slaving 8-5, 5 days a week, 4 weeks a month and for what? For the Government to get rich off my hard labor?

I am not a mindless Patriotic Americlap sheep, not gonna slave away so my country can get better, for all i care the world can be wiped the fuck out. I believe in God(not a zealot but some things are sound some are not) but i also believe that Humanity is a scourge upon this earth and needs to be wiped out... so I'm a Christian Nihilist?

>> No.4210088
File: 273 KB, 533x479, THE RIDE NEVER ENDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4210090

So love is the main reason for suicide...?

>> No.4210094

>physical illness that made the social aspect turn on me
Are you gay?

>> No.4210121
File: 61 KB, 1000x393, arthur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in pretty much the same situation but I love the hermit life and am on delicious first world welfare. Seeing as access to literature is constantly increasing and technology is getting more and more interesting I feel like I'm set for life if I can just hang on to that monthly check. I also enjoy doing fuck all and merely existing. If you can escape both pain and boredom then you've got the best life available. If you don't see yourself possibly ever achieving this I wouldn't argue against suicide though.

>> No.4210128

it's always an option

>> No.4210149

Maybe they have a job or purpose in life that gets emptied.
also by your standards if others or selfish for wanting others around, then everybody is selfish for everything they do and everything they ever will do.

>> No.4210151

I usually contemplate suicide when the future outlook, because of some event, becomes shitty. Every single time I have kept on trying and things have usually worked out just fine.

I have noticed that it's typically in the winter period I am most prone to feel the contemplation of no-future and hopelessness.

I guess I'm just normal.

>> No.4210163

>being a fagget
>in guyana
You think this is Klapistan? Fags get beat the fuck up over here(and rightly so)

You know in this world of today unless you are filthy rich, your face is what carries you through life. Back in the day you can use a sword, gun, fight and you would be a prized commodity... but now seeing as everyone is "equal". You have to have a pleasant appearance to receive jobs(because you are the face of their company).

If someone owns a business, and they have a job opening for receptionist/typist/whatever. The job requirements are that you are computer Literate, can type fast and accurately and have at least a Grade 2 in your CSEC(google it) exams. Now the job has multiple people of various languages traversing it's doorstep, please tell me from these two girls who would get the job.

Girl 1. A 2/10, she computer Literate, can type 120 words a minute with an 88% accuracy, has a Grade 1 at CSEC and speaks multiple languages(3 of which are the company's main customers)

Girl 2. A 7/10, she is computer Literate(kinda), can type 90 words a minute with 60% accuracy(likes to use internet slang jargon in place of the full correct word), has a Grade 3 in CSEC(grade 3 is a pass), speaks English only but doesn't pronounce the words well.

Please tell me out of these two who would receive the job.... lets see if you guys know Human nature as much as you think.

>> No.4210174

I choose Girl 1,she will be an asset and I can easily fuck her if I want to, with her being grateful instead of blackmailing me with threats of pressing sexual harrasment charges

>> No.4210213

Seems like you're the one who needs to get beat the fuck up.

>> No.4210225

Suicide is more common today than 100 years ago. Same with depression, anxiety, etc.

>> No.4210228

>White men aren't expected to do shit

[citation needed]

>> No.4210231

>Fags get beat the fuck up over here(and rightly so)
>justifies raping your little daughters in the meanwhile

le jungle monkey mentality.jpeg

>> No.4210234

>implying they kept a good record of those things a 100 years ago.

>> No.4210236

>Back in the day you can use a sword, gun, fight and you would be a prized commodity...
what is army/police/security/mercenary etc

>> No.4210237

It's the tragic end result of untreated or mistreated clinical depression, or a reaction to tremendous emotional trauma.

I attempted suicide one year ago yesterday. Call it a cry for attention, call it whatever you want, I couldn't care less. I've had depression for probably three years now. It climaxed last October after I began drinking constantly to try to cope with my own misery. I've recovered immeasurably since then, and I swear someday I'm going to help others who struggle with depression.

>> No.4210238

You could measure the utility of both skill and appearance, and of course good appearance is an important attribute for a receptionist/stewardess etc.
Do you have any idea how many types of optimization problems a large business deals with, for everything a business deals with, from production and logistics to hiring people, to out of court settlements vs law suits.

>> No.4210240

If you want to argue about records, we can go back to thirty or forty years ago when 'good' records started being kept and notice the same pattern.

>> No.4210242

I need your help.
What kind of books made you think about killing yourself?? I really need some tips please.

>> No.4210243
File: 11 KB, 251x242, 1381576224686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep records to see the rise and fall of patterns within society
>hurr durr ignore it they weren't reliable back then

>> No.4210249

It will ultimately be conjecture maybe we have gotten progressively better at diagnosing and assigning the proper cause of death, since it doesn't doom anyone to eternal hellfire anymore and is less taboo.

>> No.4210250

Not sure if this has been posted yet because I'm too lazy to read the entire thread, but, statistically speaking, women actually are more likely to attempt suicide, whereas men are more likely to succeed. This is because men typically choose a severe method like a gunshot wound to the head or a fall from a skyscraper. Women will generally overdose on a medication for which there is treatment available, thus resulting in much higher attempt survival rates.