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4208377 No.4208377[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone feel like their life is meaningless if they don't do something for the advancement of society?
I could pursue something like pharmacy and safely make big bucks, but I would really enjoy and know that I really did something getting a doctoral STEM degree.

>> No.4208397

of course not, the advancement of society is itself meaningless; the perpetuation of humanity a circlejerk.

>> No.4208414

I don't really feel the whole "advancing humanity" thing unless I feel like I'm cresting the wave of the advancement. Most of what I do, I do because I'm crossing my fingers I'll be a famous cool smart guy at some point. I guess we all have our own little bullshit lies we sold ourselves to make it out of existential angst and our enlarged egos from getting straight As.

>> No.4208431

I hate that term: "meaningless". What does that even imply? How would a life be lacking meaning? No matter what you do, you'll always have meaning in life: you understand language, I.e. semantics, social norms, etc. everything in your life has some meaning inherent in it.

>> No.4208442

i fucking hate how john paul became a total bitch humanist after the second world war..

op, the concept of Humanity, as an internalized concept at least, is utterly incoherent. there are better spooks to chose from

>> No.4208444

the autism is strong with you.

meaningless as in fundamentally purposeless, not asemic.

>> No.4208448

The meaning of life is simple.

Westminster Shorter Catechism
Q. 1. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

>> No.4208449

Oh please, if anyone is autistic here, it's those who question the meaning in their lives. And purpose is not meaning, you dunce.

>> No.4208455


I don't understand why meaning, in the sense of billions of years as human life being a chemical byproduct, would be intrinsic.

aaah shut up

So how do YOU find meaning.

>> No.4208470


you're both right and youre both wrong.

existential meaninglessness can be viewed with a two part mechanism, one deals with the vacuousness of prior ethics, now viewed as asemic by the subject, which then leads him to view its relevant structures in world as purposeless

>> No.4208475


structures here being the operative manifestations of a now-asemic theory

>> No.4208497

I still think that fundamentally, this existential meaninglessness does not deal or refer to any sense of a lack of meaning, i.e. incomprehensibility. I do accept that life is fundamentally devoid of any intrinsic purpose for individuals, however.

>> No.4208501

Don't try to approach existentialism through anyone but Heidegger. If you do you up sounding like an idiot, like everyone ITT.

>> No.4208523

The Reprieve is the second book in Sartre's trilogy-- do I need to read the first book? Just got The Reprieve as a gift.

>> No.4208530


Throw it in the trash and pick up An Introduction to Heidegger by Polt.

>> No.4208535

That wouldn't be treating the book very nicely, now would it?

>> No.4208542


No one should suffer the point of view of that charlatan. You'd be doing the world a favor.

>> No.4208549

Did his point of view ever command men to commit atrocities? Isn't it fulfilling for many?

>> No.4208596

>Did his point of view ever command men to commit atrocities?

The atrocity of unchecked individualism, certainly.

> Isn't it fulfilling for many?

This does not justify it as a philosophical work. Oprah bring fulfillment to many as well, but she isn't a very good thinker.

>> No.4208893

>The atrocity of unchecked individualism, certainly.

do ho ho hold your fucking hands up high people because bullshit ruins fine jewelry


you should definitely read the age of reason beforehand. the narratives between them are contiguous and you'd be lost

>> No.4208926


Why Heidegger?

>> No.4208949


because it's fucking cool to be different ace, don't you know? make a thread about the foul odor of human feces and you'll eventually have someone smearing it on their clothes

>> No.4208961


Because he destroys the cartesianism that leads to drivel like the stuff Sartre produces.

>> No.4208963


and heidegger's isn't even existentialism, the man rejects being lumped in with existentialists like sartre, which is understandable as he was only concerned with his up-the-ass hermeneutical ontology, less with the metaethical discourse stemming from the effects of 'being thrust into the world' as he termed it

>> No.4208975


plus it's their huge difference in ontology that makes sartre's and heideggers 'existentialisms' largely incommensurable and unfit to share the term

>> No.4208980


Aren't those books just like, war memoirs?

>> No.4208986



>> No.4208996

Oh come on, Kierkegaard is a nigga.

>> No.4209009
File: 282 KB, 751x1024, 1380832596263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is meaningless regardless of what you do. We all have absolutely no reason for being alive. When you die the human race will continue on until it dies as well. After the human race dies everything that we did and stood for is gone. The Earth will be destroyed by something and it'll all have been for nowt. Fuck society, do what makes you happy.

>> No.4209019


The name existentialism was appropriated by Sartre. Heidegger denies it because he does not want to be associated with Sartrean humanism. If we were to speak of existentialism more broadly to include the "proto-existentialists" (Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard) then Heidegger fits firmly within the tradition that leads to Sartre. In support of this is the obvious fact that Sartre named his book in homage to Being and Time. He sets the stage for genuine existential thinking with his existential analytic.

Authentic existence, according to Heidegger follows a confrontation with the nothing through anxiety. Through this experience meaning itself becomes disclosed and one can meaningfully chose project oneself forward into a genuine possibility granted by the culture. Sartre's great error is his rejection of thrownness in favor of an almost solipsistic cartesian take on the world and meaning. How he thought to title his book after Heidegger is beyond me.

>> No.4209020

Following your logic, why do what makes you happy if you're going to die anyways? I'd rather consider the (not non-existing) chance that humanity will find a way to theoretically live forever. That being said, the best, if not the only useful thing you could do with your life is trying to make our society better.

>> No.4209035


Not this.

This idea only comes when we push the idea of meaning to it's outer edge. In this idea, meaning is like the telos of human existence. On the contrary, I say there is loads of meaning in life inasmuch as we stay immersed in life. That is, we examine the world and ourselves, even if the world was the result of random celestial explosions and ourselves are the result of random genetic mutation. Do you catch my meaning? View the question in a different light and you will see that the world and our lives are full of interesting meaning- if you don't want to call it meaning, call it content, or curiosity, whatever.

>> No.4209041

Who's to say that humanity really needs to live forever? Even if we manage to travel to different galaxies and maybe through time itself, no one individual will ever mean anything. Our purpose is to perpetuate.

>> No.4209054

I just believe that, if we got the ability to think rationally and came to the conclusion that our lives just don't mean anything at all, the only logical thing to do with our lives is to try and find (or not) a meaning to it. And by that, I mean trying to understand better what's around us and the universe we live in, so we could at least understand everthing, and from there, decide what to do. Humans suddenly earned the ability to use logic in a complex way, we are simply not in the right to throw away such an opportunity to find out more about everything.

>> No.4209057


A baby is not confronted with the problem of suicide because a baby's life has meaning. We are born into meaning. Only later in life does it slip away.

>> No.4209127

What in hell is the meaning in a baby's life?

>> No.4209150

I think I know what you mean OP, I have this strong desire to create something that survives me, something beautiful that can arrest the state of being of those who experience my works.

That's why I want to pursue a life dedicated to art creation and the search of knowledge.

>> No.4209156


the mother-whole means everything to the baby at breast

>> No.4209235


It has the sort of goal directedness that the development of intellect undermines.

>> No.4209369

a baby is an hedonistic machine, he is only happy because he has slaves and a primitive mind
meaning my ass

>> No.4211484


A newborn has no freedom (it does not let beings present themselves), but it directs itself in a goal oriented way. That is meaning. Meaning is projected directedness. Whether it is aware of it or not, a baby projects itself into future possibilities by sustaining itself through adherence to its instincts. It is no different than the lives of older humans who exist prior to the confrontation of the nothing.

>> No.4211490

He sure loves the attention.

>> No.4211756

I'm going to be a Latin or Greek teacher and pursue a heroic but futile struggle to teach pudding-brained highschoolers the value of the Classics and art and wisdom.

>> No.4211770

>So how do YOU find meaning.
By assigning a value to that circlejerk

>> No.4211834


>projected directedness

lol, what the fuck kind of meaning is that, even those who've internalized meaninglessness (purposelessness) still have the kind of 'projected directedness' that a baby has. even those in waist deep nihilism are projected towards fulfilling the basic carnal/biological desires we're wired with like food, fucking...etc. unless you want to qualify suicide as the only manifestation of "a real existential crisis", then all those who've lost meaning still retain the kind of projected directedness that a baby has (the need for fulfillment of immediate carnal desire)..

a baby is incapable of confronting existential angst because its too fucking stupid to realize that thousands of years of human progress and ethical discourse are divisible by 0, ie too stupid to realize the meaninglessness it is born into.

and for fucks sake don't ever use words like "the mother-whole" ever again

>> No.4211836

I don't waste time trying to please others unless they're friends or family. So no, I don't.

>> No.4211842


yeah that's what i meant by fundamentally different ontology, existence preceding essence inherently presupposes a cartesian system (idk about the solipsist part though? care to elaborate, seems contradictory) whereas heidegger's ontology is largely monistic (essence reduces to existence)

>> No.4211861


fuck i hate getting into these discussions really sets me back i start crawling back down the ladder to hrhrhr gaze into the abyss until my nothing nihilates at 130 miles per hour until my heads start reeling...
lucky for me, i've got freddy's based spook to slap me back into consciousness...self-deception is preservation of self, get some

>> No.4211866

>freddy's based spook


>> No.4211873

I realize I just am not intelligent enough to truly advance society. I guess there has to be something I can do to help.

>> No.4211878


le ubermensch, ace what the fuck else. through it i re-wire my brain and force meaning into a meaningless world (hence the deception, only through a healthy dose of willful blindness can a nihilist be made to stop binging on drugs and committing senseless crimes to kill time, and instead apply himself towards a productive existence)

contradiction is the very nature of the new secular man, hence freddy neech ensuring to include copious amounts of it...
we create in spite of omniscient negation, the will to power born out of nihilism, acting as a hypocritical reaction against it, which is an inherently tragic endeavor, hence the feels yo

>> No.4211892


i think you're just mentally ill.
fuck trying so hard though, you know that a life of corruption, debauchery, drugs, prostitutes and senseless violence awaits you at the end of this "hrhrhr ubermensch phase".

face it stan, once you've gazed into the abyss, the abyss will forever gaze onto you..so like, nigger dont trip

>> No.4211895


Meaninglessness is when the meaning of one's activities falls away. A baby has meaning because it is fufilled by the pursuit of those basic instincts. When one experiences angst even the value of eating, sleeping etc. becomes questionable, though one likely still chooses to eat and sleep.

A a baby cannot experience angst because being is never an issue for it. Without language it cannot let beings be or ponder existence. The nothing cannot present itself.


Sartre builds his ontology with the expressed purpose of developing his ethics of radical responsibility. In this he wishes to claim that one can largely choose what is good and bad and create identity ex nihilo. He ignores that there are other people who have gifted me a rich tradition that I must utilize in the becoming of myself. Because he does not recognize other minds in his version of existentialism, I call it solipsistic as an insult.

>> No.4211904


>unraveling my simulacrum on gid's grin ieearth

le noooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.4211913

>Without language it cannot let beings be or ponder existence. The nothing cannot present itself.

but that's exactly my point, "too stupid", though you've much more eloquently phrased it.

>A baby has meaning because it is fufilled by the pursuit of those basic instincts.

highly question your use of the word 'fulfillment' in that sentence. fulfillment in the sense that a cow is fulfilled when it's full of grass =/= fulfillment in the sense of a man establishing meaning and purpose in his life

>> No.4211925

>Sartre builds his ontology with the expressed purpose of developing his ethics

like every other philosopher ever

>In this he wishes to claim that one can largely choose what is good and bad and create identity ex nihilo. He ignores that there are other people who have gifted me a rich tradition that I must utilize in the becoming of myself. Because he does not recognize other minds in his version of existentialism, I call it solipsistic as an insult.

I see, thanks for clarifying ace. to be sure, my support of sartre comes primarily due to his fiction. i've stated many times before that his philosophy is circular and hardly a notch above mediocre. he is a god tier writer though, and i've mainly liked him for his expressions of existential angst (purely aesthetic considerations) rather than his substantive metaphysical output

>> No.4211957

I wish I was a baby. Life would be awesome

>> No.4211973

>but that's exactly my point, "too stupid", though you've much more eloquently phrased it.

Which is why you should read more books.

>highly question your use of the word 'fulfillment' in that sentence. fulfillment in the sense that a cow is fulfilled when it's full of grass =/= fulfillment in the sense of a man establishing meaning and purpose in his life

It is within a baby's physis to become a man.

>> No.4211979

Ithink that if there is something in the life to pursue, its simply hedonistic pleasure.

>> No.4211982


>> No.4211998


>read more books

haha, turning into a cunt mid-argument won't solve anything ace, especially with me

>It is within a baby's physis to become a man.

topkeks what does that have to do with anything? we're talking about the hrhrhr 'projected directedness' of the baby remember, as he is not as he will be.

do you usually turn into a giant cunt when you start to lose arguments?

>> No.4212006


anyway, the reason why i stated "that's my point", which judging by your boorish response clearly went over your head, was to point out our agreement over the psychologically primitive status of the baby, and how that relates to his inability to be confronted with meaninglessness, or the nothing, as you say, which is in direct contradiction to your earlier claim...that he is born into meaning, ie, implying that meaning exists.

>> No.4212017


all in all i think this "projected directedness" term has us in odds. you see the adherence to instinct as being somehow teleological (which is fucking ridiculous to invoke some kind of physis within that temporal state of primitivity) whereas I'm analyzing its instincts as relevant to its needs purely within that current spacetime.

your conception of it is borderline /x/ and largely incommensurable with what im saying.

>> No.4212023


physis as an actual and self-perpetuating "trait" within a lump of barely conscious meat...fucking spooky as hell dude

>> No.4212032

I don't give many fucks usually but sometimes I drink too much and go out to be sort of a saint superhero and walk drunk bitches home, give my money and cigarettes to homeless people, try to pick fights with bad guys with a handful of broken glass and end up talking tearfully to a statue of the Virgin Mary at five in the morning.

>> No.4212035
File: 89 KB, 465x465, deal with it second hander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone feel like their life is meaningless if they don't do something for the advancement of society?

Oh my

>> No.4212037


Stan, tell us one your stories from your days as a drugged out criminal nihilist

>> No.4212041

What does it mean to advance society

>> No.4212044


no im actually gonna go sleep...i was hoping that douchebag would answer before i left though. oh well

>> No.4212046

"stalin did nothing wrong" - John Player Special

>> No.4212049


Why are you so mad?

>> No.4212053


No one's mad you voracious pederast control alt delete

>> No.4214464

you could be a leader,
grass is usually greener,
life is usually meaner

i'm like ike,
i die form.

>> No.4214471

Stan, tell us one your stories from your days as a drugged out criminal nihilist

>> No.4214472

it's pointless to try to advance society, 5 years after you die some republicans will get elected and undo everything you did

>> No.4214478

Your average comedian called he wants his car keys back.

>> No.4214595


not today ace. bit too shitfaced for that now. sepia stabwound plus i'm tired from chasing this fucking dickhead attorney through downtown all day...nursing this bottle of absolut, 10 grams of kratom, forest swords engravings on repeat...making transcendent objects into nothingness, spitting into the asshole of infinity

captcha shoback jubilee

>> No.4214606
File: 17 KB, 323x450, down le ladder it goes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you see stanley slowly regressing into nihilism again

>> No.4214610

>forest swords engravings

Fucking yes! Electronic AOTY in my opinion.

>> No.4214645

Do you guys actually believe there is some 'destination' that society ''progresses' to? Like, for real?

>> No.4214651


audible keks, that you goats you wily cunt

what's good brother?

>> No.4214658


ye cannae

rather be released
controlled by the beast

im like ike

i die form

>> No.4214675


look hear you little teabagging wee cunt, read the fucking thraaad and realize that that the annihilant godwhisper is the only impetus within this lukewarm cesspool. we oscillate within the infinite representation of baphomet's urethral outpour, get some

basically once the tits are yanked off the

>> No.4214676

Wading happily into Shoppinghours swamp of suffering. Would read to cheer me up/10, snide existence slanderers are the best pick-me-up if you don't suffer vapid optimism gladly.

>> No.4214685

>get some
u the type of nigga to rewatch generation kill and fast forward through everything that is not a ray person monologue

>> No.4214689

[post deleted by the Existentialist Mafia]

>> No.4214712

>nide existence slanderers are the best pick-me-up

2 fuckin right goats.
i raise this boattill, a toast m8, to the eternal swagger of the nihilating nothing

>> No.4214714
File: 925 KB, 500x383, kratomism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be triloping ameck the angstfences of south-floridan reintegration camp of le youthfoul deliquentins
>not unlike tonimontana fob scene
>overall d'orange opened and dondraped around the waste
>bear chested
>an older con looks leerily at me and states: united
>turns in to be no gaya scienza, he just @myered my gregory pecks
>asks me to flex
>obligerate out of colonel courtesy
>an outmate with rifle on the wall seas it and uniteds 'doowop again'
>obrigato, second luxaflex of the pecs
>outmate wallgate almost unvisably touches hisself
>get instremely unconfortamble
>try to ron awae
>it's no use he has a riffle
>oh god

>> No.4214729


what a pleasant sur fucking prize, here we have his catastrophic faggotry raising its head again, thank zeus you're not near me goats, i'd fucking violently rape you just to prove a point and smear your innards accroas me fuckin walls like decorative rococo wallpieces

>> No.4214738

i don't think you fully appreciate how fauxmosexuality is merely a vessle for five layers of joyceaic wordplé mon negre

5 dolla if you get the john woo reference

>> No.4214741

Cheers m8

>> No.4214757

>using kratom