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4207937 No.4207937[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you doing to get ready for NaNoWriMo?

>> No.4207957


i've been writing the same two stories since march. and they're under 5k words together. so it's never gonna happen.

>> No.4208009

Nothing. I want to go completely off the cuff and see what comes out.

>> No.4208032

writing poetry, reading philosophy, and ignoring nanowrimo

>> No.4208035


yeah fuck that shit, just write whenever you want

>> No.4208051

I used to like the sentiment of NNWM, but after a while it started to grate on me.

It encourages everyone to write. That's all well and good, many could use a bit of writing, but it never once encourages editing or, god forbid, criticism. The entire culture surrounding NNWM feels like one of universal acceptance of bullshit.

Not to mention:
>one month for writing a novel
> no other months, just this month

Fuck that shit.

>> No.4208078

I don't mean to sound elitist or whatever but only a tiny fraction of people are actually able to produce something of merit. It is very hard for me to believe that any of those people are taking part in this jovial endeavour. The reason bored housewives and pseudointellectual Starbucks dwellers should be encouraged to take up the pen escapes me. Are we really in dire need of bad books? I'd say we have enough.

>> No.4210375

Freewrite every day.

>> No.4210401

How do I know if I am good enough to write something worthwhile? Is it a case where, if I have to ask, it's not meant to be?