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/lit/ - Literature

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4199851 No.4199851[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>There are people browsing /lit/ that don't have college degrees

>> No.4199853

workin on it, bub

>> No.4199866

How's that Bachelors in Chicano Studies treating you, anon?

>> No.4199868

I'm only 20 OP

>> No.4199872


I plan on doing an MA too.

>> No.4199906

Protip: Working on it and being young are not excuses.

>> No.4199910

thats real fuckin neato. i plan on going to mars myself!

>> No.4199912

>tfw it seems like the american voice/" creative industries" matter less and less everyday as college continues to transform into businesses and push the "only stem and business matters" ideal
>tfw you wish you could have gone to art school in the uk or germany

>> No.4199915

>college degrees in america


>> No.4199922


>> No.4199924


UK is exactly the same as America.

>> No.4199925

Working on my BA in Philosophy

>you want fries with that kekeke XD

>> No.4199934

One week from my SATs (the ones in my country). I'm want a BA in Computational Math.

>> No.4199929

College "degrees" are no more representative of intelligence than a blue ribbon is of how beautiful a prize-winning horse is, when you can plainly tell you are looking at a handsome horse.

That said, what you learn at a college or with people you meet at a college can better you, make you smarter/more informed, etc. But if you actually think having a college degree matters for anything other than increasing your chances of getting hired somewhere, you're deluding yourself.

>> No.4199933
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>There are people on /lit/ who think a college degree matters.

>> No.4199944

Those grapes are sour anyway. Right, NEETs?

>> No.4199945


>> No.4199949


What's a NEET?

>> No.4199951

I think a lot of degrees are more of a determination of your work ethic rather than your actual intelligence.

>> No.4199955

a poor man's tropheus

>> No.4199957

"Not in Education, Employment, or Training"

a layabout, good for nothing.

>> No.4199965

someone who is very lazy

>> No.4199968

I will in March (Math).

Regardless, a degree shows nothing besides the ability to work hard and put up with a lot of unnecessary bullshit.

>> No.4199969

someone without any talent whatsoever
they lost the genetic lottery

>> No.4199970

Someone who likes to keep things nice and tidy.

>> No.4199971
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"Not in Education, Employment, or Training"

tormented prodigies, defenders of common decency

>> No.4199974


In that case, I (>>4199933) am an E and stand by what I said.

>> No.4199975
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>There are people who have degrees who waste their time on 4chan.

>> No.4199982

OP is not talking about intelligence. He is talking about degrees.

>> No.4199983

>required general education courses
>so students can have a "well rounded college experience while studying some of the liberal arts"
>in state school
>in a state school that cares more about football no less
> 1/3 of money will be spent on those classes that nobody cares about/slacks through/rote memorize and forget
>"i honestly thought you would be telling me that PE and Communications are on the gen ed in college too"

>> No.4199991
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>There are people who actually get non-STEM degrees
W-Would you l-like fries with that sir?

>> No.4199994

>>There are people browsing /lit/ that think they're still on /b/.

Literature fucker. Discuss it.

>> No.4199998

>using a meme

Fuck off to Leddit

>> No.4200007

I'm about to drop from a public university art course. I'm the worst student from my year (seriously, last one on the list) and I won't be able to finish it in time. I have a good job though and I'm saving some money to open up my own little art school for kids.

>> No.4200009
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>there are people who don't have autism
shocking, I know

>> No.4200022

Well then sure, not getting a college degree when you have any desire for wealth/success/adult living is immature and a poor decision.

But there are countless legitimate reasons to hold off getting a degree, or not get one altogether. Acting like an accredited university is the only place you can get an education for is irritating.

Bottom line: layabouts with no ambition are, in the vast majority of cases, wasting their life. That goes for NEETfolk and degree holders alike. Success and self-worth are nuanced and can't be judged on something like a college degree

>> No.4200024

I'm working on a theology degree at the moment. Not sure what I want to do with it other than personal interest

>> No.4200027

LOL how did you end up last? i know too many BS "balloon and some paint splatters on canvas" types of art majors get scholarships and awards...

>> No.4200029

>there are people who believe academy is synonym of education

>> No.4200040

nice retort. mad ur degree sux?

>> No.4200041

NEETs are the ones who are intelligent enough not to waste their lives to make somebody else rich. They are like modern versions of diogenes of sinope

They are the freedom fighters of the west and the ones who didn't have the balls to become one (like me ;_;) envy them and their damn insistence on not joining.

>> No.4200052

I am a NEET and you're full of crap.
Even if we're hurting the system we're wasting our lives, and taking them as granted since we do nothing at all.
I studied halfway through Literary Studies, but academia is overrated if everything you need to do to graduate is quoting, copying and pasting and quoting.
People who believe college degrees make them someone never understood why they went to college in the first place.
That and fuck literary resources and fuck the publishing system and fuck discussing what's incredibly discussed already and fuck quoting Bajtin so that my professor thinks I understood what he said and fuck all those young adult fucking parrots repeating nonsense said three centuries ago as if that made them smart
Anachronism is not smart, it's just anacrhonism.
Fuck college.

>> No.4200056
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>There are people on /lit/ that will waste several years of their life studying liberal arts

>> No.4200057


You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Being a NEET is terrible.

>> No.4200068

so much this.

>> No.4200083
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>NEETs trying to justify their failure in life by criticizing academia or capitalism

>> No.4200088

Name one great man who was a NEET
Pro-tip: you can't
Pro-tip 2: Diogenes of Sinope was more of a meme in Greek times rather than an influential philosopher
Pro-tip 3: You are not Diogenes of Sinope

>> No.4200089

To be honest, I was always a bad student. I miss a lot of classes and do not deliver things on time, ever since I was a kid all the way to university. I could do it before because I do quite well on tests and generally give good presentations, but university doesn't give a fuck for that and demands more, naturally. As it is all about showing creative work, I'm the one who usually rate my work to be too poor to show to the teacher, hence I lost a lot of semesters without even getting a rating.

Also, there are brilliant and awful "balloon and paint splatters" artists. This is hardly a problem. The worst part of the crowd, at least in my uni, is made of gamers, designers, otaku illustrators and shit like that who are not even pretending to do art.

>> No.4200091

>Peasant defending current indoctrination methods to rationalize why they don't have a goal like a NEET but let life fuck them anyways.

>> No.4200094

lol do people not realize that this post is a joke

>> No.4200099
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>> No.4200108
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>I'm a useless failure because I'm not indoctrinated!
>Everyone is wrong but me!
>It's all their fault I'm completely talentless!
>I'm very smart I'm just not trying!

>> No.4200111

when the common app was introduced, applying to college became less about showing your accomplishments and just about getting all the right keywords crammed into your resume; president, treasurer, ap scholar with distinction, scholastics medals, volunteered .
Likewise the same has happened to the job process, and the 4 years in college is pretty much spent trying to collect and glue on keywords to make yourself a walking advertisement. the interesting elective classes will chew up my money and then never be mentioned again in my life, neither will the books i discovered in the library, nor the student organizations i participated in; because the space for where you put your education on your resume only cares about the fact you have a degree and a good gpa and the brand name and your internships. kill the automated HR sorting machines.

>> No.4200112

more like
>there are people on /lit/ that think they are better than grad students

seriously, i think people think it hurts to know more

>> No.4200117

>And at the end of the day, Anon noticed all his running and effort put him on the same website than the guy he was making fun of but with a life with 3% more printed cardboard.

>> No.4200118

Now I understand why there are so many ill-informed opinions in philosophy threads. It's the NEETs, they're trying to make up for their inferiority complex by developing themselves in the field of philosophy through Wikipedia articles and Youtube videos. Thanks, Obama

>> No.4200115

>B-But I'm not really retarded, I was just kidding!

>> No.4200120

lol read his post again

so clearly a joke it wouldn't even be funny except that NEETs responded to it by saying "so much this"

though that was probably the same guy

>> No.4200126

>Everyone on 4chan is the same
Sure, buddy. Keep pulling others to your low level so you won't feel inferior

>> No.4200135
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>be 19


>> No.4200137

Graduate here.

it's not worth it.

>> No.4200140

oh man i wish i had a copy of that "thisisbait.png" of the fish and the fish hook saved...

>> No.4200148

>I'm different than anyone on 4chan because I have a piece of cardboard with my name and apply to a totally different job section.
I work at translating since I was 18 and dropped from college, now I'm 22 and there are graduates who have to obey me in the office
I don't envy them nor despise them, I made my choice when I realized working serves as practical education and learning theory and such abstractions imply nothing about the quality of the grasp you have on either concept.
But again, there are levels of discussion, and I guess I'm not up to this one since I didn't finish my degree.

>> No.4200150
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>> No.4200172

become a pastor

>> No.4200251

>NEETs are the ones who are intelligent enou-

stopped reading right there

>> No.4200262

>actively not educating themselves

it's like you hate becoming smarter

>> No.4200266

NEET life is bad. I only get 645 in autismbux, my mother is embarrassed of me. I'm happy I'll be back in school in a bit.

>> No.4200281

>only get 645

>> No.4200288

Most are actually.

>> No.4200291


Never worked so I don't get SSDI, none of my parents are disabled or dead so I can't use their credits either. My state doesn't even offer any extra

>> No.4200293

Why would I waste £9k a year just to study something I don't want to do or I could do it in my own time free of charge or use that time to spend all day every day reading?

>> No.4200296

Rimbaud. Baudelaire. Diogenes. Antisthenes. Plato. Jesus. Buddha. Socrates. Schopenhauer. Nietzsche. Wittgenstein. What sort of greatness are you looking for?

>> No.4200300

The only reason I'd want a college degree is because I'd hope it would help me when it comes to finding a job. If I knew a way to make good money without needing one, I wouldn't try going for it.

>> No.4200303


Well, I'm a lawyer. I do not believe, however, that the law school has helped me to become a better writer. On the contrary, if I allowed the kind of writing often found in the legal scholars books and the legal jargon to pollute my writing I would have become a significantly more pedantic and tedious writer.

But to answer you, OP, one just need to say a simple thing: Shakespeare. (And if Shakespeare is not enough take also Beethoven and Tolstoy).

>> No.4200321
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>not being a NEET
>not living the literary life

Sure feels good not to spend a third of my day scrounging for sustenance.

>> No.4200322

the most kek-inducing comment of the month

>> No.4200326

America is not an Islamic country.

>> No.4200331

>looking down on those who feed their fellow man

>> No.4200334

This. it's great spending all day reading and posting on /lit/ with you my fellow patricians.

>> No.4200335


>> No.4200339
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>be NEET
into the gas chamber it goes!

>> No.4200343

I haven't found a reason why having a degree or a job is desirable for a first world citizen in this thread yet. The only thing I can think of is more fancy entertainment and luxury.

>> No.4200345

thank you 7 PM usa time /lit/, you've been coup d'etatd by /pol/. how long do i wait til the some what decent quality discussions comes back?

>> No.4200346

The irony being, you're the one offended by NEETs.

Autismbux 4 evar!!!

>> No.4200350

Till the rednecks go to sleep

>> No.4200353

sucks man. every teacher I ever had pressured me to get a liberal arts degree because I need to be a "well-rounded person" with "critical thinking" skills.

A person with critical thinking skills would never get a degree that offers almost no financial benefit.

>> No.4200356


>> No.4200359


If this shit pulls through Switserland will be the centre of the next cultural renaissance.

>> No.4200360


>> No.4200363

college wasnt for me, after a semester I realized this and went and found something I was good at, makes me happy and pays my bills.

>> No.4200370

depressionbux high five

>> No.4200371

what are you good at?

>> No.4200376

being an electrical foreman

>> No.4200380

How does one go about becoming NEET?

If it wasn't for 4chan, I wouldn't even know it was possible to be NEET if your parents weren't supporting you.

>> No.4200391

so a shit blue collar pleb job?

>> No.4200394

>/lit/: militant NEET douche bag parasites
>/sci/: gainfully employed and finacially successful
lol, remember, you read it here first

>> No.4200398

maybe a weak person would consider it shit but yeah I am blue collar.. what is it you do?

>> No.4200400

the real reason is that trying to delay/remove yourself from "reality" means you will get left behind in the future/ever changing economy and industries. there is no grand enlightenment for "why" or a admirable political reason for "why not". the reason is always: the more you delay jumping into resume/linkedin culture, the less resources you'll encounter when in the future you actually want to build your resume/career. if the train leaves and you're not on it, you won't be getting on it at 27 when finally you decide you need a higher paying job to support yourself- your costs of living, savings, rainy day funds etc

>> No.4200403
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>> No.4200409

Buttdevastasted stemfag claiming victory on /lit/ like its a dick measuring contest.

>> No.4200426

i don't know, man. i know some dumb fucks with bachelors degrees.

>> No.4200431

I know all of them think their degree cures stupidity

>> No.4200479

>being happy sitting in a computer chair all day pushing pencils

>> No.4200487

>4chan: militant NEET douche bag parasites
>normies: gainfully employed and financially successful
lol, remember, you read it here first

>> No.4200491

Please, everything is electronic. I push keys (not the unlocking kind).

>> No.4200494

>not being NEET
stay pleb

>> No.4200496

I am on 4chan.

>> No.4200502

Is truck driving the most patrician job?

You get good pay, get to see beautiful country, and can spend most of your time deep in thought.

>> No.4200504

>not being a writer

>> No.4200508

you also spend so much time alone that when you do get to talk to people you come off as weird/creepy

>> No.4200512

>spend most of your time deep in thought
Or bored out of your mind, listening to 100.1 FM WPLEB

>> No.4200515

So nothing is different?

>> No.4200516


That crowded east coast scum land

>> No.4200537


that's what i was going to say

to the anon who originally brought it up, is the pay actually decent?

driving trucks is something i've been considering for a while. i just hope it doesn't fuck me up because i'm already a sad dude and if that's a sad environment i'd probably end up driving an eighteen wheeler off a cliff

>> No.4200573

not the truck driving anon but.. you can do local delivery too, it doesnt have to be long haul. You will still work a ton of hours and be alone a lot but be home every night to see your family.

>> No.4200585


you know, i think in this life i may never be a family man

i want to make a decent amount of money so that i can have a place to live and keep working on the things i'm passionate about in my own time

how much is a ton? is it true that in the world of adult careers 40 hours a week isn't actually that much?

>> No.4200588

I'm not even sure what a college degree is. Is that a university degree in the US? Because I have A levels.

>> No.4200590

probably closer to 60-70 hours a week most weeks... just enough time to eat and sleep.. you will probably also get fat

>> No.4200596



why is this even legal? holy fuck that's horrifying

>> No.4200600

why would there be a law against working that many hours? Is it fun.. nope as long as you are getting paid what should you care? thought it was all about the money

>> No.4200607

angry no-degrees detected

>> No.4201807

Idiot with degree detected.

>> No.4201811

You do realise that writing is employment right?

>> No.4201816

>what is autodidactism

i'm sure I know more about lit than most people with degrees

>> No.4201818



>> No.4201826

>tfw probably would enjoy college if I could jump right into my chosen field instead of wading through stupid general ed classes and get my certificate

>> No.4201841



>> No.4201843


>why would there be a law against working that many hours?

There is in the UK but if you have a salary then you're expected to work as long as they want you to otherwise they'll give you the sack. I know from first-hand experience.

>> No.4202205

Hey fucker, I didn't even graduate highschool.
Don't judge me.

>> No.4202215

Marx went to college and got a doctoral degree

>> No.4202217

and then he went on to write and publish books (employment)
so i don't know what you are talking about