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4199225 No.4199225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Salazar Slytherin wasn't a bad guy at all. He just didn't like the idea of Muggle borns attending a wizarding place where the rest of the Muggle world had a habit of killing witches and wizards in medieval times.

Also the Basilisk was wrongly used by Voldemort. It was probably bred for being a failsafe just in case the muggle armies raided Hogwarts.

>> No.4199232

Griffindor > Good
Slytherin > Bad

it's THAT simple

>> No.4199239

is this from harry potter?

>> No.4199318

How the fuck did the basilisk stay alive down there? If they did explain it I don't remember at all.

>> No.4199329

A wizard did it

>> No.4199330

Hufflepuff > Tom Bombadill

>> No.4199365

Through magic you stupid cunt.
God, you muggle plebs make me sick.

>> No.4199418

>killing witches and wizards in medieval times

but the witch hunts were an invention of the renaissance

>> No.4199468

A book's functioning of reality is translated through the author's understanding of it. Therefore if Rowling believes the witch hunts happened, they happened, regardless of what actually happened.

>> No.4199526

I never understood why the other three would allow that guy to erect a house of wizardry if he was such a fullblown cunt as Dumbledork makes him out to be. There's something similar going on in these books with regards to the Slytherines as there is in LotR with regards to Orks and whatnots. Fascism.

>> No.4199566

I think I remember something about how no Witches were actually harmed in the Witch hunts and that it was a clever ruse to pretend to die most of the time.

Also I remember watching the movie and this choir was singing the witches chant from Macbeth with a bunch of giant toads which I thought was pretty cool. Does Macbeth come up a lot in Harry Potter?

>> No.4199580

He probably had some incriminating magic pictures of them. They're magic, so they'd be a lot worse than the tabloid shit we have today.

>> No.4199584

I don't recall Macbeth coming up in Harry Potter at all.

>> No.4200162


>> No.4200208
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How did Rowling go seven books without throwing in even one sympathetic Slytherin? I mean, there was Snape and Slughorn sorta, but that's literally it. Nothing even comes up in Rowling's musings about the background or anything.

>> No.4200223

Even though there is a pretty straightforward 'dark magic'/naza analogy in the books, it did suprise me how in the last books everyone turns out to be ok. Voldermort itself is a product of a 'trouble youth' I guess. And all the dark wizards are driven by fear it seems

>> No.4200228


Maybe it's a whole jab at the Conservative party here in England? Rowling is a pretty pig Labour supporter as much as it annoys me.

>> No.4200240


>> No.4200241

He is named Salazar after the Portuguese Fascist Dictator. It really is that easy. He is bad and Rowling wants you to treat him like that. Just a bad person

>> No.4200275

Yeah, pretty much. If it helps, it's best to treat the Hogwarts founders as more symbols than actual people; it's easier to stomach that way.