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4194662 No.4194662 [Reply] [Original]

How could I be more like Hemingway. I want to be like the man. Goddamn he lived a life of adventure. I enjoy his prose, his stories his life. Would could I do to be more like him?

Also, Hemingway GENERAL

INB4: Eat my gun.

>> No.4194676

First step is : don't try to be "more like" someone. Be who you want to fucking be, and don't give a fuck about anybody else. You don't want to be "like the man", you want to be a man. This starts with not putting people on a pedestal when they are no better than you. No amount of glorification should be able to make you stray from your own path. Do you think Hemingway would have liked someone trying to emulate him for the sake of admiration ? He would have punched you in the face in a fucking bar fight and spat on your unconscious body for being the tool you are.

>> No.4194968

Abuse some women and animals.

>> No.4194993


Hem was vanguard as fuck-- "In Our Time" and "The Sun Also Rises" were fucking revolutionary. the likes of which are not easy to replicate, to say the least. lol. it's easier to just go to paris and key west and get drunk

>> No.4194996

no, don't.

>know countless friends who prescribe to this line of "in order to earn my badge of certified masculinity, i must live the life of my artistic idol"
>one friend doesn't realize how much fedora he is because he thinks his cold arrogant demeanor is being "Dostoevskyian"
>one friend excuses his alcoholism, insisting this is merely what "musicians and artists do" citing Bukowski and those beat writers
>one friend thinks he's revolutionary as fuck because he likes a bunch of anarchism/the man is evil theology but really he sounds like a angry red-piller quoting fight club most of the time
>and one friend insists that his reckless neet lifestyle is merely "living life to the fullest" ala hemingway
>kill me already why do i have such sucky friends

>> No.4195003

Be your own man, OP. Hemingway was fucking awesome and you too have your own potential to conquer life

>> No.4195037

this guys a tool
you don't want to be hemmingway
you want to figure out what about hemmingway you want to be
at a more fundamental level
you don't want to go where he's gone
you want to go why he's gone
kno wat im sayin?
and you dont just do that with hemmingway
figure out all ya'll heroes
be an amalgamation of cool peeps
there is no you to be there is only what you prize and how close you are to it
but you cant just prize things willy nilly
figure out why you prize the thing you do
then be the prize

>> No.4195038


Birds of a feather, bro. I'm sure you're equally insufferable.

>> No.4195042

Maybe you should write a book about them.

>> No.4195054

And you're probably a shitty person too, judging by your need to even respond, you miserable waste of space.

>> No.4195624

First, you must kill and eat a porcupine, quills and all.

>> No.4195669

Well, at least you have friends that are into interesting stuff. Sure they may just be a bunch of nerds that think that are better than the rest because they read fancy books. But at least they don't want to be like <insert generic musician/celebrity here>.
It would be cool to have friends to discuss about philosophy.

>> No.4195898

read Hemingway as much as possible, OP. there is no other or better way to do it.
sure, watch documentaries, look at pictures of him, read criticism, talk to friends and share things about his life but OP..
the only way to be more like him is just to know him as well as possible by reading his writing.
From there you may find great interest in reading his biographies (keeping a safe distance of emotional involvement from the more fringey ones about him written by ex-friends and such)
and then learn the TRADES:
speakin other languages, knowing other cultures...
of course... these trades take absolute time, money and genuine dedication and divine interest..
depends on what you really mean when you say that you want to be like the MAN.
the writer?
the "cultural figure" we know him as casually?
or him in his all around life-attributes.
i wish you success in this

>> No.4197898

halp how do i deal with a emotionally tumultuous english/art major who thinks and aspires her life to parallel Sylvia Plath

>> No.4197912

fake it till u make it

>> No.4197952

eat my gun

>> No.4200790


>> No.4200818

I'd read it, probably.

>> No.4200916

Friend #1 sits in silence judging everyone who dares glance his way, like an internal monologue scene from dexter or house of cards; he thinks to himself "why is everyone so shallow and upbeat"... He was not used to crowds, and, as we said before, he avoided society of every sort, more especially of late... Friend #2 grabs a seat, "i've hit rock bottom, i puked all night onto my carpet" His eyes dart around, hoping for a reaction, hoping for a confirmation, hoping that someone would question "how many did you have" so he would answer; his audience to be surprised by his stamina/alcohol endurance. Nobody looks up, his ego starts faltering: if he was not the culmination of his "crazy antics", not the protagonist of crazy third handed stories friends exchanged about "this guy i knew"; he was nothing- who can be an interpreter of Bukowski without an audience?

>> No.4200943

Join the military, make it a point to enjoy living your life vigorously for the sake of it, etc.

>> No.4200966 [DELETED] 

be more depressed
be more mentally ill
be more of an asshole
be more of a betrayer
be more of an alcoholic
be more of a tryhard poser
be more of a paranoiac
be more of cranial buckshot depository

>> No.4200977

>>4194662 (OP)
be more depressed
be more mentally ill
be more of an asshole
be more of a betrayer
be more of an alcoholic
be more of a tryhard poser
be more of a paranoiac
be more of a cranial buckshot depository