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/lit/ - Literature

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4191110 No.4191110 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a /lit/ related youtube videos thread? Anything you consider interesting and worth mentioning, from Bukowski tapes to Bertrand Russell Interviews.

I'm looking through EGS's channel for philosophy courses right now, but the accents are killing me. I think I'll watch DeLanda's videos on Deleuze for now.

>> No.4191112
File: 243 KB, 500x744, classics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, if you want you can also suggest documentaries related to authors if you think they're good. They usually aren't as far as I can tell.

>> No.4191176

The Shock of The New, part 1 out of 8, with Robert Hughes.

Why Beauty Matters

Of Beauty and Consolation - Leon Lederman

>> No.4191333

bumping with some classics I suppose

Deal with him!

Bukowski tapes

>> No.4191339


>> No.4191394
File: 23 KB, 282x389, quit stallin and come to bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a serious note, how many original conferences does Zizek have? As in conferences that don't consist of a load of recycled materials under a different title. He definitely has some at least, but they're hard to find within the mass of repeated jokes.

>> No.4191427

Thug Notes are masterpieces each and every one.

>> No.4191527

>Why Beauty Matters

holy shit that was one of the most eye-opening things i've ever watched

>> No.4191575

I've seen it a while ago, but it seemed a bit too reactionary for my taste. I don't know all that much about art or the art world, but as far as aesthetics go I think a lot of things (beautiful or otherwise) can become art given the right circumstances. I hope you weren't being sarcastic though, that documentary really has its moments.

>> No.4191615

Charlie Rose by Samuel Beckett

>> No.4191617
File: 10 KB, 207x160, drink your drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed them and felt disgusted at the same time, mostly because of how easy they were to watch. I don't mean just because the content isn't that impressive, being a spoof and all, but rather because the timing just felt right. It's as if if someone were to make a documentary about Shakespeare using the same tone (without the slang obviously) and rhythm it would be as exciting as a Hollywood action movie.

It's the same deal as 3 minute philosophy. Even if the videos were longer it still would have been really enjoyable to watch, even if not nearly as productive as actually reading / reading about the philosophers.

It's just something about this combination of reasonably fast moving images and narration that works really well. Maybe I've watched too many cartoons as a child.

>> No.4191619


Based Scruton. I can't take him seriously when he talks about fox hunting though.

>> No.4191641


>> No.4191655

The analysis part is spot-on, I majored in Literary studies and I'm still surprised how efficient and spot-on his analysis actually are.
I do believe the guy has a PhD it's not normal, I tell you, not normal for someone to define motifs and literary resources as he does without prior education.

>> No.4191720

It gave me that feeling as well, he seems to know what he's doing. Now I feel the need to listen to gangsta rap on the same subject.

>> No.4191734

Listen to some Pharcyde, Cypress Hill and Wu-Tang.
If you want mad, amazingly tight rhyming, listen to Earl Sweatshirt.
If you want clever wordplay listen to Danny Brown.
Rap changed my life.

>> No.4191737

no, i wasn't

i truly feel enlightened in some way

>> No.4191809

pleb to the max

>> No.4192208

all hail that qt liberal arts youtuber twink that hosts the idea channel

>> No.4192229

Teach me.

>> No.4192260

Not him, but I'd say Aesop Rock is pretty /lit/.


>> No.4192262

Not that guy but for Lyrical witticism go to Jedi Mind Tricks, for lyrics with lots of vauge classical and historical allusions Death Grips just be warned they're very abrasive.

>> No.4192265

Seconding Death Grips


>> No.4192266

Jedi Mind Tricks I didn't know.
But Death Grips is one of my favorite bands.
Thanks for Aesop Rock.

>> No.4192270


>> No.4192339

How the fuck did this end up from Roger Scruton to a /mu/ thread?

Why can't /mu/ ever keep shit on topic.

Any way, why beauty matters may be reactionary or conservative he brings up a very important matter, that beauty is a virtue and value is dead.

Even the things we consider beautiful, lack "beauty".¨

And Roger Scruton really goes on to bring this point home.

>> No.4192343

I mean, I understand modernity, the movements, the questioning of perspectives, but it all went too far. We have explored that venue and we need to go back to find our way.

>> No.4192345

In a way I guess graffiti started, but shit Banksy killed it when he started doing viral youtube videos.

>> No.4192349

Y'all are obnoxious with your shit tier rap music.


>> No.4192354

>Thug Notes
The guy's way better than most anons I've read here, I'm still wondering if he's actually got a PhD.

>> No.4192370

Dunno if his other videos are more insightful but that didn't seem like anything more than a black guy discussing conventional Hamlet knowledge using pseudo-street language. Not exactly a masterpiece, he could have just as easily read Sparknotes.

>> No.4192686

This. I saw this and connected with arts for the first time in my life. I had the moment where I 'get it'. I understand it's purpose and its mission. It made me want to paint and write. I wanted to redeem this ugly world and my reality through beauty.

>> No.4192699

>The guy's way better than most anons I've read here

anon is dumb but is definitely capable of a higher level of insight that some basic high school level analysis.

>> No.4192910

honestly, I was tempted to stop watching it after the intro, but then I realized that he was just talking to a specific audience.

I much preferred the bit that he did for Dutch Television.


>> No.4192924

That one is great as well.

However I love the part in 'Why beauty matters' where he describe the platonic ideals as something like Observer-principle in Quantum Physics.

I've never quite realized how far reaching Platon was.

>> No.4192931

The Library

Pitch N Putt with Beckett and Joyce

>> No.4192935

Michel Foucault vs. Naom Chomsky


>> No.4192976

foucault wipes the floor with him

>> No.4193029

they're not kidding when they say everything is a footnote to plato frechfrag

>> No.4193075

Well in a sense, Roger Scruton doesn't mention it outright, but when he says that when humans try perceive beauty, live beauty we are inherently bound to corrupt it, that there is the "platonic ideal" "the world of idea beauty" that we can never see. We can grasp it, but the moment we do, we alter it. It is essence the same as the observer principle.

Plato might have been too smart for his own good.

>> No.4193314

>that library
>that comfy, authentic English lifestyle
>that sense of consolation missing in your own life.

>> No.4193323

Iain Banks being himself in the 90s

>> No.4193331


>> No.4193890

Why wasn't this pathetic permavirgin given any shit for attentionwhoring by referring to Eliot?

>> No.4194004

Never heard of Robert Hughes. Looked him up a bit. Found a video where he says "I knew Andy Warhol. I think he was one of the stupidest men I'd ever met"

I like this guy.

>> No.4194025

What happen to beauty is in the eye of the beholder?

>> No.4194086

It's bullshit.

>> No.4195139


The end of the series, I love it. He's such a snob.

>> No.4195880

Patrick Magee and Iris Murdoch on the relationship between philosophy and literature

>> No.4195884

*Bryan Magee