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/lit/ - Literature

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4190711 No.4190711[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Virginia Woolf distinguishes middlebrows as petty purveyors of highbrow cultures for their own shallow benefit. Rather than selecting books for their intrinsic value, middlebrows select and read what they are told is best. Middlebrows are concerned with how what they do makes them appear, unlike highbrows, the avant-garde men and women who act according to their indelible commitment to beauty, value, art, form, and integrity. Woolf said, “We highbrows read what we like and do what we like and praise what we like”. Likewise, a lowbrow is devoted to a singular interest, a person “of thoroughbred vitality who rides his body in pursuit of a living at a gallop across life”; and, therefore, are equally worthy of reverence, as they, too, are living for what they intrinsically know as valuable.

i-is this us /lit/?

>> No.4190716
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>tfw you will never be of thoroughbred vitality
>tfw you will never gallop across life

>> No.4190718


>> No.4190723

Pretty long winded way of saying "if u dont like it lets see u do better "

>> No.4190725

That's not what it's saying at all, what the hell?

>> No.4190731

>“We highbrows read what we like and do what we like and praise what we like”

why was she such an insecure sicko

>> No.4190740

what did you expect from a middlebrow

>> No.4190762

Books don't have intrinsic value. Shows what you konw, you dumb bitch

>> No.4190815

spits on those with the curiosity and resolve to strive for something beyond them...

how bout you get an indelible commitment to not being a cunt?

>> No.4190845

Sorry, I cannot consider any statement that isn't vaguely alluded to in a 900 page novel. Could someone please get back to me when her ideas are in a more obtuse format?

>> No.4190854

Your gay

>> No.4190869

>Likewise, a lowbrow is devoted to a singular interest, a person “of thoroughbred vitality who rides his body in pursuit of a living at a gallop across life”; and, therefore, are equally worthy of reverence, as they, too, are living for what they intrinsically know as valuable.

Great stuff. She was the GOAT female writer by a country mile.

>> No.4190870

I don't see why it would be, considering that /lit/ is an anonymous image board what we read literally has no effect on how we appear amongst ourselves.

>> No.4190872

So you've never seen a thread for a certain kind or even series of literature/novels shot down time after time after time on /lit/ in favour of the same old circular circle jerking conversations about some classic from the 1800s? Really now?

>> No.4190877

Maybe people shoot them down because they dislike them, and discuss other novels because they do like them. That still isn't refuting my point either. There's no real appearances on an anonymous image board, so what we read doesn't affect how we look.

>> No.4190879

I think your idea that no one on /lit/ is concerned with how they appear is belied by the numerous threads on seeming pretentious, the vitriol with which a thread about GoT or Ayn Rand is shot down (read, actually flamed into destruction by elitist morons, not just ignored in favour of another thread). /lit/ is one of the most elite boards on 4chan save for /mu/. I find it hilarious that you think people here aren't concerned about how they appear.

>> No.4190881

>There's no real appearances on an anonymous image board, so what we read doesn't affect how we look.
doesn't stop people from thinking there is a perceived image.

>> No.4190884

you are mad someone doesn't like the things you like

>> No.4190886
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>women writers

>> No.4190888

Not at all. Personally I have never read or watched GoT or an Ayn Rand novel but I certainly don't have much affection for the way those threads were ran out of /lit/ by snooty dipshits.

>> No.4190889

>save for /mu/
as person who stopped going on /mu/ in 2011 due to its catastrophic decline in quality, I find this type of post amusing

>> No.4190893

I meant to say elitist.

>> No.4190891

> men and women who act according to their indelible commitment to beauty, value, art, form, and integrity.
In 2013 that would be the SF&F fans. They're the only ones left who don't care for appearances and social cred and evaluate books purely on artistic grounds.

>> No.4190892

>those threads were ran out of /lit/ by snooty dipshits.
They weren't. You're an idiot.

>> No.4190894

Does anyone know what Woolf's vagina smelled like? I need to know

>> No.4190895

Go on then. Go start one and watch it end up like every other one - a debate about whether or not the series is "plebeian".

>> No.4190897

You must be new here.

>> No.4190899

3 years of posting on /lit/ behind me.

>> No.4190901

Then maybe you should leave if casually insulting people and calling things shit makes you cry like a little baby

>> No.4190904

Not even slightly, though you're about to claim it does. I just find it hilarious that some moron could think /lit/ wasn't desperately conscious of its image and obsessed with seeming patrician or intellectual. Ironically, it could only be someone who had been here five minutes or less who could think that /lit/ was anything other than a hivemind of quasi-intellectuals.

>> No.4190906

Actually /lit/ is like one or two intellectuals posting form time to time, a few idiots trying to have serious thougths about books and 50 other people who don't give a shit taking the piss.

>> No.4190908

>50 other people who don't give a shit taking the piss.

Really? Humor on /lit? You're having a laugh. /lit/ even by the admission of its most regular users is the worst board for humor on 4chan.

>> No.4190911

tell us a joke

>> No.4190910

I'm one of the funniest people on 4chan actually

>> No.4190914

A man walks into a restaurant called "Entropy". The waitress asks, "May I take your order?"

>> No.4190916

/lit/'s best threads are hilarious though

>> No.4190919

Actually, the only funny thread to come out of this board is the pokemon pun thread from a few years ago.

>> No.4190921

I mean, unless you're still laughing about that stupid Harold Bloom's ass story

>> No.4190928

honeysuckle and caster oil

>> No.4191510
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Was she doing what she liked when she stepped into the River Ouse with her pockets full of stones and drowned a painful death? How highbrow.

>> No.4191566


Virginia Woolf was a pretty shitty writer as it was anyway, so I fail to see why I should let what she has to say concern me. She had some reasonably good ideas but she couldn't portray them in a compelling and thoughtful way. Her books belong to the middlebrows she so easily disregards. They read it because of the name attached to it, not because they want (or are able) to enjoy it.

>> No.4191574

Virginia Wolf is just a bourgeois cunt trying to differentiate herself from slightly poorer bourgeois cunts.

It's tragic that artistic beauty and the joy of reading could be made into a way for rich people to differentiate themselves from slightly less rich people.

>> No.4191586

Yet another thing I hate about capitalism - it takes really fantastic books, then debases them into bedpost notches for petit-bourgeois who want to think of themselves as 'patrician', or whatever the idiotic word they come up with for a rich class fraction.

>> No.4191620

aww look at all the plebs now turning on their pet favourite female author. how cute

>> No.4191648

Tragic. See?

I swear having fantasies about one day being a real bourgeois and really getting to exploit other people rots the brain.