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/lit/ - Literature

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4190520 No.4190520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Good? Bad? Pleb?

Remember back in the day, the picture of /lit/, and it had people saying it was one of the only truly relevant modern authors?

>> No.4190530

I don't care for chabon at all. I think he's pretty bottom of the barrel.

>> No.4190531


>> No.4190537

>Remember back in the day, the picture of /lit/, and it had people saying it was one of the only truly relevant modern authors?

That was one samefag.

>> No.4190538
File: 115 KB, 1296x972, girlinfastfoodplacepic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought Wonder Boys was decent, and C&K was bad. When I read the first half of C&K, I thought it was horrendous. Not sure about Telegraph Avenue yet (I'm about a third of the way through).

>> No.4190541


I mean 'people' in the strip.

Good picture, though. It may not have been right in all the specifics, but it perfectly captured the fanaticism and lack of empathy of /lit/.

>> No.4190548

I'd say good.
Even though a little bit of a case of horse-face, she's still cute. Plus those tits make her totally bangebale.

>> No.4190554
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He's probably my favourite author. Telegraph Avenue was shit though.

>> No.4190616

Kill yourself.

>> No.4190785


>> No.4190804

Well I hate you because you're Sunhawk or some diseased ausscheidung of him, but I only bought him because of that one story that was about gay comic book authors, but then I got bored. I bought summerland but he fucked up the very awesome pretense- kids going into magical lands? Maybe because I read it in german, but how do you make that boring?

>> No.4190823

People need to stop being so mean to Palahniuk. Because you can bitch all you want, but he's versatile and at least a third of his shit is fucking good.

Also comparing any of them to Meyer is just mean spirited.

>> No.4190865
