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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 95 KB, 634x397, bro chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4188609 No.4188609[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Suck on this you posturing charlatans.

>> No.4188621

On what does he base this statement?

>> No.4188617

Plain English is a vague term.

>> No.4188623
File: 23 KB, 200x287, Nicolás_Gómez_Dávila.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Clarity of text is the sole incontrovertible sign of the maturity of an idea."

Left and right can agree on this.

>> No.4188628

Chomsky's a pretty cool dude, but his shit flinging with people like Zizek and Foucault reflect poorly on him.

>> No.4188630

Decades of experience in academia, I presume.

>> No.4188660

This is easily refuted if you look at recent legal practices. There has been a move to "plain english" legislative drafting in Australia. The point was to make laws easier to understand and apply by getting rid of the archaic terms in which they were historically framed and using apparently uncontroversial words/framing. But when these new "plain english" laws came to the courts they found that they could be just as ambiguous as the old laws. The judges found that meaning is never "plainly" stated, but is always the product of interpretation. So "plain english" is a bullshit term to mask the necessary complexity of language.

>> No.4188699

Can Chomsky explain what plain English is and can he explain why all ideas have to be explained in plain English?

>> No.4188708

But Joe Sixpack on the street wouldn't be able to comprehend Chomsky, so what's he jabbering on about plain English for?

>> No.4188712

So it's anecdotal?

>> No.4188717

>trusting language


>> No.4188737
File: 87 KB, 500x546, 1356100212343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mon fishage quant the cunt doesn't realise that without people transcending the plain language of their time there wouldn't be the thing he now calls plain english in the first place

>> No.4188742

Yes, we all know Chomsky's political contributions are vacuous and the worst thing to happen to Anarchist political thought since Woodcock's death.

You don't need to say it. We all agree.

>> No.4188752

Uh isn't the latter basically summed up as
>Humans have innate language capability, as evidenced by the poverty of stimulus.
>Poverty of stimulus: that gap between the total language we are exposed to and the total language we can produce.
>If grammars are innately preorganized, them the case could be made that human societal structures are as well, hence anarcho-syndicalism.
Lacan could learn a thing or two from this sort of logical clarity.

>> No.4188754
File: 124 KB, 548x593, 1356646941505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Chomsky is a great author of political books

>> No.4188770
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Doesn't hurt to make sure.

>> No.4188784

He hasn't really contributed to anarchist political thought and hasn't intended to. He makes political struggles better known and writes a bit on how the ruling class effectively functions, that's it.

>> No.4188803


Jesus Christ, /lit/ is a board full of fucking idiots that can't tell their asses from their faces.

Do you ever look up quotes or verify what you are told? I'm guessing not, because obsession with made-up shit like literature panders to those that memorize by rote and are incapable of forming their own complex ideas.

The quote is fake you troglodytes.

>> No.4188816

I'm pretty sure I recall him saying so. Even if he didn't verbatim say it, he has doubtlessly wrote things to that effect.

>> No.4188822

Chomsky hegemonises left political discourse with trite works out of date as of the 1945 which would fit at home better in the pre-1930 CPUSA.

Chomsky is systematically retarding leftist political through with his emphasis on bourgeois states rather than on proletarian self-activity.

The standards employed, in a disciplinary sense, in Chomsky's political works are pre 1930s. They're actually worse methodologically than Hammond and Hammond's Town Labourer and Village Labourer.

Chomsky's political works are retarding hack jobs of no disciplinary merit. As such Chomsky is directly retarding the revolution.

>> No.4188841

>hur hur he is influencing people away from what i want
>he is just a nobody hack

if your views are so correct, write a fucking book. until then, you're just a backwash cunt who can't differentiate talented leaders from untalented

>> No.4188842

actually, this is a troll thread that some guy from /sci/ started.
You /lit/ users are retarded.

>> No.4188848

>if your views are so correct, write a fucking book.
My god, the PURE IDEOLOGY.

Bourgeois leftists cannot into the class praxis.

>> No.4188851
File: 186 KB, 300x358, schopenhauer says.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The quality of the ruse is that people can easily imagine Chomsky saying some shit like that.

>> No.4188853

That may be as it is, but he still do think that.

I agree with him, by the way.

>> No.4188857

Read the critique of _Class War_'s love affair with one segment of the British working class, and why it was strategically limiting.

>> No.4188864

>Chomsky is systematically retarding leftist political through with his emphasis on bourgeois states rather than on proletarian self-activity.

He's been involved in 'proletarian self-activity' since he was a kid.

The books he writes aren't the entirety of his political engagement, dude.

>> No.4188869

>they don't think it be like it is but it do

>> No.4188874

What does that have to do with a call for ideas to be possible to explain in plain English?

>> No.4188879 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 485x340, derrivoila.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>authorial intent lives

Prepare to be deconstructed.

>> No.4188884

Class War spent 10 years selling newspapers advocating the burning of policemen while alive to British workers. The newspapers were in plain English. They were in plain English for only one segment, white blue-collar lumpenish. They were not in plain English for white-collar Pakis. There are many, simultaneous, plain Englishes. We need to call for the burning of policemen in all of them.

Yeah bullshit. Anti-Zionism is so fucking relevant to organising an academic department to be strike ready.

>> No.4188885
File: 38 KB, 485x340, derrivoila.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>authorial intent

>> No.4188890

Internet discussions must mean a lot to you

>> No.4188893

You may drink Champagne today in your beautiful home. Well done. Have a chip.

>> No.4188922

>Yeah bullshit. Anti-Zionism is so fucking relevant to organising an academic department to be strike ready.

You're right, the moment you criticize Israel's policies, you lose the ability to participate in REAL action.

>> No.4188944
File: 483 KB, 1193x509, 2wfipfk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wouldn't be possible to do in plain English so it isn't even worth doing.

>> No.4189006

And this is why anti-zionism is irrelevant.

The only solution is a zero state solution, read your Marx on illusions in bourgeois nations.

>> No.4189020

there's not a problem that I can't fix, cause I can do it in the mix.

>> No.4189025

u.s. should be trialed in the hague, yet dr dipshit keeps supporting tyrannical marxist governments.

he's a dipshit.

>> No.4189026

If an idea can be represented in verbal language, it isn't an idea worth discussing.

>> No.4189039

If an idea can be represented, it isn't an idea worth discussing.

>> No.4189055

If an idea can't be discussed in Akkadian, it isn't a real idea.

>> No.4189056


>> No.4189057
File: 52 KB, 948x533, cia1_wide-26bcf07043d88926d5a4975eabb362d232819aff-s6-c30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


“Anything that in the realms of possibility could be attributable to the insidious and omnipresent forces of Western imperialism is attributable to the insidious and omnipresent forces of Western imperialism. And that includes myself" ~ Noam Chomsky.

>> No.4189073

>not realising that idea = representation
>not realising that by bringing the essence into prominence one degrades the hitherto misapprehended appearance to a bare semblance, a deception. the essence of the world, so attractive and splendid, is for him who looks to the bottom of it — emptiness; emptiness is — world's essence (world's doings). ....

>> No.4189081
File: 24 KB, 308x400, chomsky gnome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"I might be wrong" ~ Noam Chomsky

>> No.4189111

>gnome chomsky
>tfw only now i realise

>> No.4189116
File: 32 KB, 700x349, Professor-X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I fully support this statement" ~ Myself

>> No.4189127

Your second point exactly supports mine and contradicts the first point.

>> No.4189132
File: 124 KB, 255x181, 1381806072156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The day I realized, everything started to make more sense. I envy you yanks, because you can go to his classes and have a chat afterwards, even take pictures of him with a gnome, I bet he has a fuckton of interesting stuff to say.

>> No.4189135


You can mail him if you have something you want to shoot the shit about, he seems to answer every post he gets.

>> No.4189140

He does.

>> No.4189143

He responded to an email I sent once. I asked what he thought about the IWW and about gun control.

>> No.4189146

That's not very problematic since the consensus among literary theorists these days is that consistency of authorial intent between utterances is no longer considered mandatory in non-formal circumstances, seeing as a 'post' can't really be said to be a singular text or a multiplicity of them.

>> No.4189160
File: 150 KB, 640x429, philosophizing-with-a-hammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aren't we assuming we can get to the inner workings of the intellectual objects we conceive, and perceive?

What we represent of those objects, are the objects themselves?

Have they got a sense without someone representing them? Have they got a separate entity? Have they got an essence without the use we make of them?

So many questions, so little answers...

I wouldn't know what to ask. I was thinking more of a "relaxing cup of café con leche" and a nice chat in some lost campus of MIT. But I guess that will only happen in my dreams. :^)

I think /lit/ and these questions in general would be much more enjoyable in an Internet Relay Chat. Maybe someday, not far from now, we'll get to have actual debates somewhere, and those logs be stored for the millenia to come. Socrates and his band would have loved that, and posterity much more.

>> No.4189170

Jeez, the hell are you saying. I'm just saying that all representations of an idea are just that, representations, not the actual idea. In fact, all representations of an idea are themselves different ideas.

Then the rest depends on whether you believe in noumenon, I do for no real reason, maybe just to comfort me.

>> No.4189216
File: 976 KB, 500x297, tumblr_m4uyayy6ch1rwuq4jo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believe in noumenon

So, basically, all significative language, and what makes possible to say something about something, stands, for you, on a leap of faith?

>> No.4189225

There is no actual idea.

>> No.4189237

>mon fishage quant
fuck it, i quit.

>> No.4190944

what did he say, anon?

>> No.4190966

> Chomsky
> complaining about ideas not in 'plain English'
The ironing just went supernova.

>> No.4191011

i think i've seen everything now, my life is now complete

>> No.4191036

Have you ever read Chomsky? His prose is fantastically spartan.

>> No.4191041

Yes. I've still taken that leap of faith, though.

>> No.4191054

I think you mean empirical.