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/lit/ - Literature

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4186053 No.4186053[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I used to like to read but since going through a bout of depression, I haven't read anything.

I can't concentrate, it's like the words go right through my head and the very act of reading is offensive.

How do I focus and force myself to read novels again?

>> No.4186055

Fuck, I have the same problem. I still read because TV is worse and video games get boring quick, but reading just isn't as pleasurable as it used to be.

>> No.4186058

Maybe you should try reverse psychology: try your best not to focus on reading.

>> No.4186061

read some "pleb" stuff

>> No.4186063

you should hang yourself with a garden hose

>> No.4186064

Why is it essential that you read novels? Seems like you're just making problems for yourself.

>> No.4186065

Read something that genuinely interests you, instead of something you feel like you should read.

Spend less time on the internet and watching television. Rapid fire information shortens attention span.

>> No.4186071

Commit to a schedule, set a number of pages or chapters for you to read every day. Force yourself to read and then eventually develop the necessary mental discipline to beat yourself up over it when you don't, until you can't not read.

>> No.4186073

Don't try. Don't do anything you don't feel like as long as you can help it. You'll feel inclined to fill the vacuum soon enough.

Unless you mean actual depression, in which case get help.

>> No.4186121


Dont wanna sound like a fag, but my sister's actually been going through the same shit, just got depressed and has been going to a therapist a bunch. She got frustrated that she hasnt been reading a lot, she picked up "Welcome to the Monkey House" by Vonnegut just to read some short stories just to get back into reading, then started reading some Stephen King (her favorite author) to get the love back. She's not reading as much as she used too, but hey, it's progress.

I suggest a similar route since I've seen this work.

>> No.4186253


If you browse this place regularly chances are you are already reading, and sometimes from actual writers...

Not only that, you are interacting with them, and writing your stuff, so I'd say places like this are opportunities to talk back to the books you read...

There are better places to do it, but they seem to be lost in oblivion...

>> No.4186428


top lel

name one respectable "writer" that has heard of this "board" let alone wastes an iota of his time on "it"

>> No.4186431
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>> No.4187489

that's not reverse psychology

>> No.4187492


tao pls go

>> No.4187530

I respect him.

>> No.4187541


>get help

why do people think there is some magical cure, or think that person wasn't aware of the existence of medication or therapy

>> No.4187545

I just got Mishima's death in midsummer, you should definitely check it out OP

>> No.4187547
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I haven't read a book in over 4 months despite doing it religiously since childhood

I haven't written anything seriously in almost a year despite it being one of my favourite hobbies

All I do is browse the internet, watch movies and play video games

I went to see a doc yesterday and got diagnosed with depression

>> No.4187552

He's more respected in the literary world than you will ever be.

>> No.4188047

can you get assistance for that?

>> No.4188050

Man, I can't get diagnosed with depression to save my life.

>> No.4188063
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>actually leaving the house to go see a doctor
obviously you weren't depressed enough

>> No.4188069

I used to be like all of you guys- I used to read a lot and then gradually dropped off, and then hated myself for not doing it.

The problem is you've bastardized what used to be fun- you've fetished reading into a desirable hobby or intellectual pursuit.
When you were a kid, you read because you liked a book. Now, you want to read FOR THE SAKE OF READING. If you pursue reading in this way, you'll always lack the discipline and resolve and you will never fully regain the interest.

The trick is to find the right books- search for books that seem really interesting and enjoyable, don't look for books that you "should" be reading or that well-read "patrician" people read. If you keep doing this as single-mindedly as possible- reading for that pure, childlike enjoyment, you will naturally look upwards and find deeper, more challenging books enjoyable.

>> No.4188087

I would diagnose you with laziness. Then again, it must have taken some effort to go through all those opinions until you reached the one that actually called it "depression".

>> No.4188090

>1950's dad opinion about mental issues

Don't you have some homosexuals to cure?

>> No.4188098

I'm sorry, I classify depression as self-harming, serious thoughts of suicide, alienation of friends and family, and struggling to deal from day to day.

I would not classify sitting around playing video games, browsing the internet, and watching movies as depression.

>> No.4188212

He said he sits around playing video games, browsing the internet, and watching movies. He also said he has been diagnosed with depression. He didn't say he was diagnosed with depression because he sits around playing video games, browsing the internet, and watching movies as depression.

Although it would be a fine reason to do so. He says that all he does is play video games, browse the internet and watch movies, which would classify just fine as self-harming, alienating and causing plenty of struggle.

>> No.4188218

Playing video games does make one less intelligent. You're quite right.

>> No.4188242

so patrician

>> No.4188286

Oh, alrighty then. Just seems like one hell of a non-sequitur to jump from talking about sitting around playing video games and watching moves straight onto a completely unrelated event. I thought he was implying the two were connected.

>> No.4188318

Gotta admit I laughed at op's pic

>> No.4188326

They are connected in this subjective context. He or she was implying they don't hold motivation enough to do anything not involving staying sat around, accomplishing little in way of what is wanted, goals (e.g. reading). Assuming they're like most depressed exhibiting alike behaviour, they're entertaining existentialism by putting off what could help.

>> No.4188423

>tfw motivated to read but have not much time for it

Suffering intensifies.

>> No.4188570

Listen to an audiobook before bed once "the day is done" and it no longer feels like you're taking time out of your day to do so removing the perceived imposition. After a while you'll get used to the flow and joy of reading and can then wean yourself back into it with a chapter at a time when you feel up to it. Helped me get back into reading after I went through something similar and was a voracious reader beforehand.