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/lit/ - Literature

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4179858 No.4179858[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's not exactly what I'd expect from Roth, but decent. I mean, it's fairly hard to follow, with no real explanation, structure, or cohesion. It's just random incidents from a fucked up old man's life. Not the usual intellectual stuff, with politics, religion, the sweep of history, technology, etc. It's just a guy (and some other freaks) acting like weirdos, but in pretty funny and entertaining ways. There are plenty of smily funny bits, and a few lol funny bits.

Has anyone else read this?

>> No.4179864

Kill yourself.

>> No.4179870

Hey Sunhawk, it's mom. Can you be sure to finish the laundry? Mommy needs her pushup bra dry before sundown.

>> No.4179873
File: 29 KB, 600x532, henryvaccumcleanerpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When someone replies to a thread on /lit/ with a comment about literature, will the world end?

>> No.4179874

ilu sunhawk <3

>> No.4179875

Kill yourself.

>> No.4179891

Damn... Cool picture bro.

>> No.4179910
File: 40 KB, 404x524, mariodatepic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, thanks. Think I got that one from /b/.

>> No.4179915

what this guy said

>> No.4179966

sabbath's theater is roth misreading portnoy's popularity to be indicative of the public wanting to read about boring gross old men have boring gross boners. its fucking useless and i think you need to leave

>> No.4179972

Actually, the two books are nothing alike, other than that they feature oversexed Jews as protagonists

>> No.4179987

Also, this is some good reading:

“Coming is an industry with you,” he told her; “you’re a factory.” “Old-timer,” she said—a word he’d taught her—while he struggled to recover his breath, “you know what I want next time you get a hard-on?” “I don’t know what month that will be. Tell me now and I’ll never remember.” “Well, I want you to stick it all the way up.” “And then what?” “Then turn me inside out over your cock. Like somebody peels off a glove.”