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4175851 No.4175851 [Reply] [Original]

/Lit/'s favorite philosopher just keeps getting more publicity:


What think?

>> No.4175852

He's been on tv several times you know..

>> No.4175856

he's promoting his movie I guess.

Filthy capitalist swine.

>> No.4175881

I'm aware. I just find it odd that there is such a continual media demand for him. I understand that he's somewhat entertaining, but come on; who is going to remember any of Zizek's ideas after he dies? Why not give a philosopher who actually has something profound to say the media attention he/she deserves? I guess it really does come down to whatever is marketable.

>> No.4175883

wow fuck yuropoors

>> No.4175889

will there ever be another world-changing philosopher in history again?

>> No.4175892


>> No.4175893

His name is Sam Harris and he's still alive, pleb.

I just made myself depressed.

>> No.4175894


>> No.4175898

I've never hated him as much as I do now after watching that. What a penis, hope he gets assasinated.

>> No.4175900

Doubtable. Philosophy has really taken a backseat to New Atheism and Scientism recently and I don't see that changing.

>> No.4175905
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I like him, he's funny. His critique of ideology starts from something immediately relatable, which is part of the reason why he's so hated by pseudo-intellectuals. He does however makes very interesting points about a lot of films, and he's something as rare as a well trained thinker who gives a fuck about politics. The actual, practical kind of politics, not just the theoretical. We need him badly right now in my opinion.

>> No.4175910

it's the new enlightenment

>> No.4175912

*sniffles and rubs nose*

>> No.4175915


>> No.4175919

There's a video of him right in the OP
But seriously
>I like him, he's funny. His critique of ideology starts from something immediately relatable, which is part of the reason why he's so hated by pseudo-intellectuals.
Exactly this.

>> No.4175926


>> No.4175928

>We need him badly right now in my opinion.
Yes, I agree wholeheartedly. We are truly in desperate need of someone to give Leftist interpretations of film.

>> No.4175935

>believing that's the only thing he does
>being this oblivious

>> No.4175939

You behaving this way is exactly why we need Zizek

>> No.4175941

It's easy to fall into that misconception if all you've ever done is seen Youtube videos of him and maybe read The Year of Dreaming Dangerously or something like that.

>> No.4175945

That's a bit of a jump for you to make. I never implied that he only gives Leftist interpretations of film, but it does seem to be the only notable thing he's doing right now.

Do get on your knees every night and pray to Zizek as your lord and savior? Pathetic celebrity worship ITT.

>> No.4175952

>blah blah u r sheeple

Shouldn't you be in civics class?

>> No.4175964

No philosopher ever changed the world, it's the other way around.

>> No.4175969

this post made me vomit

>> No.4175998

>Who is Plato
>Who is Aquinas
>Who is Descartes
>Who is Nietzsche

You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.4176004

Thanks for allowing me to read youtube comments on a political video, dick.

>Are you kidding me? Socialism, fascism, and communism are all the same! Even capitalism has been transformed to fit the criteria of socialism! WTF do you call bank bailouts,Capitalism? Not I, says the guy that knows how to read! I'm not falling for the old banana in the tail pipe! All of these forms of Govt are test marketed by the same original source until one can take over to openly rule instead of ruling in secret with all of them separately! Please wake up folks the game is bigger than govt

Communism=fascism proof right here
Please wake up folks.

>> No.4176008

Uh, you might have a point if you said Marx or something, but all of those guys? Not so sure if the world would be that different had they not existed.

>> No.4176009
File: 123 KB, 546x590, stirner (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/'s favorite philosopher
>not Max Stirner

>> No.4176014

The idea of having favorites is just a spook, bro.

>> No.4176015


is he actually gaining recognition in general or is it just a /lit/ thing?

>> No.4176027

>Implying all of Western Philosophy isn't a 'footnote to Plato'
>Implying Aquinas didn't set the foundation for Theology and Catholicism
>Implying Descartes didn't create philosophy of Mind.
>Implying Nietzsche didn't fuel Nazism, create philosophical Geneology, inspire Leftism, create the Will to Power, etc.

But I agree with you about Marx. But he isn't really a philosopher. He's a political theorist, imo.

>> No.4176037

Please. Philosophers have only ever changed the world. A pity, too, 'cuz the point is really to interpret it instead.

>> No.4176045


He's always had a lot of reverence in anarchist circles and been ignored (shunned, even) anywhere else in philosophy.

Nietzsche was far safer to have the youth read. Stirner was too clear and thorough in his arguments, and too freedom-loving.

>> No.4176049

>Who is Plato
>Who is Aquinas
the guy who influenced the church who influenced the world, but then again the church probably would have done what it wanted with or without any sort of 'grounding'.
>Who is Descartes
>Who is Nietzsche

you might have a case with locke and political philosophers, but again only indirectly through actual legislation and historical events.
not trying to be ungenerous but if you think the average agitator or person out rioting in the streets has read the people whose ideas he says he stands for you've got another thing coming.

>> No.4176052

science has changed the world much more than philosophy, lately I think. Just look at the industrial revolution. A number of scientific and engineering discoveries has led to a change in human society never before seen

>> No.4176054


It would be to our linguistic disadvantage to literally avoid all abstractions. Having something as a "favorite" does not decide who I am or control me, or explain "me" as some permanent thing. But it is useful in discussion to call something a "favorite."

>> No.4176056

No, they're too busy interpreting it.

>> No.4176067

Oh boy, not this argument again, where we talk about whether or not science ultimately depends on philosophy!

(It doesn't, but to simply do away with philosophy would leave the knowledge we attain through science woefully incomplete.)

>you might have a case with locke and political philosophers, but again only indirectly through actual legislation and historical events
And the influence of scientists has only really happened through inventions and devices that people have engineered, rather than through the simple scientific knowledge itself. Culture and knowledge and so on do advance, sort of. And philosophy is a part of this, but just in harder-to-measure ways.

>> No.4176081

seeing as the western world's philosophical idealogies come from pretty recent sources I would it's a continuing process, yes.

>> No.4176090

Marx, plz.

>> No.4176091


This is literally every antizizek person.

>> No.4176105

I dunno man, I really like Zizek and I thought the video was funny.

Zizek doesn't need you to defend him from jokes, bro.

>> No.4176098

anyone watch the perverts guide to ideology yet?

>> No.4176110

the problem is that half of you idiots accept any absurd premise that anons pose. changing the world in and of itself isn't something worthy of praise.

>> No.4176179

this is the first video I've ever seen of him

His body language is so weird, anyone knows why? He moves like someone with autism or some kind of ADHD.

>> No.4176182

It looks like OCD to me.

>> No.4176201


I actually asked because I'm studying psychology and working with kids with autism right know, and his movements remind me of the kid's movements so much.

>> No.4176207

jest lettin u know that no one cares

>> No.4176220

probably a side effect of his insane in intelligence, a lot of the most intelligent people have quirky thing like that

>> No.4176232

>And the influence of scientists has only really happened through inventions and devices that people have engineered, rather than through the simple scientific knowledge itself. Culture and knowledge and so on do advance, sort of. And philosophy is a part of this, but just in harder-to-measure ways.
not really. scientific knowledge has more immediate applicability than philosophical knowledge. there isn't much i can do with a hegelian critique, but due to the presence of a much more robust scientific industry, adaptation of theory to engineering and production is much easier and direct. scientific knowledge is much more congenial to commerce and industry than philosophy. this much is obvious.

>> No.4176241

>probably a side effect of his insane in intelligence

Please tell me you're trolling. If you actually believe this, you're an idiot. No amount of intelligence results in grabbing at one's nose and pulling at one's shirt compulsively. Zizek is suffering from some form of OCD or nervous disorder.

>> No.4176247

>his insane in intelligence
According to /lit/, he's a pseudo-intellectual-charlatan-hack.

>> No.4176248
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>probably a side effect of his insane in intelligence

>> No.4176253

But we're all pseudo-intellectual-charlatan-hacks.

>> No.4176304

Speak for you're self.

>> No.4176312
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>> No.4176334
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I thinl you don't understand that expression, let me give you an example:

You're a pseudo-intellectual-charlatan-hack

Captcha: Nickdoe intendo lol

>> No.4176350

Vice is utter worthlessness.

>> No.4176369

I think you can like Zizek and still find that video funny

>> No.4176401

Your being willfully obtuse

>> No.4176452

His what?

>> No.4176459


>> No.4176464
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>> No.4176466

Vice is truly the worst thing in the world.

>> No.4176486

>reading comprehension

You lack it.

>> No.4176490

Chompsky on Zizek:


>> No.4176498

holy shit you're retarded

>> No.4176501
File: 79 KB, 604x500, ain`t that some shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding me?

You're the one claiming zizek is anything but a joke.

>> No.4176505

of course, we'll only see it after he's dead, though

>> No.4176506

zizek tard liberal commie athiest nhilist scum kill and hit run successful
uhm rioiters in streets brutally destort ythem on your own i can pull it off fuckin lib skinny oversized tall kids i can take those niggers
oh cool that nutty libertian same as liberal their both fuckin retard bald guy who thinks hes a philsopher
ya lol
phishlopers dont og o nytoube or the internet
no geniuses ones in currenty exitsnce but uh the goods ones are only in person types thats how it is and forever shall be virtua lreality isn't even tehcncaily possible i guarante it not even desrieable anyways lol just for u virgins cant get any thats why u want it

zizek shit uh kant yeah very genius good exmaple because of him modern sci thats how it works iwth shit tech modern ow goes faster but NO CURRENT GENIUS IN EXISTNECE lol fags you have wikipedia educaiotn or shtire oclege ones even thougth genius doesnt need either
pseuddo-intcitual kids

>> No.4176508

lol u dumb kids dont even phishlopy
u know its advanced thikgni and wisdom and shit
not ur dumb potlicals
marx a joke
alexnader the great rescpts artistole and so with that uh phishlopy and ptolicsl well kinda went to shit with uh modern shit
we need more super human beings not you average people inferioirs

nonthless uh philshopy comes up the concept of concept and boom you get modern world
that's ho wit works but it requirues the highest human intellgience possible
good luck with that futuer shit so unthiankable ur fucked athiest nihilist liberal

>> No.4176511

stirner lbieral freedom shit muh freedom or osmething yeah freedom for me to kick ur dick in women are to obright to fall for your reatrd shit thats why i siad kick ur dick in not kick ur pussy in ;)

lol netische u fags havent even read him in orgigna lanauge what do u know nothing overrtaed nayways
europeans went to shit that's for sure
its up to u americans now lol plato would live in america anceint greeks would hang out in alsaka fuck yeah they would

europe goes on abotu how much they hate god nad they get smited
dont tell me i didnt warn u though
look at india
they gettn smited
not as hard as you will be though
heh heh

God says, "pronouncing smelling character provoke related remembrances Thinkest reply eager singeth kings something infinitely "

>> No.4176512

Why are people searching so hard for a surrogate religion?

Zizek, Chomsky, Dawkins, Sagan, etc. are treated like prophets.

Can the 'secular' public make it any more clear that they're searching for someone else's truth?

>> No.4176513

Why are you such a moran?

>> No.4176514

cuz reatrds cant think for themsvles

this is what happens when you give everybody who hasnt proven themslves a voice
too bad hitler was a tard as well

this is what happens when the general aren'ts fighting wit the soldeiros and guns are being used in stead of swords and hadn to hand and shit

also when u use kindle instead of realb ook

whatever u shouildnt take those retards seriously you know you are right they just believe they are right not know then come up with emrpical shit to try and justify it lol
god laughs at that

>> No.4176517 [DELETED] 

cant even spell moron rofl
We'll settle in God's court.

yeah ur fucked now kiddo

lol gotta wait this fuckin wrong to post and uh shit wow bascially 4chan is a bunch of dumb kids who take themsvle sseirously

u cant even "troll" or call otherpeople niggers unless ur in that stupid polb oard anymore rofl
lol go out sside and read a book u dumb kids u know its the bets for u
but nope
just stay dubm asthiest libbie kids

>> No.4176524

Go to bed Socrates, text is here to stay

>> No.4176528

huh the fuck u goin on about oliberal
its u liberals that go on against books nad siht
or u derrida retard text
lol the public can nuke itself

>> No.4176629

has zizek ever wrote or done anything on the film Drive (2011) any good movie review sites/reviewers for DRIVE?

>> No.4176662
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>> No.4176731

why would a pretty young woman marry zizek?

>> No.4176739

I don't think he has anything to say about politics
sometimes he talks about politics from the realm of philosophy but he usually has very little to say about actual politics

>> No.4176749

>hurr durr only dashing men get 6/10s

>> No.4176800

she's like a seven and half his age
and he's kind of a fat slob

>> No.4176824

That isn't a 12 inch kielbasa he's got hiding in his pants.

>> No.4176827

>giant nose
>giant forehead
>jewey hair
>a seven

she just looks good next to him. plus he's fucking relatively well known.

>> No.4176855

I read this thread.

None of them had anything to say about his philosophy besides for base criticism or praise that doesn't really tell the reader anything worthwhile.

>> No.4176857

still, a six and half his age, while he's a fat slop

>> No.4176862


Yes, like Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens etc.

>> No.4176866

that happens a lot around here. you gotta bring the knowledge yourself.

>> No.4176879

I fucking hate Vice.

>> No.4176881

I don't know what his actual philosophy is, but I've not read any of his books, I suppose I should.

What does he have to say, in general?

>> No.4176882


Nice try, troll.

>> No.4176885


Me too. And I can't figure out why, since deep down inside I know I enjoy their videos... and I kind of want to be friends with their weird hipster-journalists.

>> No.4176909

I find that it funny that their fanbase hates hipsters, yet that's what Vice's content is centered around.

>> No.4176920


Vice started off great. Their videos on Africa and North Korea are on point.

>> No.4176927


Hipster, as I understand it, usually means someone with a non-mainstream physical appearance (tattoos, haircuts, piercings, fashion etc.) or an eclectic taste in some form of popular media (music, films etc.)

As such, I don't find this word very useful.

I suppose you could abstract it to refer to the knee-jerk reaction of an identity that is trying to establish itself in the face of a culture that has clearly been manufactured for market purposes, but such a reaction surely subsides within us all, and if a noun refers to everyone it doesn't really refer to anyone.

>> No.4176950

OP made shitty post and topic that attracts retards. That's why.

>> No.4176973

Anyone fancy some light and fun discussions?
Isn't 'empty subject' just another name of Kant's transcendental subject? How did he come up with that, from Lacan and Fichte (who in turn came up from Kant)? I have the impression that both empty and transcendental subject are the same shit.
I'm speaking ontologically of course.

>> No.4176998

>scientific knowledge has more immediate applicability than philosophical knowledge.
Immediate being the key word here. I'd say that changes in the way we think are in the long run more important, and while these are to a large extent dictated by technology, economy, societal configurations, etc., it's also important that we really think through the ways in which our thought changes—philosophers have certainly done this, though they haven't been quite as directly influential as I'd like.

But also, for what it's worth, it's easier to measure scientific progress because science deals a lot with explicit ideas, while philosophy is more likely to embrace uncertainties and vagueness (and thus has an intrinsically harder-to-see sort of progress).

>> No.4177013

I think it's important to point out that Vice has been doing the type of journalism it does since they started back in the mid 90s which was A) before anyone else was doing it (in terms of profitable glossies, but of course the precedent was set by innumerable cheap, less professional zines)and B) before the term "hipster" was used to describe the audience that they in large part defined. I noticed that by 2000, pretty much all the up-and-coming magazines had started copying their format both writing and design wise. It wasn't until as late as 2006 or 7 that I first started encountering the word "hipster" either in print, on the internet, or spoken by people.

this is all to say that I feel it's hard to hate them for just being them, it's not their fault that they were the vanguard that everyone followed.

>> No.4177016

have u read critiq of pur reesons