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4175022 No.4175022[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel knowing you are missing out on scenes like this mindless bullshit right here, which happens to go by living? We are missing out on life, preferring to live vicariously through our books. Pages are no real window into living. So, why aren't you out there doing shit and having shit happen to you?

>> No.4175034

looks insufferable.

>> No.4175038
File: 66 KB, 1024x576, Suuuuuure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Outdoor "music" concert
>Calling that living


>> No.4175039

we should be out there dicking every whore that lets us!

>> No.4175040

>posts anime
yup, there's no chance you're a stunted loser.

>> No.4175043

I've gone down the casual sex line

it's overrated

>> No.4175044
File: 160 KB, 1108x806, So Then I was like FUCK you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know I'm maximizing my happiness with what I do

What are you doing here?

>> No.4175047


>> No.4175048
File: 16 KB, 245x173, 1366832609930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those girls look beat
those guys look the type to steal your car or shit in your campsite

I'll stick with books

>> No.4175050

True. It's better to have sex with someone you love.

>> No.4175052



How on earth would you know that BEFORE you've had sex with them?

>> No.4175053

How do you know you're maximizing your happiness?

>> No.4175054

I never said you couldn't have sex with them first, but that's a really dumb question either way.

>> No.4175055

>implying this is better than 2d

>> No.4175057
File: 231 KB, 427x451, You can't tell right now, but I'm taking it up the ass..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trial and Error

It's a continual process that will not end until I die, but so far, I'm pretty sure I've discovered the lifestyle that maximizes my happiness.

Every so often I'll try something different and see if that increases my happiness any more, but so far I'm pretty sure.



You really shouldn't use that word around here

>> No.4175066

>it's overrated

thanks for that opinion. it tells us all we need to know. why's aren't important, it's overrated, we get it, no further explanation needed

>> No.4175067

>You really shouldn't use that word around here

Don't be a pretentious shithead. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.4175068

Pretty much. It's a subjective judgment.

>> No.4175070
File: 248 KB, 395x404, If this fucking kid doesn't get the fuck out of my AO right now....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You obviously have no idea what you're talking about

Of course I don't.

It's why we should avoid using such an absolute word as "know."

I don't "know" anything, I'm only pretty sure given what I've experienced up to this point.

>> No.4175074

no objectively shit it is, but it still helps to fucking know why he has that retarded opinion. we're not just gonna divine that info from him

>> No.4175075

but reading makes me feel alive, the same way being alcohol soaked barbarians makes the people in your picture feel alive

whats the difference

>> No.4175079

>Implying that we miss stuff when we read
>Implying that reading is pointless
>Implying that you don't understand
>Implying that you did all that for nothing

Having regrets?

>> No.4175085

As someone who's been on both sides of the spectrum, people who read as a hobby are better off. Most of the people in OP's pic peak at 25 then try keeping the flame up until they're 30 but eventually come to terms with adulthood.

>> No.4175087

I go to parties sometimes, but I have to really think what to say at them, and I always feel like I'm acting some part rather than enjoying myself. It wears me out and I just feel like spending the whole of the next day inside by myself.

>> No.4175094


>implying that some things actually have sense and point

>implying that everything we do isn't just a meaningless way to numb our senses to forget for a little moment about the pointlessness and suffering of life

>> No.4175099

I haven't casually spoken to another person in years. I have more than a thousand books to read in my backlog. If your mind was able to comprehend me it would drive you to suicide.

>> No.4175113

>thinking you're deep and complex enough to warrant some anonymous poster's attention only to "disappoint" them by stating that they wouldn't understand you
>trying to validate yourself through other people's opinions
I would tip my fedora and caress my neckbeard in your general direction if I had either of those, but I don't.
Grow up and stop caring about what other people think about you. Live your life, fuck some girls and then read a book. Repeat.

>> No.4175115

This. Wtf, it used to be so easy, now its like, why the fuck am I in this club when I could be learning something?

>> No.4175118


>Implying KKP is a condition for knowledge

Get a load of this guy.

>> No.4175122

>Implying that it pointless
>Implying that it doesn't matter
>Implying that reading isn't worth it because some other pointless activity is funnier
>Implying that you still don't understand

>> No.4175126



It's just KK, you fucking undergraduate

>> No.4175129


I spent a two-month holiday trying out online dating. In that time I got fifty response, fifteen dates and twelve makeouts. Seven of the twelve became sex, four of which were semi-regular. I could've had three more sex-buddies from the twelve makeouts, but this was during the final week in which I quit.

Fun fact: I had sex before I'd ever masturbated (not Catholic, etc; just never happened.) With masturbation, you can jack off whenever you want at however you want. It's clean, quick and convenient. With most cases of casual sex, you're going to need to organise a time, travel and a whole host of other things. It's practically two hours minimum. Like another anon said, this is a completely subjective judgement so take this and other points in mind.

You know what the most fun was? Confidence boosting and the chase. You take a woman out, you use whatever methods you have and, by the end of the night, you take her. I literally said to about 4/5 of these women in my first message 'I'm just looking for good conversation and/or casual sex'. That kind of shit doesn't fly with women 18-21ish, but I was a hit with the 25-36 demographic. Maybe 18-21 is an amazing sweetspot of sex; who knows?

Double-fun-fact: I was a kissless virgin when I started this, 20 years old. I lied to the first person I managed to get into bed; making up excuses that it had been a while. If she noticed she didn't say anything. I kept a text file recording who responded and how old they are but I stopped keeping it up after a while

This is starting to feel a bit rambling, in short; once I'd gathered a certain amount of social/sexual skills/knowledge, I had diminishing returns and started doing more important things. Perhaps you've got a specific question or two?

>> No.4175132


>Implying I was typing in formal logic instead of using an abbreviation for KK principle.

Eat shit.

>> No.4175134


Actually take an upper-level course and I might actually give a fuck.

>> No.4175137


I have a masters you insufferable prick. Not that idiots can't have postgraduate degrees, as you're kindly illustrating for us.

>> No.4175135

holy shit. this thread. so awful. so wrong.

>> No.4175147

you're both colossal faggots.

>> No.4175164

>I always feel like I'm acting some part rather than enjoying myself. It wears me out and I just feel like spending the whole of the next day inside by myself.

wow that is Exactly how I feel. That's even the term I use to think about it, acting.

>> No.4175167

how old be you?

>> No.4175168

are you absolutely hit in the head at birth retarded?
you think people willingly sink into books and reading or music without finding out parties where sluts grind on you aren't the apex of living?

or are you a retard YOLO faggot that is talking about substance abuse and getting shitfaced into oblivion? no thanks in that case either, fuck off

>> No.4175170

Sounds like The Seducer's Diary to me.

>> No.4175171

That's actually pretty interesting. How easy was doing the whole online dating thing? As someone who seeks to learn 'the hard way' what you already appear to know, I want to head down that path.

How are you in terms of attractiveness and what kinds of girls were you getting? How difficult is the 'date' part of things? I'd love to hit that 18-21 range, but it seems like that's a no go? Is there any chance we could see this text file recording? Very curious

>> No.4175173

and yet... it feels... so right

>> No.4175177

Finding compatible friends and partners isn't exactly easy. You just kind of luck out.
I was really lucky in high school because I found a circle of friends I could connect with and go out every week.
Since I stopped contacting them regularly though, I've just been lonely. I don't know how to really hook up with someone other than the internet. And I'm the type that quickly gets warmed up and friendly with someone but I suck with strangers so Idk.
Chinese cartoons it is for the time being.

>> No.4175182

>Dick Cheney
>Moby Dick
>Philip K. Dick

utmost lel

>> No.4175438

Never read it, I'll have to give it a peep

>How easy was doing the whole online dating thing?
You learn to not get attached to any one person. You'll think it'll be different, that 'this one is in the bag'. Don't. They'll just stop responding one day, even if they say 'where and when.' I also had to learn to kind of take the lead, women will rarely make that first move unless they're somewhat older.

I used a simple format for almost every message: a basic form of maybe a paragraph of words + a few personal details from their profile. Simple. Profile is something I don't feel qualified to talk on, but I was told by the people I went out with that it would 'probably be intimidating for younger women.' OKcupid is your best bet by far.

>How are you in terms of attractiveness
Shit, I don't know. One woman said I'd be pretty attractive in my 30s. Ages of women I was getting was 30+/-6. I got pretty used to dating people 10-16 years older than me.

>What types of girls
Fat chicks were happily few, made out with two and slept with one. I met some damn-fine people: educated (the fat chick I made out with was doing postgrad medicine.). Others were just, I don't know, average. Probably the top-tier was this American game dev woman in her 30s; great body (kind of 40s style) and, I kid you not, a KISS length tongue. That is some shit right there.

Don't rule out the 18-21, you'll probably just have to be less full-on. The longest I ever waited for sex was after the second date, not sure how that differs for that category.

>text file recording
Honestly, it's just 50-odd names in categories like
Date set
Yet to meet
Unsure about
Schedule (shit can get busy)

I made some kind of list of ages, so I can show you that


>> No.4175467

...you don't need sex to love someone

I'm not even vaguely romantic, but even I know this.

>> No.4175469
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>> No.4175484

"Real life" usually feels dull by comparison. Besides, memories have to ferment for years before they seem to take on any meaning worthy of the name.

>> No.4175679
File: 98 KB, 640x480, 1376748211706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting anime makes you a stunted loser
>But making rabid, blind assumptions based off a fucking reaction image on 4chan doesn't.

>> No.4175694

Love doesnt have anything to do with sex. I love my mom and never had sex with her. Thats why 2d love is superior, because its pure and chaste.

>> No.4175695

0/10 for fat girls

>> No.4175715

no, it doesn't, and "rabid" is hardly good word choice there

>loli reaction


>> No.4175720

> that feel when homeless by choice and traveling
This is living

>> No.4175721

was taking the time to name all of your reaction images maximizing your happiness too, or are you prepared to admit you're wrong

>> No.4175741
File: 15 KB, 300x171, deniro-taxidriver-300x171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit in your campsite
library lol

>> No.4175745


Pick two. I do all the time.

>> No.4175765

I'm in the same boat. Except I don't even communicate with people on the internet, either.
Other than this post right now.

>> No.4175769

these days i've been hanging out with a bunch of dropouts, getting drunk every weekend.

a lot of them are annoying, but a few are really sweet

>> No.4175781
File: 27 KB, 310x310, 1310384638558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>posting on 4chan

Right back at you.

>> No.4175791

Same, I sometimes hang out with the proles at my summer factory job and they're 100x nicer than any literated person I've met.

>> No.4175822

Because the club scene is fucking lame and filled with drugs.

>> No.4175845
File: 7 KB, 247x200, 1340476273103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest guys who are interested in this guy should read Models from Mark Manson. That guy breaks this shit down so fluently.

>> No.4175849
File: 10 KB, 204x136, Agitating Skeleton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look where you are you retard

>> No.4175872

that's a music scene...

i live the literary scene

>> No.4175899

the pickup community really is filled with manchildren

Manson's pretty cool