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/lit/ - Literature

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4167109 No.4167109[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books that will help you get laid

>> No.4167119
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>> No.4167129
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>> No.4167171

Anything by Murakami

>> No.4167177

book of pook


>> No.4167227

Pretty much.

>> No.4167235

>this is what virgins actually believe...

>> No.4167237


Why do hipster girls love this guy so much? Is it just because he writes mildly interesting novels and is Japanese?

>> No.4167239

The Bible

>> No.4167245


Japanese + Western Sensibilities

easy to read and you appear more cultured

>> No.4167266

lel im not a virgin. I think it can help people who are though.. considering most people who are virgins put pussy on a pedestal and don't understand attraction

have you read it? what did you think?

>> No.4167382

dude, if you're reading with the hope of getting laid then I have some bad news for you.
Any girl I've ever fucked or been in a relationship with has been through means other than literature. In fact, it's a turn off for me if the first thing a girl wants to talk about is literature. I don't stop talking to them, I just have this intuition that the night isn't going to end in sex.

>> No.4167587

The Bell Jar, no joke.

>> No.4167624

The Iliad.
Bitches love κλέος. Except Andromache.

>> No.4167635

>there are people who have trouble getting laid

just lower your standards and fuck 5-6/10s.

>> No.4167647

I'm fairly certain it's an affectation adopted as part of the stereotypical 4chan persona. Perhaps not on some of the other boards, but most people on /lit/ must have active sex and social lives.

>> No.4167654

Peter Sotos

>> No.4167656

>stereotypical 4chan persona

i never understood that part of this website. in the real world, you see all kinds of weird, ugly people getting laid and in relationships. not sure why some people are so determined to convince themselves that it's some impossible task.

>> No.4167658

>most people on /lit/ must have active sex and social lives
what are you doing here, do you even hate yourself

>> No.4167697

I always imagined the more intelligent posters of /lit/ as liberal arts students who read and study by day and get drunk and laid by night. I also imagine them to be intelligent enough to know how to ingratiate themselves with most groups of people.

>> No.4167718

i was in a bookshop cafe reading when I met my gf

>> No.4167725

Yeah, except most liberal arts girls are terrifyingly boring. I usually go hang out with the science and med students because they can at least party hard and the girl I'll be talking up won't keep referring to Edna St. Vincent Millay or Bukowski.
Music girls are either dull or psychos, they will fuck your brains out.
I almost fucked a ballerina once, but she passed out drunk and I had to look after her to make sure she didn't vomit on herself or get molested.

>> No.4167732

I wouldn't mind her talking about Millay but Bukowski would be an instant turn off (if I wanted inane chatter about Bukowski I'd just come to /lit/). I find that classicists are usually interesting and/or fun.

>> No.4167736

The Dictionary.

I was once a virgin but one day I purchased the heftiest dictionary on selection at my local booksellers. This was late in the evening, the sun had gone down, and the prime source of lighting in the adjacent parking lot were a few neglected lighting structures. There was a cute girl presumably leaving her shift walking out to a shabby Toyota. The dictionary's weight came into use as an impromptu bludgeon, knocking the unsuspecting strumpet out, and the rest was all rather lewd. I gave her the dictionary and then I gave her the dick (noun).

>> No.4167737

>being anywhere near liberal arts students

I'd rather kill myself

>> No.4167738

I used to roll with this one girl who I thought was cute and jaded. Then I read some of her poetry which featured puss-filled vaginas, phallic needles, coked-out fever dreams and sexual/emotional abuse from her parents. She actually looked and sounded very clean and well-adjusted for someone with that kind of history. She's in L.A. now. I like to think I amused her with my inexperience and I took comfort knowing she felt safe around me.

>> No.4167744

would be amused again

>> No.4167769

>liberal arts students all referring to millay bukowski
>science students partying hard

either you're generalizing based on the exceptions or your school is full of weirdos. fucking dancers is the right move, though.

>> No.4167772

Sweaty, sexless, curry-laden STEM majors are more your taste, eh?

>> No.4167790

>A glorious October Tuesday, year 2013
>not having a 4/10 no-maintenance gf with a decent body who will go to your house at any time of the day or night and give you every blowjob and sex because even you're a catch for her

what are you niggers even doing?

>> No.4167792

The Hobbit.

>> No.4167794

I'll admit, those are just examples from the last two girls I talked to at a lib arts party (yes, they do indeed organize those things where I'm at; and yes, they are as insular and inbred as they sound).
After days of reading and writing about lit I don't want to have to talk a girl's pants off about lit. My gf is actually a biochem major and I could listen for hours to her explain how the body processes nutrients and regulates the hormones that direct our bodies. It also helps that she's got it where it counts.

>> No.4167805

Pic of her?

>> No.4167811

makes sense when you put it that way. i'm a stem major (= land of no pussy) so lib arts parties are like oases for me.

>> No.4167824

You know, every couple of months I'm reminded that I've never taken a picture of her (I don't know, I was raised in a non-photogenic family) but it doesn't seem strange to me at all. I'm more weirded out by people who are constantly taking pictures of everything. I don't have a fb page and (to my knowledge) neither does she.

Don't get me started on Engineering and technology majors. They can party just as hard, but the ones I ever talk to seem to have only two conversation topics: jets/airplanes and xbox.

>> No.4167826


I can't speak for /lit/ as a whole, but I'm more of a liberal arts student that reads and studies by day and reads and studies by night.

>> No.4167831

>no pics
>no fb

sounds real

>> No.4167834

No, non-feminist women

>> No.4167839

Parties are shit, I go to concerts

>> No.4167840

I know. I can't tell you how many people keep asking me to make an account so that we can keep in touch. I tell them I'd probably just forget about it in a day. Also, the people who keep asking me are really annoying.

Whatever man, all you need to know is that I'm sitting here at 11:50 am on the west coast, overlooking San Diego, after having pulled an all-nighter on a term paper that should have taken me a month to write. Life is a series of compromises.

>> No.4167843

Is it really 3 hour difference between coast to coast in the states?

>> No.4167848


Ausfag here, it's about the same between Perth and Melbourne here so yes.

>> No.4167853

Yuuuup. Where you at, dog?

>> No.4167854

Check your big country privilege

>> No.4167861

>all you need to know

I very much did not need to know that. What would even make you think I would

>> No.4167866

isn't liberal arts how americans call humanities?
it seems that many people think liberal arts is about social justice shit and the likes
i want /pol/ to go

>> No.4167867

I don't know. I need a drink.

>> No.4167868

how do you get a girl at a concert?

>> No.4167880

I'd like to know this too. They always either go with their friends or a date and the whole thing is such a clusterfuck that getting a word in sex-wise seems impossible.

>> No.4167882

The only young people I see at concerts are music students.

>> No.4167892

Then you're a better man than I. I don't particularly hedonism - I'd rather have a meaningful, long-term relationship with a girl who doesn't believe in sex before marriage than have constant drunken one night stands.

>> No.4167895
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Mah nigga. Feels good.

>> No.4167897

*enjoy hedonism (in the long term, that is)

>> No.4167926

The 'joke' is having a community of socially-incompetent neckbeards, as opposed to normal people. Just look at the "fucking gamestop" story, where talking to an attractive woman is some titanic spaghetti-inducing task, and so on and so on.

I think 4chan could do with more analysis.

>> No.4167940

Someone should submit a paper to a sociology journal on 'The "permavirgin" persona of 4chan users: its origin and social implication'.

>> No.4167949

I would read that.

I dunno, I think that the culture of 4chan and the tribalism of different boards is pretty fascinating.

I wish Zizek read 4chan.

>> No.4167953

You do realize that feminist women just want alpha dick, right?

>> No.4167955

>Why do hipster girls love this guy so much?
Because his imaginary world is very much like the one of a teenager.

>> No.4167958

Le Chameau Sauvage by Philippe Jaenada.
I learned more about women from this book than you could by reading some terrible self-help garbage.

>> No.4167968

Feminist are no less likely to put out than non-feminists. It's just people like this guy >>4167736 who make rape jokes and then put the fact that all woman avoid them down to feminism.

>> No.4167970

This. I once did computer repair for the biggest ball breaker of a feminist and what did I find taking up the most space on her PC ?

20Gb of BBC porn.

>> No.4167974

Even political people like to masturbate, anon.

Even Trotskyists masturbate.

>> No.4167985

I don't believe I said otherwise. I was just confirming that feminists want that alpha cock.

>> No.4167996

pick one, people who espouse about their BBC are the biggest posturing fags I've ever met. They're so insecure that they can't let anyone go without them knowing that they have a big dick, their desperation in trying to exert any type of dominance is pathetic.

>> No.4168009

Who said anybody was espousing anything? Whoever put the videos together probably slapped the BBC label on it for the fetishists like Ms. Feminista.

>> No.4168016

>Anon talks about a feminist wanting the BBC
>Anon then confirms and states "feminists want that alpha cock"
>Posts clearly show the line of thought that the BBC and those who hold it are alpha
I was just attacking this claim, friend.

>> No.4168028

Self-depricating mythologisation and tribalism, maybe. "Oh I'm not good at talking to women right guys haha. I'm a wizard, by which I trivialise my shame by making it silly and a joke." Obviously this causes most boards to be a bit of a boy's club.

>> No.4168060

I assume a lot of it is affected, so I wonder if it actually causing harm, in that it encourages some other people to embrace a life a asociality.

>> No.4168075

>I wonder if it actually causing harm, in that it encourages some other people to embrace a life a asociality.

It most definitely is. Boards like /r9k/ are toxic to people with already low self-esteem and willpower.

>> No.4168083

Anything Warhammer 40k related.

Girls love that shit.

>> No.4168089

We had a pretty big news story in the UK recently about a guy who killed himself after being blackmailed by someone to whom he sent naked pictures. /r9k/-types would probably mock him, but I'd wager they'd easily fall into the same sort of trap. It's sad really.

>> No.4168270

It's not about 'putting out', it's about a person that is actually worth interacting with for reasons past their vagina (something a feminist lacks).

>> No.4168276

How did she look like

>> No.4168281

Like a gamer gurl, who plays x-box and reads books because she's such a nerd?

>> No.4168285

No, but a girl that does play some vidya not because of the social capital she gets out of it but because she enjoys it is fine.

>> No.4168294

Just like video games makes you violent?

>> No.4168323

Can someone explain this gamer gurl thing to me? Ive been vidyaing since I was in middle school and Ive met plenty of girls who play games and none of them have ever once fit the stereotype of a gamer gurl. Yet /v/, whenever they crawl out of their hole to other board, always talk about them like they are a common thing.

Is it a generational thing? Do I just not notice it because Im not 12 and dont play with games with fellow 12 year olds?

I would honestly believe they didnt exist if this whole "fake geek" SJW thing didnt happen.

>> No.4168333

Are you american? It's common in america

>> No.4168345

I am American.

>> No.4168534

Is it just me or does that sound kinda gay?